Favoriting Zzzzzzero Hour with Bill Mac: Playlist from July 5, 2014 Favoriting

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Lullabies and reveilles. Something for the late nighters and early risers.

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Favoriting July 5, 2014: Innocent Babies Whistling Nonchalantly

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(* = new)

Artist Track Album Label New Approx. start time
Ooioo  Don Ah   Favoriting Gamel  Thrill Jockey  *   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Craig Leon  She Wears a Hemispherical Skullcap   Favoriting Early Electronic Works  Aparte  *   0:09:55 (Pop-up)
Officer  Bugs in Amber   Favoriting Dead Unique  Blackest Ever Black  *   0:16:04 (Pop-up)
Doctor Nerve  Trash   Favoriting Beta 14 Ok  Cuneiform    0:21:38 (Pop-up)
Stump  50-0-55   Favoriting Does the Fish Have Chips Early and Late Works 1986-89  Cherry Red  *   0:26:25 (Pop-up)
The Flaming Lips  Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt 1   Favoriting Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots  Warner Brothers    0:30:44 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


The Air Between Words 



0:35:41 (Pop-up)
King Buzzo  Drunken Baby   Favoriting This Machine Kills Artists  Ipecac  *   0:43:48 (Pop-up)
Brigitte Fontaine & Areski  Les Borgias   Favoriting L'Incindie  Saravah    0:45:51 (Pop-up)
Dogbowl & Kramer  Huge Horrible Carrot   Favoriting Gunsmoke  Shimmy Disc    0:49:39 (Pop-up)
8 Eyed Spy  Run Through the Jungle   Favoriting Live  Danceteria    0:51:45 (Pop-up)
Foetus in Excelsis Corruptus Deluxe  Faith Healer   Favoriting Male  Big Cat    1:00:56 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


Organs in Orbit 



1:04:44 (Pop-up)
Vialka  Transe Expresse   Favoriting A L/abri Des Regards Indiscrets  Vialka  *   1:14:21 (Pop-up)
The Ex  This is the Machine Age   Favoriting Dignity of Labour  The Ex    1:20:53 (Pop-up)
Kurws  Torsie   Favoriting Wszysko Co Stale Rozplywa Sie w Powietrzu  Gusstaff  *   1:23:49 (Pop-up)
Cousins  Phone   Favoriting The Halls of Wickwire  Ba Da Bing  *   1:28:45 (Pop-up)
Rock a Teens  Black metal Stars   Favoriting Golden Time  Merge    1:31:45 (Pop-up)
Brother JT & Vibrolux  Black Lemonade   Favoriting Doomsday Rock  Siltbreeze    1:35:14 (Pop-up)
Blossom Toes  The Remarkable Saga of the Frozen Dog   Favoriting Love Bomb Live 1967-69  Sunbeam    1:38:03 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


Organs in Orbit 



1:47:35 (Pop-up)
Ann-Margaret  It's a Nice World to Visit   Favoriting Destroy that Boy - More Girls With Guitars  Ace    1:55:15 (Pop-up)
Dum Dum Girls  Jail La La   Favoriting I Will Be  Sub Pop    1:57:09 (Pop-up)
Dan Melchior  Town Feeling   Favoriting Hunger  Castle Face  *   2:00:05 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:


Organs in Orbit 



2:03:25 (Pop-up)
Ed schraders Music Beat  Clock Weather   Favoriting Party Jail  Infinity Cat Recordings  *   2:09:31 (Pop-up)
Quantic  Magnetica   Favoriting Magnetica  Tru Thoughts  *   2:12:15 (Pop-up)
Black Bananas  Physical Emotions   Favoriting Electric Brick Wall  Drag City  *   2:15:06 (Pop-up)
Bootsy Collins  Ahh... The Names Bootsy Baby   Favoriting Anthology  Rhino    2:17:01 (Pop-up)
Don King  Tanajura   Favoriting New York Noise Vol 2  Soul Jazz    2:24:26 (Pop-up)
Pere Ubu  My Friend is a Stooge for the Media Priests   Favoriting Ray Gun Suitcase  Tim Kerr    2:27:08 (Pop-up)
King Tubby  Roots of Dub   Favoriting Presents the Roots of Dub  Jamaican  *   2:30:11 (Pop-up)
Lord Cobra y Los Pana Afros  Man in the Moon   Favoriting Calypso Musical Poetry in the Caribbean 1955-59  Soul Jazz  *   2:33:23 (Pop-up)
    Organs in Orbit      2:36:17 (Pop-up)
Vito and the Hands  Vito and the Hands   Favoriting Kim Fowley: Technicolor Grease  Norton  *   2:41:08 (Pop-up)
David Peel & the Lower East Side  Girls Girls Girls   Favoriting The Rest is history  Rhino    2:43:08 (Pop-up)
Lee Fields and the Explorers  I'm the Man   Favoriting The Soul Fire Box Set  Truth & Soul  *   2:47:25 (Pop-up)
James Brown  Baby You're Right   Favoriting Star Time  Polydor    2:50:08 (Pop-up)
Dana Gillespie  You Just Gotta Know My Mind   Favoriting The Rebel Kind: Girls With Guitars  Ace  *   2:53:36 (Pop-up)
Buck Owens  Adios Farewell Goodbye Good Luck So Long   Favoriting Buck 'em  Omnivore    2:56:00 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:03am
Sem Chumbo:

A good a reveille as there has been for this early riser. I do love the sound of ahhhhhh in the am. Hiya, Bill.

Zero hour Greetings to Bill, Sem, and everyone on both sides of the pond.
andy in berlin:

Good morning on a bright, but overcast and slightly threatening Berlin morning.
Avatar 3:06am

And the other pond.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:07am
Sem Chumbo:

Hello, T-90, and a flipper flap right back at you, fleep.
Avatar 3:10am

good morning bill and all have a hangover was up very late last night
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10am
Sem Chumbo:

@andy in berlin, "slightly threatening Berlin morning". That sounds, well, *ominous*

I mentioned the war once but thought I got a way with it-said john cleese once
Avatar 3:15am

Hi all! Happy Birthday 'Murica!
Avatar 3:16am
Bill Mac:

Morrrrnin Gents... happy day after independence day to the yanks out there. Happy 5th o' Jooolie to the rest of you!
andy in berlin:

@Sem - well if you're afraid of rain, then it is indeed ominous today. No demonic implications implied (except for the usual of course)

I wish we could say we welcome all but as usual a few individuals take over America--let them busses through people
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21am
Sem Chumbo:

@andy: that's a relief, to know that *ominous* is just part of the mise-en-scène, I mean:)
andy in berlin:

@ Sem - oh, I could tell you stories...!

What ever happened to majority rule law in America-WAKE UP AMERICA
michael and Birgit:

Been away for a while but able to listen to the show. Hey Bill and everyone. How`s Life? Going to see the Cosmic Psychos next week... . Einstürzende Neubauten will play in November new Material. Whats`s happening over there...?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:30am
Sem Chumbo:

@andy: maybe you could tell me a few someday, over a glass of something ginger-y from reussische Spiritosen Manufaktu, recommended to me just this week during a yearly visit by a friend from Berlin.
Avatar 3:30am
Bill Mac:

Hey Mikn'Bir... Lemmee see.... jad Fair touring here in September. I'm guessing that they'll start posting Fall shows soon. Enjoying the the beeyouteeful summer weather this weekend
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...& (looking @ our host's 'tar) - what's omni noose witchoo (if yer thot & speech are regrettably informed by BritCom & the New York Dolls)
...you shall be informing my dreams - but I'll be listening in one state of wakefulness or another
...for July 3rd - I finally saw inside the local Civil War Vet Memorial Building but a block away in my small NorthNewEngland town; got memorabilia back to the Indian Wars - including a Nazi helmet & knives - & a consecrated chapel up top w/ some Masonic stained glass w/ crossbones & 13thFloorElevator-ish Eye...a heavy place...
michael and Birgit:

Jad Fair, why not !The Fall ,shure!!!Rain today here , but got a package of Gooner Records in my Postbox ! But breakfast first....
Avatar 3:36am

Hey Bill Are not all babies innocent but never heard one whispering even !! :) so....

Morning Bill and all the Bill Beans
Avatar 3:42am

Is Arthur going to hit Bill !!!
michael and Birgit:

King Buzzo ,Great Track... ! Going to get it today...
Avatar 3:48am
Bill Mac:

@Michael Tour Europe-bound September!
michael and Birgit:

Just checked out, he`s playing in cologne. Thank you !

Synchronicity! I've just spent the last few hours reading up on on Fogerty...

I love Obama but the gov't does shit poor job at protecting us- they are too busy figuring out witch shampoo is better
Avatar 3:56am
Bill Mac:

I'm trying to read an Alex Harvey book I fouund out there in Netsville...
Avatar 3:58am
Bill Mac:

Spekkin' o which.....

Why does this song sound like Vambo from the alex Harvey band?

but we have had no hits under Obama that is impressive
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01am
Sem Chumbo:

Lovin' this set, Bill.
That "hurricane" was supposed to hit here ( Nova Scotia) overnight, but it seems mostly a little strong wind and the odd squall of rain, nothing more than a usual rainy day on the North Atlantic coast.
Listening to the Keith Richards bio bits at a time.
Avatar 4:02am
Bill Mac:

Hey Eric.... it's actually Alex Harveys' faith Healer covered by Foetus

was it sampled?
michael and Birgit:

Good choice, this version. Great show today...


i think i saw ahb on don kirshner's rock concert as a kid
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:11am
Sem Chumbo:

@eric: might have been this you saw:www.tv.com...

CNN did a poll--Romney against Obama-Romney won--Wuuuuuut-- Romney could care less of people who park their own mansion
michael and Birgit:

Ahhhhhh THE EX... a goog finish for me

Bill, i`m out. Buying some food for the family !

See you all next week.
Avatar 4:24am
Bill Mac:

Oh-righty Michael... til next time!

thank you sem, and thank you Bill Mac!
Avatar 4:31am
Bill Mac:

See ya Eric!
Avatar 4:51am

Fresh blueberries Bill!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:56am
Sem Chumbo:

Lee Hazelwood composition, I think, Bill?
Avatar 4:58am
Bill Mac:

Is it? Wow, I wish she woulda kept going. I wonder how much of that type she did? I have something of hers on my last premium.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:04am
Sem Chumbo:

Would have been interesting to hear her take on "Just dropped in to See What Condition My Condition was In." Maybe Lee and Mickey Newbury were drinking the same electric kool aid;)

Way hey I made it!
Avatar 5:11am
Bill Mac:

Hey hey Stanley! I was about to send someone to your house.
Avatar 5:13am

Ann-Margret was in tommy great film and the last thing she was in was CSI she has a great voice as well Bill born in 1941
Avatar 5:14am
Bill Mac:

Wasn't she Tommys' Mom?

Ha! Would' ve been no good Bill. I'm on the Mull of Kintyre. Its beautiful and miles from anywhere normal. Just dropped Viccy off at a baronial manor house where she's working on some archives.

She was Tommy's Mum in the Ken Russel movie, also the voice of her stone age counterpart Ann Margrock on The Flintstones
Avatar 5:18am
Bill Mac:

What is it, a working vacation?

Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19am
Sem Chumbo:

She has a fine cameo as Cameron Diaz's drunken Mom in Olivers Stone truly good football film, Any Give Sunday.
Avatar 5:19am
Bill Mac:

I loves Ann-Margrock
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:19am
Sem Chumbo:

Any Given Sunday.

Any Given Semday?
Avatar 5:21am
Bill Mac:

Any Semmen Chumday... I'll need to check it out.
Avatar 5:22am

Ann-Margret has dazzled screen and stage audiences as few entertainers in our time. With her film debut in Frank Capra's final classic, "Pocketful of Miracles," in 1962, to the soon to be released Oliver Stone directed "On Any Sunday" with Al Pacino,
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:22am
Sem Chumbo:

@P-90: ever the witty one, even at this time of the day, man.

It is for me. She does this from time to time, usually research for her latest book. I'm just along for the ride!

Jeez, how long is it since I heard this. Was the soundtrack of my student days. All together now Bootsy!
Avatar 5:23am

bah you all beat me to it

Best auld lang syne ever
Avatar 5:24am
Bill Mac:

I don't know much about Bootsy cept for his P-Funk connections and his Axiom period solo career. That were fun.
Avatar 5:25am
Bill Mac:

Oh yeah, wasn't he in James Browns' band for a moment or two?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:29am
Sem Chumbo:

The Ubu, just the right thing to get me in a Farmers' Market frame of mind.
They are different here, Bill.
This could be its theme song.

This set is a blinder, Bill and I loves me dub
Avatar 5:33am

yes nothing like a bit of king tubby ageless music
Avatar 5:35am
Bill Mac:

In particular the deep dub as the kids' call it, and you can't go wrong with Ubu either

Wasn't there an offshoot band The Brides of Funkenstein? All fun time stuff, albeit a bit samey at times.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:45am
Sem Chumbo:

And with David Peel in my ears (the Pope smokes Dope) I am out.
Been a very fine time, Bill, and all. See you next fire time, next fire station.
Avatar 5:46am
Bill Mac:

I remember that. Clinton had his hands in a lot of projects back then
Avatar 5:49am
Bill Mac:

Later Sem!!! It seems I've run outta fire puns, so I'll just say gubbye.
Avatar 5:50am

thanks bill .. my hangover is getting better .. till the next time
Avatar 5:52am
Bill Mac:

Muzik is the best medicine... later Jay... get some sun if you can
Avatar 5:57am
Bill Mac:

OK folks like the man sez....Adios Farewell Goodbye Good Luck So Long - until next week of course!!!

Short but very sweet, this morning, Bill. Scotland awaits me, so take care Bill and everyone til next time.
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