Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from July 10, 2018 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting July 10, 2018: Now bubbling up: the repressed memories of the Earth

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Artist Track Album Label Year
Eric Cordier  Ozorezan   Favoriting Osorezan (Selected Field Recording 1993 - 2006)  Herbal International  2007 
Chris H Lynn  Pond View 1   Favoriting Pond Views  Green Field Recordings  2018 
north guinea hills  Gainesville FL NE 23rd Ave 9th St 2018   Favoriting     2018 
BMB con. featuring Wineke van Muiswinkel  Over de grens - de overkant trailer   Favoriting     2018 
Andreas Usenbenz  Kienlesberg Brücke Mallet Stick / Kienlesbergstraße 1, 89075 Ulm, Deutschland   Favoriting Radio Aporee    2018 
Gonçalo F Cardoso  Flutes + Cicadas Duet   Favoriting Impressões De Uma Ilha (Unguja)  Edições Cn   2018 
Radius  Oscillation Range (Variant Redesign)   Favoriting Obsolete Machines (Variant Reworks)  echospace [detroit]  2018 
Abul Mogard  Where Not Even   Favoriting Above All Dreams  Ecstatic  2018 
Ian William Craig  TEAC Poem   Favoriting A Turn of Breath - Extended  Recital Program  2018 
Driftmachine  Shift II   Favoriting Shunter  Umor Rex  2018 
Alex Zhang Hungtai  Divine Weight   Favoriting Divine Weight  NON Worldwide  2018 

Music behind DJ:
Domenique Dumont 

La Bataille de Neige   Favoriting



NYZ  T01-PTS VIOLscraper   Favoriting NTE GDN  Conditional  2018 
Pablo's Eye  Self-Abandonment   Favoriting Bardo For Pablo  STROOM 〰  2018 
Forest Drive West  Prism   Favoriting Set Free  Rupture London  2018 
Deflector  Burn   Favoriting Riddle Me This  Summer Isle  2017 
Container  Vacancy   Favoriting LP  Spectrum Spools  2018 
Tara in Tibet  Violence   Favoriting Spirit and Violence  Clan Destine Records  2018 
Ploy  Ramos   Favoriting Ramos  Timedance  2018 
Roper Rider  Auctioneer   Favoriting Motion Profile  Ascetic House   2018 
Cienfuegos  The Mountains Are Crying   Favoriting Autogolpe  L.I.E.S. (Long Island Electrical Systems)  2018 
CUB  Primitive Sleep   Favoriting Seeing From Above  Downwards  2018 
Wata Igarashi  Outburst   Favoriting Question and Answer EP  The Bunker New York  2018 
Joanne Forman  The Twittering Machine   Favoriting Cave Vaults of the Moon  Séance Centre  2018 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:05pm

Never made it as far north as mt osore.... (but I went to plenty other Japanese hot boiling sulphur springs (although I believe this one is acidic as well).
Avatar 7:12pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey northguineahills! Here's what Eric wrote about this piece: Recorded in Niseko, southwest of Hokaïdo and in Osorezan, northern of Honshu in August 2006. Gas emanation of volcano in Japan. The sound recordings were carried out in the depths and then re-organised. We listen to gas bubbling in water, gas mouths, gas that creates rhythms while escaping from under a dead leaf down in the clay, whistling…All panoramic movements, repetitions, effects of phasing have been carried out during the time of the recording, travelling at the mouth to gather the sound of sulphur gas as a sound pallette.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:21pm

hello friends~ it's been a while and i've missed y'all :) so glad to be here listening to field recordings again.
Avatar 7:22pm

Near Nigano, there's a sulfur springs near the top of a volcano and they boil eggs in there and ship them down via a mini ski-lift as they are popular for they are thought to have medical properties. I climbed to the top and got a fresh one, tasteyish....
Avatar 7:23pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey gloomsday! It has been a while, hope you've been good!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:24pm

been good, just unexpectedly busy! happy to slow it down a few ticks :)
Avatar 7:34pm

This was recorded June 7th w/in earshot of a bar w/ a patio of a bar on the edge of a parking lot that bordered a wetland.
Avatar 7:37pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

I'm trying to make out the bar convo, seems like most of the whooping is coming from the wetland
Avatar 7:37pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

wait, there's some human whooping!
Avatar 7:37pm

I got a good Steve Reichian phase shifting vibe from these frogs (now they are tiny frogs everywhere).
Avatar 7:39pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

songs must have done the trick!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

awh NGH i didn't realize that was a recording of yours! very nice :)
Avatar 8:06pm

thanks gloomsday!

I'm leaving work, hear ya at home!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm

AWWwww shoot! Missed ngh's frogs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:08pm

shout-chat to you, Jessie!
Avatar 8:11pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

See ya on the other side northguineahills!
Hey chresti! :)

Hi friends! I'm powerless after a brief but furious storm, iPod and candles for me tonight.
Avatar 8:17pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

hey melinda! wow, yikes! Hope things get back to normal for you soon!

How does one go about sending field recordings to you? If or when you are accepting submissions, that is..

I’ve been sent away from work on account of a brush fire that broke out in Griffith Park.

@chresti that sounds scary. Too much extreme weather.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:27pm

Melinda- your situation sounds severe, is it over?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

They put it out, last I heard. That was around 4pm, pst. I went to atwater village, to wait out traffic
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:33pm

When it's crazy hot around here, people start behaving badly.
Avatar 8:36pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi chresti, yes please! There's a link at the bottom of this page that says "E-mail Jesse Kaminsky," I'll get back to you with details!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm

On my radio, in the car, the news cycle includes a report that hot temperatures make people dumber
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:39pm

thanks Jesse!

The storm was really short but I saw a lot of tree damage on my way home and there are over 2000 repeated outages in my town, so I'm not sure when power is coming back. I lost a tree and 5 days of power in October, and this wasn't as severe but it just feels like the frequency is increasing. What do you do in Griffith Park?

Reported not repeated

I work at the tennis courts
There are power outages from the heat since last Friday - luckily not where we are

I just read about those
Avatar 8:48pm

Been home listening for 20 minutes, but my laptop decided to take a nap.

Alex Zhang Hungtai, new to me, and reminds me of Aine O'Dwyer...

I hate it when trees go down. A co worker’s car got squashed a few years ago
Avatar 8:50pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@northguineahills, This is his second record under his name, previously recorded as Dirty Beaches

Anyways I like to record the coyotes from time to time
Avatar 8:50pm

@chresti When Hurricane Irene was coming my way, I decided to drive to my folks place over and hour a way to shelter my car. Good thing, as I predicted, two of my neighbor's trees fell in my driveway where my car would have been.
Avatar 8:53pm

Today we only got .01" of rain, we've been getting a 1/3"-2" a day since April.
Avatar 8:59pm

This reminds me I had access to a church pipe organ last year, I should really edit those tracks (they're a bit rough, as I'd barely touched a keyboard for a year beforehand, (and I was only given 2 hours to play). Similarly droney w/ Glassian flourishes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:00pm

ian william craig's track was very caretaker-esque! that was my impression too :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:02pm

No hurricanes, yet
Avatar 9:02pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

not at all undertakeresque
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

we're in a flood zone, if it ever rains...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

not quite ;)
Avatar 9:04pm

pssst! Hurricane Chris is just off the coast of NC right now!
Avatar 9:06pm

I'm in the highest point in peninsular FL, at an alpine 185'/63m. So, flooding shouldn't be a worry, although there is a creek a 1/2 km away and it's flooded twice since I've moved here.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10pm

It flooded here, like a hundred years ago
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:11pm

Like this self-abandonment!
Avatar 9:15pm

If I was a 2.5 blocks closer to the creek, I'd be in trouble. I did look at digital elevation models to help determine where to live where I wouldn't need flood insurance. (in a former lifetime, I used to make flood maps).
Avatar 9:16pm

(academic lifetime)
Avatar 9:17pm

Very late 90s d&b/idm crossover, me likes!

@ngh if I move that's something I definitely want to avoid. Especially with likely more severe rains in years to come.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21pm

greetings Jesse and neighbors noiselings
Avatar 9:24pm

If it my house floods, then it will make rest of FL a total disaster. That said, water did come w/in 2"s of my porch during Irene, but that's b/c the rain was so intense. Build a mini-berm for this hurricane season.
Avatar 9:24pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey coelacanthø!

Wow, impressed with this string of music. Intensely nice.
Avatar 9:31pm

NYZ/Forest Drive West/and Tara in Tibet, all new to me!!!(and their respective labels).

First time I think I've poked my ear into your show. Very glad I did.
Avatar 9:31pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi Blendy! :)

Hi back at ya. Listening in Santa Cruz.

Up my alley. Some i know, and plenty I don't - a scenario that tends to make me really happy.
Avatar 9:36pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Excellent, glad to have you on the chat tonight! Sorry, I'm fighting off my cat right now who also apparently wants to be on the chat tonight.

Cat chat
Avatar 9:47pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

I'm not sure he wants to chat so much as literally be on the chat
Avatar 9:49pm

Ok, chore time, Thanks again Jesse!
Avatar 9:50pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Always a pleasure northguineahills!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:55pm

hi coel!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm

hi blendy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

Thank you Jessie, I must now take cover
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

hi chresti!
Thanks Jesse!

Thanks Jesse
Avatar 10:00pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

night all! Careful out there everyone!
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