GM all, getting here early is walking into a bakery right when they open but haven't put things out yet. You can smell the promise of good treats in the air, but there's only a couple of prune danish left over from yesterday on the shelf.
FקFק (:
Good metaphor, AAP. That reminds me when I made that big mistake of entering a bakery right when they opened and, believe me, you don't wanna know about how Mr Baker makes the donut holes.
I donated $50 for the October fundraiser specifically so I could hear Sammy Hagar at the beginning of Matt’s show; JK; that’s hilarious Matt is getting bothered!!!!!!!
Security at Monty reminds me of something my friend Bob B. said Sunday night: that Trump has biker clubs in his support and could use them for security at his second inauguration.
I gotta head out soon to investigate a rapid brake fluid leak in my 1998 Dodge Neon.
But Ken, you're funnier without Andy. Andy flailing around aimlessly doesn't sound funny at all, but if you have a blank slate without Andy around to screw it up, you'll probably do something entertaining.
FקFק (:
What I like about Juana Molina's Un Dia Punk (A Punk Day) is when she says "I'm going to move to the middle of country side, and I'm going to wake up early". Yes. If only Sex Pistols had this new Punk attitude Sid Vicious would be a happy pig famer today.
I don't know the punk scence in Argentina but without a doubt, the NUMBER ONE punk song in the world right now is "El Violador en Tu Camino" from the Chilean girls from LasTesis. It was "released" two weeks ago and it is now a global anthem all over.
I heard this song and rushed to the Internet to clicky-star it... and then saw that it was Young Marble Giants and was all, "I already know I like them! I thought I was about to learn something new."
FקFק you have the weirdest thing going on with your present moniker! (i'm sure you know!)
A few seconds of Yakety Sax at 11 would be most appropriate.oh and accompanied by you eating your morning apple. We haven’t heard that in awhile.
FקFק i copy (for pasting purposes) then paste (for posting purposes) but the text begins after the 3rd character, before the 4th.
i found i could only type without it starting 3/4 way through your identity was to hit enter (so starting a line down)
i copied again (to see) to post to tell you and same thing, only i could get beyond it by hitting "space". without hitting space it once again would've started 3/4 way through your moniker.
- i figured you were playing tricks! fancy ones.
FקFק (:
Thanks, Irwin. I think I'm going to hell for mocking mr Sam Heat.
This should be Andy's alone in the studio theme music
I was there but I did not prevent it. This hack impersonator is going to heck for doing a bad knock off of me. Send 1000 dollars to me c/o Ernest Angely . Then you’ll know its time to go and your place in the clouds is secured.
Never forget that this is a spokesperson for a religion that believe that likely most of those people went directly from rubble and burning jet fuel into something infinitely worse without end that we all deserve, just some are excused-from for no reason necessarily humanly knowable. Hell and Original Sin are barbarous notions that drive men and women to barbarity, and if I believed in God I would be offended by the insult paid Him thereby.
... Author: Justin Copeland, is the composer of this song (correctly titled "I Was There") The author of this poem is Stacey Randall and the voice you hear in the recording is Bob Holiday
This is original version of Christmas.. sorry written by my old friends... also check documentary Benjamin Smoke..
Great moment on Benny Hill . Camera pans to a brick wall in the projects. Graffiti on the wall says ‘God is dead .- Fred’ the camera moves down the wall. To ‘Fred is dead. -God’ .
(and whoever thinks that was Joe Frank wasn't listening very closely)
FקFק (:
The great thing about the Institutionalised original video is that has something for everyone. People that like David Lynch's actors, people that like Slayer, people that like skateboarding, people that like Pepsi...
One more rantlet:
Believing that God countenances infinite punishment of the unworthy sets the stage for feeling like your doing His Work cutting-off poor people's food.
Has anyone ever mixed the Patton Oswalt routine over the Chipmunks' "Institutionalized" slowed? I can imagine the two pieces drifting past each other…I guess _I_ ought to try,but I'm not that good at it yet.
Eight hours late, but for the record: the GIF accompanying the Billy Nayer Show song is a scene from the Firesign Theatre's "Everything You Know Is Wrong", alien camp scene. Keyboards by Jack Poet.