Favoriting Radio Free Culture: Playlist from August 27, 2012 Favoriting

Hosted by various WFMU personalities, Radio Free Culture is a weekly program that explores digital culture, net neutrality, piracy, the broadcast spectrum, digital rights, and archives and libraries in the internet age. We'll be interviewing some of the nation's key figures at the intersection of music, multimedia, and digital technology. This program is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts.

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Favoriting August 27, 2012: Radio Free Culture #3: The Rise and Fall of MP3 Blogs
Has the music blogosphere's golden age already passed us by?

In a guest post for WFMU and the Free Music Archive, the Future of Music Coalition's Casey Rae describes how government crackdowns, competition from streaming services, and a blurring of curatorial bounds are contributing to the decline of the MP3 blog. Casey Rae joins the Free Music Archive's Jason Sigal and a panel of music bloggers past & present—including Matthew Perpetua (Fluxblog, Buzzfeed), Emilie Friedlander (The FADER, Ad Hoc, ex-Pitchfork's Altered Zones) and Doug Schulkind (WFMU's Mining the Audio Motherlode)—to discuss the state of the music blogosphere.

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Artist Track Album Label Comments Approx. start time
YACHT  Shangri-La (Instrumental)   Favoriting Shangri-La  DFA  Free Music Archive  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Casey Rae, Emilie Friedlander, Matthew Perpetua, Doug Schulkind, Jason Sigal  The Rise and Fall of MP3 Blogs   Favoriting WFMU's Radio Free Culture  (no label)    0:02:26 (Pop-up)
Thick Business  Smoothest Runes   Favoriting MP3  No Label  Free Music Archive   

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Listener comments!


hey everyone!

Hi everyone in studio. Looking forward to it.
Matt from Springfield:

Radio Free Culture!
NOT "Culture Free Radio"!!
Matt from Springfield:

Hi kat, Philo, DVD, Carm!

Danne normally listens in to these, but he's away the next few weeks. Might be busy.
mark vt:

Has the need to entendre or pun stuff on blogs relevant still today? So much today is this way
Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Sounds more like a Honey to Max line :)
Matt from Springfield:

Howdy Philo!

I can't catch up on Archives for Danne, though as an informed commenter I am informing others about his whereabouts, in case they're worried that Danne has disappeared!
Danne D:

Yeah, Matt is my designated Fill-in on the comments boards.
Danne D:

And yeah, I'll be pretty absent for the most part over the next couple of weeks.
Matt from Springfield:

Well there you are! A perfect attendance for RFC after all! :)

Radio Free Culture!
NOT "Culture Free Radio"!!
Did I coin that phrase?

Even if I didn't, it's still brilliant.
Matt from Springfield:

Hey Fredericks!
Actually, I used that phrase on Clay P's playlist the afternoon before the first RFC aired--so at least, I was the first to *post* it online :)

Tis nothing, Kat. Debby was much worst.

I was just stealing from you, Matt.
Matt from Springfield:

LOL, why TY Fredericks!
Glad you're doing okay, storm-wise.
Danne D:

@Kat it's Duckcaller :)

@Matt you must assume an appropriate Hearty White name btw.

Gotta get going, but have a great night folks :)
Matt from Springfield:

@kat: But is there any way to post vast amounts of data publicly w/o some kind of for-profit to host the server space?
Matt from Springfield:

@Danne: Since I've listened to some Hearty Archives, I'll be sure to come up with an appropos handle for when I comment live :)

And have a great night! Be sure to get at least 3 hours of Archives a day!
Matt from Springfield:

@Philo: True, the Internet Archive is a great "public" resource for that (see RFC 1st episode for more). Although I use it mainly for the free, public domain Prelinger Archive. "Duck And Cover", "Perversion for Profit", "Manos Hands of Fate" etc.
Matt from Springfield:

@kat: Every for-profit Web company is a creepy data collector to some extent. To avoid that, the non-profit, non-invasive infrastructure needs to be up first before the widespread exchange of data.
Matt from Springfield:

@Philo: Yep. And they even have a free channel you can get on a Roku box.

that number again is: 201-209-9368

This is more of "mp3 bloggers and their relationship with the music industry" discussion, just saying.
Bas, NL:

Totally agree Philo Gristle..
Doug Schulkind:

the glowing one:

@philo: so the journey to acquire the release, added to its value? doesn't that actually overvalue it?
Bas, NL:

The other day a couple entered my local CD store and they asked the shop keeper if there were some good new releases. After summing up some titles they thanked him and said they'd now had enough info for searching for uploads on the net. The shop keeper told me he got that many times a week..
the glowing one:

I think Casey has a point, finding the needle in the haystack in today's age is an even more rewarding challenge.
Doug Schulkind:

@Matt from S!

@Philo Thank christ we do not have to put up with record store employees who think they're cooler than you just because they have minimum wage job - THEY were the major obstacle to me acquiring interesting music.
Matt from Springfield:

Didn't even have time to get to the SOPA/PIPA monstrosities :)

But that was a very thorough explanation of the legal side of things, and DMCA was actually well planned for the time, compared to the lobbyist-written (RIAA/MPAA) speech stifling and infrastructure destroying bills they're currently after.
D in Miami:

I like blogs, but I hate having to go through the trouble of DLing it just to listen, only to find out I didn't like it. I wish most blogs would post tracks to listen to before you DL. I don't really like mp3s, so I usually buy the actual copy if I can find it.
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks Jason and all panelists!

Thanks commenters for keeping this the brainy discussion forum it was intended to be! :)

@DinMiami use chrome and install the exfm extension - you can hear every mp3 the site has posted
Doug Schulkind:

More free music than you can shake a stick at, at Mining the Audio Motherlode: http://tinyurl.com/amt6af
Matt from Springfield:

@Mark: Remember, LAST Monday of every month for the next year, @6! You'll catch it next time!
Matt from Springfield:

Thanks for the support Philo (and kat, and Doug)!
Remember to come back in Sep (the 24th!)
Aron Blue:

Thanks for a great show-- appreciated the chance to comment. I agree that this could easily be a 3 hour + conversation.
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