Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from August 18, 2015 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting August 18, 2015: Suffragette City

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Tonight: Suffragette City
On this day in 1920 a hard-fought campaign begun in 1848 in Seneca Falls, NY ended when the 19th Amendment to the Constitution reached the 3/4th majority required via ratification by Tennessee. American women finally secured the right to vote in all US elections. Ninety-five years later Hilary Clinton has a good chance of becoming our first female President and GOP Candidate Carly Fiorina, probably doesn't.

I've already predicted Hilary will win... and not for any reason you might suspect. As I've stated on air, I think this country has precious little left but novelty. How do you follow the first black President? With the first female President. The thought that you can go into a polling place and not just vote but make history is incredibly powerful. This is not to demean President Obama or Secretary Clinton's experience or accomplishments. My "Novelty Theory" exists above and apart from any skills they bring to the job. 

Today might be another historic day in "Herstory"... the FDA is set to approve "Female Viagra" - something that may not be effective and could be unnecessary. 

Tonight, I'd like to hear especially from women on these questions:
  • Is Hilary your candidate? Or someone else?
  • Have you ever experienced a "Sexist Microaggression"?
  • What IS a "Sexist Microaggression"?
  • Is what you choose to wear on your feet anyone's business?
  • How does your pay compare to a male colleague in a similar position?
  • Ever encounter an online troll?
  • Been slut-shamed?
  • Had to deal with street harassment?
  • Just how pernicious is the male gaze anyway?
  • What do most men "not get" about most women?
  • Would you take "female Viagra"?
Call 201-209-WFMU between 6 - 7 pm and vote on these questions and any others you'd like to discuss.  And I'll resist the urge to call this "Ladies' Night" while you enjoy this Viagra parody from one of the groups advocating for "female Viagra"...
Last Week: Tell It Like It Is(n't)
Last week I asked about those times you were "brutally honest" with someone. To be brutally honest, the show got a bit derailed by an ongoing troll problem on the playlist comments. I promise no such thing will happen tonight. 

Folks also weighed in on the newsletter, which continues to live for the time being. Thanks to everyone who had supportive things to say, especially Andrew O. out in Tinseltown.

Here's your mighty sampling of playlist comments:
  • Glad to see the newsletter is still there! Haven't seen the FB page yet. My vote: newsletter stays (even if shortened) and Led Zep Karaoke dies a painless death, an experiment that failed despite the bestest of intentions.
  • One time i was riding with my girlfriend now wife) in my car and asked her if she had any mints. she said yeas and i said 'well, you better eat one.' luckily she laughed.
  • I've had to tell my wife to keep her mouth shut when I get a haircut and she thinks I look dumb cuz she can be brutal. She's working on it.
  • For what it's worth, enjoy your views, voice, flavor. All the best.
  • The show is great, cheers from Iceland!
  • Chris - I love your shows. I hope you stick with it as long as possible.
  • NO ONE seems to have liked TD2, everyone I Knew who watched it complained about it non-stop.
  • Aerial View is best in class
New Aerial View Facebook Group
I took the plunge and created a new Aerial View Facebook Group. It's titled See You Next Tuesday! - just like this newsletter. Join the Group and let's discuss...
This Foot Business
Last week in this space I mentioned that the future of Aerial View is cloudy due to upcoming foot surgery that will make it inadvisable for me to leave the house for awhile. This is (obviously) not something I look forward to but I'm focussing on what's on the other side: walking without pain. I also know there are some of you out there struggling with life-threatening health issues so I'm trying to maintain perspective.

I still haven't figured out what will become of Aerial View while I recuperate. As of now, I haven't begun searching for someone who might help out at the station on Tuesdays and I have almost no interest in prerecording a show every week. My favorite kind of talk radio is live and involves callers. The pre-recorded shows I've done have all happened in the field and that's not going to happen because my house is not "in the field."

My best-case scenario is that I'm able to do a phone-in talk show from home. If that's not possible, Aerial View may be taking a hiatus. Please standby.
I went looking for a poem of mine and found this from Aug. 18, 2002, exactly thirteen years ago today.
Smoking Again
Reading Bukowski again
flat on my back
fan on the bookcase opposite
rippling the pages
providing white noise
but nothing can make me sleep
Almost four now
and my eyes won’t close
can’t close
there’s so much more to do
I know there is something left undone
Is it that call to my landlord
telling him the rent will be late
Or the call to my father,
apologizing for missing his birthday?
What about Eileen, who paged me hours ago?
How do I explain about my phone bills piled up
and the long distance service off?
I’ll call her tomorrow
make some lame excuse
“I forgot my pager at work.”
“the battery must’ve died”
“Sometimes I don’t get pages."

How  do you explain to a girl
what it means to be broke?
How it keeps you up at night?
Thinking of every bad decision
every love gone wrong
all the friends who no longer
speak to me
and my father
my mother
and sisters
each of us encased
in blocks of clear Lucite
unable, unwilling
of finding out
who we are
what we meant
how it derailed.
Christ, it’s the garbage men
I hear the can scrape
the grind of the crusher
their loud voices saying,
“Throw me another!”
“What’s in this CAN, motherfucker?!”
I bet he has a cigarette.
Shit, it’s the nicotine!
It’s in me again.
It was the post-coital smoke
with that New York girl,
that goddamned Kool
the brand my mother bought
A fucking menthol
led me down this road again
and now it’s in me
it’s in me good
I’d kill your mother for a cigarette
I’d kill my mother for a cigarette
Just one more
maybe fourteen puffs
poison in me
I could lay down and dream
of big tits
giant nipples
my cock long as a football field
hard as a hammer
and me, young, with hair
smoking my goddamned brains out

Listen to this show: Pop-up listen Pop-up player!

WFMU Literary Guild Meet Up
The next WFMU Literary Guild Meet Up is Saturday, September 18 at the KGB Bar in Manhattan. On the bill:  There's a new WFMU Literary Guild Facebook Group in addition to the Twitter account. Feel free to discuss writers and writing on both!
Pencil Me In
Opening night for Pencil Me In, the Monmouth Museum Emerging Artist exhibit featuring eighteen pieces by wife Janet Tsakis is Friday, September 18, 6 - 8 pm. Janet gives an Artist Talk Wed., Oct. 7, 7 - 8 pm and the show runs until October 18.

The piece above will be in the show.
Obligatory Throwback Pic
Circa 1995, with Cathead and Pee Wee.
How To Hear Aerial View
OVER THE AIR: Every Tuesday night, 6 PM Eastern time on WFMU in the metro NY/NJ area at 91.1 FM and on WMFU at 90.1 in the lower Catskills, Hudson Valley, western New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania.

ON THE WEB: Streaming audio in several formats is available at wfmu.org.
ON DEMAND ARCHIVES: The Aerial View Archive page features archives going back to nearly the beginning of the show in RealAudio and MP3 format.
PODCAST: Aerial View is available on iTunes as a podcast.
WFMU MOBILE: Listen live via the mobile app or browse the archives. Get the iOS app here and the Android version here. Amazon Kindle users can use the TuneIn Radio app. Info for other platforms, including Blackberry, etc. can be found here.

AUDIOBOOM: Hear Aerial View and easily share it on social media here. Mobile apps are here.
 "I'll see you TONIGHT, 6 PM Eastern time, on WFMU!"
Aerial View
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Artist Track Year Format
David Chris T. Bowie  Suffragette Aerial View City   Favoriting 2015  CD-R 

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Listener comments!

Avatar 6:06pm

Here's something that is interesting about being a middle-aged woman. You disappear around 35-40. People literally walk into you, or talk about stuff you are shocked about because they literally don't see you. Even though you might be within 6 inches of them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Evening, Chris!

Hey, is Cecile around? Haven't seen her in a while…

Seneca Falls was 1848
Listener 102365:

Women get the vote and the next thing you know booze gets outlawed.
Avatar 6:08pm

I'm pretty assertive, and kind of elbowed my way through sexism, but I've really been noticing it since I work in a primarily female job. What gets me are the "nice guys". They say horrible things, but then just brush it off with a laugh and "oh, I was just kidding."

haha, greg.

Cecile, I am starting to notice this!
Listener 102365:

I was just kidding
Avatar 6:10pm

Also, I have to speak for all women. Never mind that I am very different from most women. I somehow have an in to the female mind.
Avatar 6:11pm

it is true. Women were behind prohibition! Carrie Nation, anyone.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm

can men be slut-shamed? if so i have been there.

But Cecile, all women think exactly the same way!!
Avatar 6:13pm

dale, I'm sorry. that sucks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:14pm

jefferson was a black baby daddy - that should count.

A vote for a democrat or republican is a wasted vote.
Avatar 6:15pm

I learned that Alexander Hamilton was biracial.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm

chris needs a late-night 3 or 6 hour call in show like larry king or art bell - sexism among alien abductees.
Avatar 6:16pm

Your use of the word "novelty" kind of bugs me. We're over 50% of the population.
Avatar 6:17pm

nothing personal
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:18pm

Yep, just like Clay -- you just get cooking and then the hour is up. I'd vote for longer Dusty and Aerial View!

Hillary looked pretty bad with the activists compared to Bernie - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eCraUvIq-s
Avatar 6:18pm

Avatar 6:19pm

I hold doors for everyone, male or female.
Avatar 6:19pm

Listener 102365:

And I say thanks when someone holds the door for me
Avatar 6:20pm

good for you 102365. That always nice to hear.
Avatar 6:21pm

a rampage.
Avatar 6:22pm

I answered some stuff. I gotta go, so talk to you guys later.
Avatar 6:24pm

Avatar 6:24pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:25pm

does anyone else see the banana erection above the grapes in the bowl in the lady V ad? jeez those ad dudes have no decency
Paul D:

Chris T. love this show, one of my faves on WFMU.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:26pm

bye Cecile, thanks for being the woman on Chris' show!
Avatar 6:27pm
Cheri Pi:

Suh-Seal! Pronounce it again!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:30pm

ok, i finally watched the parody ad... very nice.

Hillary Clinton is the most depressing female candidate since Sarah Palin. Look at her record on bank bailouts. I would only vote for her not because she's a woman, but because Middle America is even less ready for a Jewish president.

I love your show, Chris.
Donald J. Trump:

Hilary for Prison 2016!

Can’t ladies take normal Viagra™ and get a rush of blood to their crotch just like men? What’s female Viagra™ then? It’s pink, costs more and harder to get?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:38pm

Some docs say erectile dysfunction can be an early sign of heart disease. I wonder if lack of female libido is related especially among the older crowd.
Listener 102365:

Morgan, do you think the Jewishness scares people more than his self proclaimed Sociallist-ness?
Paul D:

As a gay man I've definitely been slut shamed by other gay guys, which i guess is similar to when women treat each other poorly... but not so much by straight men as they would generally not want to hear about anything sexual having to do with gay guys.

This was a good call

@Listener102365: When I went on a high school trip to Washington, D.C. in 1985 I had some Southern roommates who genuinely believed Jews had horns and asked me about it. In 1985. IN NINETEEN EIGHTY-FIVE!!!! 30 YEARS AGO!!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:42pm

next thing you know - SCHPROINGGGG!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:43pm

ha! jake - so silly. but the tails those people have....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

natural viagra = cannabis ? discuss
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:48pm

natural viagra is listening. and being kind and complimentary. and buying some flowers. but all that shit is work for a man.

Natural viagra = Clean living? Discuss.

I like the all women caller format Chris T
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:50pm

This new drug doesn't sound promising -- "a textbook case of disease mongering by the pharmaceutical industry."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:51pm

soooo, is ladyagra a hormonal medication or a blood flow sort of thing?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm

what's clean living, JakeG? no smoking is a good start to keep the evanrude cranking in dudes... not sure if its the same in women...

@chris: Straight edge, Chris… Straight edge…

Also, Jared from Subway is going to plea guilty to child porn charges. Subway down, female viagra up! www.nydailynews.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

a straight edge diesel mechanic might still have some issues there, mate
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

they should call it 'shopping' or 'gossip.' that is my microagression for the evening.
Listener 102365:

Good show Chris. Later from the west coast.

All drug names are pronounced as if you were Jerry Lewis.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

That's the generic name, isn't it? So the terrible name is surely *intentional.* They hold back the great new catchy BRAND name until it's approved and ready for market, and when the patent eventually runs out and you can get the generic, you won't be able to remember the terrible, unpronounceable generic name, flibanserin -- not that it'll make a difference, really, because people will just ask for "generic [brand name]" but that won't stop them from trying.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

thanks, Chris T!
Avatar 6:57pm

excellent fascinating show, Chris! could talk tons on this stuff but suffice to say . . . YES courtesy should be extended to everyone (and YES i hold doors and stuff like that for others)
female viagra? as a caller commented, when your partner behaves like a jerk (abusive, immature, whatever), the attraction/desire is the first thing to go down the toilet (or, as i joked with a friend of mine when talking about menopause, "menopause did not kill off my sex drive, my stupid husband did!")
Do it yourself viagra? All sorts of homemade aphrodisiacs have been around forever!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm

is the logo a leaping matisse-like swash?
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