Favoriting Polyglot with Jesse Dorris: Playlist from February 23, 2021 Favoriting

Jesse Dorris's avatar View Jesse Dorris's profile Favoriting

Beats mismatched. New mystic moods. The International Style. Pressed and dressed. Queasy listening. New ways to fail. More is more. Backroom room tones.

Tuesday 3 - 6am (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Favoriting February 23, 2021: Carmen Villain in the mix

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Images Approx. start time
Carmen Villain  Light In Phases   Favoriting Sketch for Winter IX: Perlita  Geographic North  2021  https://carmenvillain.bandcamp.com/album/sketch-for-winter-ix-perlita 
0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Dialect  Under~Between   Favoriting Under~Between  RVNG Intl.  2021  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:02:42 (Pop-up)
Claire Rousay  Peak Chroma   Favoriting A Softer Focus  American Dreams  2021  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:07:02 (Pop-up)
Carmen Villain  Borders feat. Jenny Hval (Klara Lewis Remix)   Favoriting Borders/Red Desert  Smalltown Supersound  2017  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:13:25 (Pop-up)
Picnic  Folds and Rips (Huerco S. Verion)   Favoriting Picnic  Daisart  2021  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:17:09 (Pop-up)
Space Afrika  e.tears   Favoriting hybtwibt?  space-afrika.bandcamp.com  2020  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:20:28 (Pop-up)
Mica Levi  Monk   Favoriting Blue Alibi  micalevi.bandcamp.com  2021  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:22:09 (Pop-up)
Mister Water Wet  Avenue of the Baobabs (Short Version)   Favoriting Compost  Lilerne Tapes  2020  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:24:51 (Pop-up)
Lisa Lerkenfeldt  Champagne Smoke   Favoriting Collagen  Shelter Press  2020  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:29:19 (Pop-up)
Sofie Birch  Behind Her Name Chestnuts Fall Forever (excerpt)   Favoriting Behind Her Name Chestnuts Fall Forever (excerpt)  Longform Editions  2020  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:39:32 (Pop-up)
Bendik Giske & Pavel Milyakov  Untitled 2   Favoriting Bendik Giske & Pavel Milyakov  Smalltown Supersound  2021  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:40:28 (Pop-up)
Pretty Sneaky  A1 (excerpt)   Favoriting Pretty Sneaky  Mana Records  2020  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:42:00 (Pop-up)
Levantis  Jamaican Greek Style   Favoriting Romantic Psychology 1  levantismusic.bandcamp.com  2015  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:45:58 (Pop-up)
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma  Body Within Body   Favoriting Love Is a Stream  Type  2010  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:51:48 (Pop-up)
Biosphere  Angel's Flight   Favoriting Angel's Flight  AD93  2021  Carmen Villain in the mix! 
0:53:55 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Wendy Carlos 

Prelude No.7 in E-flat Major   Favoriting

Switched-On Bach 2000 

East Side Digital 




0:59:15 (Pop-up)
Packed Rich  Fleeting   Favoriting Ilian Beat Tape  Ilian Tape  2021  https://iliantape.bandcamp.com/album/itbs001-packed-rich-ilian-beat-tape 
1:04:53 (Pop-up)
Jurango  Compassed   Favoriting Retreat Ites E.P.  Livity Sound  2021  https://jurango.bandcamp.com/album/retreat-ites-e-p 
1:07:31 (Pop-up)
Ploy  2 Busy   Favoriting Unlit Signals  Long Island Electrical Systems  2021  https://liesrecords.bandcamp.com/album/unlit-signals 
1:11:40 (Pop-up)
Special Request  Vellichor   Favoriting DJ-Kicks: Special Request  !K7 Records  2021  https://specialrequest187.bandcamp.com/album/dj-kicks-special-request 
1:17:11 (Pop-up)
Akiko Haruna  Die and Retry   Favoriting Sharpen, Moving  Timedance  2021  https://timedance.bandcamp.com/album/sharpen-moving 
1:25:10 (Pop-up)
Dax Pierson  Keflex   Favoriting Nerve Bumps (A Queer Divine Dissatisfaction)  Dark Entries/Ratskin Records  2021  https://daxpierson.bandcamp.com/album/nerve-bumps-a-queer-divine-dissatisfaction 
1:28:09 (Pop-up)
Bézier  Continuum   Favoriting Continuum  miv.  2021  https://mivrecords.bandcamp.com/album/continuum 
1:31:48 (Pop-up)
Cabaret Voltaire  Billion Dollar   Favoriting Shadow of Funk  Mute  2021  https://cabaretvoltaire.bandcamp.com/album/shadow-of-funk 
1:37:46 (Pop-up)
Sonia  Listen to Your Heart   Favoriting Listen to Your Heart  Chrysalis  1989   
1:42:58 (Pop-up)
Violet  I Love My Friends   Favoriting Archives 2012-2020  Naivety  2021  https://naivetytrax.bandcamp.com/album/violet-archives-2012-2020 
1:48:18 (Pop-up)
Beatriz Ferreyra  Deux Dents Dehors   Favoriting Huellas Entreveradas  Persistence of Sound  2020   
1:51:19 (Pop-up)
Stereo Total  Adieu Adieu   Favoriting Musique Automatique  Bungalow  2001  RIP FRANCOISE CACTUS 
1:55:11 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Florian Kupfer + Innsyter 

Superfans   Favoriting






1:58:30 (Pop-up)
Dionne Warwick  I'll Never Love This Way Again   Favoriting I'll Never Love This Way Again  Arista  1979   
2:06:06 (Pop-up)
Masma Dream World  Before Sunlight   Favoriting Play at Night  Northern Spy Records  2020  https://masmadreamworld.bandcamp.com/album/play-at-night 
2:09:24 (Pop-up)
Kumi Takahara  Log   Favoriting See-through  FLAU  2021  https://flau.bandcamp.com/album/see-through 
2:12:07 (Pop-up)
Celer  Two Months Are Past, and More   Favoriting Being Below  celer.bandcamp.com  2021  https://celer.bandcamp.com/album/being-below 
2:18:18 (Pop-up)
Amy Reid  Water Talks (Genie Remix)   Favoriting Isolated Bliss Remix EP 2  Atlantic Rhythms  2021  https://atlanticrhythms.bandcamp.com/album/isolated-bliss-remix-ep-2 
2:21:19 (Pop-up)
Proc Fiskal  Baguettes   Favoriting Lothian Buses  Hyperdub  2021  https://procfiskal.bandcamp.com/ 
2:24:19 (Pop-up)
Wordcolour  Juno   Favoriting Juno Way  Houndstooth  2021  https://wordcolour.bandcamp.com/album/juno-way 
2:28:56 (Pop-up)
Wau Wau Collectif  Yaral Sa Doom II   Favoriting Yaral Sa Doom  Sahel Sounds  2021  https://wauwaucollectif.bandcamp.com/album/yaral-sa-doom 
2:34:36 (Pop-up)
Virginia Wing  Soft Fruit   Favoriting Private Life  Fire Records  2021  https://virginiawingmusic.bandcamp.com/ 
2:38:06 (Pop-up)
Sun Electric  Tee (Plaid Mix)   Favoriting Stem Sell  Touched Music  2021  https://touched.bandcamp.com/album/stem-sell 
2:41:39 (Pop-up)
Kimio Mizutani  New York Subway   Favoriting New York  Great Tracks  2020   
2:46:54 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Jeannine Schulz 

Attraction   Favoriting

Ground.The Gentle 

Stereoscenic Records 




2:53:38 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:03am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

Morning, Jesse! listeners
Avatar 3:03am
Jesse Dorris:

he-he-hellooo everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03am

G'day Jesse & welcome Carmen!
G'day Polyglot Lot! ✌😎🌏
Avatar 3:03am
Jesse Dorris:

Very excited to bring you this guest mix from Carmen Villain!
Avatar 3:04am
Jesse Dorris:

Hi Sylvia! Hi Scott! Hope all is well with you for another strange week....
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:04am
Lisboner Pascal (France):

