Favoriting Inflatable Squirrel Carcass with Rich Hazelton: Playlist from March 10, 2018 Favoriting

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A yurt for the transgenred.

Saturday Midnight - 3am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Sat. Mar 15th, Midnight - 3am: Rich Hazelton and his Co-Host Kevin Nutt

Favoriting March 10, 2018: 2018 WFMU Fundraising Marathon Week 1 with my co-host Cheyenne

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Artist Track Album Label Format Comments Approx. start time
Jessica Moss  Entire Populations (pt. 1)   Favoriting Pools of Light  Constellation    Get in the running for this fabulous prize. Pledges of $20 or more puts you in the running. 1-800-989-9368 or pledge online at wfmu.org.  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Richard Dawson  Scientist   Favoriting Peasant  Weird World    Get in the running for this fabulous prize. Pledges of $20 or more puts you in the running. 1-800-989-9368 or pledge online at wfmu.org.  0:03:12 (Pop-up)
Nilsson  The Cast & Crew   Favoriting Skidoo  RCA    Pledges of $75 or more automatically gets you my premium “Work” which this is on  0:08:43 (Pop-up)
Richard Dawson  Ogre   Favoriting Peasant  Weird World    Get in the running for this fabulous prize. Pledges of $20 or more puts you in the running. 1-800-989-9368 or pledge online at wfmu.org.  0:21:56 (Pop-up)
Jessica Moss  Entire Populations (pt. 3)   Favoriting Pools of Light  Constellation    Get in the running for this fabulous prize. Pledges of $20 or more puts you in the running. 1-800-989-9368 or pledge online at wfmu.org.  0:28:52 (Pop-up)
Art Carney  Song of the Sewer   Favoriting   Columbia  45  This is on my premium “Work” available for pledges of $75 or more  0:39:49 (Pop-up)
Gökçen Kaynatan  Doğanın Ötesi   Favoriting Gökçen Kaynatan  Finders Keepers    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  0:56:47 (Pop-up)
Moon Duo  The Death Set   Favoriting Occult Architecture Vol. 1  Sacred Bones      1:00:20 (Pop-up)
Lou Reed & John Cale  Work   Favoriting Songs For Drella  Sire    on premium  1:16:41 (Pop-up)
Gökçen Kaynatan  Pencerenin Perdesini   Favoriting Gökçen Kaynatan  Finders Keepers    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  1:19:00 (Pop-up)
Moon Duo  Creepin'   Favoriting Occult Architecture Vol. 1  Sacred Bones    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this CD  1:21:44 (Pop-up)
Le Fruit Vert  A peacock astray   Favoriting Paon Perdu  Three:Four    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  1:34:35 (Pop-up)
Ray Cathode  Waltz in Orbit   Favoriting Sounds of the Unexpected  Ace    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this CD  1:38:27 (Pop-up)
Tom Martell  It's A Hard Job Being God   Favoriting It's A Hard Job Being God  GWP Records    Pledges of $75 or more automatically gets you my premium “Work” which this is on  1:53:16 (Pop-up)
Le Fruit Vert  Too Much World   Favoriting Paon Perdu  Three:Four    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  1:58:40 (Pop-up)
Gabor Szabo  Caravan   Favoriting Sounds of the Unexpected  Ace    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this CD  2:03:16 (Pop-up)
Musci & Venosta  The Ups & Downs Of A Chewing Gum   Favoriting Urban And Tribal Portraits  Soave    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  2:14:45 (Pop-up)
Kaly Tran And His Ensemble  Waiting for You at the Communal House/Go oh ah jong   Favoriting Music of the Bahnar People from the Central Highlands of Vietnam  Sublime Frequencies    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  2:17:47 (Pop-up)
Colin Newman  fish 1   Favoriting Provisionally Entitled The Singing Fish  Sentient Sonics    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this double CD  2:21:01 (Pop-up)
Portrait of Fun  Wages Man   Favoriting   Holiday Inn Records    Pledges of $75 or more automatically gets you my premium “Work” which this is on  2:30:10 (Pop-up)
Musci & Venosta  Starfishes and Kangaroos   Favoriting Urban And Tribal Portraits  Soave    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  2:33:31 (Pop-up)
A Wen  Red Bird With The Yellow Leg / Xem Dum Jông Dreng (Folk Song #1)   Favoriting Music of the Bahnar People from the Central Highlands of Vietnam  Sublime Frequencies    Pledge of $20 or more puts you in the running for this LP  2:37:24 (Pop-up)
Oscar Brown Jr.  Work Song   Favoriting Sin & Soul  Columbia/Legacy    on premium  2:47:32 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!


good morning all

Get in the running for this fabulous prize. Pledges of $20 or more puts you in the running. 1-800-989-9368 or pledge online at wfmu.org.

visuals: ml.hoogerbrugge.com
ties into the grand prize for pledges of $75 or more

Pledges of $75 or more automatically gets you my premium “Work” and puts you in the running for the grand prize, Modern Living: The Graphic Universe of Han Hoogerbrugge, a big thick book of art that comes with a DVD of his animation which you can see here: ml.hoogerbrugge.com

Richard Dawson was great as Newkirk on Hogan's Heroes.

if only this richard dawson were on the hogans heroes record
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:17am
Chop Scott:

Skidoo! I can see mathematics!! Cheers my friends--
Avatar 12:26am

Howdy y'all! Thanks for stopping by, and inflating some squirrel carcasses with us.

Hi Cheyenne and Rich. Wish the pledge was more, but I'm a little underemployed at the moment.

zopa thank you all pledges are from the heart
Avatar 12:32am

Y'all can get in the running to win this Richard Dawson by pledging $20 or more!

do we get bubbles with that sound bath?
Avatar 12:44am

zopa: Anything helps! We appreciate your support - spiritually and financially!
Avatar 12:45am

Sorry zopa, sound baths are BYOBubbles!
Avatar 12:47am

More vinyl dust farts!!!
Avatar 12:50am
Jeff Moore:

You're using sports words!

Hello! Integretron is on my list too. Maybe a field trip is in order.

Rich, I am so appreciative of winning the Jessica Moss lp, however, I don't have a turntable anymore. I had to part with it, and my vinyl collection, when I moved across the country. Perhaps another listener could benefit?
Avatar 12:54am

I would pay you, Rich. I would pay...
Danne D:

Danne D:

Work is on that short list of songs I'd wanna do if I ever did Hoof N Mouth again
Adam West Coaster:

Whoahhhhh! Thank you, guys!!!!! So exciting!!!!!
tom from Glasgow:

absolutely love Songs for Drella. “Small Town” is my jam

Awesome! Thank you Rich and Cheyenne! Long live the Carcass! Looking forward to that opera!

Musical would be cool too. I don’t know what scrapple is but I feel like potatoes may be involved.
Avatar 1:44am
Jeff Moore:

Scrapple is a magical meat product because:

It's spiced God-knows-what-kind-of ground up meat goo with breading mixed in - so when you fry it up in a pan, IT MAKES ITS OWN CRUST!

And the interior stays pretty goopy even when it's cooked to doneness. So there's a nice contrast of textures there, crispy outer crust and soft inner part.

It's both potentially a tiny bit gross if you aren't used to it - and awesome.

Did I mention "spiced" and "meat" and "crispy"?
tom from Glasgow:

“scrapple” is a great word
Avatar 1:51am

Can I rename a DJ?
Avatar 1:53am
Jeff Moore:

Cheyenne may not be in the adoption gallery, but Ted Leonard is!

shy anne:

hello squirrel scouts
Avatar 2:03am
Jeff Moore:

Everyone's speechless after that one.

Hi folks can't take the time to tell you what's going on this week but here's a list:
Metropolitan Museum of Art
7:30 Sussan Deyhim

Jazz Standard
7:30, 9:30 Steven Bernstein’s Millennial Territory Orchestra

Highline Ballroom
8 Red Baraat Festival of Colors

Issue Project Room
8 Brutal Measures (Lydia Lunch + Weasel Walter) Keijuan Thomas, Straight Panic

6 Simon Haines (Tredici Bacci)

9 Exceptional Quartet: Robert Dick, Denman Maroney, James Ilgenfritz, Lou Grassi

Blue Note
8, 10:30 Rebirth Brass Band

Greenwich House
8? Michael Attias, Arjuan Ortiz, John Hebert, Nasheet Waits

Museum of the Moving Image
11 Shaun the Sheep Movie
3 Blade Runner 2049

2:45, 10 Mind Game
4:45, 10:30 Police Story

Village Vanguard
3 John Zorn, Christian McBride, Marc Ribot, Mary Halvorson, Jim Staley, Ikue Mori, Kenny Wolleson, Ches Smith, et al.

National Sawdust
3 Pauchi Sasaki and Claire Chase

Jazz Standard
7:30, 9:30 Steven Bernstein’s Millennial Territory Orchestra

The Capitol Theatre, Port Chester, NY
7 Elvis Costello and the Imposters

Blue Note
8, 10:30 Rebirth Brass Band

Museum of the Moving Image
11 Shaun the Sheep Movie
3 Blade Runner (The Final Cut)
6 Blade Runner 2049

1, 5:30 Police Story
3, 10 Blue Velvet
7:45 Klute
10 Mind Game

1:30 Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia

Brooklyn Steel
7 Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Liberty, Tashi Dorji

National Sawdust
9 Habibi, Innov Gnawa

Anthology Film Archives
7:30 Analogue Freak-Out with Martha Colburn

Brooklyn Steel
7 Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Liberty, Tashi Dorji

The Cutting Room, 44 E 32nd St.
6:30 (doors)/7:30 (show) Neil Innes

8 Jin Hi Kim, Elliott Sharp, William Parker, Hamid Drake

Village Vanguard (through Sunday)
8:30, 10:30 Bill Frisell, Thomas Morgan, Rudy Royston

9 Slavic Soul Party

1, 9:30 Mind Game
3:45, 9:30 Blue Velvet

Bowery Ballroom
8 Nightmares on Wax

Park Avenue Armory
7, 9 Alvin Curran

Brooklyn Steel
7 Beth Ditto, SSION

The Stone @ the New School
8:30 Moodswing Orchestra Analog: Charlie Burnham, Ed Pastorini, Oren Bloedow, Ben Perowsky, Jennifer Charles

2:45, 9:30 Mind Game
4:45 Klute
7 Deliverance w/Burt Reynolds in person

7 The Memory of the Future (soundtrack composed by Luciano Berio); Death Laid An Egg (soundtrack composed by Bruno Maderna)

8 Frankie Rose
8 Quantic

Music Hall of Williamsburg
8 Nightmares on Wax

Knockdown Center
9 Nils Frahm

National Sawdust
7 Jennifer Koh: Limitless w/Zosha di Castri, Missy Mazzoli, Qasim Naqvi, and Lu Wang

The Bell House
7:30 John Hodgman, Jean Grae

Vital Joint, 109 Messerole St. Brooklyn
7:30 Kleenex Girl Wonder

7 Music by Toru Takemitsu: Jose Torres and Woman in the Dunes

Zankel Hall
7:30 Alarm Will Sound: This Music Should Not Exist - all Ligeti program

The Stone @ the New School
8:30 Tim Berne, Hank Roberts, David Torn, Ben Perowsky

Market Hotel
7 Earthless

Union Hall
7:30 David Cross

8:30 Debussy Fest: Robert Dvorkin performs Debussy’s Preludes

8 Flamenco Eñe: Angelita Montoya
Avatar 2:07am

Pledge $20 or more to get in the running!!
Avatar 2:22am

This is awesome

yes it is
bernhard goetz:


cheyenne and richy rich are 1 dynamic duo a true dynamo
Avatar 2:43am

Aww shucks, thanks :
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:46am
Dave in Vermont:

greetings, earthlings
Adam West Coaster:

Rich and Cheyenne, thank you both, again, for a wonderful night! WFMU’s value is inestimable!
Avatar 2:52am

Hi, Dave! And thanks for all the well-wishes and encouragement tonight, friends!

were you just talkin about that bobs big boy burger in burbank i once lived next door to an everly brother there
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