That Benny Spellman 45 with fortune teller on the flip is killer.
Paul & Kelly from the OC:
"& by popular demand I mean personal whim"--we support the whim! Well you've seen the folks walking down Bourbon St carrying a Hand Grenade in each hand--you KNOW that's a two-week hangover, so maybe you need to make this a yearly occurrence!
Steve in Sonoma:
Fine wine, you are my hero. Always amazed by all these gems you’re digging up. Thank you! Definitely excited about your premium this year!
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Listener comments!
upstate chris:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Paul & Kelly from the OC:
Steve in Sonoma:
Mr. Fine Wine:
steve from gberg:
steve from gberg:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Mr. Fine Wine:
steve from gberg:
still b/p:
Ken From Hyde Park: