Likin' the tunes tonight, MFW. Make sure to move the 45s to the upper floors in case rain from Hurricane Irma reaches the station.
Single groove full stereo records were finally perfected by 1957 and were sold by 1958. They were an instant sensation. But there were still millions of monaural record players and the heavier tone arms would ruin a stereo record. So record companies made records in both Stereo and Monaural (aka "Mono") versions until 1968.
Paul & Kelly:
It's funny--I always recognize Ron Isley's voice on this show, and they're always GREAT 45s. BTW, now I REALLY want to hear Little Milton kick it with I Who Have Nothing....
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Listener comments!
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Paul & Kelly:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine: