Favoriting Norflax Oxdun Sidetower with Nick The Bard: Playlist from April 4, 2019 Favoriting

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The forgotten flypaper strip entangling the flotsam and detritus of pop culture.

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Favoriting April 4, 2019: Episode 67.2 - I think my melt is too brained-ed to title, but here's how to order your triangle pocket sandwich maker

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Artist Track Album
D A N K M U S  - P U T T I N G - C H A L L E N G E -   Favoriting his Soundcloud page 
7Bit Hero  Shooty Shooty Shooty Shooty Shooty Shooty Shooty Skies   Favoriting Shooty Skies 
Servotron  Tri-Star Wheel Groove   Favoriting Entertainment Program For Humans (2nd Variety) 
SPEETK  Out Of The Dark   Favoriting Out Of The Dark 
Luscious Jackson  Strongman   Favoriting Natural Ingredients 
Lionrock  Straight At Yer Head   Favoriting An Instinct for Detection 
Ruby  This Is   Favoriting The Cable Guy soundtrack 
Black Sabbath  Gypsy   Favoriting Technical Ecstacy 
Squirtgun  Social   Favoriting Mallrats Soundtrack 
Head Candy  Soul Grinder   Favoriting Starcaster 
Spy Glass Blüe  (Looks LIke) We Made It   Favoriting Loud As Feathers 
some guy  Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen and Bob Dylan albums   Favoriting your tv back in 1977, probably 

Music behind DJ:

Main Them   Favoriting

Ill Mitch  Episode 5 - Apologizing   Favoriting His YouTube Channel 
Screen Team  Ultron Funk   Favoriting Their YouTube Channel 
Ween  Pollo Asado   Favoriting The Pod 
Stevens & Grdnic  Fast Food   Favoriting Retail Comedy at Wholesale Prices 
The Ghost Mice  Monster's Get Slain   Favoriting Ghost Mice / Saw Wheel split 
Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke  Lazy Raisins   Favoriting Pleased to Meet You 
Various  The Masked Robeast   Favoriting Voltron: The Defender the Universe - The Masked Robeast 
Bonehenge  Mammal Uprising   Favoriting Mammal Uprising 
Rushad Eggleston  Gargoyle Comes to Life   Favoriting The Rushad Eggleston Show 
Beautygururuby  my paper straws song in the style of santa baby   Favoriting Her YouTube channel 

Music behind DJ:

Main Theme   Favoriting

CASSETTE CLUB  1-800-CASH   Favoriting 1-800-CASH 
The Prodigy  VooDoo People   Favoriting Hackers Soundtrack 
Aqua  Turn back Time   Favoriting Aquarium 
Kimbra  Warrior   Favoriting Vows 
Inexedra  Cyberkinetic   Favoriting Lexicon 
A.L.I.S.O.N.  Motif   Favoriting Tapes #3-1 
Red Soda  Arcade Hero   Favoriting Decades To Midnight 
80s Stallone  Daylight   Favoriting HOTLINE 
The Nerds  Come Sail Away   Favoriting ¡Viva La Evolucion! 

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05am
Hugo (NL):

Avatar 3:12am
Nick the Bard:

Good morning, and I'm suprised I even got here between sickness and public transit being all friggin' stupid
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35am
Hugo (NL):

ouch! Well, het well soon.
But public transport is running at your time of day?
Avatar 3:37am
Nick the Bard:

Well, some of it is (the PATH trains run every half hour), but I've been here since like, 5:30pm? So, like, maybe, ten hours ago I got here?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38am
Hugo (NL):

ah right. you callscreen SSD right?
Well, I hope this show will make you feel better.
Avatar 3:40am
Nick the Bard:

Hop0efully, I've been pounding back cough drops most of the night, it'd be nice if there was some store open 24 hours closer to the station (there is one but it's a decent walk fro here, and my legs are feeling kind of messed right now, so, I didn't want to try to risk it)
Avatar 3:41am
Nick the Bard:

And yeh, 7SD's call screener, which was at least not much to do for tonight's show
Avatar 3:50am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

I love Startropics!
Avatar 3:50am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

I tend to take a LOT of cough medicine myself.
Avatar 3:51am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

Damn, hope you're feeling better soon Nick! Get yourself some tea!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01am

geçmiş olsun nick!. And good morning everyone else!

Is the pop up player borked for anyone else?

I try I really do. You always make me turn the station!
Its barely 4am and you’re yelling in the mic?!?
I like the music you play but your comedic radio personality sucks.
Just be yourself and play cool tunes ans audio oddities.
Save the schtick for the comedy club where you’ll learn real quick if you’re funny or not.
Avatar 4:05am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

I enjoy Nick's general vibe. One of my fav shows on FMU
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:12am

I've not seen the movie, but I'm just going to pretend its literally Jude Law standing there for some reason
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28am

All nice and strange as usual
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31am

Yay, Ween!
Avatar 4:31am
Nick the Bard:

And, I mean, this is when I'm usually awake normally, so, yeh, I know I'm kind of loud, that's because I'm...you know...awake ;P
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:43am

Oh, damn, this person doing this bad German accent is an actual voice actor,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44am

"How do you want me to deliver this line about the slaves?"
"Can you do in in a voice that makes you sound like a muppet?"
"You got it chief"
Avatar 4:44am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

Yeah, his voice sounds familiar.
Avatar 4:45am
Nick the Bard:

Yeh, this one's using the actual lines from the show
Avatar 4:46am
Nick the Bard:

Michael Bell - Lance & Sven : en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar 4:47am
Nick the Bard:

Along with Duke and like, a fifth of the Autobots
Avatar 4:47am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

Oh cool, that wasn't who I was thinking of.
Avatar 4:51am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

I remember getting these kinda read along tape sorta things with the cassette and book in a ziploc bag from the Library as a kid.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51am

He said that with such sass, TURN THE TAP OVER
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:52am

Avatar 4:52am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

Hehe, right? I could hear that!
Avatar 5:09am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

Avatar 5:17am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

Was it a cat I saw, was it a rat I saW
Avatar 5:22am
Nick the Bard:

Oh, there we go with my knees hurting again
Avatar 5:23am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

That sucks :( ,having a physical body is a drag a lotta the times. I wish I could just be a ghost.
Avatar 5:26am
Nick the Bard:

Once I can get home obviously it'll be a better deal, then I can at least get in the shower and focus spray hot water on my legs
Colin in Durham, England:

One of my favourite songs!
Colin in Durham, England:

Sliding Doors lol
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:28am

Good morning, Nick, hello, the NOS faithful, all.
Avatar 5:29am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

I feel ya. Hope you're feeling better soon and can relax!
Avatar 5:29am

Good morning somebody
Colin in Durham, England:

Finally going to set an alarm for this show, I always like what I hear if I wake up in time
Avatar 5:29am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

I love Aqua too! And heya Davee!
Avatar 5:31am

Hello - attempting to get going - coffee is helping
Avatar 5:42am
Nick the Bard:

Don't be like the one co-worker I had whose breakfeast was an espresso and two red bulls once he woke up
Avatar 5:42am
Gwendolyn Macrae:

Hehe, damn! That's hardcore.
Avatar 5:50am

I'm having 2 coffees - one for each eye.
Avatar 5:52am
Nick the Bard:

Do two different ones and see what happens
Avatar 5:52am

I think I like this version of sail away better than the original
Avatar 5:54am

Sumatra and Colombian
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57am

Thanks for the show Nick!

Good morning Clay and fellow glisteners!
Happy thoroughly modern Thursday!

Good morning Clay and fellow glisteners!
Happy Thursday! Nice version of this song to start off a great show!
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