Wassup lingua francas! Hi Jesse 👋
Avatar 3:05am

Hi there Polyglot early morning show in Milano
sharing spreading soundwaves thanks for the mix
Avatar 3:07am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

don't know Carmen's work, this is very nice
Avatar 3:08am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning Pascal!
David in London:

Morning Jesse and all Glotals.
Sylvia, Scotty, Pasc!
Avatar 3:09am
Jesse Dorris:

Ah good morning Toutevoix, welcome aboard! Hope all is well in Milano!
Avatar 3:09am
Jesse Dorris:

@Sylvia I think you'd really like it, gorgeous stuff.
Avatar 3:09am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning @David!
Avatar 3:11am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Jesse great, and I'm always looking for more women to support
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:12am

G'day David, what's for breakky today mate?
Avatar 3:12am
Jesse Dorris:

Same here! Her new one is the quietest and most instrumental of her work, but it's all beautiful.
Avatar 3:14am

Foggy morning in Milanooo light slowly coming thru...
wondering if it is some kind of pollution or a dreamy wheather calling for a walk out there in the parallel world slowly fading to grey...A weird time in which we are alive, is everything fucked up? Soundwaves & coffee thanks for playing out there / here
Avatar 3:15am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

@Toutevoix we've been having waves of saharian dust in France, maybe it's the same for you
Avatar 3:18am

yes indeed
scirocco but today sand would be white & grey
David in London:

Scotty, muesli, coffee and fruit during the week. Allows for the, ahem, less healthy options at the weekend....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21am

greetings Jesse & Carmen and Polypeople
Avatar 3:22am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey there!
Avatar 3:22am
Jesse Dorris:

that Space Afrika album still obsesses me, highly recommended
Colin in Durham, England:

Leftover kofta kebab up north.
David in London:

Hey Coela.

Colin. Good man. Hot sauce?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:31am

G'day coel, thought you were hitting the sack mate? 👍😎
Diezel Tea:

Hey JD and friends. A special check in live rather than listening to the archives.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33am

David my breakfast is always just a double espresso, no milk, no sugar. Well 'ard me!
David in London:

Hey Diezel. How are things with you?
Avatar 3:34am
Jesse Dorris:

Diesel! Hello!!
Avatar 3:35am
Jesse Dorris:

I won't get out of bed for less than a french press of black coffee, especially these days.
Avatar 3:36am

live deep thick & loud much appreciated with Capuccino smoke
David in London:

Jesse, how about a cup of Brazilian Santos and some toasted English muffins? That’s as high as I can go.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:38am

Hello Jesse and all
Avatar 3:41am
Jesse Dorris:

@David haha I'll take what I can get!
Avatar 3:41am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey Fred, how are you?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47am

'morning David, Diezel
Scott - soon
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50am

'morning fred

. . . everyone's talking about coffee and i'm winding toward bed
wish i could drink coffee anytime without a problem
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:51am
Lisboner Pascal (France):

The storms here a few weeks back were the loudest I've ever experienced, red dust on the windows (having just cleaned them!) and lightning so bright I thought it was the electrics going haywire. The quiet afterwards was such a relief, it was so tranquil.

Hello muesli munching David! I had soup this morning, the end of a croissant, an egg, and decaf coffee. Don't judge me.
Avatar 3:55am
Jesse Dorris:

Whoa. It does seem like weather has gone haywire almost everywhere at the moment!
Avatar 3:55am

sand covered everything also in Liguria was quite beautiful desert coming towards...yellow & red JG Ballard mood...all we are dust in the wind
hello there coffee addicted
going for a walk carrying these soundwaves with me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58am

Coel, too late for me to drink coffee too mate. I only have one to start my day and that's it. But that's why it has to be a good one, made fresh by me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04am

Weather is unseasonably warm here, though it makes little difference as I'm stuck inside most of the time.
More contemporary dance shows getting canceled, it's basically a new batch every other week
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:08am
David (in London):

