Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from December 13, 2016 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting December 13, 2016: Tony Coulter Presents Tape Hiss: Alvaro, Klimperei, Yximalloo, Victor Nubla, & The Dissidents [PLEASE NOTE: "Tape Hiss" shows are not archived.]

Artist Track Album Label Year
The In-Theme  Holger Hiller: Toyshopshoptoy   Favoriting      
Alvaro  Valparaíso   Favoriting The Chilean with the Singing Nose  Squeaky Shoes Records  1991 
Alvaro  Tonteras   Favoriting The Chilean with the Singing Nose  Squeaky Shoes Records  1991 
Alvaro  Mariposa   Favoriting The Chilean with the Singing Nose  Squeaky Shoes Records  1991 
Alvaro  Would You Marry an English Girl?   Favoriting The Chilean with the Singing Nose  Squeaky Shoes Records  1991 
Alvaro  Please Do Not Adjust Your Set   Favoriting The Chilean with the Singing Nose  Squeaky Shoes Records  1991 
Alvaro  Part Two   Favoriting The Chilean with the Singing Nose  Squeaky Shoes Records  1991 
Klimperei  Janus   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Tout S'en Va   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Cercles et Rectangles   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  La Procession des Canards   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Sur les Toits   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Les Bras Autour du Cou   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  La Salle des Pas Perdus   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Défiler   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Love You   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  À Bicyclette   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  En Regardant Passer le Temps   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Le Bal des Chats   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Bonjour au Revoir   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Millefiori   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Dans la Nuit du Tombeau   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  La Cachette dans le Jardin   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Les Grands Oiseaux   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Ballon   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  En Quittant la Maison   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Cailloux Blancs   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Klimperei  Sous l'Olivier   Favoriting En Regardant Passer le Temps  Audiofile Tapes  1992 
Yximalloo  Za Happy Madnes flom Za Plant (Korgo)   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Thegreatkingofhorror#4   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  NeW RighT#11 愛国行進曲 (Setoguchi)   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  He Is My Waife# (Korgo)   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Local Opens Market   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Koxgaragattchatta#5   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Templu of 1,000 Buddhas#6   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Creeper Do Multiprise wis 4 Dimention-Ly in za Forest 森の中で四次元的な増殖をするツタカズラ   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Hi-HY-Hi Tech Agnikaluture   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Karate Chops-A-Hoy#6   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Immitasion Girl Rings za Gong 鐘が鳴る。金が成る。   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Tsitybcowpis#4 (Korgo)   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Villegi of People of Farm of Normal#4 模範農村   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  May I Eat You, Sir?   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Tranceplanting   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Lfe in a Quiete Villegi   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Thegreatkingofhorror#11   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  AAck Me Beethoven   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  A-E A-E   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Oddd Hat#2   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  He Talks to Ashtorny 筋筋筋肩うね腰神関り (Korgo)   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Indastry Meets Agrikalture 農工一休   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Gas Ceremony of Lokal Society   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  THe OLd LADy From THe NeW TERitORy#2   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  P.C.#9 1:44 Yximalloo Bush of Bamboo   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Four Men Wear Black Suit#5   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  I Goes to Rice Fields   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Weird Vegitable Growing   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  DeWisri 米の声   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  NiGht Tripper ANimaLs's Internal Organs=TORI#33   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Villegi of People of Farm of Normal#5   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  Thegreatkingofhorror#8   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Yximalloo  NOKIO 万もす農協   Favoriting Bush of Bamboo  Sakura Wrechords  1986 
Victor Nubla  Sebastopol   Favoriting Suite Numismatica (demo)    1984 
Victor Nubla  Otoño No. 28   Favoriting Suite Numismatica (demo)    1984 
Victor Nubla  Descubrimiento Nocturno Maritimo Actual   Favoriting Suite Numismatica (demo)    1984 
The Dissidents  Die (P)Residents (Sind Entthront!!!)   Favoriting The (P)Residents Rule!  no label  1983 
The Dissidents  (P)Resid(ay)   Favoriting The (P)Residents Rule!  no label  1983 
The Residents  Beyond the Valley of a Day in the Life   Favoriting The Beatles Play the Residents and the Residents Play the Beatles  Ralph  1977 
The Residents  Flying   Favoriting The Beatles Play the Residents and the Residents Play the Beatles  Ralph  1977 
The Out-Theme  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting      

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:01pm
Tony Coulter:

There's nothing but plain cardboard underneath today's tapes -- there are too many of the damn things to fit across an LP jacket.
Avatar 12:03pm

How many mp3s can dance on the head of a pin?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

I enjoy the early releases by 'Plain Cardboard' such an edgy sound. Hi Tony and everyone.
Avatar 12:07pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, βrian and JtotheK!

How many, βrian, how many?
Avatar 12:12pm
Tony Coulter:

Oddly, Alvaro was in the 101'ers with Joe Strummer (pre-Clash).
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:17pm
listener james from westwood:

Hey, Tony and all! Been listening via the mobile since the get-go, but back in the saddle now so I can hear Alvaro on the bigger speakers!
Avatar 12:18pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Hey, Listener J!
Avatar 12:40pm
Tony Coulter:

Some free music from Klimperei can be gotten here: archive.org...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
listener james from westwood:

FMU is the reason why I know of both these artists!
Avatar 12:52pm

Klimperei has his ducks in a row, I see.
Avatar 12:55pm

"Their ducks," I mean.
Avatar 12:55pm
Tony Coulter:

Now the ducks are on bicycles.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:58pm

Not familiar with Klimperei, but liking this music.
Avatar 12:59pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Listener James: Alvaro and Klimperei -- and Yximalloo -- all have big fans at FMU, for sure. Including me, of course!
Avatar 12:59pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, doctorjazz! Glad you're liking the Klimperei!
Avatar 1:00pm

I found Klimperei outside of WFMU, but I more then likely found Alvaro through WFMU.
Avatar 1:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Ahoy there, NGH!
Avatar 1:01pm

... wandering alone on the sidewalk?
Avatar 1:02pm
Tony Coulter:

Yep, no one would let him in.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

They have a good amount of music out there.
Avatar 1:12pm
Tony Coulter:

Yep, there a huge number of Klimperei releases -- with an amazingly high level of quality. Plus, there are several related projects, such as Los Paranos, Deleted and Al & Del.
Avatar 1:16pm

This is gorgeous!
Avatar 1:17pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, geezerette! Glad you're enjoying it!
Avatar 1:19pm

Immensely! :D
Avatar 1:26pm
Tony Coulter:

Hmm. Guess this Yximalloo tape isn't as hissy as I remembered it. Sorry for defaming it.
Avatar 1:31pm

Gotta leave, thanks Tony!
Avatar 1:32pm
Tony Coulter:

See yerz, NGH!
Avatar 1:35pm
Tony Coulter:

Had Yximalloo on my show back in the (mid?) '90s -- wish I had a recording of his appearance. I got him to sing along with Japanese kids' records.
Avatar 1:43pm
Tony Coulter:

Oh, and the Yximalloo cassette on now is the one with blue cover in the pic above the playlist.
Avatar 1:45pm

Great drawing!
Avatar 1:46pm
Tony Coulter:

The drawing is by Jad Fair (of Half Japanese fame).
Avatar 1:48pm

Thanks Tony. :)
Avatar 1:50pm
Tony Coulter:

Jad Fair and Yximalloo have recorded together as well -- they have a bunch of duo releases (as Jad & Nao).
Avatar 1:58pm

This should precede every appearance of resident rump.
Avatar 1:59pm
Tony Coulter:

Avatar 2:12pm

These give a sense of possibly being based partly on Folk Songs.
Avatar 2:12pm

And the titles are wonderful.
Avatar 2:13pm
Tony Coulter:

Yes, definitely -- Japanese folk music.
Avatar 2:13pm

Great stuff!
Avatar 2:17pm
Tony Coulter:

Glad you like it. All I can say is I'm very glad the track titles are already on discogs so I can just cut and paste.
Avatar 2:18pm

haha! :)

I hope you have a chance, Tony, to listen to the shortwave radio treatments at the link I sent you yesterday.
Avatar 2:29pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey Dean,

Haven't seen your message yet -- but, thanks in advance! Sounds fascinating.
Avatar 2:31pm

Made it back, and got to hear Ymixalloo in the car!
Avatar 2:32pm

Hi Dean, can you post that here? Intriguing.
Avatar 2:33pm
Tony Coulter:

@ NGH: Yximalloo: the ultimate drive time music.
Avatar 2:34pm

I got to blare it to the HS kids getting out of school.

Happily! It's a series of works by a friend: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpvKH_e3-PW7qQQVGST0pTWNT717ZJbcb

Dig 'em!

Heh, heh. Just now I'm sorting through relatively new French publications. The title of a new book by André Bercoff:

Donald Trump: Les Raisons de la Colère

OMG, another!

Nicolas Bonnal, Donald Trump: Le Candidat du Chaos

Somebody left a car door open...
Avatar 2:38pm

Thanks Dean!
Yeah, I think the world is terrified, which only flatters him. Ugh.

Yeah, but the fact that their terrified in French just pisses him off again, so there's that.

Avatar 2:40pm

hahaha! :D

I cherish my numbered copy of that Residents/Beatles record.
Avatar 2:42pm

Thanks Tony!
Avatar 2:43pm
Tony Coulter:

The back of this Dissidents cassette sez:

Why Do The Residents Hate The Beatles?
Why Do The Presidents Hate The Residents?
Why Do The Dissidents Hate The Presidents?

I hate war.
Eleanor hates war.
I hate Eleanor.
Avatar 2:47pm

Avatar 2:47pm

"Yesterday",sung by a whale.
Avatar 2:49pm

this is GREAT!!! Never heard before.

Just think, all four (or five or six, as you wish) Beatles were alive when this was prepared.
Avatar 2:51pm

Avatar 2:55pm

can't stop laughing.

"'Please don't squeeze the Charmin,' says Mr. Whipple!" -- Eskimo
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
listener james from westwood:

This show was packed! Thanks, Tony!
Avatar 2:56pm
Tony Coulter:

See you everyone!! Thanks for showing up!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

thanks tony! enjoyed the show!
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