I grab a hot cup of coffee and a tasty chocolate, browse over to Ken's page for the start of a nice Wed morn, and I gotta see that human sunstar thingy? Thanks Uncle Ken.
1) I would like to know which one is Dr. Bootygrabbers greatest fear.
2) I would like not to have seen the sunstar man.
3) I also would like to know where is Guido
4) I would like to hear about this Ophra scandal
5) Finally, and most importantly, I would like to know everything about the comeback of the New Kids on the Block
Seeing the psychologist as a troubled teen ends up being a good thing, you can use them to convince your parents that smoking pot and other things is actually ok.
Doing the Black Mirror thing on 7SD tonight? I love it. Thanks by the way for suggesting that. No idea how that show flew under my personal radar for so long.
Yes, the big unanswered question is: if Andy does not peddle fast enough, will the battery just cut off electricity all at once, which would be no problem. OR, will it reduce voltage down from 115 to 80 and fry the power supply for the Behringer?
Behringer mixers (at least the ones I've repaired) have switching power supplies, and they aren't particularly forgiving about crappy AC power, not that they break, but the won't power up right, weird probs with on board effects init'ing properly, missing busses, etc.
@Moneybag$: “I missed Institutionalized, could you please play it again?” Impossible. After Ken played it all copies of the song have been destroyed around the world.
Your father is gay!
) ߔߘߔߘ:
I think he made an opera out of this, right? I would like to listen to it all. But alas, it seems it is only available as a premium.
Yep f0f0 - the UFO is another track from "Clays Klassix 2014"
) ߔߘߔߘ:
I really think one instrumental song of Khlam's cacet album has all the ingredients to be consider a timeless classic. I forgot the name, but It is something like 'Kuzon'?
) ߔߘߔߘ:
Got it, Ken. All Clay Pigeon stuff you have played so far is quite brilliant! Thanks!
(just tuning in now, sorry) hmm, andy breckman pedaling a bike for electricity? wnyc this morning told us of getting power from sewage. so maybe if andy does a poop, we can put wires in it & ...i'll bet kenzo knows all about it.
I can't wait to hear this album on Pono, as it was intended
the only way to really understand why Neil used to dig Picasso and got a hip hop haircut
Ken, thanks for helping me "waste" another 3 hours. i view this show like it is the first thing on a monday morning, so thanks for starting my week off well!
don't even call them "cars" they're automated vehicles. they'll replace every delivery man, cab driver, factory worker, anything where a person use to move X to Y will be replaced by automated vehicles. fucking scary
Well, maybe if humans stop driving there will be a new enlightenment and we'll evolve to a more utopian society where automation can actually be transformed into leisure.
) ߔߘߔߘ:
thanks, Kommisssar Ken! Till next episode people!
Ken, what was the song in the background while you were talking?