Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from February 25, 2019 Favoriting

Jesse Dorris's avatar View Jesse Dorris's profile Favoriting

Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Upcoming events:

Tue. Mar 11th, 3am - 6am: Jesse Dorris and his Co-Host Perro Caliente

Favoriting February 25, 2019: Special Giegling Records Extravaganza Edition

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
Dwig  Feige Dattel   Favoriting Feige Dattel  Giegling  2012  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Ateq  Sar   Favoriting Futur II  Giegling  2012  0:07:03 (Pop-up)
Edward  Slipslow   Favoriting Green Amber  Giegling  2013  0:10:39 (Pop-up)
Vril  V6   Favoriting 5-7  Giegling  2011  0:17:24 (Pop-up)
Prince of Denmark  187666   Favoriting Soulfood  Giegling  2010  0:24:45 (Pop-up)
Pom Pom  Untitled   Favoriting Mind over Matter  Giegling  2016  0:29:35 (Pop-up)
Olin  From Iceland (Huerco S. Remix 2)   Favoriting From Iceland  Giegling  2016  0:31:16 (Pop-up)
Dwig  Forget the Pink Elephant   Favoriting Forget the Pink Elephant  Giegling  2013  0:38:44 (Pop-up)
Matthias Reiling  Outpace   Favoriting Gefallt Mir Nicht Mehr  Giegling  2015  0:45:19 (Pop-up)
Deer  Nightmare Tool   Favoriting Projectionist's Nightmare  Giegling  2010  0:50:38 (Pop-up)
map.ache  Happy Birthday   Favoriting Mind over Matter  Giegling  2016  0:57:25 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Chords of Banana   Favoriting

Easy Listening 



1:02:23 (Pop-up)
Lefar Legov  Elaine   Favoriting Sudstadt  Giegling  2013  1:03:13 (Pop-up)
Kettenkarussell  Hotel Udayana   Favoriting Things Will Never Flange  Giegling  2010  1:09:49 (Pop-up)
Lefar Legov  Untitled   Favoriting Planet Giegling Tour  Giegling  2017  1:16:21 (Pop-up)
Edward  Viviens Theme   Favoriting A Piece of Us  Giegling  2010  1:24:12 (Pop-up)
Traumprinz  All the Things   Favoriting All the Things  Giegling  2014  1:29:32 (Pop-up)
Monkey Maffia  Filter Funk   Favoriting Futur II  Giegling  2012  1:37:54 (Pop-up)
Kettenkarussell  Just for a Second   Favoriting Insecurity Guard  Giegling  2017  1:46:14 (Pop-up)
Edward  Fooling the Magician   Favoriting Into a Better Future  Giegling  2014  1:51:15 (Pop-up)
Kettenkarussell  You N Me   Favoriting I Believe You and Me Make Love Forever  Giegling  2009  1:53:55 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:

Us Again in Amber   Favoriting

Explosions in Slow Motion 



2:02:36 (Pop-up)
Simon Scott  Apricity   Favoriting Soundings  Touch  2019  2:18:10 (Pop-up)
Susanna & the Brotherhood of Our Lady  Beautiful Life   Favoriting Garden of Earthly Delights  SusannaSonata  2019  2:33:01 (Pop-up)
black taffy  land of nod   Favoriting Elder Mantis  Leaving Records  2019  2:35:48 (Pop-up)
Toy  The Willo   Favoriting Happy in the Hollow  Tough Love Records  2019  2:39:53 (Pop-up)
Bark Psychosis  Absent Friend   Favoriting Hex  Caroline  1994  2:47:03 (Pop-up)
Tom Ellard  Anthem 82   Favoriting 80s Cheesecake  Dark Entries  2014  2:55:41 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:02am

Hello Jesse and all
Ben Abs:

Yes, feeling this start. Morning Jesse, Monday morners
Avatar 3:04am
Jesse Dorris:

Hello Fred! Hello Ben! In celebration of their anniversary and NYC residency this past week, I'm doing a long look into the Giegling records catalog—settle in!
Avatar 3:07am
Diezel Tea:

fred, Ben Abs, Jesse, what's up fellas?
Avatar 3:09am

: )
Avatar 3:09am
Jesse Dorris:

Hiya! Recovering from a weekend—or prolonging it, perhaps! Hows all with you?

Alright I'm here everyone can relax now!
Avatar 3:20am
Jesse Dorris:

Oh hello there!

Smokin sum legal in WA. Cheers!
Avatar 3:21am
Diezel Tea:

Good start to a good week. I just realized we get paid on Friday! Whoo hoo, maybe I'll head off to the dentist with my paycheck and party it up with some fillings refilled!
Avatar 3:22am
Jesse Dorris:

Haha fill 'er up!

I'm gonna give u folks some money soon as I get some.
Avatar 3:23am
Diezel Tea:

Are you doing an all Giegling rex set today? I wouldn't mind at all.
Avatar 3:24am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Shanghi1 next week will be the perfect time for it, as the marathon is on the horizon!
Avatar 3:25am
Jesse Dorris:

Then you're going to enjoy the next two hours :)

I want the lunchbox
Avatar 3:29am
Jesse Dorris:

It's a beautiful thing. Handy, too.
Avatar 3:32am
Diezel Tea:

Ugh, my work headphones can't produce bass well enough. Now I'm just imagining how low the subs go on certain kicks and bass.
Avatar 3:34am
Jesse Dorris:

Damn, sounds like you should skip one filling and get new headphones. Some of this goes looowwwwwwwwwwwwww

Good show Jesse!

Trickle down economics
Avatar 3:37am
Jesse Dorris:

Indeed. And thanks! Can't go wrong with records this good.
Avatar 3:44am
Jesse Dorris:

Especially once those in charge shut their mouths, learned a little, and let women run things for a little while. At least as far as the NYC events this week...

Jesse treat yourself to a slice of pizza. Don't take it for granted! They have trouble makin it out here!

They just can't seem to get it right.
Avatar 4:31am
ben abs:

Bass being Well received here!
Avatar 4:32am
Diezel Tea:

Argh. I didn't buy these, basic shit for video & conference calls. Anyway, it's easy enough to assume what's going on below 150hz, hehe.
Avatar 4:34am
Jesse Dorris:

The bass in this one is pretty unmissable :)

Dig in this
Avatar 4:43am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks! Deeper and deeper....
David in London:

Bit late in today. Morning Jesse and all you Glotals.
Avatar 4:47am
Diezel Tea:

Good morning, David.
Avatar 4:49am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning, David! How's all with you?

What do I have to do to become a Glotal?
David in London:

It’s good Jesse: the sky is clear blue, the sun is shining and the world is full of possibilities. And good Polyglot sounds...
David in London:

Hey Diezel, how’s tricks in Armenia?

It's good to have some sun Dave! I live not too far from Seattle.
Avatar 4:56am
Jesse Dorris:

So glad to hear it. Send those possibilities over the ocean when you're through with them!

Sun around here is like gold
Avatar 4:56am
Diezel Tea:

Tricks are for kids, David. All is well here, homie. Newish job (Feb 1st), working on music as usual, still tryingg to figure out how to buy/build a house outside of the Yerevan city limits, and therefore car(s) to get us back and forth. Doing adult stuff is always strange.

Definitely listening on archives tonight
Great driving music
David in London:

@shanghi1 - I hear you. After months of winter gloom, I just want to sprawl out on the ground and soak up the sun like a lizard.

Greetings from Mongolia! Great vibez!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:02am

The shows been great thus far! Excellent music to read to. Morning everyone else!
Avatar 5:02am

Sunny in the UK and mild weather. I almost feel hopeful for our future. Of course Polyglot fills me with musical possibilities always. Great set Jesse.
Avatar 5:03am
Jesse Dorris:

Mongolia! So nice to hear from you, thank you for your ears!
b wad:

Greeting Jesse & friendz, from Tel Aviv ;)
Avatar 5:03am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey, Cmurth! Music to read to is a high compliment indeed :)
David in London:

Diezel, wow, that’s a platter of grown up stuff and no mistake. Congrats on the new job, I’ll be doing the same myself soon. And building your own house? That is very exciting. Is it cost effective for you to do there? I know someone who did or here in London, and it quite literally drove him to the edge of sanity. This ain’t the place to do it...
Avatar 5:04am
Jesse Dorris:

And hello Kudubundu, lovely to hear from you!

Building your own house is a dream of mine I am confident I will never (should never) fulfill but I so admire your initiative!

Supposed to get better soon Dave. Springtime in the Pacific Northwest is beautiful they tell me!

Just moved out here from New Jersey in September.

Miss u cats!
Avatar 5:08am
Jesse Dorris:

It is beautiful! So green.

They have evergreen trees out here that are like alien life!

If you haven't visited other parts of the country yet do it!

It will make you more patriotic!
Avatar 5:15am
Diezel Tea:

Greetings Kris in Mongolia! @David in London - well, there's one company here that builds euro-style steel-frame tech houses to design and materials, and a 90sq/m 1 story house would cost around $30k USD. We make very little money here, but my wife and I are both employed with decent jobs so getting financing isn't difficult. There's also some minor government programs for married couples getting their first house where your income tax is applied to the funding for it if it's your first time and both are under 36 years old. Anyway, enough of the boring stuff.

There's still a taste of the old west out here.
Avatar 5:18am
Jesse Dorris:

I love those massive incomprehensible evergreens.
Avatar 5:19am
Jesse Dorris:

Also this new one from Simon Scott (drummer in Slowdive) is really beautiful.
Avatar 5:20am

"bvdub" you have just been Bandcamped by me!Lots of back catalogue to explore too. Thanks Jesse.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21am

One day I want to make it up to Armenia. I have a goal of making it to every nation that used to be in the Ototman Empire, though I have an old Visa from Azerbaijan so I wonder if they'd give me guff. I know the Azeris gave this one mormon kid who did missionary work in Armenia some hassel when he was trying to get in, but I don't know if it goes both ways. Good luck in your house building!!

The locals say I talk funny
Avatar 5:22am
Jesse Dorris:

oh wow Kudu you have lots of listening pleasure in store for you!
Avatar 5:25am
ben abs:

Meeting time.... Thanks for the great show Jesse, look forward to next week
Avatar 5:27am

Music is worth making time for. I think my wife and children understand that too.
PS "Diezel Tea" my Armenian wife wants us all to go to Armenia in a few years time. It looks beautiful. I once saw Mt Ararat from Eastern Turkey. The mountain seemed to hover in the sky!

But they can't make pizza

Don't get me wrong. I still love them.

They're good folks

Just different. That's all.
Avatar 5:35am
Jesse Dorris:

I've never been but Mt Ararat does seem particularly outside the regular bounds of nature.
David in London:

@shanghi1 - you’ll have to start a transcontinental pizza delivery service from NJ. How are you finding it being across on the opposite seaboard?
Avatar 5:40am
Diezel Tea:

@Cmurtha - if you've been there before and then you go to Armenia it's not an issue as long as you aren't politically linked to Azerbaijan or Turkey. They'll ask you why you were there, that's it. Haha, @Kudubundu - make sure you hit me up when you visit in a few years. I've never met an FMU listener in person (besides friends, of course.)
David in London:

Diezel, cool my man, you do it. And send us a photo when you move in!
Avatar 5:42am

Thanks Diezel Tea! Will do. Look forward to it.
Avatar 5:44am
Diezel Tea:

Haha, if we could only post photos on the comments board.
Avatar 5:45am
Jesse Dorris:

Seriously! You all totally should be able to.

It's a little surreal but growin on me Dave. No matter where you go, there you are!
liXiviated life:

I’m seldom totally present in the place my body happens to be.
Avatar 5:51am
Jesse Dorris:

I spent a lot of time trying to separate them, apparently.
David in London:

Jesse, it would be great, but the FMU servers would be forever crashing under the enormous size of picture files of cats, fatbergs. Bowie etc etc...
Avatar 5:54am
Jesse Dorris:

That's absolutely true.
Avatar 5:56am
Jesse Dorris:

And on that note, I'll say my farewell for another week. Thank you for your ears! Meet you back here same time next week for the Marathon--lots of goodies in store! Take care!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57am

Great show Jesse, have a good one!

Great show Jesse!
Avatar 6:00am

Great show again Jesse.
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