Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from December 3, 2020 Favoriting

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The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Ken

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Favoriting December 3, 2020: Plague Failure program #32

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party     
Melvin Jackson  Silver Cycles   Favoriting Funky Skull    0:03:51 (Pop-up)
Roman Nose  Three-Port Valve   Favoriting Roman Nose    0:14:19 (Pop-up)
Masahiko Satoh  Untitled   Favoriting     0:18:13 (Pop-up)
Roscoe Mitchell Sextet  Sound (excerpt)   Favoriting Sound    0:21:39 (Pop-up)
Ross Bolleter  Under Rookwood   Favoriting Crow Country    0:37:37 (Pop-up)
David Toop  She fell asleep somewhere outside the World   Favoriting Apparition Paintings    0:45:14 (Pop-up)
Euphotic  Echolocution   Favoriting Isopleths    0:49:19 (Pop-up)
The North Sea  Eternal Birds   Favoriting Exquisite Idols    0:55:56 (Pop-up)
Huntsville + Yuka Honda, Nels Cline, Darin Gray, Glenn Kotche  Lower   Favoriting Bow Shoulder    1:02:15 (Pop-up)
jacaszek  November Early   Favoriting Music For Film    1:17:00 (Pop-up)
Charlemagne Palestine  Jamaica Heinekens in Brooklyn   Favoriting Praxis    1:20:00 (Pop-up)
pinkcourtesyphone  How to abolish a romance   Favoriting Leaving everything to be desired    1:40:04 (Pop-up)
Fossil Aerosol Mining Project  Gathered at the entrance   Favoriting Decades of Fake Resurrection    1:41:56 (Pop-up)
Alan Lorber Orchestra  The Look of Love   Favoriting The Lotus Palace (Revisited)    1:52:10 (Pop-up)
Alessandro Alessandroni  Perquisizione   Favoriting Criminale Vol. 2    1:54:45 (Pop-up)
Costin Miereanu  Parte Prima   Favoriting Luna Cinese    2:03:48 (Pop-up)
Extended Organ  Shuck Venus (Even)   Favoriting   Xoxo  2:25:34 (Pop-up)
Black Forest/Black Sea  F vs. BF/BS   Favoriting Forcefields and Constellations    2:32:17 (Pop-up)
Aururmukha  Untitled   Favoriting 14.11.90 - Ein Akustisches Psychogramm    2:34:30 (Pop-up)
Aururmukha  Untitled   Favoriting 14.11.90 - Ein Akustisches Psychogramm    2:34:35 (Pop-up)
a Perfect friend  When the Temperature is Rising   Favoriting a Perfect friend    2:41:28 (Pop-up)
David Toop  possibly it was only the coming of certain indefinable hours   Favoriting Apparition Paintings    2:53:13 (Pop-up)
Shirley Bassey  Diamonds Are Forever   Favoriting Diamonds Are Forever    2:54:57 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:00pm

Heya Fabio. Let's fail!
David in London:

Failure Warning!
Evening all.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:02pm
Handy Haversack:

Welcome back, Fabio and the Failsafes! Party time!
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Failure is not an option. (It's a requirement)
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Hi Fabio and strong ones!
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Strength Through Fabio
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Hey Fabs!
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Hi Ho!
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hi Fabio and everyone
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:03pm

Greeting Fabio, fellow Failures.
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all.
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Strength thru that bass! Hello FMU friends!
Avatar 3:03pm

Hello Fabio.
Avatar 3:04pm

One of these days I'm going to transcribe this bass part.
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Just so I can stare at all the dots.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:04pm

What is this "double time"? Will we get paid extra?

After a week off - ya just know the first track is gonna be killler....
Avatar 3:05pm

Usually I hate that upward modulation, but James Last makes it work here
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:05pm

Mmmm..espresso, triple shot.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Hey Fabio and Fabiosos! What kind of coffee maker is in the picture?
Avatar 3:05pm

Waiting in the wings, with my ear protectors firmly in place.
Avatar 3:06pm

Wow a cover of Eddie Harris (if it is a cover; love the original.)
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@tim from champaign (now washington): Simple one-hitter espresso maker
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The all-clear has been sounded.
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Baja Joe:

Greetings Fabio. Thursday evenings I meet with my uncle and together we drink four to six demitasse espressos each. I prefer mine with a dash of Sambuca or Anisette. Cheers.
Avatar 3:08pm

Bava, Fulci, Argento...

Hmmm It seems that with coffee, we can dance in double time.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

A-ha! Looks like it makes a damn fine cup.
Avatar 3:12pm

I've never seen one of those stovetop espresso makers that's round like that. I thought there was some Italian law that they must be decagonal.
Avatar 3:17pm

@YETI BOB: that's because most of them are the old Bialetti design, but there are other models and brands -- not as common in the states
David in London:

Make mine a double Fulci macchiato.

Luv thev3 way stopcock....I’V therapy would be lost without it...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21pm

Hey Fabio, Crew, Fabioulous folks. A macchiato would be really nice right about now, David.
Avatar 3:22pm

The Failure of Basic Geometry: this is a DECAGON not an OCTAGON! (I should write an angry review) www.amazon.com...
Avatar 3:23pm

(Don't worry I'm not actually ordering anything from Amazon!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm

This sounds like a case for Dr. Octagon...
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But if someone else does order on Amazon, be sure to use smile.amazon.com and give the credit to Auricle Communications, then a small donation goes to WFMU.
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I don't get to use the word "decagon" much, so forgive me for going on about it.

That trumpet must have eaten some refried beans for lunch.
Avatar 3:28pm

recorded in 1966, pretty ground-breaking i think
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Wait wait! Is there a horse loose in the hospital?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:29pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Man you know that coffee got nothin' to do with failure
...well maybe me planning to get caffeinated & be constructive but actually just playing gittar or something... heap plenty failure there kemosabe...
David in London:

Hey Mariano.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:31pm
Handy Haversack:

Mariano! Earth people!
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Jason from Houston:

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Avatar 3:31pm

Mine is round and stainless steel. It is de rigueur when camping.
Avatar 3:32pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Missed Giant Man. I am bad.
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Handy Haversack:

Not the face, Rev. TD! Not the face!
Avatar 3:34pm

Loud and clear, Fabio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm

Handy, David.
Avatar 3:35pm

correct on both Delmark and 1966
winston legthigh:

how did u know i was just tuning in, are u google?
ami ad:

mariano, Handy, David, YETI BOB. Greetings.
Avatar 3:37pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

alas, @Handy, too late! It's a wreck on a neck!
Avatar 3:38pm

Bob Koester who founded Delmark is still alive and kicking. After having to close the (lamented) Jazz Record Mart he opened Bob's Blues & Jazz Mart. He's close to 90.
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Hello, failing freeform flappers! How's come the photo is not showing the carrot cake?
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Oh, on the Eddie Harris Silver Cycles LP the piece is co-credited with M. Jackson.
Avatar 3:41pm

@Ken: Note the crumbs
Avatar 3:41pm

Benjamin & Medwin was the brand, though I can't find an image. It's nice in that it's all stainless, even the filter disc and handle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm

Sinister cello is a good thing
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:42pm

Who's your face mariano?
Avatar 3:43pm

Now there's a great pickup line:
"Who's your face?"
Miss G:

@βrian thank you for saying Benjamin & Medwin. A few years ago I was searching high and low for an all stainless espresso maker (no aluminum.)
Miss G:

I should have said firstly: wow new rig sounds great! This show has strange powers - the people running a wood chipper outside all day stopped right when Mr. Giant Man came on
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:46pm

Cello and wood-chipper together extra sinister
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
Handy Haversack:

ami ad, how goes?
Smog on the Tyne:

Greetings all from a very rainy Northern England!
ami ad:

Handy Haversack: Not much going on, sitting here, radio on. How do?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:57pm
Baja Joe:

@Ike 3:24, Thanks for the tip about smile.

love this 1!!!
Avatar 3:59pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

[salutes the Lindisfarne reference across the big water]
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
Handy Haversack:

Been a long week over here. Feeling a bit drained. But balm abounds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:00pm
Krull Sagan:

Arrival failure! But now I am at the right intersection of time and space and radio transmission
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Handy Haversack:

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Hey ami ad.

Aitch: This is my spirit animal (or whatever they're called), Herbert Lom, as Inspector Dreyfus from the Pink Panther movies. Aside from the Mancini soundtracks, Dreyfus is about the only thing I truly love from the franchise.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

He's da berm.
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Krull Sagan:

Handy, hope I haven’t missed too many cocktail recipes
This music is Clousseau to Mariano’s Dreyfus
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Krull: My twitchy eye speaks for itself. How you doing?
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*An approving eye twitch, I should add.
David in London:

Hi Krull.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:14pm
Krull Sagan:

David-upon-Londontown, cheers
Yah this stuff gets my housemates (by which I mean my ma) twitching neurotically; just had to switch to headphones! holding down the desert quadrant, Mariano; and the Big Easy sector?
Avatar 4:16pm

That's odd, Krull. This cut calms me, as I mop the cassette castle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:20pm
Krull Sagan:

Oh I am totally agreed TDK, it gives me trance mode whilst cleaning the kitchen in studio headphones and an apron
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21pm
Krull Sagan:

It’s the squares I live with who can’t hang
Avatar 🎸 4:22pm

greetings, Fabio and Skeleton Crew and Failures!
mostly in lurk/work mode -- but happy to be home and listening live with you all :)
Avatar 4:22pm

It did have a bit of an edgy feel too, so there's that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm
Krull Sagan:

(Dog & cat & mommy dearest at present; the second cat is cool tho)
Slug! The mention of cat summoned you!
David in London:

Don’t let them harsh your mellow Krull.
Avatar 4:23pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

YAAAASSSSSS, this Palestine piece.
Avatar 4:23pm
People Like Us:

Fabio - Noah Creshevsky died

Hello fellow failures
Rob from Maryland:

This past half-hour has been fantastic!
Avatar 4:24pm

@People Like Us: Yes, I heard. Very sad indeed.
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People Like Us:

yes, amazing composer
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26pm

Krull (@4:14): Not much going on down here, same old purgatory.
Avatar 🎸 4:26pm

hiya Krull!
yes indeed -- the Power of CAT compels me :)

love this!!!
Avatar 🎸 4:29pm

hiya mariano -- yes, Purgatory for real!
(recalling the "Naughty N'awlins" story from earlier this week)
Smog on the Tyne:

Loving the drone - the perfect soundtrack to a bleak Covid autumn ;-)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31pm
Scott McDowell:

I love this piece. I first heard it on one of your premiums I think. A long time ago.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm

slugluv: Yeah, who'da thunk that having a swingers' convention in the middle of a pandemic could have gone so terribly wrong? They also deserve a very steep fine for using the term N'awlins, every bit as wrong wrong wrong as Frisco ;)
Avatar 4:37pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Used to live off Georgia Avenue in DC, along the parade route for the annual Caribbean Carnival; sounded a bit like elements of that Palestine number. Endless open-bed trucks with PAs blasting very excellent noises... Peak vibe.
Avatar 🎸 4:37pm

@mariano -- right? what could POSSIBLY go wrong!
and waaaay back in the 80s, i worked with a young woman from New Orleans; she schooled ALL of us on proper New Orleans etiquette, pronunciation, etc. :)

@Marino fining people for saying citys names wrong. You jest:)
Avatar 4:40pm

Yeh, A.F.A. -it's a great place. They're planning to remodel the building, another floor I think?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:41pm
Krull Sagan:

My friend from Las Cruces (which one may refer to as “Cruces”) tried to shorten Albuquerque to something like “KER-kee” and everyone winced
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Krull Sagan:

Everyone knows it’s “BOOR-kay” with all the rolling of the R one can muster
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Krull Sagan:

Is “NO-la” acceptable, Your Grace?
Avatar 4:43pm

@krull: it's not pronounced, "bucket", but, "Boo-Que"...
Avatar 4:43pm

I knew I should have made that left turn at Albuquerque!
Avatar 4:45pm

From Anthology Film Archive's site: "We’ll be making very necessary improvements and additions to our facility, including a new library, café, rooftop terrace, new film vaults, a new elevator, upgraded mechanical systems, and more. The expansion will improve conditions for film preservation, study, and exhibition, and broaden access.."
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:47pm

Love this. TDK60 \\ //
Avatar 4:48pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:49pm

jn34282: Not just a fine, there should be a pillory in Jackson Square ;)

Krull: Yeah, NOLA became the main nickname after Katrina, everybody here uses it. There's been a years-long debate though on where the hell N'awlins came from, it's not the way anybody has ever said it. It'd be like if people suddenly started calling NYC N'York or N'ork, and thinking it was the way the locals said it.

@Mariano OUCH
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:51pm
Krull Sagan:

One of my faves is a place that NO one can agree on and most people say different each time anyway- Los Feliz. And.....go!
Avatar 4:51pm

\\ // Chresti. / Mariano, just as a refresher, it's pronounced: New Orlinz?
Avatar 4:52pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Then there's the neighborhood nicknames that begin as corruptions spread by real-estate agents and developers (see NoMa in DC, for North of Mass. Ave) .. all those names must die.
Miss G:

Oh Fossil, you got me again. Tomorrow is Bandcamp special day, yay.

@Rev that will never happen
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:53pm

That's where I work, Krull, in Griffith Park. I also lived there before they started calling it east Hollywood, in the lowlands of Los Feliz.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:54pm
Krull Sagan:

Turnip Druid, those are all so amazingly transparent it’s hilarious. I think they tried to make something like “NoMoHoTaDe” in Boston around some new condos
@Chresti, then you must weigh in! How do we say it so as not to appear hillbilly rubes?
Miss G:

I was just thinking of them yesterday because y'all got me to try the ION cassette to MP3 device and after running for half an hour I said "this makes The Mark Wirtz Orch. version of "Yeh Yeh" sound like Fossil Aerosol Mining Project"
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:57pm

I'm kind of a rube, too, but I say Los, with a long o, and Feeleez.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

Others say Los almost like lost, and Felleez.
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

the bass harmonica is the greatest thing in the universe.
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so happy to hear that Anthology Film Archives will not only be reopening, but that they are also working on being even greater!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:01pm

“The Look of Love” Very nice
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@the good Rev: My partner on a whim bought a family of 16 harmonicas to from the tiny to the gigantic (still jealous).
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I want a bass harmonica.
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hey there, fabio! and all of you. good thursday.
Avatar 5:03pm

There should be a psych-sludge version of "Wipeout" if there isn't..[?]
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:03pm

That boy then grew up with a complex.
Avatar 🎸 5:04pm

@ Rev. Turnip Druid -- ugh, exactly! worst so far that i have heard: RAMBO, for Right Around -- or Above? -- Manhattan Bridge Overpass, iirc
David in London:

TDK, I think there are probably a few already.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04pm

TDK60: People say it a variety of ways, there's no one superior pronunciation. Basically, say it as written. There's a variety of accents here, so some people drop the R, some don't (I don't, so it's basically New OR-linz). Some oldtimers even call it New Or-LEENZ like in the songs.

RevTD: For a while, developers in Brooklyn were trying to make BoCoCa happen (Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill, and Carroll Gardens). That idea got laughed into the Gowanus Canal.
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2:04 in San Gabriel.
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hi chresti! eek! sounds like how part of Bushwick is now often described as "East Williamsburg"
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dave wuz here:

mocha pot black espresso - that's my jam
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I talk like the old timers, my parents.
Hi slugluv!
Avatar 5:06pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

@mariano / @slug -- GOD those are awful. My old DC neighborhood from 30 years ago (columbia heights) somehow morphed into CoHi and I get violently ill whenever I hear that.
Avatar 5:06pm

Thanks London David. Guess I'm not surprised, hee. / Thanks Mariano, bit of "linz" bit of "leenz", gotcha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:06pm
Krull Sagan:

Ohhh, Fabio....if we weren't already talking about pronunciation....
Chaise longue = SHEZZ LONG (or something)....
But of course we know he was using "lounge" ironically
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:07pm

i resisted, but since Krull brought it up www.merriam-webster.com...
Bela from Budapest:

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:07pm

Or chaise lunge.
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and OF COURSE "SoYo" -- for South Yonkers (my oldest friend grew up in Yonkers! and is like, wtf are they thinking??) and "SoBro" for South Bronx -- UGH
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:08pm

slugluv: Had not heard RAMBO before, that's a hoot!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:09pm

Long chair, longue makes sense.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:09pm
Krull Sagan:

[thanks for the backup, Spode, I was starting to sweat that I might be banned for such insubordination...I PROSTATE MYSELF]

love this!!!
Avatar 5:11pm

Avatar 🎸 5:11pm

oh good grief -- BoCoCa -- forgot about that one! wondering if it got ditched b/c too many were calling it "Bo CaCa" -- ??
David in London:

Chaise lunge is the pulmonary condition one develops after spending too much time lying about on velour furniture coverings.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14pm
Krull Sagan:

nope, you heard me right, Yeti, heh
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hiya spodiodi!
gosh that looks like a Fainting Couch?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:14pm

Only comes in dribs and drabs Krull?
Avatar 5:15pm

We have some great neigborhood names in Chicago - there's Back Of The Yards, Little Village, Heart of Chicago, Old Town ... I don't think we have any made-up-by-developer neighborhoods
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:15pm

i had a bad case of chaste lung in my early teens

hi slugluv! you and me both, Krull
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:17pm

Nice one, David. Was at the drawing board furiously trying to work in a Cherie Lunghi quip, but it went nowhere.

slugluv: BoCoCa is a combination of sounds that should only appear in outtake versions of "Kokomo" or in Mike Love solo songs.
Avatar 5:17pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Just got a place in Baltimore & abandoning DC forever this month. Hell, at least they've got an old neighborhood called Pigtown.

There is a reason, of course, but that's not as fun as Pigtown without explanations.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:18pm

to bawmer, RTD
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Congrats, Rev. I hope you find the carrot cake there to be tasty and abundant.
Avatar 5:20pm

hey look it's 4:20
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

If they still have the fine german bakeries I remember from youth, there will be much karottenkuchen...
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:21pm

Congrats, RevTD. Keep us posted on the sinister secret of Pigtown ;)
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RTD: Also known as Möhrenkuchen - I don't know why they have 2 words for carrots
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

I think they used to run the pigs from the trains to the pig-death-places down the main street in that 'hood. These days they have a festival every year w/pig-races in the street. Ah, life.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24pm

in all it's rich varieties... take a little, leave a little
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and in Switzerland it's Rüblikuchen
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@Rev. Turnip Druid -- cool! re: moving to Baltimore . . . did not get to visit much (was traveling with the Sideshow, early 90s) but i really loved that it was another "old" city . . . and "Pigtown" sounds similar to how the Fishtown neighborhood in Philadelphia got its name
Avatar 5:25pm

In Germany they serve this shredded-carrot salad that I like, it's called Möhrensalat
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@Rev. Turnip Druid -- yes, the killing places were right across from the train yards, iirc
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29pm

YETI BOB: Love that red cabbage salad too.
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@mariano -- the woman i worked with pronounced New Orleans with this really sultry, sexy, "slurred" way that i could never get quite right -- maybe b/c i could never "get" her accent right either???
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

Der har gulerodskage?
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AKA Blaukraut which makes no sense at all
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:32pm

sounds like Trolley is about to get busy
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My mum was from Wagga Wagga, but the locals just call it Wagga.
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omg i do not recall what it is called in Hungarian or Polish but now i am craving that red cabbage salad and carrot salad
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thanks for reminding me it's gluhwein season... can't make any, can't find any....
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@Slugluv: I ate a lot of kapusta growing up
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but that's different

love Extended Organ
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@ngh: why can't you make it?
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I'm homeless (selling all of my rekkids)

this Black Forest/Black Sea sounds like Fennesz's Black Sea....
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sorry to hear that ngh
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@YETI BOB -- just looked up Kapusta!
again, forgetting the Hungarian name/variations -- but we used to have that on Christmas Eve :)
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It really just means "cabbage" but it's also used to refer to various cabbage dishes
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@ngh -- oh no -- so sorry to hear that

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I think it's Kaposztá in Hungarian
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:39pm
tim from champaign (now washington):

Are you doing OK, ngh?
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Brian in New Orleans:

Im loving Fabio's show ... "How to trip without taking drugs"
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tim from champaign (now washington):

@Yeti Bob - have you been to the Red Apple in Chicago? I dream about that place.
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my Mom and Grandma made stuffed cabbage a lot -- and we are all Hungarian, but it was not until i was much older that i learned that the names my older relatives on both sides of the family used for certain foods/recipes were Polish or Czeckoslovakian or Slavic, etc.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:43pm
Brian in New Orleans:

But then I usually love every show...
Avatar 5:43pm

Czech and Slovakia were both part of Austro-Hungary so things got pretty mixed up
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Krull Sagan:

Ummm, Slugluv.....the SIDESHOW???
Avatar 5:44pm

@Brian in New Orleans: Thanks Brian! glad you're enjoying. Hope your finger is healing well...
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and now I really want stuffed cabbage. Maybe I'll make some this weekend.
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Brian in New Orleans:

@Fabio...yes it is fully healed ! Thanks!
Avatar 5:46pm

living in my car. FL unemployment is impossible to get a hold of (a few years ago, it took me a week, it's been a month now, and it's still pending, but they have little to no customer service right now [high demand])
Avatar 5:47pm

A really full show today, Fabio. I raise my yerba mate/eggnog in salute.
Avatar 5:47pm

my job was supposed to last 5-6 months and start in April, but due to the pandemic, it didn't start until August, and due to the POTUS, it ended in October.
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@ YETI BOB -- yup! my Mom was originally from a tiny village that is still in Hungary, but where my Dad's side of the family is from is now part of Slovakia (i think!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:48pm

Man, so sorry to hear, ngh.
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@Krull -- yes, Sideshows By The Seashore at Coney Island -- although the reason we were travelling is b/c the two bosses split up
Avatar 5:49pm

Yes NGH, keep-on there.
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@ngh -- that is so awful -- any way you can stay with friends or family elsewhere?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Do some voodoo for me to win Big Lottery ngh & as Bob is my witness you'll be set up...
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family is loaded, but are very Ayn Randian (and they have never read her, unlike myself). good thing I have my phone hotspot and laptop. Still interviewing for anything.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Maybe you can sell rekkids to FMUvians who can be sure to rip them all so you can hear them forever...
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mgh, any luck with the job you went to 8 or more interviews for?
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wonderful show, Fabio (as always!) thanks so much!
that sucks about your family, ngh -- please hang in there! sending positive energy your way :)
be well everyone!!!
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Brian in New Orleans:

Checking out as it is only 5 pm here...stuff to do...Thanks for great cinematic show Fabio. You and flu are a Godsend.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

ngh - Is there anything I/we can do to help out? Money/food/ or RRN's idea?
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Brian in New Orleans:

Oh shit....fmu...NOT flu...autocorrect
ami ad:

Thank you DJ, Crew.
Avatar 5:57pm

Interviewing for everything for senior database management to wal-mart...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

Thanks Fabio, for the great show and coffee!
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, Fabio!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

thanks a lot, Fabio!
thanks, crew!
Miss G:

*in space land* Thank you for a great set Fabio and thank you Matt and Bruce
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:58pm
tim from champaign (now washington):

Thanks Fabio! Hang in there, ngh!

Kanye W. samples this song to great effect in a fantastic song
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:58pm

Thank you Fabio and Crew, bye all!

Thanks, Fabio!

mmmm, coffee
thanks so much Fabio and Crew
Avatar 5:58pm

I'cd rather my rekkids go to people who would appreciate them then others that would use them as a fungible commodity.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59pm
Krull Sagan:

NGH- sending good dimensional vibes to you and your car & phone bud!
Slug, I have more questions but they'll have to wait i guess\
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TY Fabio
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