- jeepers - I guess Stevie *was* 'Little' then !!
- On Gaylord's last show, he played a cover of Detroit R&B group the Dynamics' "Misery" by The New Piccadillys
- which surprised me as being musically (but not lyrically) *identical* to 'ZootSuit' - a very early single by TheWh♂ whilst still called 'TheHighNumbers' - ripped lock stock & two smokin' barrels ...
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Listener comments!
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
- On Gaylord's last show, he played a cover of Detroit R&B group the Dynamics' "Misery" by The New Piccadillys
- which surprised me as being musically (but not lyrically) *identical* to 'ZootSuit' - a very early single by TheWh♂ whilst still called 'TheHighNumbers' - ripped lock stock & two smokin' barrels ...
Mr. Fine Wine:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Mailman Tom:
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine:
Mr. Fine Wine: