It was a campaign song for berry gordy’s sister Esther’s husband George Edwards when he ran for state rep in 1958 apparently. It was written by Berry Gordy and George Davis.
Mr. C! That's a Detroit record from 1958, a campaign advertisement for Berry Gordy's brother-in-law George Edwards's reelection to the Michigan State House of Reps....Co-written by Berry and Roquel Davis....
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Little Danny:
Matt from New Orleans:
Matt from New Orleans:
Little Danny:
Little Danny:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
Matt from New Orleans:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr C:
Little Danny:
Little Danny:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Little Danny:
Ignore Function:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Matt from New Orleans:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Little Danny:
Mr. Fine Wine: