Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from June 16, 2020 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting June 16, 2020: The Edge of Reminiscence

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
The In-Theme          0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Uriah Heep  The Park   Favoriting Salisbury  RE: Sanctuary  1971  0:02:04 (Pop-up)
The Stone Circus  Mr. Grey   Favoriting Stone Circus  Mainstream  1969  0:07:47 (Pop-up)
The Growing Concern  Edge of Time   Favoriting The Growing Concern  Mainstream  1968  0:10:52 (Pop-up)
Andromeda  I Can Stop the Sun   Favoriting Andromeda  RE: Repertoire  1969  0:15:24 (Pop-up)
Supertramp  Aubade/And I Am Not Like Other Birds of Prey   Favoriting Supertramp  A&M  1970  0:17:36 (Pop-up)
King Crimson  Lady of the Dancing Water   Favoriting Lizard  RE: DGM  1970  0:22:50 (Pop-up)
Ragnarok  Paths of Reminiscence   Favoriting Nooks  RE: Expertise  1976  0:25:36 (Pop-up)
Samson  Sleep   Favoriting Are You Samson  RE: Flawed Gems  1969  0:29:15 (Pop-up)
Easley Blackwood  16 Notes   Favoriting Twelve Microtonal Etudes for Electronic Music Media  no label  1980  0:32:05 (Pop-up)
Léo Kupper  Litanea (1988)   Favoriting V.A.: Cultures Électroniques 4  Le Chant du Monde  1989  0:39:00 (Pop-up)
Dieter Kaufmann  Le Ciel et la Terre (1985)   Favoriting V.A.: Cultures Électroniques 3: Magisterium  Le Chant du Monde  1988  0:57:09 (Pop-up)
Lied des Teufels  Das Lied des Teufels   Favoriting Lied des Teufels  RE: Ohrwaschl  1973  1:09:05 (Pop-up)
Jethro Tull  Ladies   Favoriting War Child  Chrysalis  1974  1:11:47 (Pop-up)
Elephants Memory  Super Heep   Favoriting Elephants Memory  Buddah  1969  1:15:02 (Pop-up)
The Sixpentz  Tinkle Talk (1967)   Favoriting V.A.: All Kinds of Highs  Big Beat  2012  1:22:59 (Pop-up)
Sunday Funnies  It's Just a Dream   Favoriting Sunday Funnies  Rare Earth  1971  1:25:18 (Pop-up)
The Wizards from Kansas  Flyaway Days   Favoriting The Wizards from Kansas  RE: Afterglow  1970  1:28:36 (Pop-up)
SBB  In the Cradle of Your Hands   Favoriting Pamięć  RE: Metal Mind  1976  1:32:36 (Pop-up)
La Máquina de Hacer Pájaros  El Vendedor de las Chicas de Plástico   Favoriting Películas  RE: Microfon/Sony BMG  1977  1:42:42 (Pop-up)
Zartong  I Verine Part 1   Favoriting Zartong  RE: O-Music  1979  1:46:23 (Pop-up)
Chute Libre  Sainte Bernadette   Favoriting Chute Libre  RE: Musea  1977  1:51:51 (Pop-up)
Cactus  One Way ... Or Another   Favoriting One Way ... Or Another  Atco  1971  1:56:32 (Pop-up)
The Nightcrawlers  Who Knows   Favoriting The Little Black Egg  RE: Big Beat  1967  2:04:17 (Pop-up)
Andwella's Dream  High on a Mountain   Favoriting Love and Poetry  RE: Sunbeam  1969  2:06:56 (Pop-up)
Don Malena & the Dry Ice  Land of Summertime (196?)   Favoriting V.A.: A Fistful of Fuzz  DMT  1998  2:09:26 (Pop-up)
Natural Gas  Sunnydays   Favoriting 7"  Renee  1969  2:13:01 (Pop-up)
Fair Exchange  Out in the Open   Favoriting 7"  Dalya  197?  2:15:42 (Pop-up)
The Mission  Gailing Made It   Favoriting 7"  BET  1968  2:19:48 (Pop-up)
Act of Creation  I've Just Seen You   Favoriting 7"  Capitol  1967  2:22:03 (Pop-up)
Crowd + 1  Try   Favoriting 7"  Capitol  1968  2:24:20 (Pop-up)
Sunshine  Dream Selection   Favoriting 7"  Bumpshop  1971  2:27:04 (Pop-up)
Mother Nature  Lost in the Pacific   Favoriting 7"  Negram  1972  2:30:43 (Pop-up)
Hot Water  Reaction   Favoriting 7"  Norman  1968  2:34:06 (Pop-up)
The Chateaux  Reference Man, Part 2   Favoriting 7"  Eye  1968  2:37:06 (Pop-up)
The Dystraction  Where Are We Now? (1969)   Favoriting V.A.: For a Few Fuzz Guitars More  DMT  2002  2:43:47 (Pop-up)
Sweet Smoke  The Great Evacuation of Haight Ashbury   Favoriting V.A.: San Francisco International Pop Festival (Volume 1)  Colstar  1968  2:47:25 (Pop-up)
The Tangerine Zoo  Can't You See   Favoriting Outside Looking In  Mainstream  1968  2:54:05 (Pop-up)
The Out-Theme  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting       2:57:51 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 2:51pm
Tony Coulter:

FYI: Today's playlist art is by Hundertwasser.

Black-yolk eggs as eyes...or flying saucers.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
Listener Bob in PGH:

Avatar 12:02pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, Bob ... and Dean!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Hi! Heep Heep Heep Uriah!
Avatar 12:04pm
Tony Coulter:

Many of you have probably run across that famous line from an early review of Uriah Heep: "If this band makes it, I'm going to kill myself." What I'm wondering is ... did that reviewer kill himself?
Avatar 12:05pm
Tony Coulter:

Hola, Yvang!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:06pm

This reminds me of Werner Herzog actually eating a shoe.
Avatar 12:07pm
Tony Coulter:

I saw the film of him eating a shoe!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm

Not is best movie but it is proof he's putting his shoe where is mouth is.
Avatar 12:09pm
Tony Coulter:

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm

his mouth

Tony, I recently picked up box sets of (more or less complete) Henry Cow, Art Bears, and Gentle Giant. (The Art Bears hasn't arrived yet.) I'm making my way through them. My, my, those bands were special.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm

Rats, I missed The Heep.
Tony, I remain your 'umble servant.
Avatar 12:10pm
Tony Coulter:

Uriah Stanley! Heya!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Doug Schulkind:

Avatar 12:12pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Dean: I'm a big fan of the Gentle Art Cow too!
Avatar 12:12pm
Tony Coulter:

Los Doug Doug!! Hiya!

Not to mention Henry Giant Bears.

When I had a cheesy guitar amp with a reverb setting, I always played it so it sounded like this.

March 25, 1977, Portland, OR's Paramount Theater: Gentle Giant, with Starcastle opening. I so regret missing that one.
Avatar 12:20pm
Tony Coulter:

Well, I can't give you Starcastle in 1977 ... but here's Supertramp in 2020.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:20pm

greetings Tony and all
Avatar 12:21pm
Tony Coulter:

Greets, Coel!

For some time I had the first few Supertramp LPs, up through Crime, which I still have in a Mobile Fidelity box. I think I also had Breakfast or Quietest Moments, a review copy with press material, photos, etc.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:24pm

Hello, Tony, and coultertypes, from the sunny shores of the placid Bay of Fundy.

Oh, man. Fripp and the Lizard Lads.
Avatar 12:24pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, Sunny Sem!
Avatar 12:34pm
Tony Coulter:

I've never understood why many rock bands seem to have something against question marks. So many song and album titles (like the title of the Samson album just on) are clearly questions, and yet ... no question mark.

I suppose it's because they are clearly questions, ergo no need for the superfluous mark???
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
Listener Bob in PGH:

"Crisis? What Crisis?" comes to mind

Something about that Blackwood record struck me, and then I realized I have it on a Cedille Records reissue: https://www.discogs.com/Easley-Blackwood-Microtonal-Compositions/release/4531343 Cedille is run by Justice RBG's son.
Avatar 12:41pm
Tony Coulter:

"Crisis? What Crisis?" was just Supertramp's way of saying they were better than all those question mark–less bands.
Avatar 12:42pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Dean: "Cedille is run by Justice RBG's son." Is that really true?!? If so ... wow.

Think of all the album titles that would have been better as questions:
Let It Be?
Decade of Aggression Live?
We're Only In It for the Money?
The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway?

It is really actually truly true.

And as classical catalogs go, Cedille's is extremely well crafted.
Avatar 12:46pm

"Answers? Questions! Questions? Answers!" Focus 3

Greatest Hits?

Sorry for being so verbose on the chat board this a.m. I have to bow out shortly for a meeting.
Avatar 12:48pm
Tony Coulter:

Hi? Kay??
Avatar 12:51pm
Tony Coulter:

Are We Not Men?
Avatar 12:52pm
Tony Coulter:

We Are Samson
Avatar 12:52pm
Tony Coulter:

Avatar 12:53pm

And Focused II! (the suite "Eruption")

"Orfeus" (van Leer)
"Answer" (van Leer)
"Orfeus" (van Leer)
"Answer" (van Leer)
"Pupilla" (van Leer)
"Tommy" (Tom Barlage)
"Pupilla" (van Leer)
"Answer" (van Leer)
"The Bridge" (Akkerman)
"Euridice" (van Leer, Eelko Nobel)
"Dayglow" (van Leer)
"Endless Road" (Pierre van der Linden)
"Answer" (van Leer)
"Orfeus" (van Leer)
"Euridice" (van Leer, Nobel)"
Avatar 1:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Imagine having to announce the full title of that suite on air....
Avatar 1:02pm

Right, don't lose your place, or you'll "answer" for it. (Pun for Father's Day)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm
Listener Bob in PGH:

And the ultimate inquisitive punctuation: ? and the Mysterians
Avatar 1:07pm
Tony Coulter:

Ha! See how lame that name would have been if they had dropped the question mark?
Avatar 1:08pm
BC Sterrett:

Hello all :) Taking Sonderange's advice and playing the current sample show from Sheena at the same time. It's quite the mix :)
Avatar 1:10pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, BC! Are you also reading two sets of comments at once?
Avatar 1:10pm
BC Sterrett:

Avatar 1:13pm

Hello Tony and listeners
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:13pm

Hi folks!
Tull (from after I was paying attention to them), nice!
Avatar 1:14pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, hey, hey, Sonderangebot and doctorjazz!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:16pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hi Tony! Gimme some o' that Old Time Prog!
Avatar 1:17pm
Tony Coulter:

Henry the Hamster! You missed today's daily required dose of microtonality.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:17pm
Webhamster Henry:

D'oh! I must have been tuning my autoharp.
Avatar 1:17pm
Tony Coulter:

"The mushroom pie was cured of its summer cold...."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:18pm

i don't have any albums by superheep
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:19pm

(or, if i look at it another way, i have 9)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm

Hey, it's quantum coel!
Good to see you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:24pm

hello Sem!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:25pm
Webhamster Henry:

The harp makes Tinkle Talk special. #groovy
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:25pm

- likewise!
Avatar 1:47pm
Tony Coulter:

I think Zartong (on now) may be the first Armenian band I've ever played on my show. Forgive me, Armenia.
Avatar 1:51pm
Listening Out There:

Zartong spelled backwards is Gnotraz...
Avatar 1:53pm
Tony Coulter:

Heya, Ereht Tuo Gninetsil!!
Avatar 1:56pm
Tony Coulter:

Which, if you added "ian" at the end, could be an Armenian name, for all I know.
Avatar 1:58pm
Tony Coulter:

"One way or another, I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya"
Avatar 1:59pm
Tony Coulter:

FYI: The rest of today's show will be wall-to-wall psych.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:09pm

Hey Tony and fellow listeners!
Avatar 2:10pm
Tony Coulter:

Greetings, ynod!
Avatar 2:25pm
Tony Coulter:

Oh, before I forget, a program announcement: Scott McDowell, of Long Rally fame, will be filling in for Jesse Kaminsky tonight.
Avatar 2:26pm
Tony Coulter:

Crowd + 1 (on now) later changed their name to ... Bloodrock.
Avatar 2:28pm
Tony Coulter:

For some reason, this Sunshine single was reissued as by Sunnshine.
Avatar 2:29pm
BC Sterrett:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:34pm
Listener Bob in PGH:

Dear lord, Bloodrock?!?!?!
Avatar 2:35pm
Tony Coulter:

Sounding pretty different, but ... yes.
Avatar 2:39pm
Tony Coulter:

This is an ode to a reference librarian, I guess.

Damn, I missed my song.

There was a The Crowd, an early OC punk band with a surf vibe. We opened for them at the second Masque site.
Avatar 2:55pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, everybody! See ya! Next time it's the tapes....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
Listener Bob in PGH:

Dean - You're right! I had forgotten about them. It's been years.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:56pm

Thanks for the show, Tony!

Listener Bob on PCH? I mean, The Crowd!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm

Brilliant program Tony thanks!
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