Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from September 25, 2018 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting September 25, 2018: the updated agenda is once again wrong

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Artist Track Album Label Year
Murmer  Raadio Mälu   Favoriting Raadio Mälu  Green Field Recordings  2018 
Avaro  es el lugar quien te llama   Favoriting horto florestal de rio claro    2018 
Cass.  Painful Love In 96Khz   Favoriting Postclub Prism  Into The Light Records  2018 
The Caretaker  Stage 5 Advanced plaque entanglements   Favoriting Everywhere At The End Of Time - Stage 5  History Always Favours The Winners  2018 
The Field  Something Left, Something Right, Something Wrong   Favoriting Infinite Moment  Kompakt  2018 
Takashi Kokubo  Breath Of Blue Water   Favoriting A Dream Sails Out To Sea (Get At The Wave)  Lag Records  2018 
Sarah Davachi  Auster   Favoriting Gave In Rest  Ba Da Bing!  2018 
Visible Cloaks  Kajyadhi Fu Bushi (Visible Cloaks Remix) (2018)   Favoriting かじゃでぃ風節 Kajyadhi Fu Bushi  EM Records  2018 
Domenique Dumont  La Bataille de Neige   Favoriting      
Oren Ambarchi & Konrad Sprenger & Phillip Sollmann  Panama   Favoriting Panama / Suez  A-TON  2018 
Ø  Scene 1   Favoriting Sähkö - The Movie Soundtrack EP  Sähkö Recordings   2018 
Oliver Coates  Charlev   Favoriting Shelley's on Zenn-La  RVNG Intl.  2018 
Luke Vibert  107 Acid   Favoriting The Third Annual War Child Fundraiser (Pt. 1)  Craigie Knowes   2018 
Shackleton  Furnace of Guts   Favoriting Furnace of Guts  Woe To The Septic Heart  2018 
Mars89  Throbbing Pain   Favoriting End of the Death  Bokeh Versions  2018 

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:02pm
listener james from westwood:

How do, Jesse and all!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:03pm

hi friends
Avatar 7:04pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi james! Howdy melinda!
Avatar 7:09pm

Green Field Recordings should team up w/ Gruenrekorder Recs.....
Avatar 7:14pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Murmur wrote this about Raadio Mälu: raadio mälu

a few months ago i found a small portable radio, dating probably from the 1980′s and made during soviet times, is a secondhand shop in the small village of mooste in southeast estonia. i have a thing for old radios, so i bought it, and it got me to thinking about the place of radio, not in this present world of internet streaming, podcasting and so forth, but in our past, and in our memories. i know i have distinct memories of radio, radio stations, djs, events, situations, and even places that i relate to radio from my own past, growing up in boston, during my student days in western massachusetts, all the way through my years at the resonance fm studios in london, and my attempts now to listen to estonian radio to improve my language skills. i wondered if this particular radio, alien to me but possibly familiar to estonians, might trigger memories for those around me, and i decided to find out.

i composed this piece from four elements: memories, stories and observations from a handful of estonians, related upon being presented with this particular radio for the first time; sonic material produced by the radio itself, both when tuned to and tuned between stations; field recordings from the surrounding landscape, vibrations in the immediate airwaves that have carried these radio signals; and archive material from estonian radio’s past, both in and before the country’s soviet era.

the estonians interviewed were given the choice of speaking in their native language or in english; two chose estonian, and two english. i have left the estonian language untranslated in the audio itself – much of what is being communicated can be heard in the tones of their voices, and through shared vocabulary.
Avatar 7:19pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

I'm having a few technical glitches here sorry about that.
Avatar 7:19pm

Hello, Jesse and crew.
Enjoying this very much.
Avatar 7:19pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hopefully fixed now fingers crossed
Avatar 7:19pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey geezerette!
Avatar 7:30pm

In Talinn, they were able to get Finnish radio stations, but SE Estonia might have been out of range....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:37pm

Evening all :)
Avatar 7:41pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

hi redkayak!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:44pm

Hey Jesse! Sounding good out here in the Imperial Midwest....
Avatar 7:54pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

represent on the plains redkayak!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:58pm

Aye aye sir :)
Avatar 8:02pm

That was poetry.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:05pm

@redkayak what part of the Midwest?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:20pm

This is a different side of the Caretaker.
Avatar 8:23pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

I believe this super late stage in his multi-release journey though the ideas of memory loss and dissociation
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm

@melinda - Chicagoland!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:24pm

Interesting concept.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25pm

I like Chicago, have friends there from U of Iowa days.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:31pm

@melinda - It has it's charms! I like midwestern autumns, but midwestern winters? Hmm...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:35pm

Yeah, I have mixed feelings about northern winters. When I moved to Iowa from Texas the winters were an exciting adventure, but not as much now. Maine is generally the same weather.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:37pm

Maine is awesome!
Avatar 8:41pm

Good evening, Jesse and all!
Avatar 8:41pm

Thanks Jesse, leaving work, hear ya again!
Avatar 8:42pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Mayuko!!
Have a beer for me northguineahills!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:42pm

It is beautiful here. I don't leave Portland much, but we have a little beach right here in town. It's funny, my first time there I was underwhelmed because you see islands (more land) off the coast there instead of open ocean. In that respect I think the Great Lakes are more impressive.
Avatar 8:52pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Ok this time it's not the stream, the song really does have moments of silence in it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm

Thanks Jesse, I've been enjoying.
Avatar 9:46pm

This new Shackleton so good!!!
Avatar 9:49pm
still b/p:

Agree this is good. Though from the other room it sounded like my cell ringing.
Avatar 9:51pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Ike! Hi still b/p! messed up ringtones galore!
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