Favoriting Mike Lupica: Playlist from December 30, 2003 Favoriting

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December 30, 2003: Pretty Sicky, eh?

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Artist Track Album Comments New Approx. start time
Laughing Hyenas  What Tomorrow Brings   Merry Go Round  This is tame by Laughing Hyena standards, but still a fine song. Long ago, when one of the greatest joys I was able to reap from liking the weirdo music was scaring a pretty girl in my homeroom class, the works of the Laughing Hyenas figured more prominently in my day-to-day schedule. These days, it's more of a nostalgia thing but I am still consistently impressed that John Brannon has any functioning vocal chords left. Listen to the song "Gabriel" on one of my other archives and you'll see what I mean.    0:00:00 Pop-up)
Bob Mould  Black Sheets of Rain   Black Sheets of Rain  Give it up for being 19 years old and depressed! I haven't listened to this record (or Bob's other good solo record, "Workbook") in about a million years and I can't necessarily decide how well they have aged, but for whatever it's worth, I'm still proud to own these records. Before all the sissy emo bands came around, this is what punks listened to after busting up with their girl/boyfriends.    0:04:22 Pop-up)
310  Moving Platform   Recessional    *   0:11:50 Pop-up)
The Who  Eminence Front   It's Hard  I had to go to the basement to retrieve this record (don't worry, I re-filed it in the main library) but I was damn happy to play it. Recorded so many years after most people would say the Who stopped being good, but an incredible song in its' own right.    0:16:38 Pop-up)
Micranots  Glorious   12"    *   0:21:54 Pop-up)
Satan's Pilgrims  Soul Pilgrim   Soul Pilgrim      0:26:14 Pop-up)
Bow Wow Wow  Baby Oh No!   I Want Candy      0:36:21 Pop-up)
Joss Stone  Fell in Love with a Boy   The Soul Sessions  White Stripes cover  *   0:38:33 Pop-up)
Violent Femmes  Black Girls   Hallowed Ground  My copy of this record stolen from my first punk friend's older brother, who also drove me to my first punk rock concert (The Ramones at City Gardens, 1986.) This song was also a favorite of high school friend Amy Valatka, who in 1989 I had planned to ask to the prom, but chickened out on doing so because another friend told me that doing so would be "a bad idea," whatever that meant. Subsequently, neither myself or Amy went to the prom and I still consider this a minor tragedy of my teenaged experience.    0:42:11 Pop-up)
Der Plan  Alte Pizza!   Japlan  re-issue    0:47:50 Pop-up)
The Out Crowd  The Gospel   Go On, Give a Damn  Featuring someone who is in some way affiliated with the Brian Jonestown Massacre. Or was at some point, anyway.  *   0:50:20 Pop-up)
The Doughboys  No Way   Home Again  I lost my copy of this band's first album... If you ever see it, please buy it for me and I'll pay you back.    0:55:12 Pop-up)
Gypsy Witch  High n' In   Greaseball Melodrama  compilation compiled by Eric Davison of the New Bomb Turks  *   0:58:39 Pop-up)
Killdozer  Take the Money and Run   For Ladies Only 7" box set  Mometers cover    1:02:35 Pop-up)
Kelis  Trick Me   Tasty    *   1:13:34 Pop-up)
Mr. Velcro Fastener  The Trooper   Powerslaves: An Elektro Tribute to Iron Maiden  compilation  *   1:16:35 Pop-up)
The Fluid  Change   Purplemetalflakemusic      1:21:58 Pop-up)
The VSS  Nervous Circuits   Nervous Circuits  Keith Werwa, where are you?    1:25:50 Pop-up)
The Saints  Lost and Found   Eternally Yours      1:32:06 Pop-up)
Proud Scum  I Am a Rabbit   AK-79  compilation    1:35:42 Pop-up)
Venom  live at City Gardens   Shut Up and Play: Brian Turner's 2002 Marathon Premium CD  This is still the most hilarious thing ever.    1:37:46 Pop-up)
Venom  Schitzo   A Little Light Night Music 2xLP  recorded live at Hammersmith Odeon, 1985    1:46:14 Pop-up)
Ghislain Poirier  De L'art de la Fellation   Beats as Politics    *   2:00:56 Pop-up)
Kid Acne  Gyp.O.Hop   Council Pop    *   2:04:10 Pop-up)
Memphis Goons  Indian Giver   Teenage BBQ      2:09:19 Pop-up)
D. Boon & Friends  History Lesson Pt. II   D. Boon & Friends    *   2:13:00 Pop-up)
Ricky Midnight & the Evil Bastards  When the Kissing's Over   Dip me in Chocolate and throw me to the Lesbians    *   2:14:02 Pop-up)
Fuzzhead  Future Days   I Saw the Best Minds of my Generation Rock      2:16:56 Pop-up)
Knights Bridge  Make Me Some Love   Texas Flashbacks Vol. 2  compilation    2:24:47 Pop-up)
Prince Charming  A Touch of Romance   Crooklyn Dub Outernational Presents Certified Dope Vol. 4: Babylon's Burning  compilation -- gee, could the title be ANY longer?    2:27:36 Pop-up)
3Puen  Sugar Cookie   CD  Probably the most random song to become a huge FMU hit in recent memory. God, I love this song.    2:38:10 Pop-up)
Billy Squier  You Should be High, Love   The Tale of the Tape      2:41:36 Pop-up)
Zenda Jacks  Rub my Tummy   Clap Your Hands, Stamp Your Feet: More Junk Shop Glam  compilation  *   2:45:44 Pop-up)
The Humpers  You Give Good Headache   Journey to the Centre of your Wallet  Yes, they TOTALLY sound like La Peste on this track. I just never realized it until today. Anyone besides me try to see the Humpers when they came to NYC in... '95, was it? You may or may not recall that they were a VERY big deal at the time, though I have never seen any band's hype fizzle as quickly. So much for California's Flipside darlings, eh? They were booked at the Continental (never my favorite place to see shows) along with the Trick Babys, Electric Frankenstein, the Candy Snatchers, and about a zillion other bands. Overpriced beer, cesspools in the bathrooms, and a no re-entry policy... And you wonder why I don't go to shows anymore? It was 3 AM before the Humpers took the stage and they were by that time so utterly plastered, the set proved completely worthless. Vox man Scott Drake would spit out a verse, climb up on the mic stand like Julian Cope used to do in his latter-day videos, and then fall into the crowd while the band tried to keep it together. I think they played 4 songs (or tried to, anyway) before Continental management pulled the plug on 'em. The fact that I never got to properly experience the firepower this band was alleged to have dished out is one of my saddest regrets of the latter 20th Century. Right up there with that whole high school prom fiasco (see above.)    2:48:48 Pop-up)
The Mice  Pharoah   For Almost Ever EP      2:50:57 Pop-up)
The Cows  In the Mouth   Plowed EP  An instant party-starter.    2:53:42 Pop-up)

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