Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from March 5, 2013 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting March 5, 2013: Marathon Show, Week One

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Artist Track Album Label Year Comments Approx. start time
THE IN-THEME            0:00:00 (Pop-up)
LARRY MONDELLO BAND  Caught in a Meat Grinder / Larry Is Sleeping in the Graveyard (1994)   Favoriting MY PREMIUM: "Out Demos Out!"      yours for a pledge of $75  0:01:57 (Pop-up)
PENTAGRAM  Forever My Queen (1973)   Favoriting First Daze Here  Relapse  2001    0:06:29 (Pop-up)
DICK HYMAN & MARY MAYO  Moon Gas   Favoriting Moon Gas  MGM  1963    0:08:54 (Pop-up)
PEOPLE LIKE US  MckMoon (2012)   Favoriting MY PREMIUM: "Out Demos Out!"      yours for a pledge of $75  0:11:17 (Pop-up)
NERVOUS NORVUS  The Fang (1956)   Favoriting Stone Age Woo  Norton  2004  the first prize -- we'll draw at the end of the set, in 15 minutes or so  0:20:35 (Pop-up)
WALLS OF GENIUS  Time of the Season (1986)   Favoriting MY PREMIUM: "Out Demos Out!"      yours for a pledge of $75  0:22:59 (Pop-up)
SCREAMIN' JAY HAWKINS  I Hear Voices (1962)   Favoriting The New York / Houston Recordings  MCPS  2007    0:26:00 (Pop-up)
BOBBY BRELYN  Hanna (1967)   Favoriting V.A.: Psychedelic Unknowns, Vol. 6  Scrap  1985    0:28:36 (Pop-up)
MARTY MANNING & HIS ORCHESTRA  Invitation   Favoriting The Twilight Zone  Columbia  1960    0:31:40 (Pop-up)
McGOUGH & McGEAR  Basement   Favoriting McGough & McGear  RE: EMI  1968    0:34:45 (Pop-up)
GILBERT DEFLEZ (& JACKY CHALLARD)  Super Man -- Super Cool (1977)   Favoriting Je Suis Vivant, Mais J'ai Peur [bonus track]  Finders Keepers  2010  THE SECOND PRIZE! Get in on the drawing  0:43:51 (Pop-up)
JOHN BARRY (w/ ADAM FAITH)  The Beat Girl   Favoriting Beat Girl  RE: el  1960    0:48:40 (Pop-up)
EMIL RICHARDS  Good Grief   Favoriting Wonderful World of Percussion  Interworld  1994    0:50:16 (Pop-up)
THE MEKONS  Walking Song   Favoriting The Mekons Story, 1977–1982  RE: Buried Treasures  1982    0:54:54 (Pop-up)
METAL URBAIN  Panik (1977)   Favoriting Anarchy in Paris!  Acute  2004  THE THIRD PRIZE! Get in on the drawing  1:00:09 (Pop-up)
SEBASTIAN BRADT  Bobsak (2011)   Favoriting MY PREMIUM: "Out Demos Out!"      yours for a pledge of $75  1:02:26 (Pop-up)
JOHN BARRY  007 and Counting   Favoriting Diamonds Are Forever  United Artists  1970    1:08:06 (Pop-up)
BLACK SABBATH  Black Sabbath   Favoriting Black Sabbath  Warner Bros.  1970    1:11:43 (Pop-up)
JEAN-PIERRE MASSIERA (w/ THE STARLIGHTS)  Mao Mao (1976)   Favoriting Psychoses Discoïd (1976–1981)  Mucho Gusto  2008  ONE OF TODAY'S PRIZES! Get in on the drawing  1:21:57 (Pop-up)
DYMAXION  Astrocommuter (2203)   Favoriting MY PREMIUM: "Out Demos Out!"      yours for a pledge of $75  1:24:32 (Pop-up)
DICK HYMAN & MARY MAYO  Bye Bye Blues   Favoriting Moon Gas  MGM  1963    1:28:03 (Pop-up)
MARK TUCKER  Everywhere with Sally   Favoriting In the Sack  RE: DeStijl  1982  ONE OF TODAY'S PRIZES! Get in on the drawing  1:30:27 (Pop-up)
FANTASTIC PALACE (ALEXANDER ROSS)  Morning Good Kitchen (1993)   Favoriting MY PREMIUM: "Out Demos Out!"      yours for a pledge of $75  1:39:15 (Pop-up)
MARK FRY  Roses For Columbus   Favoriting Dreaming with Alice  RE: Sunbeam  1972  ONE OF TODAY'S PRIZES! Get in on the drawing  1:41:42 (Pop-up)
KARL BLAU  Shadow   Favoriting Beneath Waves  K  2006    1:47:01 (Pop-up)
RASCAL REPORTERS  The Dancing Duchess (1980)   Favoriting MY PREMIUM: "Out Demos Out!"      yours for a pledge of $75  1:56:05 (Pop-up)
MIJ  Romeo & Juliet   Favoriting Yodeling Astrologer (aka "Color by the Numbers")  ESP  1969  ONE OF TODAY'S PRIZES! And an LP, to boot. Get in on the drawing  2:00:37 (Pop-up)
VLADIMIR DUKELSKY  Variation 3: Molto Mesto; from “Zephyr et Flore” (1925)   Favoriting Zephyr et Flore / Epitaphe [w/ Residentie Orchestra The Hague, conducted by Gennady Rozhdestvensky]  Chandos  1999    2:03:55 (Pop-up)
SIR JOHN BETJEMAN  Narcissus   Favoriting Late Flowering Love  Charisma  1974    2:06:45 (Pop-up)
ORCHESTRE MURPHY  Aches & Pains   Favoriting 12 Minutes at the Hot Club Murphy [7" EP]  RE: Milk & Alcohol  1983  ONE OF TODAY'S PRIZES! Get in on the drawing  2:15:26 (Pop-up)
VELVET UNDERGROUND  Over You   Favoriting 1969: Velvet Underground Live  Mercury  1974    2:17:29 (Pop-up)
BOB JAMES TRIO (w/ ROBERT ASHLEY)  Wolfman   Favoriting Explosions  ESP  1965    2:19:52 (Pop-up)
ANODE  Ellipsis (1976)   Favoriting MY PREMIUM: "Out Demos Out!"      yours for a pledge of $75  2:25:53 (Pop-up)
MAGAZZINI CRIMINALI MUSIC  Tijuana, Frontiera a Nord-Est (1983)   Favoriting V.A.: Firenze Sogna! (Itinerari Musicali 1976/1983)  Materiali Sonori  1993    2:27:59 (Pop-up)
GILBERTO GIL  Volks Volkwagen Blue   Favoriting Gilberto Gil  Philips  1969    2:29:36 (Pop-up)
PSEUDO CODE  Another Country (c. 1981)   Favoriting Slaughter in a Tiny Place  Sub Rosa  2010  ONE OF TODAY'S PRIZES! Get in on the drawing  2:38:16 (Pop-up)
DICK HYMAN & MARY MAYO  Space Reflex   Favoriting Moon Gas  MGM  1963    2:40:54 (Pop-up)
HENRI SAUGET  Un Nocturne, from “Feuillets d’Album” (1929)   Favoriting Complete Piano Works / Billy Eidi, piano  Discover  1994    2:44:10 (Pop-up)
MARTY MANNING & HIS ORCHESTRA  The Moon Is Low   Favoriting The Twilight Zone  Columbia  1960    2:46:54 (Pop-up)
ANNEA LOCKWOOD  Tiger Balm (1971)   Favoriting Source Records 1–6: Music of the Avant Garde, 1968–1971 [3CD]  Pogus  2009  THE GRAND PRIZE!!!  2:52:50 (Pop-up)
THE OUT-THEME  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting         3:03:18 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:04pm
Tony Coulter:

Hello all. Just wanted to mention that the marathon premium I'm offering this year (for a pledge of $75) may be my best ever -- or at least it's the one I'm most excited about. It contains all unreleased tracks, generously contributed by the following musical greats: Anode, Bene Gesserit, Sebastian Bradt, Dymaxion, Fantastic Palace (Alexander Ross), Larry Mondello Band, K. Leimer, Look de Bouk, People Like Us, Rascal Reporters, Tom Recchion, Toupidek Limonade, Utility Project, Walls of Genius, and Yximalloo.
Avatar 11:01am

Oh yes, this is sounding good.
Avatar 11:06am

Oy, I have to go to a meeting ...

Can't wait to give! Or should I say reciprocate.
Avatar 11:43am
Tony Coulter:

Hi there, Kay and Brian! Thanks so much, Kay!! Brian: Hope your meeting breaks up soon -- there'll be lots of goings-on here today.
Avatar 11:45am
Tony Coulter:

In addition to my premium, I'll be offering up these great prizes today:

Orchestre Murphy - At the Hot Club Murphy / Milk and Alcohol / 7” EP
Gilbert Deflez - Je Suis Vivant, Mais J'ai Peur / Finders Keepers CD
Gilberto Gil - 1968 Gilberto Gil / Universal CD
Jean-Pierre Massiera - Psychoses Discoid (1976-1981) / Mucho Gusto CD
Metal Urbain - Anarchy In Paris! / Acture CD
Pseudocode - Slaughter in a Tiny Place (2 CD) / Sub Rosa CD
Mark Fry - Dreaming With Alice / Sunbeam Records CD
Mark Tucker - In The Sack / DeStijl CD
Nervous Norvus - Stone Age Woo / Norton CD
Various - Source: Music Of The Avant Garde – Source Records 1-6, 1968-1971 3xCD / Pogus Productions CD
MIJ - Yodeling Astrologer / Jackpot LP
Avatar 11:48am
Tony Coulter:

And then, of course, there's the swag: www.wfmu.org...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 11:54am
listener james from westwood:

good day, tony, and howdy all! can we go 2 for 2 for putting gtdr djs past their goal this week?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54am
Doug Schulkind:

One more track, by Ornette Coieman, on the stream — then comes Tony!
Avatar 11:55am
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, Listener James! And Doug-ela!
Avatar 11:55am
Tony Coulter:

What means those white hearts, by the way?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59am
Doug Schulkind:

Heart = made a pledge (station-wide, not just current show)
Avatar 11:59am

It's snowing on the isthmus.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:00pm
listener james from westwood:

kind of the equivalent of those stickers you get after giving blood. (wfmu's blood drive = tba.)
Avatar 12:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Doug: Aha! Hats off to all white hearts, then!
Avatar 12:02pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 12:03pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Already pledged, boss. Your premium is MINE! MINE! MUA-HA!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Uncle Michael:

"Oh, my penis!" Quote of the day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Doug Schulkind:

The hearts look a wee bit lavender to me, Tony. Either way, from the bottom of our hearts to the tips for your cerebral cortexes, we hope to see some kind and lovely contributions coming in during this Coulter Cornucopia!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:05pm
listener james from westwood:

i think they actually vary playlist to playlist; plus your own heart appears in a different hue from others'. kenzo thinks of everything!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Uncle Michael:

My heart is darker than most...not darker than Doug's. Just sayin'...
Avatar 12:07pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

cerebral isthmus! Pentagram! Wee!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Doug Schulkind:

The hearts are BLACK on my playlist, methinks!
Avatar 12:07pm
Tony Coulter:

We've got people to thanks already!!! BIG BIG THANKS to Michael in Topeka, Brian in Madison, and James from Westwood. You'll all be eligible for our first prize -- plus Brian gets my premium. HURRAY!!!!
Avatar 12:08pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey there, Uncle Michael and Rev. Turnip! Great to see you here!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Uncle Michael:

I hope Kenzo will enable animated gif avatars.
Avatar 12:09pm

Good morning, Tony and all pledgers. Payday's next week, so that's when the bells will be a'ringin' for FMU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:10pm
Uncle Michael:

Great to be hear, Tony. I'm going to turn you up loud enough to hear in the shower.

Be hear now.
Avatar 12:13pm
People Like Us:

That was a good time to tune in, ha ha
Avatar 12:14pm
Tony Coulter:

Hiya Carmichael! Whenever you wanna ring those bells is just fine by me! Thanks for being a bell-ringer!
Avatar 12:14pm

Animated gifs are a huge stress on browsers. And they're rude, really.
Avatar 12:14pm
Tony Coulter:

Avatar 12:15pm
People Like Us:

hi Tony
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm
Uncle Michael:

@βrian Tell that to Ken...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm
Doug Schulkind:

I'm here, Tony. In Pittsburgh, but not eating pierogies like everyone else around these parts. (I kid! Actually, they're eating kielbasi. I kid again!)
Avatar 12:21pm
Van in DC:

What? I missed Ornette Coieman on the stream? :( Hi Tony, Doug, GTDRer'ites hope you all are well & swell. What's the goal anyway?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:21pm
Rich in Washington:

WOO! <runs up panting>
I'd forgotten that it's Tuesday!
Hola, Senor Tony!
Avatar 12:22pm
Tony Coulter:

Greetings, Van and Rich!!
Avatar 12:23pm
Tony Coulter:

Pledge now to get in on this Nervous Norvus -- we'll be drawing for it in about 10 minutes or so.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm
Doug Schulkind:

Would you like me to add a tilde to your "Senor"? A pledge of $15 will do it. (Just kidding.) Only $10 (still kidding).

@Van in DC
Greetings Sir Van! Ornette was the opening act for Tony Coulter!
Avatar 12:24pm
Tony Coulter:

Dig those crazy drums!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
listener james from westwood:

nervous norvus is the reason i tend to type corpuscle as corpsuckle. i'm in mass confusion.
Avatar 12:25pm
Van in DC:

Late because I had a doc appt. Good news? I'm still breathing! :)
Avatar 12:25pm
Tony Coulter:

Avatar 12:26pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

This is bewilderingly insane.
Avatar 12:26pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

YESS! My namesake and spiritual advisor! Hearing voices!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28pm
Doug Schulkind:

Great minds think alike:
This Screaming Jay Hawkins track was on my 2005 Marathon premium, which you can get for free here: blog.wfmu.org...
Avatar 12:28pm

He seems a bit more reserved than normal.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm
Doug Schulkind:

Not only is Van breathing, he is PLEDGING! Thank you Van!
Avatar 12:30pm
Tony Coulter:

Yes -- BIG THANKS to Van in Arlington for helping to keep FMU afloat! Thanks, Van!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm
Uncle Michael:

I shall retoin.
Avatar 12:31pm
Tony Coulter:

See ya, Uncle Mike!
Avatar 12:34pm
Tony Coulter:

We'll be drawing for the Nervous Norvus in a minute -- last chance to throw your hat in the ring with a pledge of $15 or more.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:35pm
Doug Schulkind:

James from Westwood aka Listener James From Westwood, has won the Nervous Norvus!
Avatar 12:36pm
Tony Coulter:

Huzzah Hooray!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
listener james from westwood:

w00t! thanks, tony, doug, and of course brian t! i'm never never never gonna speed again (except on my way to pledge!)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Doug Schulkind:

If I may sorta paraphrase the New York Lottery: Pledge over your head, not with it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
Doug Schulkind:

Jeffrey G from Brooklyn otherwise known as host of the wildly fabulous D:O RADIO has checked in with a "radio brotherhood is beautiful" sized pledge!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:44pm
Rich in Washington:

That Deflez album has artwork by Enki Bilal, one of my favorite comic artists...
Avatar 12:44pm
Tony Coulter:

WOW! T*H*A*N*K*S Jeff!!!!!!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
Jeff Golick:

To paraphrase that hair club for men guy, I'm not only a fellow host, I'm also a listener!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
Jeff Golick:

Also, I couldn't face another playlist without my heart emblem.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:48pm
Jeff Golick:

(Subtle bit of crowd-sourced peer pressure from Kenzo, that.)
Avatar 12:49pm
Tony Coulter:

We'll be drawing for the Super Cool Deflez CD in around 10 minutes -- everyone who's pledged so far will be eligible.
Avatar 12:50pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

love the Beat Girl stuff...
Avatar 12:51pm
Tony Coulter:

I've been meaning to see the movie. Somehow British J.D.s don't seem like they'd be that tough. (Sorry Vicki!)
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:53pm
listener james from westwood:

heh, technically alex from "a clockwork orange" was a british jd.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53pm
Doug Schulkind:

Lewis from Minneapolis has checked in with a sizable chunk of his SWAG FOR LIFE pledge! Thank you Lewis!
Avatar 12:53pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

I thought I had the soundtrack but was thinking of Groupie Girl. It was issued on a CD with the Beyond the Valley of the Dolls material. Another great pairing...
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
listener james from westwood:

woo hoo lewis, jeff, and all pledgers! bring your friends! co-workers! moneyed relatives!
Avatar 12:54pm

And there is more where that came from!
Avatar 12:54pm
Van in DC:

Wow, some major pledging going on! And Tony still doesn't even a GOAL set!
Avatar 12:55pm
Tony Coulter:

LEWIS!! A Million Thanks!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:55pm
Doug Schulkind:

Listener Brian in Madison, WI has won the Gilbert Deflez recording. Congrats Brian!
Avatar 12:56pm
Tony Coulter:

Super Cool!
Avatar 12:57pm

And I am wondering if Brian is responsible for the copy of "where's the beat?" that I found in the Strictly Disks used bin when I visited my old stomping grounds over the weekend...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm
Doug Schulkind:

When did you move to Minn, Lewis?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:59pm
listener james from westwood:

congrats brian! all the prize winners need to meet somewhere w/ their swag and have a party w/ an incredible soundtrack.
Avatar 1:00pm

I have been workin up here for about a year and a half / actually moved the home base in the middle of last summer... Just before my daughter moved to your neck of the woods...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm
Rich in Washington:

I do believe that this was one of the first songs I downloaded off of Napster, back in the day.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02pm
Doug Schulkind:

Our fund-raising goal has been revealed. We are now only 10 T-shirt sized pledges from reaching the goal. (That's $50 or more.) GET THOSE SHIRTS!
Avatar 1:03pm
Tony Coulter:

I had the Metal Urbain single ages ago -- but didn't like it then and got rid of it. What a dope I was!
Avatar 1:04pm
Tony Coulter:

RE GOAL: Shirts, yes! And premiums too, for a pledge of $75. Track on now is from the premium.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm
Rich in Washington:

about 20% of my current record buying is replacing things I got rid of in previous decades, so you're not alone, Tony.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:05pm

Metal Urbain! I recognised that before I checked the playlist. Their first single was the first ever release on Rough Trade? Got it at the shop.
Avatar 1:06pm
Tony Coulter:

Hiya Hugo! I think you're right about it being the first RT release.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:06pm
Uncle Michael:

Ah has...ah say, I has retoined.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
listener james from westwood:

nice going—nearly 1/3 there in the 1st hour. keep it rolling, freeform fans!
Avatar 1:09pm
Tony Coulter:

Yes -- HUGE THanks to everyone who's pledged!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:10pm
listener james from westwood:

ah, you tricked me out, i thought this was that one remix that uses that loop. :) also an fmu fave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:10pm

RT still has their old shop off Portobello Road. More charming than their cavernous warehouse in the East End.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:12pm
listener james from westwood:

diamonds are forever is where the series started to get a bit cartoonish, but damn, there's no disputing a john barry bond score, clownish film or not.
Avatar 1:12pm

I won a prize? Far out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13pm
Uncle Michael:

This track made the cut on my "Eponymous" episode.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:13pm
Rich in Washington:

Avatar 1:14pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Brian: Yes, and while you were gone you were also elected president of Paraguay.
Avatar 1:14pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, where'd the pledges go?!? Don't be afraid of Ozzie -- he won't bite.
Avatar 1:15pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Good luck with that. I probably couldn't even manage a single guay.
Avatar 1:15pm

I was hoping for something in French Polynesia. So it goes. Je suis content.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16pm
Uncle Michael:

Not what my guaydar tells me...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:22pm
Doug Schulkind:

Listener Lewis of Minneapolis wins the Metal Urbain CD!
Avatar 1:24pm

Avatar 1:25pm
Tony Coulter:

Enjoy it, Lewis! And thanks again!
Avatar 1:26pm
Tony Coulter:

Now, however, it's time for more pledges to come in!!! Come on, folks help support FMU and the stream!! You can see you've got a pretty good chance of winning a prize...
Avatar 1:26pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

holy crap this Dymaxion is wonderful
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:27pm
Doug Schulkind:

We strongly urge all listening to click in a pledge. It's a marathon, not a sprint — but we still need to hit the pavement and run. Run (and pledge) like the wind!
Avatar 1:28pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Rev. Turnip: And never heard before by non-Dymaxionic ears! Only on my premium
Avatar 1:28pm
Van in DC:

What the good Rev said!
Avatar 1:30pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

...and well worthy of a holy crap. I don't dole those out nilly-willy.
Avatar 1:33pm
Tony Coulter:

BIG THANKS to Senor Rich for the pledge!!! Hurray! Hats in air!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm
Doug Schulkind:

Listener Rich in Washington has pledged. Happy happy! Joy joy! Thank you so much, Rich!

So far, only Rich is in the running for the Jean-Pierre Massiera prize.
Avatar 1:35pm
Tony Coulter:

By the way, in case he's too modest to mention it, that Dymaxion track was written by regular commenter Jeremy. Thanks for the great music, Jeremy! Worth a pledge of $75, I'd say.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm
Rich in Washington:

I am amassing an impressive array of WFMU stickers...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm

Indeed, I'm glad I am getting this premium, because that Dymaxion track is very fine.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:37pm

I would encourage supporters to go for the Swag for Life option. That way you don't have to go through the rigmarole of annual pledges and the station is assured of a regular income which is a very good thing. This would be like an automatically renewable subscription to a good or a service. As far as I understand, you can still "pledge" to specific shows, but specify that it's a Swag for life pledge. You know it makes sense.

that mark tucker lp is so insane. I remember my friend jamming it in some smoked out bedroom back in the day and everybody being brought to the verge of tears.
Avatar 1:44pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

What Ike said. Plus bonus exclamation marks and highlighter marks for emphasis.
Avatar 1:44pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Morgan! Yes, I love both Mark Tucker LPs ... really great stuff.
Avatar 1:46pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey Folks. Lots of great potential prizes are building up: Jean-Pierre Massiera, Mark Tucker, Mark Fry. We'd love to give 'em away -- but you gotta pledge first!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:46pm

Hmm, where's my ❤heart? I'll have to make one out of toffee and maracas and put it in there next to my name.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm
Doug Schulkind:

Currently, there are THREE prized on the shelf waiting for you to pledge:

Jean-Pierre Massiera "Psychoses Discoid"
Mark Tucker "In the Sack"

and now include...

Mark Fry "Dreaming With Alice"

All pledges of $15 or more are in the running. So far we have only one pledge in for three prizes, so your chances ARE PRETTY GOOD.

Don't forget that a pledge of $75 or more automatically gets Tony's smashing new premium "Out Demos Out!" (best premium name in human history!!!)
Avatar 1:49pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, this show is really suffering from mid-life slump. Time to give it a spin in a red sports car -- PLEDGE!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm
Doug Schulkind:

Listener Lewis from Minneapolis has put his Speedo back on and jumped back into the pledge pool. Thanks for making a splash, Lewis!!
Avatar 1:57pm
Tony Coulter:

HUGE THANKS to Lewis for upping his pledge!!! Don't let him single-handedly carry the weight of FMU on his shoulders. PLEDGE!! PLEDGE! PLEDGE!
Avatar 2:02pm
Tony Coulter:

Uh oh. We're 2/3rds of the way through today's show -- and only at 37% of my goal. Please pledge if you can!!!! FMU really needs it -- and it's a vote for the stream as well
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06pm
Uncle Michael:

Avatar 2:06pm

Wow, those Minnesotans are a promiscuous lot when it comes to pledges.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
Doug Schulkind:

Va-va-va-VOOOM! Listener Julian from Dallas has dropped an entire "Mouse" pledge! (That's a dollar-a-day.) Fan-freaking-tastic, Julian. Thank you!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
listener james from westwood:

we've got a happy cow!
Avatar 2:08pm

Well done Listener Julian from Dallas!
Avatar 2:08pm
Tony Coulter:

Julian -- thanks SO MUCH for your mega-generous pledge!!! I AM STUNNED WITH GRATITUDE!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:08pm
Uncle Michael:

Big D...Down D...Get in D...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:10pm
Rich in Washington:

Wowzers! Julian! You rawk!
Avatar 2:10pm

Let's hear Maceo!
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:11pm
listener james from westwood:

nicely done, julian! thanks to all pledgers. anyone on the sideline, don't let sir john's smooth verse lull you into a poetry-sated trance. dive on in!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm
Doug Schulkind:

So far today TWO pledges have cleared the Tony's Premium hurdle. You can pledge again during this show and be eligible for more prizes and add on, to get your total above the premium level.

If you'd like.
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Tony Coulter:

If we get just ONE more pledge we'll do another drawing, for one of the great prizes that have been building up -- including the 7" EP on now.
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Tony Coulter:

YIPPEE!!! We Got that one more pledge! Huge thanks to Greg in Detroit!
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Doug Schulkind:

Listener Greg in Detroit has pledged! He's in the running for a prize (more on that in a moment) and says:

"LOVE your show, Tony! Glad you are still around even after your move!"'

Thank you very much, Greg!
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Tony Coulter:

Thanks for the comment, Greg! I'm glad I'm still here too!
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Tony Coulter:

And I'm here thanks to Doug and the stream. Say thanks to Doug and the stream, won't you ... with a pledge!
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Doug Schulkind:


Listener Lewis is back in the prize column, winning: Mark Tucker "In the Sack"

Listener Rich in Washington wins: Jean-Pierre Massiera "Psychoses Discoid"

Listener Julian in Dallas wins: Mark Fry "Dreaming With Alice"

and Listener Greg in Detroit wins: MIJ "Yodeling Astrologer"

More prizes are on the table. Keep the pledges rolling in!!!
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listener james from westwood:

motor city showing the love! go greg!
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Tony Coulter:

I can smell today's goal -- it's only inches away: help me zoom past the finish line!!
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Doug Schulkind:

Tony, remind us what prizes are on now up for grabs and describe ye olde GRAND PRIZE.
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Rich in Washington:

YAY! I've been wanting the JPM album!
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Uncle Michael:

@Tony "What's that smell I smell? That you?" -Fred G. Sanford
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Tony Coulter:

The grand prize today is a 3-CD set called "Source: Music of the Avant Garde." It features the complete version of the tape piece "Wolfman," which we were just hearing. Everyone who has pledged throughout the show will be eligible for that one.
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Doug Schulkind:

Listener Jeremy has put us over the top! Thank you so much Jeremy!!!!
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Uncle Michael:

Excellent. Doug, what does the new bar at 13% represent?
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Van in DC:

the 13% is overall WFMU goal of a gazillion dollars
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Doug Schulkind:


That 13% bar is for WFMU and the Drummer Stream all together!
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Uncle Michael:

How many zeros is a gazillion?
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Van in DC:

As many as they can take us for :)
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Yo, where's Laura from Chicago?
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Tony Coulter:


Can I pledge now that you're over the top? Listener Jeremy can't have all the fun.
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Jeremy N:

Hi Tony, All! Late, but had to set up one of these friendship profiles so's I wouldn't appear heartless... Thanks so much for the kind comments about the song!
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Jeremy N:

Hope I haven't done a bad thing by "reaching the goal"!
New Goal time!
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Tony Coulter:

Some of you may have guessed that the show you're hearing now was pre-recorded. That's why I don't sound excited that we met our goal -- but I AM!!! And I'd love even more to keep going!!
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listener james from westwood:

many thanks, jeremy, and all supporters of fine freeform done the tony coulter way!
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Tony Coulter:

Hi Kay!! Please do pledge and keep the ball rolling -- even if we can't see it
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Van in DC:

Oh goodness Jeremy, you have done a GREAT thing!
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Wow. Are our comments pre-recorded, too? Surreal.
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Tony Coulter:

WOW!! BIG THANKS to Kay for the premium-sized pledge!!!!
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Van in DC:

Actually you CAN see it. Just click the Pledge button and it will show you the actual amount vs goal amount
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Tony Coulter:

@ Brian: Yes, this all happened a 100 years ago.
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Doug Schulkind:

Listener Kay in Michigan, has weighed in with a PREMIUM-sized pledge. You will LOVE Tony's homemade offering, Kay. And we love you.

It's done, I toppled our goal. Let's build it up again like a crazy game of Jenga.
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Uncle Michael:

No spoilers.
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(Sorry I shouted.)
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Doug Schulkind:

Thank you Kay!
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Uncle Michael:

Someone go back in time and tell Tony his goal has been raised.
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Van in DC:

Back in time? I may be your Van
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Tony Coulter:

Let's shoot for the stars!! We've got 12 minutes to reach our new goal! (I have been teleported into the future -- i.e., your present.)
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Van in DC:

Back in time? I may be your Van
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Doug Schulkind:

We'd need a moving Van to go back in time.
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Tony Coulter:

The 3CD set I'm playing a track from now is the GRAND PRIZE, which we'll drawing for at the end of the hour. Pledge now and be in on the drawing.
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Uncle Michael:

I am hot on the trail of the complete Psychedelic Unknowns series from which Tony featured a track from Vol. 6
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Tony Coulter:

Don't get too relaxed -- there are still three minutes to pledge. Plus, the sound of an orgasm is building up -- let's time making the new goal to her climax!
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Jeremy N:

Relax, don't do it.
listener james from westwood:

giggity giggity! help that kitty hit her goal!
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Doug Schulkind:

Jeremy in New York wins: Pseudocode "Slaughter in a Tiny Place"


Kay wins: Orchestre Murphy

and the GRAND PRIZE goes to...
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Rich in Washington:

Thanks for a wonderful show, Tony!
listener james from westwood:

hey, there's a human in there too! what kind of crazy freeform zoo is this?!
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Doug Schulkind:



Thank you everyone!
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Van in DC:

Thanks Tony & cohost Doug!
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Tony Coulter:

Thanks for tuning in, commenting, and pledging everybody! See you next week!! Stay tuned to the stream!!!!!
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Uncle Michael:

Congrats Greg. Thanks Tony. Bye everyone.
listener james from westwood:

congrats, greg! and of course, congrats, tony! thanks, all!!
Avatar 🥁 3:02pm
Jeremy N:

Yip yip! Eternal thanks Tony! Chuffed to bits to be featured on the premium!
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Doug Schulkind:

I'll be back here at 6pm with Give the Drummer Some, followed at 7pm by Jesse Kaminsky and Kaminsky Kamoutsky!
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Tony Coulter:

THANKS AGAIN everybody!! See you next week! Long live FMU!
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Tony Coulter:

And be sure to send pledge love to Doug and Jesse.....
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Van in DC:

Back in time? I may be your Van
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Tony Coulter:

Trying to freak me out, Van, you time traveler?!?
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