One of the few "Family Guy" jokes I liked had a version of that DeBeers ad in which the porn-y silhouetted woman drops to _her_ knees and the words 'She'll Pretty Much _Have_ To' appear—yes, sexist and untoward, but it has to be to mock the sexist original….
I have some new metallic trucker sihlouettes I want to send so you can put on your uber car.I'll send two so you can give one to Leechy&Melissa.Address?
we have air conditioners, just choose to use a fan instead. the air is fresher.
or dont pay anything and go to your local library to use the internet and get dvds
Old Dave:
Fascinating! Reproduction is a "for profit" thing in parts of the US and especially Canada, where the men,
not even married to the fruitful woman, get a paid paternal leave. They also offer a subsidy to the breeding folks... crazy, right?
Wisconsin hosts the brave for-profit womb rental industry in places like Spooner. Wonderful clinic.
Hire a blonde lady and inseminate her! Lots of women are blonde in Wisconsin, and they need work.
Lawyers are standing by...
Dusty Old Seaman:
I once got a foot transplant. They replaced it with a table leg!
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Listener comments!
Old Dave:
((Murakami Whywolf):
Old Dave:
(Murakami Whywolf)):
Joe E:
Mailman Tom:
texas scott:
Family Goy:
texas scott:
(Murakami Whywolf)):
Old Dave:
not even married to the fruitful woman, get a paid paternal leave. They also offer a subsidy to the breeding folks... crazy, right?
Old Dave:
Hire a blonde lady and inseminate her! Lots of women are blonde in Wisconsin, and they need work.
Lawyers are standing by...
Dusty Old Seaman:
Old Dave: