Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from August 7, 2018 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting August 7, 2018: Beneath your gaze: worlds within worlds

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Artist Track Album Label Year
David Dunn  The Sound of Light In Trees   Favoriting The Sound of Light In Trees  Earth Ear   2006 
Gallery Six  Passage   Favoriting Snow Light  Archives  2018 
Mary Stark  Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)   Favoriting The Folklore Of Plants Volume 1  Folklore Tapes  2017 
Primitive Motion  Know the World   Favoriting House In The Wave  Bedroom Suck Records  2018 
John Cage  In A Landscape (1948)   Favoriting In A Landscape  Catalyst  1994 
Cristy Falcone  Ziggurat Ceremony 1   Favoriting SCOSM Field Recording No.1 : Battery Steele  Synth Club of Southern Maine  2018 
Colin Stetson and Sarah Neufeld  With the dark hug of time   Favoriting Never Were The Way She Was  Constellation  2015 
Hsia Yu & Yan Jun  A Personal Hell -- To Borges (1899-1986)   Favoriting 7 Poems and Some Tinnitus  Sub Jam  2016 
Masayoshi Fujita  Book of Life   Favoriting Book of Life  Erased Tapes Records  2018 
Roland Kayn  Invarianten   Favoriting Simultan  Die Schachtel  2018 

Music behind DJ:
Domenique Dumont 

La Bataille de Neige   Favoriting



Zoë Mc Pherson  Shaman (How I Became)   Favoriting String Figures  SVS Records  2018 
Susumu Yokota  Oponchi   Favoriting Acid Mt. Fuji  Midgar  2018 
Merzbow + Hexa  Merzhex Part 4   Favoriting Achromatic  Dais Records  2018 
Lorenzo Senni  XAllegroX (Hecker Scattering.m Sequence)   Favoriting The Shape Of RemixXxes To Come  Warp Records  2018 
Bjarki  3-1 Tap Lush   Favoriting Don't Mess with Cupid, 'Cause Cupid Ain't Stupid  TRIP Records  2018 
Helena Hauff  The Smell Of Suds And Steel   Favoriting Qualm  Ninja Tune  2018 
Abby Echiverri  Nadezhda   Favoriting Ab Initio  The Bunker New York  2018 
Randomer  Dissolve   Favoriting Slicing  Dekmantel UFO Series  2018 
CΞLΞƧTIᐱL V I Ƨ I ∅ N  Mt.Fuji Airport   Favoriting Mt.Fuji    2018 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:08pm

The sound of light is subtle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:08pm
listener james from westwood:

Not sure what it's doing in MA, but it's wild rain and lightning down here; dodged the raindrops to get in to my computer!
Avatar 7:09pm

Middle of drought here in FL, two days w/o rain!
Avatar 7:10pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey geezerette, Hi James, Hi northguineahills!
It's kinda hot and humid here but not extreme just upper 80's. Typical summer!
Avatar 7:13pm

If you guys could send just a little rain our way that would be great. Just not enough for mudslides.
The trees asked me to say that.
Avatar 7:15pm

Humid here and 96 degrees.
Avatar 7:17pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

This David Dunn piece is all from recorded material from the activities in a single pinyon pine tree in the foothills of the southern Rockies.
Some more info and isolated sound files with greater explanation of each here: www.acousticecology.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:19pm
Rich in Washington:

Portland community radio station KBOO used to devote 24 hours of programming to environmental recordings on Earth Day. It was a lot of fun. They didn't even have to do station IDs, as they argued that it was one continuous performance.
Avatar 7:26pm

We gathered fresh pinyon seeds in northern Arizona once. Best we ever had. Later discovered you aren't supposed to.
Avatar 7:30pm

I've never had pinyon seeds before.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:30pm
Mark Hurst:

This is quite a track.
Avatar 7:30pm

This is bringing back wonderful sense memories.
Avatar 7:37pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Rich, Mark!
Sorry, been zoning on these bugs...:)
Avatar 7:37pm

NGH, they're called pine nuts and have a resinous flavor, pine scented and sweet. Creamy texture, I think you'd enjoy cooking or baking with them. Don't buy the ones from China, those tend to be bitter.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:38pm

howdy neighbors
Avatar 7:39pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi melinda!
Avatar 7:40pm

This track is very calming,Jesse.

Hey,Melinda. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:41pm
Dave in Vermont:

howdy noise
Avatar 7:41pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Dave!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:43pm

Several years ago I developed a weird taste in my mouth, all foods tasted sort of bad and I worried that I had a neurological problem. Thinking about recent diet changes helped me zero in on pine nuts, and when I googled I found a bunch of entries on pine mouth syndrome! It had happened to a lot of other people but there was no consensus on why some pine nuts and not others would cause the problem.
Avatar 7:51pm

I've had Mediterranean pine nuts, at least what I believe the majority I've had are. (different genus/family group then the pinyon I imagine).
Avatar 7:52pm

Melinda, I've heard of that! Were they imported from China?
Asking cause we got Chinese imports from Trader Joe a couple of times, unusable!
Avatar 7:52pm

Ok, I'm jumping from work. I need to read w/ a pint. Hear ya later!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:54pm

@geeze I bought them at Whole Foods and didn't know their place of origin. I don't recall them tasting bad, just the weird mouth thing the next day. Which took several days at least to resolve.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm
Doug Schulkind:

I had a college roommate named David Dunn (no relation). Hello Neighbors!
Avatar 7:57pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

ok see ya northguinahills, sounds pretty nice plan to me!
Avatar 7:57pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Howdy Doug!
Avatar 7:57pm

We've hit Brycian track length territory!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm
Doug Schulkind:

I like my worlds whirled.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm

hey Jesse and Jesseters
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:04pm
Mark Hurst:

Thanks, Jesse, it was a fun segment to put together. Now let's all put our phones down (except for the WFMU app)
Avatar 8:05pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey coelacanthø!
@Mark, I was listening on my phone so was a little conflicted..as usual I guess
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:06pm
Mark Hurst:

I think that's OK, since the WFMU app is the reason phones were invented in the first place
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm
Webhamster Henry:

This is really great stuff! I was working on a banner and publicity for my band's concert on Sunday, it's good music for that!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm
Webhamster Henry:

The WFMU app is a "killer app" -- people bought phones because of it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:43pm
Webhamster Henry:

Which is another way of saying, I made money for Apple.
Avatar 8:45pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Henry! Glad to hear it, I normally cater to the proofreading crowd and studio set so that's right in the sweet spot!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
Webhamster Henry:

I'm just finishing up adding names to a mailing list, and then to send off an email campaign.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm

let's see how good this is to brush my teeth to.
...the last set was pretty good as a background to a conversation with my nephew about computers, and how to avoid supporting apple.
Avatar 9:54pm

Jesse, thanks for cool sounds on a hot day.
Much appreciated. :)

Hey Coel !
Avatar 9:56pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Thansk geezerette, glad to aid the cooling!
Avatar 9:59pm

webhamster, have a great show!
Avatar 10:05pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Thanks everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:16pm

Thanks Jesse!
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