Favoriting Shrunken Planet with Jeffrey Davison: Playlist from December 9, 2017 Favoriting

Jeffrey Davison's avatar View Jeffrey Davison's profile Favoriting

Folk; old-timey; blues; psych, avant and acid folk old and new; ambient and electronic; lots of guitar; detours elsewhere.

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Favoriting December 9, 2017

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Ben Rath  Visit to the Other Side   Favoriting Black Heart Music  Eilean  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Pierre Jean Croset  First Hour   Favoriting Danse Dans Le Néant Des Grands Dieux Agiles  Pierre Jean Croset  0:07:08 (Pop-up)
Jon Collin  Snuskungen   Favoriting Water and Rock Music Volume I  Early Music  0:31:59 (Pop-up)
Alexander  VIII   Favoriting Alexander  Alexander  0:38:26 (Pop-up)
Satwa  Satwa   Favoriting Satwa  Time-Lag  0:44:45 (Pop-up)
Chie Mukai & Justin Simon  日 月   日 月  Mesh-Key  0:57:59 (Pop-up)
Caedmon  Storm   Favoriting Caedmon  Caedmon  1:03:27 (Pop-up)
The Sun Also Rises  Green Lane   Favoriting The Sun Also Rises  Scenescof  1:09:44 (Pop-up)
Synanthesia  The Tale of the Spider and the Fly   Favoriting Synanthesia  RCA Victor  1:17:48 (Pop-up)
The Trees Community  Invocation   Favoriting The Christ Tree  Hand/Eye  1:23:40 (Pop-up)
Meic Stevens  Yorric   Favoriting Outlander  Rhino Handmade  1:32:06 (Pop-up)
Bread, Love and Dreams  Butterfly Land   Favoriting The Strange Tale of Captain Shannon and The Hunchback from Gigha  Sunbeam  1:40:42 (Pop-up)
Trees  Lady Margaret   Favoriting The Garden Of Jane Delawney  Decal  1:45:43 (Pop-up)
Lazy Salon  Autocollants   Favoriting Trisset EP  Lazy Salon  1:52:51 (Pop-up)
Si Barron  Annachie Gordon   Favoriting 12 Songs  Si Barron  2:10:58 (Pop-up)
Steve Tilston  Time Has Shown Me Your Face   Favoriting An Acoustic Confusion  Scenescof  2:17:07 (Pop-up)
Tickawinda  Old Pendel   Favoriting Rosemary Lane  Kissing Spell  2:20:48 (Pop-up)
Mellow Candle  Silver Song   Favoriting Swaddling Songs  See For Miles  2:23:59 (Pop-up)
June Tabor with Martin Simpson  Le Roi Renaud   Favoriting A Cut Above  Topic  2:28:13 (Pop-up)
Anne Briggs  Go Your Way   Favoriting Anne Briggs  Water  2:34:53 (Pop-up)
Ezmay Grace  Let No Man Steal Your Thyme   Favoriting (no album, live recording)  Ezmay Grace  2:38:59 (Pop-up)
Lisa Knapp  Lavender Song   Favoriting From Here: English Folk Field Recordings  From Here  2:41:21 (Pop-up)
Allysen Callery  First Among the Flowers   Favoriting Prince's Pine  Reverb Worship  2:43:24 (Pop-up)
Bella Hardy  The Ballad of Hugh Stenson   Favoriting From Here: English Folk Field Recordings  From Here  2:46:45 (Pop-up)
Judy Dyble/Andy Lewis  Tired Bones   Favoriting Summer Dancing  Acid Jazz  2:51:50 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:03am
Number Six:

Good Morning, Jeffrey & All!
Avatar 6:03am

Good morning Jeffrey and planeteers
Avatar 6:06am

Good Morning everyone :)
Cooh John:

Joining the morning mantra, JD and planeteers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13am
Jeffrey Davison:

Good morning earlybirds Number Six, spamoni, anerandros, Cooh John. This long Pierre Jean Croset piece was recorded in 1979. Listed as a "live" recording, I take that to mean that while it was not recorded before an audience, it's done with no overdubs etc.
Avatar 6:15am

good morning all!!
Avatar 6:17am

8-10 inches of snow yesterday. early morning start, ended about 12 hours later.. it's white out there!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:22am

Hello, and good morning, Jeffrey. Greets, all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27am
Jeffrey Davison:

annie and Sem, welcome. Snow headed this way today also. Not supposed to be a lot, maybe a few inches...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32am

Good morning. Where's the snow?
Avatar 6:33am

we got snow south of the mason dixon, more or less. even tex-ass got some.. down in louisiana, too..
Avatar 6:36am

gut morning people. hello
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:37am

@duke:here's the culprit, www.intellicast.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41am

It hasn't reached us yet. Looks like Columbia county is on the edge of the snow band. That makes Mrs. Duke happy. She didn't want 't want snow overnight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41am
Jeffrey Davison:

Welcome to Storm Tracker Central, duke and Papayo... updates as they come in. If the snow starts coming down, I'll broadcast from the parking lot.
Avatar 6:43am

there was a huge decorative snowflake that appeared in our city square: it is ten feet tall... and anatomically deformed: it has 5 points..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46am

Man, what a great first (almost) hour so far. Hi Folks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:46am
Jeffrey Davison:

Yeah, we need to teach more better science and math. And even like more reading and stuff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48am
Jeffrey Davison:

jkeigh...hello in there
Avatar 6:50am

i saw a very bad use of the word which means styles of art and uses of materials: "medias"... our children has got to learn!! i guess i love language so much, things like that make me bristle. is "medias" really ok to use?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52am

Isn't media already plural? Medium is singular. We needs better learnin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am

Annie, there's a website called The Teaching Company and on it there's a lecture series from a professor out of the University of Michigan that is called "The Secret Life of Words" that explores that topic
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53am

Avatar 6:54am
Number Six:

What do you need boring stuff like math, science or reading for when you can be a Kardashian?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:54am
Mr. Pumpy:

Good morning, all. Couldn't get out of bed...
Avatar 6:56am

i would even have bristled less had the writer used mediums.. but sheesh.. this is what teaching to the standardized tests does. "all children left behind" seems to be a goal with our ecicators..
Avatar 6:57am

...and many of my young 30-something friends seem to think this deviation from the norm to be fine; they call it un-schooling.. a dangerous trend.
Avatar 6:58am
Number Six:

@annie: As long as they get participation awards!
Avatar 7:01am

ecicaors!! haha... i typed bad..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:05am

:-) at first I thought you meant Dictators not Educators
Avatar 7:06am

hehe, perhaps it was a freudian slip, it seems that it could fit..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am

Too true
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08am
Jeffrey Davison:

Mr. Pumpy, welcome to the English Language Corrections Department. We are all guilty...save us!
I did correct one whippersnapper this week on his use of "vinyls". Score one for the good guys.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:10am
Mr. Pumpy:

Yes, Jeffrey...I see class is in session!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:14am
Jeffrey Davison:

All listeners today will get participation medals...all first place. Listeners to this show on the archive will get cyber medals. Operators are standing by. Call in the next 10 minutes for free guacamole.
Avatar 7:16am

thatch's show yesterday was pretty damn good, it was the first i'd listened to.he promised bitcoin donations.. i wonder if he was just spinning a yarn..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19am
Jeffrey Davison:

I have a stack of bitcoins for all of you. Anyway, a stack of something.
Avatar 7:20am

Jeffrey, I wouln't mind a bitcoin donation :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21am

They're going to be arcade tokens from an arcade that's been closed for 10 years, aren't they?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am

I've observed inappropriate homonyms cropping up in print: reign, rein, rain; loan, loan; to, to, two: the SpellCheck-dependent writers of the day adding to the degradation of the language.

Samuel Johnson, where are you now that we really knead you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:22am

Bitcoin is going to crash. Save yourselves by sending all of your bitcoins to me I will dispose of them properly.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24am

Me too, on vinyls ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24am

Just kidding Jeffrey
Aner Andros:

Duke, they are eventually going to crash. Along with all blockchains but one (hyperldger) in favour of next gen altcoins.
Avatar 7:26am
Number Six:

Samuel Johnson is too busy making a new "Snakes on a Plane" sequal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:26am
Jeffrey Davison:

Sem: yes, I've seen this a lot. Regarding Samuel Johnson, a lass, no wear too bee founded.
Avatar 7:27am

and the texting fingers have pretty much chosen to avoid that pesky thing called punctuation...i miss properly hyphenated words and the like..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:28am
Jeffrey Davison:

Welcome Aner Andros. All the bitcoins, on all the data clouds, will all be under water soon enough, along with the rest of us. Carbon sequestration, anyone?
Avatar 7:31am

aahhh, it's snowing again!! all the children will have a white christmas here.. one of the nicest seasonal instrumentals is the soundtrack to "The Snowman".
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:33am

Lovely spins, J.D.. See you, and all, next thyme.
Avatar 7:35am
Number Six:

The theme from "Gremlins" is my choice for holiday music.
Aner Andros:

Jeffrey, climate change and the way humans are destroying the planet is as scary as ridiculous. But meant it another way. There are interesting things happening for what it will be the future of such technologies and the future internet and communications.
Aner Andros:

Ps: apologies for my language and punctuation mistakes. I’m not a native speaker.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:40am
Mr. Pumpy:

In other news...this sitar is really sending me places. I'm talking other planets...shrunken or otherwise.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:42am
Jeffrey Davison:

No problem, Aner Andros. You have a point. I'm hoping that the interesting changes are mostly toward the Good, and we find a way out of this morass we're in.
Avatar 7:43am

you will not be graded on your grammar here at the shrunken planet
Avatar 7:43am
Number Six:

We can pretty much kiss the internet goodbye once they kill net neutrality.
Aner Andros:

Number Six, that is what I was referring to, as well. Ever heard of Mesh and P2P?
Avatar 7:49am

it's a potato pancake kind of morning!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:50am
Jeffrey Davison:

Agreed, Number Six. The World Wide Web, now known as the Pop Up Ad and Info Crap Web.
Mr. Pumpy:

When using words like 'morass'...one must take extra care to steer clear of typos. You're living on the edge, Jeffrey!
Avatar 7:53am

it's mind-boggling to watch the hysteria over a "new world order" and then turn to your smart phone to see who's just texted you. do they not see the irony?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:57am

@Number Six The internet will look more like cable. You can get facebook for $19.95, and for 99.95 you can get FB, twitter, and 12 websites of our choosing.
Avatar 7:57am
Number Six:

@Aner: I have heard of them but am not overly familiar with them.
Avatar 7:59am

duke, that sounds pretty spot-on, actually.
Avatar 8:01am

this is the one place i can have a decent conversation with people... my daily world is bereft of it.

great show! really liked that Lazy Salon track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08am

I love the term dunderheads.
Avatar 8:24am

oh, and dullard is a great word
Avatar 8:26am

What a wonderful song is Old Pendel <3 I'm enthralled and enticed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:26am
Jeffrey Davison:

Mr. Pumpy: dully noted.
And anyone a fan of "slopehead"?
Avatar 8:29am

Number Six: look at projects like "disaster radio", "project mesh", "dat project" and "scuttlebutt". There are good hackers working toward the goal of decentralisation in communication, social netowrks and of course the Internet. The interenet is still in its infancy. Net neutrality is hideous and detrumental but it's not the end. It may very well be a boost in a new beginning. Of course it will take very long before "the mass" could know or make the switch, but things are happening.
Avatar 8:31am

ps: it's still me. Aner Andros is from the WFMU app. I was cooking/having lunch.
Stephen Society:

Awakening from an exhausting week of work pressure, depleted, a bit shaky, with the world and US chaos adding trepidation to the exhaustion. I remembered, "Ah, 'tis Saturday...Shrunken Planet! My epiphany was this; I don't just "like" this show, it actually fulfills a spiritual need. Merci!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37am

Unless you create a total end run around the owners of the pipes, without some form of regulation guaranteeing open access, we're trapped. It's bad enough that FB, google etc. filter what we see. We can choose not to use them. If the ISP and backbone owners can filter, we won't know what we're missing.
Avatar 8:39am

duke I agree with you on the backbone issue. It's the "only" single point of failure in all of this. I'm hopeful nonetheless. BPL could be an alternative to this but it's a far fetch.
Avatar 8:42am

Elon Musk, if you are reading this: the world needs your forsight and investments.... :D

ps: BPL is en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43am

If ISPs are no longer going to be common carriers, are they responsible for the content they carry? Do they get a free ride on that also?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45am

BPL might open up competition which is what the whole system needs
Avatar 8:46am

thank you for the most excellent show jeffrey!! a perfect selection for this snowy day..
Avatar 8:47am

duke, I don't fully understand your question about ISP. Could you rephrase it please? (my language barrier limits show here).
Avatar 8:48am

I agree with annie: it has been a fantastic show! and I apologise if I've somehow hijacked the comments. I do feel it's important to let people know tho.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am
Jeffrey Davison:

All intelligent comments and conversations welcome...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:51am
Jeffrey Davison:

Stephen Society: thanks for joining us. Glad the show hits you in just this way. That's the intention...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:52am

One of the effects ofnet neutrality was to make ISPs common carriers. That is, they are neutral carriers. If I do something illegal on the internet, it's not the ISPs fault. Just like if someone phones in a bomb threat, it's not the phone company's fault. The FCC will revoke ISPs common carrier status, but it's unclear if they become responsible for illegal content carried on their net.
Avatar 8:53am

duke, I see. Politcians and lobbies have long attempted to make ISP responsible and "fisrt line policing tools". So it's very likely that would happen as well.
Stephen Society:

Voices from the 'old, weird world....
thanks again Jeff!
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