JtotheK: Sounds like something that's no doubt been played on some other FMU show. Re NYE: It just ain't happening this year, apparently. Hope to make it out there soon, though.
I'm learning drums and I know what a "rat-a-ma-cue" is, it's a drum figure, like a "perididdle"... all the figures are what the word sounds like so imagine someone playing rat-a-ma-cue on the drums.
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Listener comments!
Planet Tyler:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
spidermank nli:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mailman Tom:
Planet Tyler:
Planet Tyler:
Mailman Tom:
Mailman Tom:
spidermank nli:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Adam Fox:
Planet Tyler: