Moe's Lot, late 40s. Dad and Gene Ehrich on far right
Just a note here. I realize that although this is a tribute page to my father, it also serves as a beacon to all those people that grew up in the Logan section of Philadelphia, particularly those that went to Holy Child School during the 1960's and 1970's. Dad grew up here before us in the 30's and 40s, and damn if he wasn't right on the money for it to be a place to raise his own kids. Working class North Philly was a place of pride. I always likened it to the Flintstones Bedrock in terms of feel. Life was indeed a sweet and simple thing to partake of back then, and even though I return to this shrine of my past, I can never go back to what will always be the happiest time in my life. Thanks Mom and Dad, Mike, Jack, Jimmy, Kathy, Mary Kate, Patti, and Eileen, thanks Fenton, thanks Colleen Breslin, Diane Breslin, Tom Lynskey, Kevin Gorman and Martin Gorman, Frank O'Connor and John O'Connor, Tony Russo, Terry Bulman, Pat Thatcher, Maureen Willard, Terri Willard, Alex Pryslak and family, Rick Francisco and Gene Cunningham, Mike Melcher, Mike Donnelly and Eddie Johnson. Beeper Johnson and Bruzz, too. Did I forget someone? We all remember though. The place simply rocked. If you come by this and happen to remember 15th and Duncannon, Lindley Avenue, Wakefield Park, Wister Woods, Dunns, Logan Alley Sharks, Bens, Logan Hall, Moe's Lot, Logan Movies, Broad and Wyoming, Billy the Speedometer Man..... you get the idear.... don't hesitate to drop me a line. Oh yeah, visit the Little Bill Mac page too. It's got a few pictures of the old place::
Big Fat Logan
New * / Special ***
Approx. start time
Benny Goodman
Sing, Sing, Sing
"Sing, Sing, Sing" by "Benny Goodman"
Lullabies and reveilles. Something for the late nighters and early risers.
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Moe's Lot, late 40s. Dad and Gene Ehrich on far right
Just a note here. I realize that although this is a tribute page to my father, it also serves as a beacon to all those people that grew up in the Logan section of Philadelphia, particularly those that went to Holy Child School during the 1960's and 1970's. Dad grew up here before us in the 30's and 40s, and damn if he wasn't right on the money for it to be a place to raise his own kids. Working class North Philly was a place of pride. I always likened it to the Flintstones Bedrock in terms of feel. Life was indeed a sweet and simple thing to partake of back then, and even though I return to this shrine of my past, I can never go back to what will always be the happiest time in my life. Thanks Mom and Dad, Mike, Jack, Jimmy, Kathy, Mary Kate, Patti, and Eileen, thanks Fenton, thanks Colleen Breslin, Diane Breslin, Tom Lynskey, Kevin Gorman and Martin Gorman, Frank O'Connor and John O'Connor, Tony Russo, Terry Bulman, Pat Thatcher, Maureen Willard, Terri Willard, Alex Pryslak and family, Rick Francisco and Gene Cunningham, Mike Melcher, Mike Donnelly and Eddie Johnson. Beeper Johnson and Bruzz, too. Did I forget someone? We all remember though. The place simply rocked. If you come by this and happen to remember 15th and Duncannon, Lindley Avenue, Wakefield Park, Wister Woods, Dunns, Logan Alley Sharks, Bens, Logan Hall, Moe's Lot, Logan Movies, Broad and Wyoming, Billy the Speedometer Man..... you get the idear.... don't hesitate to drop me a line. Oh yeah, visit the Little Bill Mac page too. It's got a few pictures of the old place:: Big Fat Logan
Bill Sr., 1950
Dad & Mom
Mom and Jim, 1963
Basement, 1425 Wyoming Avenue
Dad and Unk, mixing it the old way
Pop Pop
Hey Stench!
Frannie D, early 60s
A German on St Patty's Day, Uncle Walt, 1967
Jerry, Dad, George
Music behind DJ:
The Brood: Eileen, Kathy, Mom, Mary Kate,
Patti, Dad, Jim, Me, Mike, Jack
2:27:23 (Pop-up)
Music behind DJ:
The Family, 2000: Mom, Gram, Dad,
Patti, Eileen, Mary Kate, Kathy,
Jim, Me, Mike, Jack
2:52:05 (Pop-up)
Dad, 2003. I'll see you when I see you.