Never heard of Bobbettes until a few days ago, and there they are.
Paul & Kelly:
Nice sort of Nawlins thing going on tonight--glad to hear it. Just want to report that the broadcast quality off WMFU is seriously compromised today, and that's been the case all day--sounds pretty AM, which frankly is appropriate for this show!
Thanks for the head's-up. Can you tell me how you're listening? Is it the FM signal or are you streaming? And yeah, still b/p! Ain't that how it always works?
Listener Jumpy:
Well, that explains the name of a certain record label!
Just doing laundry and the streets of my neighborhood are clogged with people buying whatever they need to buy for 1 month (!!!) of sunrise to sunset fasting… On my mind.
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Listener comments!
still b/p:
Paul & Kelly:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Listener Jumpy:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Listener Jumpy:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63: