Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from October 9, 2018 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting October 9, 2018: A still place to be busy

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments
Andrzej Maciejewski  People gathering in church before Sunday service. / Bumanji, Bugala Island, Uganda, Uganda   Favoriting Aporee.org    2018   
Vincent Duseigne  Reverb in a mine tunnel / 6690 Vielsalm, Belgique   Favoriting Aporee.org    2018  Into an underground mine, I discovered a round tunnel. This one has an evocative reverb. When talking into the tunnel, it produces loud reverb on the walls and the ceiling. I'm talking and saying uninteresting sentences, it's only in aim to produce the curious sound. It's very near to be impossible to understand what I say, the sound is distorted, the low-pitched frequencies are reinforced. 
Steven Rowell  Santa Fe KS railyards 20180920 / 4729 Swartz Rd, Kansas City, KS 66106, USA   Favoriting Aporee.org    2018   
joao.vitor.soares.tavares  São Paulos Subway - Consolação / Av. Paulista, 2198 - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, 01310-200, Brasil   Favoriting Aporee.org    2018   
joao.vitor.soares.tavares  São Paulos Subway / R. Vergueiro - Jardim Vila Mariana, São Paulo - SP, 04101-300, Brasil   Favoriting Aporee.org    2018   
Richard Bentley  Swanage Seafront Soundwalk / S W Coast Path, Swanage BH19, UK   Favoriting Aporee.org    2017   
Wu Tsan-Cheng  Walking in the night market / 英才觀光夜市,Miaoli City   Favoriting Aporee.org    2017   
Felix Blume  Krishna Believers / Aclimação, São Paulo - State of São Paulo, Brésil   Favoriting     2017   
alas23/sala  Śródmieście, Gdańsk, Poland, at the fountain / Śródmieście, Gdańsk, Poland, at the fountain   Favoriting Aporee.org    2014   
Heavenly Music Corporation  Cloud Structure Silence   Favoriting In a Garden of Eden  Astral Industries  2018   
Oliver Coates  Faraday Monument   Favoriting Shelley's on Zenn-La  RVNG Intl.  2018   
Drew McDowall  Impulse   Favoriting The Third Helix  Dais Records  2018   
Mike Cooper  Legong/Gods of Bali   Favoriting Tropical Gothic  Discrepant  2018   
Kyai Kaduk Manis  Babar Layar   Favoriting Gamelan of Java, Vol. 1. Kraton Kasunanan  Lyrichord  2009   

Music behind DJ:
Domenique Dumont 

La Bataille de Neige   Favoriting




Rimarimba  Gone To Hell In A Bucket   Favoriting Below The Horizon  Freedom To Spend  2018   
Masaya Ozaki & Kaito Nakahori  Entropy   Favoriting Mythologies  IIKKI  2017   
Young Paint  Kat Paint   Favoriting Young Paint  The Vinyl factory  2018   
Workdub  Caravan Revisited   Favoriting Workdub EP  Music From Memory  2018   
Kadodi  Recording 2   Favoriting Kadodi  Nyege Nyege Tapes  2018   
Puce Mary  A Feast Before the Drought   Favoriting The Drought  PAN  2018   
Marie Davidson  Lara   Favoriting Working Class Woman  Ninja Tune  2018   
Isabella  Penchant Disenchant   Favoriting Whistle  Peder Mannerfelt Produktion  2018   
Helena Hauff  Lifestyle Guru   Favoriting Qualm  Ninja Tune  2018   
Fiedel  Substance B   Favoriting Substance B  Ostgut Ton  2017   
Juan Sanchez  Foʞus   Favoriting Foʞus expiration EP  Format Records  2018   

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Listener comments!

Avatar 7:09pm

I'm at the awkward stage of, "do I work for another 15 minutes to listen to more noise, or do I stop what I'm doing...... Hmmmmm Maybe I'll stop what I'm doing and listen to more noise.....
Avatar 7:10pm

Bugula Island, always wanted to see Lake Vic....
Dave in Vermont on the phone:

I love this show. Thanks.
Sorry; it feels like i cant donate more right now.
Dave in Vermont on the phone:

Avatar 7:16pm

Aporee should piggyback on Google Streetview.

@Dave: I'm not donating until next week, my bank account has been through the wringer.
Avatar 7:16pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey northguineahills! Yeah, my vote is stop working if you can!
Avatar 7:17pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi Dave! Yeah, no worries at all, thanks for the love!
Dave in Vermont on the phone:

Amazing suggestion @NGH
Dave in Vermont on the phone:

I mean the street view thing. I took a much lower paying job. Less than 12/hr to be more sane, the wringered bank account won’t be changing anytime soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:32pm

Good evening all :)
Avatar 7:34pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Heya redkayak!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

Ahoy Jesse!
Avatar 7:39pm

@Dave: I took a 45% pay cut to take a job in FL, and am infinitely happier. I may work long hours, but I do when I feel like it (most of the time).
Avatar 7:41pm

Streetview now uses portable carts and pedestrians for they're images in monuments, nature trails, historical site, etc. It's the next natural step to add sound (but I prefer soundscapes w/o images, but I wouldn't complain).
Avatar 7:55pm

Ok, I'm out, will stop at home for a sec.
Avatar 7:56pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Ok, have a good commute northguineahills!
Avatar 8:12pm

What's goin' on, DJ JK?
Avatar 8:13pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey TDK60, what's new!
Avatar 8:16pm

Avatar 8:18pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Man, that's a great commute!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:25pm
Dave in Vermont:

speaking of KC rail-yards, you speaking of that made me recall my one freight-train-hopping experience. I was in a gas station parking lot in, I think, Salt Lake City, somewhere in Utah anyway. Asking for rides (an alternative to the standing on the side of the road with a thumb out) to KC. One guy I asked says something like "I can't give you a ride there but..." I don't remmebr what the rest of it was but next thing I know I am on a freight car and we switched in Golden, CO and got to KC. He took me on my first freight train, he had been doing it for many many years, and I took him to he first Grateful Dead show. That's why I was headed there. I don't really remember the rail-yards tho, but vaguely remember needing to be careful to not get caught.
Avatar 8:35pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Dave, that sounds pretty amazing! And the perfect way to get on that without having to know routes and switches and whatever else gets you caught up.
Avatar 8:36pm

..never rode the rails but did hitchhike lots, years ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:41pm

Hello noise club!
Avatar 8:42pm

never hitchhiked, but I've picked up a few.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:45pm
Dave in Vermont:

I actually remember it being a very difficult experience; extremely dirty (soot etc), we didn't have much food and, I think, no water, almost no sleep. He was impatient with me being young and naive, and I remember judging him for not sharing my hippie sensibilities. But I am/was glad it was something I did. Particularly I remember the going through the Rocky Mountains in areas with no electric light, cold as shit but so exquisitely beautiful visually.
One thing I got from him that I still utilize regularly is a smart remark; I asked him at some point if he knew when would get there. He in turn asked me a question: "what did the monkey say when he got his tail caught in the lawn mower?"
"Won't be long now."
Avatar 8:46pm

NGH: Thanks for picking some up. Were they nice? / Are you feeling better? // ..the gamelan is helping after stress at job, and mess on high.
Avatar 8:46pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey chresti!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47pm

I rode in a boxcar with a couple friends that took us from Guadalupe to San Luis Obispo, about 25-30 miles. We mistakenly thought it was going to San Francisco.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:49pm

I was about 16
Avatar 8:52pm

Everyone I picked up were nice. I usually found them near stores or gas stations. I can usually judge people rather well w/in a few minutes, so, all were rather nice. I usually got some primo bud as a tip. Haven't done so in years (didn't drive in NYC).

I feel like I'm getting better, I hope it continues, but it may be another four months before I'm healthy-healthy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:54pm

The part I remember is watching the passing moonlit landscape through the open door before falling asleep.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56pm
Dave in Vermont:

Many memorable getting picked up hitching experiences, but one that I think of with regard to music is a friend and me getting picked up and the driver and his friend smoked us up on maybe the strongest weed I had had at that point in my life and he had a CD on of Miles Davis' Nefertiti on a sound system with really great imaging; not sure but that may have been the beginning of a heightened interest in jazz.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:57pm
Dave in Vermont:

Yes Chresti, that is exactly what it was with me in the Rockies. waking up in the middle of the night and seeing the moonlight/starlight (?) on the mountains. The train moving extremely slowly up the incline.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:58pm
Dave in Vermont:

Beautiful set, Jesse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:59pm
Webhamster Henry:

This is a busier gamelan than the one I'm in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm

Yes! Sorry I missed the first 40 minutes!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:01pm

or 20
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:03pm

Actually, I missed more than an hour!
Avatar 9:16pm

I have many hitching stories. Once in the Midwest with a guy in a suit on and sunglasses, in a convertible. He was like the lawyer in Easy Rider (Jack Nicholson). Offered me a beer, pointed to a packed cooler of beer in the back seat, offered a hit of whisky, then asked if wanted I downs. He was weaving all over the place. He said, let's smoke a joint, not looking at the road. I could see the party was just beginning and it was already outta control! And I'd already mentioned a long-away town! I had to get out soon and made some excuse to get off at an exit.
Avatar 9:20pm

..wanted I no downs.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:21pm

Wow! Stay away from the I no downs!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:22pm
Dave in Vermont:

Once a guy picked me up in Oklahoma during a particularly emotionally fraught period. The back of his car was filled with empty Budweiser cans something like Leningrad Cowboys Go America: youtu.be...
Avatar 9:23pm

Ok, time to get some free booze via trivia, thanks Jesse!
Avatar 9:24pm

I heart Leningrad Cowboys!
Avatar 9:24pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Good luck northguineahills, have fun!
Avatar 9:25pm

Leningrad Cowboy haircuts coming back someday..
Avatar 9:26pm

@TDK: I have a friend w/ one, and had to show him the reference.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:29pm

Glad you're on the mend NGH
Avatar 9:29pm

..hee hee NGH. There are parallels to Misfits hair, and early '80s UK Romantics, eh?
Avatar 9:32pm

..oh yeah, the music..been enjoying the last several tracks DJ, there in the control room.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:47pm
Dave in Vermont:

oh fuck yeah, Jesse, come spin in Burlington area on Tuesday or Wednesday night and I will come dancing
Avatar 9:47pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

I wouldn't hesitate Dave!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm
Dave in Vermont:

Thanks, Jesse. See you in Burlington soon. Let me know if you need a couch to sleep on.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

Thanks Jesse!
Avatar 10:00pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Thanks everyone, goodnight!
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