Pasc. No judgement here pal. Whatever gets you through the night. Or day. Or lunchtime. Or...oh, you get the picture.
Avatar 4:09am
Jesse Dorris:

@Fred sorry to hear that. Maybe by fall things will be able to return....
Diezel Tea:

@DavidiLondon @Jesse things are going really well all things considered with the war being over for now. Work is going well. Also the collaboration album my pal in Siberia and I made last year (well, it took 2 years but finished late last year) is gonna be released this year on Spirit of Progress, one of the Room 23 imprints. So that's rather encouraging, hehe. BTW David my wife also loves the Daona record you sent me.)) Moody stuff, hehe.
Diezel Tea:

oh did my comment get cut off or can it be seen? I'm using a super old phone temporarily.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13am

@Jesse: Well I knew I was taking a chance buying all these tickets. I donate most of the refunds to a fund for artists who get their shows canceled, so it was also a way for me to support them
Avatar 4:16am
Jesse Dorris:

Congrats @Diezel! Looking forward to hearing the new music!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:16am
David (in London):

Diezel, that's great to hear man. I did send you a DM a while back, and was slightly concerned. But I'm glad that things are reasonably OK and that you're still even managing to be productive. That's good news. And I'm also very happy that your wife likes the Daona album - a woman of impeccable taste I reckon....
Avatar 4:19am
Disco Clone:

Hi Jesse I am liking the show!
Avatar 4:19am
Jesse Dorris:

Very good of you, Fred. It's almost a year to the day since I last heard live music or saw performance, which is sort of incomprehensible. Someday.
Avatar 4:20am
Jesse Dorris:

Hi @Disco Clone! Glad you're enjoying. Great name too :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22am

I managed to catch 3 dance shows and a couple of music gigs in October between lockdowns, so I was lucky
Avatar 4:28am
Jesse Dorris:

lucky indeed!
Diezel Tea:

Thanks guys, and this track shreds, haha!
Avatar 4:29am

@Fred same here with our dance cie, workingon solo forms....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:29am

i'm off
Thanks Jesse! Thanks Carmen!
Thanks skelecrew!
'night folks take care
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:30am
David (in London):

Night Coela.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31am

Sleep well coel, seeya soon mate. ✌😎

Ugh, late in today. Hope everyone’s doing ok.
Avatar 4:31am
Jesse Dorris:

Night Coela!
Avatar 4:32am

Existenz is paused! Or time for changes! Take care

Great to see you playing music from Jurango. He’s doing great things.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:33am
Lisboner Pascal (France):

Yeah David also sent his Daona album, it's bloody good, @David await my very wise and insightful comments about it soon! Can I share the link David?
Avatar 4:34am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey @Surgeon! Yeah I love that EP, it's fascinating.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:35am

@Toutevoix: Déjà Donné? I've never seen your company. I'll admit I don't know much about contemporary dance in Italy. The choreographer I know best from there is Ambra Senatore, but I think she's been based in France for years
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:37am
David (in London):

Pasc, wow, thanks, that's very kind of you.

Darn it, I have a meeting now. I tried - and failed to get out of it. Hope to make it back before the end of the show, but if I don't, thanks Jesse and see you next week.
Avatar 4:41am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks for coming along for the ride, David! Hope the meeting goes well.
Avatar 4:44am
Disco Clone:

It's Tuesday evening where I am Jesse!
Avatar 4:44am

Lissen to my heart

Sonia 😍
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:44am

😎🤙 David.
Avatar 4:44am
Jesse Dorris:

You'll be ok B/wad!
Avatar 4:44am
Disco Clone:

Sooo good I love Stock Aitken Waterman1
Avatar 4:45am
Jesse Dorris:

This is a *perfect* song.
Avatar 4:45am

Actually taking a sick day. Had vaccine #2 yesserday..
Avatar 4:46am
Jesse Dorris:

Oh nice! Are you having reactions? The second can be tough, so I've heard.
Avatar 4:46am
Ole 'Rick:

scientifically speaking this is THE perfect pop song
Avatar 4:46am
Ole 'Rick:

Jesse you COULD play more Mandy Smith
Avatar 4:47am
Sylvia (France-NYC):

good advice never goes out of style
Avatar 4:47am

@Fred right, workalso in france check it out I am walking thru park withmy child so ...
Avatar 4:47am
Jesse Dorris:

You know @Ole 'rick you're right about that.
Avatar 4:47am

I usually react to these things, so I'm building a fort under the covers and only coming out for cookies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:47am

G'day Disco Clone, what time is NZ now. I'm 8:48pm here. You must be a couple of hours later?
Avatar 4:48am
Jesse Dorris:

Sounds healing B!
Avatar 4:51am
Ole 'Rick:

Something very special about overproduced dated synth pop from the late '80s, that or I think I've permanently damaged my music tastes
Avatar 4:53am
Jesse Dorris:

Overproduced? Produced exactly enough :)
Avatar 4:57am
Disco Clone:

Hey Scott! Yeah it's 10:57pm here
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Ole 'Rick:

Disco Clone? Cristina fan?
Avatar 4:59am
Ole 'Rick:

Jesse I have to STATE you have one of the best shows on 'FMU
Avatar 5:01am
Jesse Dorris:

Aww shucks that's kind of you to say, thanks!
Avatar 5:03am
Ole 'Rick:

Yea 2020 and 2021 has been rough

F that guy
Avatar 5:07am
Jesse Dorris:

Yup. Bye.
Avatar 5:10am
Ole 'Rick:

I just found out there was a french version of Disco Clone - RIP Cristina
Avatar 5:11am
Jesse Dorris:

Oh right, there was! Hard to believe it was maybe a year ago that she passed? RIP.
Avatar 5:11am
Ole 'Rick:

Yeap March 31, 2020
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:12am
Doris in Droitwich UK:

Sorry if I'm being an ignoramus, but is the person-who-shall-not-be-named the same who's triggered over $1 million of donations to Planned Parenthood to spite him?
Avatar 5:14am
Jesse Dorris:

Hi @Doris! Haha yes, Quentin Quarantino, amazing.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:15am
Doris in Droitwich UK:

@Jesse I needed that reminder to donate. Thanks!
Avatar 5:17am
Ole 'Rick:

I would donate but I'm broke in Texas. I hope 'FMU makes it thru
Avatar 5:20am
Jesse Dorris:

We're hanging in there! Marathon is coming up ;)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:21am
Doris in Droitwich UK:

Very much looking forward to your premium this year. The entire DJ premium list is looking really strong, actually.
Avatar 5:23am
Jesse Dorris:

Thanks @Doris! I've *just* about got it together. And yes, it's a great lineup this year.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:24am

T-t-tasty. Morning all
Avatar 5:26am
Jesse Dorris:

Morning Matthew!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:33am

This had a pulse close to Music For 18 Musicians
Avatar 5:35am
Jesse Dorris:

Definitely, Fred
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:46am

Belated good morning everyone! Going to have to catch up in the archives as I haven't had a chance to tune in until now.
Avatar 5:47am

back time for tee
Avatar 5:48am
Jesse Dorris:

Hey @fionnland! It'll be waiting for you soon!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:54am
Lisboner Pascal (France):

Jesse you're a hero, thanks for today's show, I took the tunes down to the river today, whispy greens and glassy blues in the Rhône today! Seeya next week, have a good one all!
Avatar 5:54am
Jesse Dorris:

And that's it for me, friends. Thanks for your ears! Stay safe so we can meet back here next week...
Avatar 5:54am
Jesse Dorris:

Aww so happy to hear that Pascal, thank you!
Avatar 5:55am

The mix & playlist fullfilled our morning
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:57am
Lisboner Pascal (France):

@Toutevoix: Exactly! Such a great way to start the day here!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 5:58am
Lisboner Pascal (France):

Great stuff by Carmen Villain also!
Avatar 5:59am
Jesse Dorris:

Hooray! Take care everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:59am

Thanks Jesse! ✌😎

Time to wake the donuts ! Morning All !

It’s alright
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