20000 cops...that was the day! NYPD is the 7th largest standing army in the world today...
I just realised that some Americans look at and listen to Obama but see and hear Cyrus.
Lets protect our turf
I feel obligated for *every* Program to state that I get paid the 14th & wanna just Pledge once to keep it simple
- I appreciate however how expensive gifs really are...
- Planet Tyler et al: I'm wondering if I Pledge once if I for sure get a multiple choice to fill out @ that time to 'Vote' for Programs I favor - ? - I think I read something like that - ?...
Ken - it's Anton Yelchin. He was Chekov in Star Trek and whats-his-face in Terminator Salvation - other movies besides You and I witth only one reason to watch
Loved the Cyrus! Very pumped up for Ken's show now! If only I could afford to make another Mouse Pledge, but alas... congrats to the person who gets the radio channel in the end!
...I have nothing to say - but I'm getting my Comment in before more Gifs slow down the page on this hand-cranked computer of mine...
Will that Winner's station be Streamed for us - ?!? : )
@RRabit: Deanimator for Safari is nice: github.com...
On this page, I can click on a still image to see the larger animation. (Without loading all the others and crashing the browser.)
So last year I busted my ass and made 1.2 million later that year I meet this chick and take her home. I wake up the next morning and this bitch tore up my house flooded my friggin toilet and stole a crap load of my cash. Help a brother out would ya.
There is a little piece of metal that you can click to make a cricket sound. Some novelty stores have them.
@βrian♥ : My connection is ok - but my PC is simply off the scrapheap: Windows 2000 & Explorer6 - which doesn't even get me on some sites @ all - & good %-age of stuff (that Link maybe, though Thank You) not even compatible @ all. Ike clued me in to possible Firefox for W2K I need to check. & a friend says he'll kick me down an Apple that should up my game a whole bunch! More details of my lifestory available on request.
RevRab - Yeah it's funny, you have a choice to credit as many shows as you want with your donation. I haven't tried it, but I wonder if one can sponser all shows with a $15 pledge?
thank you ken and monica, this show is being one of my favs since i've started listening to the fmu. so sorry i have to go to work and can't listen it 'till the end.
GBH! So dinosaur-y looking.
Their defense mechanism in banding is to puke on the bird bander.
@ rhubarb: The place I work (Wed. my 'Sunday') is actually called 'Listen' - & yer confusing & creepin' me out...not yer fault of course...
- I don't see goal %-age & I like to wait for the Cow to Kegel...is it that bad - ?!?...
Having worked with dementia patients and mental patients, I've seen more than my fair share of voluntary encopresis. Fortunately, I didn't end up rolling around a poo-covered room with a violent patient, like one of my co-workers.
I once listened to The Magic Roundabout theme for 3 hours with a friend to see if it drove us crazy. things did get very heated & we got very edgy and irritable.
@groucho: well, that's understandable. That's a freaky piece of music. It sounds like the theme song for a crazed, murderous, serial killer clown or something...
F♀F♀ ♥ (:
Sorry to hear. I mean, awesome to hear!
I knew someone who said they were in a car driving down to NC and spent an entire 24 hours in the car tripping their balls off and listening to just one Outlaws tape over and OVER
I'm changing my ways, this year; usually I just pledge once, but this year, I want to spread the love around. The thing is, I'm starting with a Swag For Life pledge. Will any subsequent pledges be added to my monthly charge?
@Cecile: true, but on the other hand, I'd like to think that they're all glam at home while bitching at each other, and then have to dress in layer after layer of oversized clothes to cover the scars from their own private Fight Club (which starts right after the gifs stop).
Schmaltzlüp - the Band that'll Rawk yer MorningMind
As groucho mentioned, play the damn "Magic Roundabout" theme on a loop, and people will pledge. Although WFMU listeners might like the freakiness of it...
A lot less stuff has been adopted than I expected, but I suspect that there are plenty of "pending" adoptions" that just haven't been updated to pending or completed adoption yet.
Oh man, Ken's explanation of the Swag for Life plan makes it sound less like the convenient thing I thought it was and more like a damn gym that won't let you quit your membership no matter how hard you try!
Ken seems to be sabotaging himself today. First all the poo stuff, then the "Careless Whisper", now this?!?
May have to do my donation next week, Ken. I made the huge mistake of going on a Cupid date with a gal in advertising last night. I'm covered with bloody scrapes, my neck is sore and I stink of ciggie smoke. It's like I was at a metal show or something! :-/
RTD, break the bank? We might need to break INTO a bank. For FMU. Let's gather all our giant octopuses and robot lizards and pull some heists while wearing fedoras. The credit unions are exempt, of course.
When my giant cephalopod pulls an immense sack full of bank vault cash out of the Hudson and drags it up Montgomery St. to WFMU HQ, Ken is gonna plotz.