Favoriting destination: OUT with Jeff Golick: Playlist from December 10, 2012 Favoriting

Jeff Golick's avatar View Jeff Golick's profile Favoriting

Three hours of adventurous jazz drawing on the Destination: Out archives and other planes of there.

Sunday 9am - Noon (EST) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting December 10, 2012: Red velvet in winter.

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments
Roscoe Mitchell  Tatas-Matoes   Favoriting Congliptious  Nessa  1968   

Music behind DJ:
Sun Ra 

The Perfect Man   Favoriting

The Singles 



The Dave Brubeck Quartet  The Way You Look Tonight   Favoriting Jazz at Oberlin  Fantasy  1953   
Pete LaRoca  Lazy Afternoon   Favoriting Basra  Blue Note  1965   
David Murray  Let the Music Take You   Favoriting Live at the Lower Manhattan Ocean Club  India Navigation  1977   
Adam Lane's Full Throttle Orchestra  Lucia   Favoriting Ashcan Rantings  Clean Feed  2010   

Music behind DJ:
Dick Khoza 

Lilongwe   Favoriting


The Sun 


via Matsuli Music reissue 
Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O.  Helen Buddha, Miss Condom X   Favoriting Son of a Bitches Brew  Important  2012   
Aaron Novik  Secrets of the Holy Name (Donia)   Favoriting Secrets of Secrets  Tzadik  2012   
Anthony Davis  Section 2 (Sustained Tones)   Favoriting Episteme  Gramavision  1981   
Travis Laplante  Heart Protector   Favoriting Heart Protector  Skirl  2011   
Aych  Over Yonder   Favoriting As the Crow Flies  Relative Pitch  2012   

Music behind DJ:
John Zorn 

Snowfall   Favoriting

A Dreamers Christmas 



Peter Brötzmann Chicago Tentet  ...to Walk In   Favoriting Walk, Love, Sleep  Smalltown Superjazz  2012   

Music behind DJ:
Geri Allen 

Red Velvet in Winter   Favoriting

Flying Toward The Sound 



Vinny Golia  Lop-sided heels and frayed shoes   Favoriting Hell-Bent in the Pacific  NoBusiness  2012   
Vinny Golia  Inessential melancholies   Favoriting Hell-Bent in the Pacific  NoBusiness  2012   
Vinny Golia  Full Moon (so that's a piano)   Favoriting Abstractions and Retrocausalities  Nine Winds  2011   

Music behind DJ:
Junior Wells 

We're Ready   Favoriting

Hoodoo Man Blues 



Ernst-Ludwig Petrowsky  Talar   Favoriting SelbDritt  FMP  1980   
K'Ploeng  Banana split   Favoriting Live Performances  Klaxon  1978   
Roscoe Mitchell Creative Orchestra  Sketches from Bamboo - Cyp I   Favoriting Sketches from Bamboo  Moers  1979   
Louis Moholo  Keep Your Heart Straight   Favoriting Keep Your Heart Straight  Ogun  2012   
Stefan Christoff w Matana Roberts  Duet for Abdelrazik (Winter Morning Blues)   Favoriting Duets for Abdelrazik  Howl Arts  2012  http://howlarts.net/releases/ 
Stefan Christoff w Norman Nawrocki  Duet for Abdelrazik   Favoriting Duets for Abdelrazik  Howl Arts  2012  http://howlarts.net/releases/ 

Music behind DJ:
Dudu Pukwana & Spear 

Flute Music   Favoriting

Flute Music 




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Listener comments!

listener james from westwood:

morning, jeff & jeff, and all the d:o lis'ners!
Doug S.:

Who needs Gmail anyway, we've got D:O Radio!

Aloha, listeners and Jeffs.
Uncle Michael:

So...spam goes here?
Doug S.:

Listener Uncle Michael (see comment above) is the nephew of the gentleman who brought Dave Brubeck to Oberlin.

howdy jeffs et al
Uncle Michael:

Quit spamming the G(TDR)Mail, Doug.
Uncle Michael:

My Uncle Jim, addressing the issue on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of this concert: http://www.oberlin.edu/con/bkstage/200302/jazz_at_oberlin.html
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Jeff G:

Hallo all! Sorry for the hinky start for the playlisting. My ship was listing.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm
Jeff G:

Nice to see we are amid royalty, via Uncle Michael's Uncle Jim.
Uncle Michael:

In the royal metaphor...let's just say that one day I hope to work my way *up* to food taster to the King.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:19pm
Jeff G:

According to Doug's email re this show this morning, we are STEAMING.
Doug S.:

As the article Uncle Michael links to says, based on the success of the Brubeck concert, students at Oberlin started the "Oberlin College Jazz Club" to promote more such concerts at the school. One teenage townie from Oberlin, a fellow named John Seavers, became an ardent member of the club and participated in helping influence Oberlin's stodgy music conservatory to add jazz to its coverage. Twenty-seven years later, I'm a DJ on Oberlin's radio station WOBC and an older African-American gentleman becomes a regular caller during my shows. We talk endless about jazz and his richly detailed experiences seeing all the greats live. This fellow had left Oberlin in the mid-fifties for a career in the military and had only recently retired and moved back to Oberlin from Germany. It turned out that this man was John Seavers. At the time, WOBC had a strict students-only policy, but I was part of a group of young turks at the station trying to make it more representative of the surrounding community and, after several years' effort, John Seavers was given a jazz show on the station. Later he was named the station's jazz director and was himself a long-time beloved figure at the station.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:26pm
Jeff G:

That is an amazing story.
Doug S.:

@Jeff G
I blame the typo (gulp) on the Gmail outage.
Uncle Michael:

Jeff, perhaps of greater interest to D:O, as I've shared with Doug, previously...Jim produced "Space is the Place" and founded the Other Minds festival in San Francisco with Charles Amirkhanian. Among other pursuits these days, nearing 80, Jim fills the baritone sax chair for the Junius Courtney band.

And the degrees of separation that span 59 years and two people between Doug and myself is remarkable.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28pm
Jeff G:

@Doug: Wait, you mean we aren't hot shit?
Doug S.:

D:O Radio = Radio Unbreathable!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Jeff G:

@Uncle Michael: astounding. My view on this kind of thing is generally, "And these people walk among us!"
Brian in UK:

Evening crotchet of Jeffs.
@Doug. Studs Turkel would have liked that story.
Sad to hear of Ed Cassidy's demise last Thursday. A jazz drummer in a rock world made Spirit a better band.
Uncle Michael:

Needless to say, it's been a blessing to have my boho Uncle Jim to walk amongst, amid the rest of my light, seeded rye bread background.

I will enjoy the next set in my motorcar...talk to you all soon.

Mary Halvorson is swoonsome.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:15pm
Jeff G:

@Martha: AGREED.
listener james from westwood:

mahalo, moholo!
Uncle Michael:

tomato, tomoto!

OK, this is gorgeous.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm
Jeff G:

Agreed, Dervish. Here's the mp3: cstrecords.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
Jeff G:

...and more on the project here: www.saidthegramophone.com...
listener james from westwood:

who else could easily hear another 3 hours of this program? raise your hands.
many thanks for the fine show, jeff & jeff!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03pm
Jeff G:

Thanks so much, ljfw! And you are entirely welcome. Was hoping folks were still listening, despite all quiet on the comment front...
Doug S.:

Michael Mossman? I went to Oberlin with Michael Mossman. He plays on Braxton's "Four Orchestras" LP recorded at Oberlin.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:05pm
Jeff G:

Who DIDN'T you go to Oberlin with?
Doug S.:

Buddy Bolden?
Uncle Michael:

I was listening...hope it's not too late to say thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21pm
Jeff G:

Not at all! Thanks, Uncle Michael!
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