Hey FW. Did you notice that Billy Jam's outro music was looping Buzzsaw, overday?!
saw screamin Jay Hawkins live many times back in the day in nyc. my favorite may have been just him and a piano at continental or whatever it was called back then. A true genius
Actually found that record in Pittsboigh, Black and Gold!
George G.:
I heard that Jay Hawkins was told by his management to put on the whole stupid witch doctor act. I guess it had nothing to do with him at all. Incredibly talented artist right there without the foolishness put on him.
yeah, a little, his name is actually Larry Williams (I have no idea why the O on the 45) but on the LP the tracks are on/from he's just Larry Williams, out of Houston, obviously not "the" Larry Williams.
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Black and Gold:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
George G.:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Kris Holmes:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Kris Holmes:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Kris Holmes:
Kris Holmes:
Kris Holmes:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Kris Holmes: