some people follow their heart and passion and actually communicate a tangible message of love in their art , WFMU is one of a few musical oasis where DJ's can be themselves and this is wot we get-pure listening pleasure , thanks MFW
hahahah fantastic reply MFW , soz for the gushing praise its just fewer and fewer opportunities arise to give credit where credits due theses days mate , i just say it as it is and it is so. i'm off to boogie round my living room to the rest of soulwinefineMRville so no more embarrassing comments from me ,,yaaaaaay
...always look forward to this hour of the week. Oh yes ! ; deffo Hobbit-forming...
DAMNIT - That was a wonderful show. Listened it whilst preparing a lovely veg dinner. Good groove for good food. Thanks a lot Matt! Hope to catch you one day again for outstanding talks and music. Love buddy!
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Listener comments!
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63: