funky blahs???? is that like, you just feel down down down, moody, where-you-going blues, and yet your feet still get a little funky, your knees shuffle, you just can't help it, you're a little bit funky anyway?
Hey Mr FW--you said at the outset you had soul 45s and nothing else. BS--you've got the cure for what ails! There's something happening here and what it is ain't exactly clear--yet you offer focus and a positive message. That's worth gold my friend! Sending a big Martini your way, 3 olives!
Great show, classic playlist for a week that will live in infamy, maybe. I love that the Staples sing it as "BAD lines being drawn" which is what I heard for years although originally it was "battle" lines. Helping me get through my first days off in this heavy week. Cheers!
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Listener comments!
Scraps deSelby:
steve from g-berg:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
vaughn- .merc in lost wages
steve from g-berg:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Mr. Fine Wine:
steve from g-berg:
Kelly and Paul:
Mr. Fine Wine:
steve from g-berg:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Philthy woman: