Good morning!
Love that song!
Kinda happy, the album is out of the original limited edition pit!
What was ist? 250 copies? The album simply is much too great for being kept as a secret!
Ahh... had to the good fortune to see Morphine once.
Mark R:
Yeah the re-issue sounds great, doesn't it, Guido? Sounds epic, Mariano. We have a live recording, but it was a bootleg recorded by an audience member and I prefer this studio version.
Yessss! The video for Another Nail is really amazing too. Wow, great choice!
copenhagen, denmark listening and greatly appreciating! nothing better than pitching in with a little europa-patriotism to start off the morning. thanks wfmu
In '88 or '89 the drummer for Squeeze and a couple of others (can't remember the mix of members and crew) asked me if I knew where to score any weed. I was 19, living in Omaha, and happened to strike up a conversation with the drummer before I knew who he was (he came into the shop where I was working). I went next door to the pizza place to get some lunch, and there they were. Unfortunately, I couldn't help them! They called me a sensible young man at least. I so wish I could've helped them out!
morning from Dublin. saw squeeeze at the old capitol in 82....
I had a friend who was asked to score weed for Hüsker Dü in Levenshulme, Manchester in the early 80s. He was able to oblige and took them to his dealer...his Mum!
I've been pretty silent about the Silent Fundraiser, but as you can see, I've only raised 5% of my goal and we're more than halfway through the month. Help us out, you guys!
Already gave a couple of times last week, and I'm Swag for Life. I'll try to do more with next paycheck. You're in a really tough slot! That sucks about JM in the AM too.
Mark R:
Yep, Nachem's listeners are very loyal and generous. Appreciate your continued support, Mariano. It is a tough slot, but I'll mention that it's 10:30 in England and we take pounds, Euros and drachmas!
@Vincent - When the station moved from the previous HTML to the new Audience Engine technology, the existing icons are the ones that are showing up. SM Ken hinted that the playlist pages will be updated at some point. I think the icons will be updated then.
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Listener comments!
Mark R:
Mark R:
Mark R:
Mark R:
Mark R:
Guido from Cologne:
Love that song!
Kinda happy, the album is out of the original limited edition pit!
What was ist? 250 copies? The album simply is much too great for being kept as a secret!
Guido from Cologne:
Mark R:
Guido from Cologne:
Mark R:
Vincent Nifigance:
Guido from Cologne:
Mark R:
Mark R:
Guido from Cologne:
Mark R:
Mark R:
Vincent Nifigance:
Mark R:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Mark R:
Vincent Nifigance:
Vincent Nifigance:
Ken From Hyde Park: