This is the score for the first piece here: YAN JUN
There Is A Point Once You Are Over It You Will Never Return (2020)
for any number of performer
boil an egg. put it into cold water for a while. hold it in hand.
it will turn warmer and warmer.
once it start turning colder, peel and eat it.
Mayuko via app:
Good evening Jesse and all! Packing and listening.
@Jesse: The biggest thing I learning from this all in NYC is I have to be as calm, cool and patient as possible no matter where I am no matter what my preconceptions are. The permeating stress is really something in a city like NYC in the middle of this.
@Jake, so true, there are so many people who are incidentally put into really stressful situations by the virus and the response, it's easy to lose track of that when everyone's so concerned with their own health.
@Jesse: I was at the post office today. There were 4-5 people on line outside of the post office. I peeked in and the place was pretty empty with only 2 people at the windows getting stuff done. I looked to the kid in front and was about to say “Just go in! There‘s no line!” but he was somewhat catatonic and shaking a bit. So I just wen to the back of the line, when he went in a few minutes later we all flowed in.
Getting used to that level of “You don’t know… Be open minded…” is really odd and necessarily consistent nowadays. Who knows why that kid was in that state. Best to avoid an issue.
I know how little things affect me and it's easy to cut myself slack because I didn't sleep or have coffee yet or whatever but it's good to remember that everyone else is dealing with the same balancing act, especially now with so much extra anxiety out there. Trying to moderate medication/stress/brain chemistry/social stress is endlessly difficult.
@Jesse: The body chemistry side of things definitely. Part of the reason I am taking decent naps each night. My brain needs a 1-2 hour period to pre-wash the events of the day I guess.
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Listener comments!
Jesse Kaminsky:
Jesse Kaminsky:
Jesse Kaminsky:
Jesse Kaminsky:
There Is A Point Once You Are Over It You Will Never Return (2020)
for any number of performer
boil an egg. put it into cold water for a while. hold it in hand.
it will turn warmer and warmer.
once it start turning colder, peel and eat it.
Mayuko via app:
Jesse Kaminsky:
Mayuko via app:
@Mayuko: Hey Mayuko!
Doug Schulkind:
Jesse Kaminsky:
Jesse Kaminsky:
Mayuko via app:
Jesse Kaminsky:
The Big G:
Jesse Kaminsky:
Jesse Kaminsky:
Getting used to that level of “You don’t know… Be open minded…” is really odd and necessarily consistent nowadays. Who knows why that kid was in that state. Best to avoid an issue.
Jesse Kaminsky:
Jesse Kaminsky:
Jesse Kaminsky:
Jesse Kaminsky: