September 11, 2020: Hearty White & People Like Us - Second-Person Singular
A collaboration between Hearty White & People Like Us
Vicki Bennett invited Hearty White to perform an improvised dramatic commentary to the side of a film (to be) in the style of the Benshi of Japanese silent era movies, interpreting the film and addressing the audience. This way of viewing is intended to extend the performance space beyond the screen and create an environment within which we watch the watcher as well as the art.
This was performed "blindly" standing next to a blank screen, without knowledge from either artists what images would be placed there afterwards. Hearty White then passed the movie recording to Vicki and to her surprise Hearty's performance was exactly the length of her a/v performance/movie "The Mirror" [2018], which is very much themed around the concept of First Person, Fourth Wall. Vicki Bennett then set to task to put Hearty White into The Mirror.
Southern inspirational dada.
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A collaboration between Hearty White & People Like Us
Vicki Bennett invited Hearty White to perform an improvised dramatic commentary to the side of a film (to be) in the style of the Benshi of Japanese silent era movies, interpreting the film and addressing the audience. This way of viewing is intended to extend the performance space beyond the screen and create an environment within which we watch the watcher as well as the art.
This was performed "blindly" standing next to a blank screen, without knowledge from either artists what images would be placed there afterwards. Hearty White then passed the movie recording to Vicki and to her surprise Hearty's performance was exactly the length of her a/v performance/movie "The Mirror" [2018], which is very much themed around the concept of First Person, Fourth Wall. Vicki Bennett then set to task to put Hearty White into The Mirror.
This forms part of a larger project which you can find more of at