Favoriting Underwater Theme Park with Meghan: Playlist from March 29, 2018 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 29, 2018: Bienvenue et Merci Beaucoup!

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album New Approx. start time
Group Therapy  Pulling Away   Favoriting Group Therapy     
OCS  Cannibal Planet   Favoriting Memory Of A Cut Off Head    0:10:18 (Pop-up)
Tracy Bryant  I'm Not There   Favoriting I'm Not There    0:10:30 (Pop-up)
Belle & Sebastian  There is an Everlasting Song   Favoriting How to Solve Our Human Problems    0:14:32 (Pop-up)
A Band of Bees (The Bees)  Got to Let Go   Favoriting Octopus    0:17:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Alvino Rey And His Orchestra 

Side B   Favoriting

Ping Pong! 


0:23:09 (Pop-up)
Monochrome Set  The Etcetera Scroll   Favoriting Strange Boutique    0:30:42 (Pop-up)
Shopping  Asking for a Friend   Favoriting The Official Body    0:34:51 (Pop-up)
Kikagaku Moyo  Streets of Calcutta   Favoriting Forest of Lost Children    0:37:30 (Pop-up)
Habibi  Gypsy Love   Favoriting Cardamom Garden    0:41:25 (Pop-up)
Beyond the Wizards Sleeve  Creation   Favoriting The Soft Bounce    0:43:27 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Alvino Rey And His Orchestra 

Side B   Favoriting

Ping Pong! 


0:47:02 (Pop-up)
Bob Dylan  It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)   Favoriting Bringing It All Back Home    0:57:43 (Pop-up)
Caetano Veloso  Nine Out Of Ten   Favoriting Transa    1:05:34 (Pop-up)
Barrence Whitfield & The Savages  I'll Be Home Someday   Favoriting Soul Flowers Of Titan  *   1:09:48 (Pop-up)
Shannon & The Clams  I Leave Again   Favoriting Onion  *   1:13:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Alvino Rey And His Orchestra 

Side B   Favoriting

Ping Pong! 


1:16:24 (Pop-up)
Mandingo Griot Society with Don Cherry  Sounds from the Bush   Favoriting Mandingo Griot Society    1:24:40 (Pop-up)
Deke Tom Dollard  Na_You   Favoriting Na-You    1:28:08 (Pop-up)
Ayalèw Mèsfin  Hasabé   Favoriting Ethiopiques Vol 8    1:32:58 (Pop-up)
The Ex  Four Billion Tulip Bulbs   Favoriting 27 Passports    1:36:16 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Alvino Rey And His Orchestra 

Side B   Favoriting

Ping Pong! 


1:43:46 (Pop-up)
Purple Sun  Dooms Day   Favoriting Warfaring Strangers: Acid Nightmares    1:54:04 (Pop-up)
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard  The Fourth Colour   Favoriting Polygondwanaland    1:56:37 (Pop-up)
Snapped Ankles  CIA Man (NSA Man Violation)   Favoriting CIA Man (NSA Man Violation0    2:02:33 (Pop-up)
Marie Möör  Pretty Day   Favoriting Pretty Day    2:08:11 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:00pm

"Full fathom five our DJ lies."
Avatar 12:02pm

(Bon retour, Meghan.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm

ah thanks! Sad to be back.... but happy too
Avatar 12:03pm
Keith - the friendly town.:

Greetings from Glasgow!
Avatar 12:03pm
Jeff Moore:

Back already from faraway lands? Hello!
Avatar 12:03pm
Scraps b’lx (b’ly):

hey h’lo argh
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

I am I am! Bonjour!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm

I'll be in Glasgow at the end of September!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Welcome back, Meghan. We didn't change a thing while you were away.
Avatar 12:09pm

They sell English-Glaswegian phrase books, don't they?
Avatar 12:10pm

hi maghan just a hi before i go in the hallway with the rats ...
Avatar 12:11pm

Heya Meghan. My daughter is standing in front of Stonehenge this very minute!
Avatar 12:11pm

Well, minus however many minutes it took to get the pic to me ...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:12pm

hahahaha! Hello Hello!!
Avatar 12:12pm

Will we be getting an oenological run-down during the break, Meghan? I'm kinda thirsty.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm

hahaha... but of course!
Avatar 12:15pm
Scraps b’lx (b’ly):

my toilet is plugged. i can’t get it unplugged with only one side of my body, plus now my good side is also {word meaning muscle injured}. give up now, lie down and listen to Drummer Stream & Underwater Theme Park, calm down & relax.

sigh. cheers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm

That sounds like a proper plan.....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:17pm

Heard Belle & Sebastian mentioned a lot but don't really know much about them. This is nice, gotta say.
Avatar 12:17pm
Scraps b’lx (b’ly):

How to Solve Our Human Problems! Ha! HA!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

Scraps: {word meaning muscle injured} = "fucked up". Happy to help with esoteric terminology.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm

Parq, you must have heard them many times on my show in the past, unless you happen to be out of the room each time!
Avatar 12:19pm
Scraps b’lx (b’ly):

B&S are great. Really great.

Parq, ah thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

Megan, enjoyed following your sojourn on the UTP Instagram feed.
Avatar 12:21pm

βrian: has your wife been to any of the pulquerias? I went to one that was the hipster haunt frequented by the uni students in DF, then I went to a hole-in-the-wall dive that was much closer to my tastes
Avatar 12:22pm
Scraps b’lx (b’ly):

Okay, really lie down & listen. Cheers & Chongs.
Avatar 12:23pm

@Scraps: I'm able bodies, and my last Brooklyn toilet would take more exertion and hours then worth describing every time it got clogged, so I can approximate your duress.
Avatar 12:24pm

abled-bodied (I should just give up on English)
Avatar 12:24pm

@NGH: I don't think so. I'm guessing she's kind of wrapped up with her conference. She sent a photo of some Alma Azteca, in order to appease me, I think.
Avatar 12:26pm

I don't like to travel, in particular. But I do like to travel in order to get somewhere else, if that makes any sense. I like to settle in, I guess.
Avatar 12:28pm

Well, the best places (restaurants, bars, etc) are near the old town (near the old cathedral), which is only a short bus ride from the newer commercial downtown. I know many cool nooks and crannies in Mexico City.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

I get what you're saying about travel, Meghan. I've always said that, while I like to see sights, my main goal in visiting a new locale is to get the local vibe. I got to do what you were suggesting just once, with a three week stay in a local apartment. It was The best.
Avatar 12:31pm

I hate the getting there part of travel (airports), unless I have time to take the scenic route, but I love being in different places (I even explore my local area, I found a queer redneck bar randomly on bday, which was a nice surprise, and had a blast).
Avatar 12:32pm

on my bday (someone translate for me).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32pm

If there was a way to just get there would be great, but I guess like seasons, you appreciate arriving after the travel. Though I can do without some of the waiting..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

I've said for a very long time: I love travel, but I hate transit.
Avatar 12:39pm

But some forms of transit are most definitely better than others. I'm a fan of the TGV.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm

If you've never heard Patton Oswalt's bit on why he likes Jet Blue, you should. Summary: air travel has become just awful, and Jet Blue accommodates that by surrounding you with indulgently moronic entertainment.
Avatar 12:45pm

Jet Blue is the least stressful American airline to fly, and at LaGuardia, there's barely a line to get through security..
Avatar 12:47pm

Not a fan of the Frankfurt or De Gaulle airport, but every other non-American airport I've been to since 9/11 has been a breeze.
Avatar 12:47pm

loving the show Meghan .. u have pulled all the stops out
Avatar 12:49pm

How was the jet lag, Meghan? That kills me.
Avatar 12:50pm

hate traveling waiting fort some sort of star trek beaming thinie ... love it when i get there .. traveling nowadays is so stressful
Avatar 12:51pm

Paris is too much for me unless I'm escorted. Love the countryside, though.
Avatar 12:52pm

The people who say the French are rude, also think NYers are rude.
Avatar 12:53pm

i have friends who live in paris so can aways hop on the train to see them in about 2 hours from my home in London
Avatar 12:54pm

They must have travelled to France during Rude season.
Avatar 12:59pm

@ brian one is oz the other is French ... the oz one would like to live back in London as she thinks the French r rude lol
Avatar 12:59pm

TBH, the rudest people at De Gaulle were the American immigration officials.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

Ugh, the jet lag is always hard, but especially hard when you are non stop the second you get back home.... I think I am back to schedule....

We came in and out of Orly, which was a breeze coming in, but going out was a bit more wacky...
Avatar 1:01pm

Ewww, the orange shitgibbon naked, nnoooooooooo!!!!, perish the though!

hey everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm


I think my nap went a bit too long.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm

feeling groggy eh?

Yeah. I stayed up too late last night to read "Red Sparrow" for Book/Movie adaptation club.
Avatar 1:15pm

This has a Rawhide feel to it.
Avatar 1:20pm

"From a Distance" *cues Bette Midler*
Avatar 1:23pm

I only eat once a day around 3ish. When I was in Brooklyn, I would make dinner w/ my wife around 10:30 (when we were both finally home from work).

What time do Americans normally have dinner?

I tend to go very late because I go to the gym after work then eat when I get home.
Avatar 1:25pm

A dozen oysters would be more food then I could eat in one day (pure volume of food), 5 is the most I've ever had (I don't eat very much, but I take my food very seriously a cook most meals from scratch).
Avatar 1:25pm
Jeff Moore:

Oh, c'mon! Who dines before 19:00 except families with tiny kids or codgers who pop up at 5 in the morning and start their day all out of whack?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:26pm

I have no idea what people mean when they say Parisians are rude. I was there only for five days but I don't recall a single person being rude to me. Cynics say that's because shop owners wanted to sell me something, but that doesn't account for all the people whom my daughter stopped so she could pet their dogs, and all the people we greeted in the parks. And what NGH said at 12:52, and then some.
Avatar 1:27pm

When visiting my parents, it was unnerving that they would eat dinner at 4:30 (cue the Seinfeld episode where the seniors go for the early-bird special).

I'm rarely home from work before 8-9ish, so, that was when i was used to making dinner (after a drink).
Avatar 1:28pm
Jeff Moore:

No, I never experienced Parisians as rude. Some had a certain elegant formality which I guess some tourists might take the wrong way, and I had people correct my grammar or pronunciation - which I welcomed. They never seemed to be doing it in a mean way, just a want-things-right way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:29pm

at home I eat late, but when traveling, I tend to eat or want to eat earlier, since I plan on going out for drinks later. Or at least a snack. We had none of that...
Avatar 1:30pm
Jeff Moore:

No snacks! There's the problem!
Avatar 1:30pm

The cashiers in De Gaulle responded to me in English when I attempted my Quebecois.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:30pm

There was no place open for snacks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:32pm

We used French most of the time there unless someone was speaking English to us. But for our wine tasting, we asked for English, just so we didn't miss the important facts or words we may not know
Avatar 1:34pm
Jeff Moore:

That seems sensible. Information over pride.
Avatar 1:34pm

I love this Ayalèw Mèsfin! (got this Ethiopiques when it first came out).
Avatar 1:35pm

Crap. Did I miss the wine tasting? I had to get some lunch
still b/p:

I got some of the rudeness from Paris workers — an impatient abruptness as if a need for a clearer response or bit of help was a sharp chafing exasperating imposition on them. Particular to Paris or France ? Maybe not, but pretty noticeable when a moment’s easy simple courtesy or even half effort at help would make a difference. Made me want to be more helpful to visitors here when I can be.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35pm

Can I be candid? With Paris, as with New York, the problem is mainly middle American assholes who go to visit with about seven truckloads of hubris, and an equal amount of resentment towards cosmopolitan people, and who get upset when their "I'm a true son/daughter of God's Country, and when I say jump, you say how high" doesn't get obsequious results. They then turn around and tell all the folks back home how rude the urban locals were.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:35pm

Though when we walked in I spoke French and then when they asked English we said yes please!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:36pm

Still b/p, I posted mine before I read yours, and I in no way put you in that group.
Avatar 1:36pm

Oysters vary in size quite a bit. I've had more than a dozen when I wasn't particularly hungry.
Avatar 1:39pm

I have a very conservative uncle who loves travelling to Europe, but doesn't like the people there b/c "they're too liberal". My brain breaks when trying to compute.
Avatar 1:39pm

I often find listening to strongly accented English is more difficult than parsing the French. Speaking is always problematic, though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:40pm

I will say, that like most major cities, that people don't have the lingering time for niceties... We have no problem giving you the info, but we are busy people and are probably rushing somewhere. I have no problem telling you directions, but I can't linger to give you the history or all the little friendly bits... I don't find it rude. It's just respecting people's time. Unlike the smaller towns that love to chit chat about little things.... I have this issue as a bartender as well. If you are coming up to a busy bar, know what you want and have your money ready. I'm not waiting for you to decide when other people are ready
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41pm

I had a friend in my younger days who used to say that some sort of a test for civility should be given, and then people who failed should be denied visas with leave to go to Bush Gardens.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:43pm

This Ex track is on fire, b/t/w.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:43pm

hello Meghan and others
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:44pm

(sneakily limping in for the home stretch)
Avatar 1:46pm

No Armagnac? That offers a pretty good weight/pleasantness ratio.
Avatar 1:46pm

I love decent sardines!
Avatar 1:47pm

I love sardines because they're inherently indecent.
Avatar 1:47pm
Dave B:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Bonne Maman cherry preserves is my jam! Tastes great on PBJs or pancakes. I believe it's imported from France.
Avatar 1:49pm

Bonne Maman has too much sugar, to my taste. Good quality, though.
Avatar 1:50pm

The French take the aspects of terroir very seriously w/ all of their crops, not just grapes.
Avatar 1:53pm

As opposed to Berlin where you can drink all night....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm

(or a huge night club in st.louis that's open all night - if you'd like to risk your life to drink out all night)
Avatar 1:55pm

By my reckoning, I can't drink all night anywhere.
Avatar 1:56pm

Getting off the train from Frankfurt in Berlin late at night, exhausted, and stressed to hell, it was a relief to get a beer of the train platform.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm

I am spoiled locally to being able to eat or drink whenever I want.... almost...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm

I envy you guys. I've never traveled anywhere in European farm country, only passed through it on trains from once city to another. It must be really gratifying.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm

yeah, the bars here close at 4. that's late enough.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm

4 is beyond late! If I'm still drinking around 4 am, I shouldn't be!
Avatar 1:58pm

My wife's students (predominantly from China) are aghast that they can't have food delivered to their doors within 15 minutes any time of day. This in a midwestern town of less than 40K people.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:59pm

Hello folks. I feel a little more prepared for a journey to France after this show. Tenks, Meghan.
Avatar 2:00pm

My last tour in France was by bike, jut me and my sweetie. That was fun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

I must check the Instagram page later for the pictures. Thanks for the musical journey today.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:00pm

ha! Yes! Go to France! Go go go! It was amazing and wonderful and I'm sad to be back!
Avatar 2:01pm

Delivered food, pffft:, cook your own!

Thanks Meghan, I'm off to lunch in about 10 mins!

post-holiday depression is the worst.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm

i'd like to visit france. not sure about french food though. -i'd only want to live there if i'm near a good sushi restaurant
...and - if i can get wfmu's fm signal!
Avatar 2:04pm

(Oh, and it *has* to be ordered via a cell phone app that processes payments.)
Avatar 2:04pm

Heck in Williamsburg/Bushwick, the bodega guys I knew would sell me booze 24/7. Came in handy when insomnia hit (or when I was youthy and in a partying mood).
Avatar 2:05pm

The best meal I had there last time was in a traditional French restaurant run by Japanese immigrants.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm

when i lived in nj the usual rule closed the bars at <2am. (midnight in summit,nj) but there was a bar in newark open 'till 4. not really friendly inside, and as we were walking to our vehicle there was gunfire in the parking lot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:09pm

Saw this cartoon in IG recently. Two dogs at night by an overturned garbage can. In the background, a familiar NYC building with a clock tower show 4:00. One dog says "Just *try* getting garbage at 4 AM in Des Moines."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:09pm

βrian that's funny; but then the best japanese restaurant i know of, besides overpriced ones in nyc, is owned by a chinese man, with mostly indonesian staff.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:10pm

hahaha....that's great
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm

good one Parq!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm

Thanks Meghan
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