Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from August 25, 2015 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting August 25, 2015: Feet (Don't) Fail Me Now!

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Tonight: Feet (Don't) Fail Me Now!
I've been trying to set the stage for what I was afraid was inevitable in light of my foot surgery: Aerial View is leaving the airwaves of WFMU, at least until June of 2016. There's simply no way to avoid it. Because I live locally, the station's rules preclude me from broadcasting from home or pre-recordeding a show. This is a great disappointment to me because, as I've said here, my favorite kind of radio is live, call-in talk radio. But there's no way around it. 

The good news is that I can come back in July 2016 (it may not be to the same time/day). The other good news is that Aerial View will continue as a weekly podcast (cursing!): for those of you who listen that way there should be no interruption. And - if you weren't aware - I co-host the live, call-in talk show Freewheelin' on SiriusXM's Road Dog Channel (#146) every weekday, 11 am - 2 pm.

I haven't gone into detail on my foot surgery because you have your own health issues to deal with and I'd hate to come across like some old bastard relating every last stitch. But my podiatrist says my feet need extensive reconstruction due to a congenital malformation that was never diagnosed or treated. Fifty-two years of standing, walking, running, etc.., have caught up to me. I have constant pain in my feet and my ankles have taken the brunt. Speaking of which, I was told I'm also a candidate for ankle implants due to arthritis. 

The result is that I will be hobbled for quite some time. The first surgery is scheduled for the beginning of October. That will hopefully be healed by Christmas. Then I have to decide when to do the second foot. If I proceed right away I should be good by the Spring. This is all a moving target and I'll keep you updated.

For these next three Aerial View shows I'd like to keep things freeform and not set a topic. This is our chance to talk in a way we won't be able to for some time. Call 201-209-WFMU between 6 and 7 pm and let's put our foot in it.
Last Week: Suffragette City
Last week I asked these questions:
  • Is Hilary your candidate? Or someone else?
  • Have you ever experienced a "Sexist Microaggression"?
  • What IS a "Sexist Microaggression"?
  • Is what you choose to wear on your feet anyone's business?
  • How does your pay compare to a male colleague in a similar position?
  • Ever encounter an online troll?
  • Been slut-shamed?
  • Had to deal with street harassment?
  • Just how pernicious is the male gaze anyway?
  • What do most men "not get" about most women?
  • Would you take "female Viagra"?
And actual women actually called! Thanks, ladies....

Now, here's the good stuff: some juicy playlist comments:
  • Here's something that is interesting about being a middle-aged woman. You disappear around 35-40. People literally walk into you, or talk about stuff you are shocked about because they literally don't see you. Even though you might be within 6 inches of them.
  • Hey, is Cecile around? Haven't seen her in a while…
  • Women get the vote and the next thing you know booze gets outlawed.
  • chris needs a late-night 3 or 6 hour call in show like larry king or art bell - sexism among alien abductees.
  • Yep, just like Clay -- you just get cooking and then the hour is up. I'd vote for longer Dusty and Aerial View!
  • Chris T. love this show, one of my faves on WFMU.
  • Hillary Clinton is the most depressing female candidate since Sarah Palin. Look at her record on bank bailouts. I would only vote for her not because she's a woman, but because Middle America is even less ready for a Jewish president. I love your show, Chris.
  • I like the all women caller format Chris T.
  • excellent fascinating show, Chris! could talk tons on this stuff but suffice to say . . . YES courtesy should be extended to everyone (and YES i hold doors and stuff like that for others)
  • female viagra? as a caller commented, when your partner behaves like a jerk (abusive, immature, whatever), the attraction/desire is the first thing to go down the toilet (or, as i joked with a friend of mine when talking about menopause, "menopause did not kill off my sex drive, my stupid husband did!")
  • Do it yourself viagra? All sorts of homemade aphrodisiacs have been around forever!
New Aerial View Facebook Group
Have you checked out the new Facebook Group See You Next Tuesday! yet? I'm still working on exactly how things will play out on Facebook and whether or not it will be useful in the long run. Feel free to join me there because it'll be an excellent place to keep you updated on the podcast.
Floriduh Four Times
With Nana, Aunt Iz
and my brother.
Packed in the Dart,
which broke down in Virginia.
My grandmother and Isabel
arguing loudly about whether to
head back or move on,
to Florida.
To Disney World.
My brother and I squirmed for an hour,
Isabel prevailed.
She was determined to see Ocala:
her hometown.
She told us she ran moonshine during Prohibition,
from Ocala straight into Georgia.
A fresh-faced teenage girl out for a drive,
.22 automatic in her purse.
I’d never seen Isabel smile like that.
Like I’d never seen her in a dress.
She wore creased slacks and men’s shirts,
the breast pocket bulging with a pack of Pall Malls.
Her beer was Ballantine’s, from Newark, New Jersey.
Purity. Body. Flavor. Ballantine’s.
Isabel had been there from the beginning.
She came up in ’44,
worked at Grumman welding Hellcats.
Her fiance – a flyer – was shot down, supposedly.
She rented a room from my grandparents.
My grandfather died seven years later.
Isabel was still there.
Could it be?
Could this story be right?
Or did I make it up myself?
Piece it together from things heard over the years?
We all thought she was Scottish,
Cooksey being her last name.
Turns out she was ADOPTED.
No one knows who her birth mother was.
Isabel, left on a doorstep at the orphanage.
We made it to Florida
With one day for Disney World.
One day to see it all:
Pirate of the Caribbean
The Haunted Mansion
Captain Nemo.
And, most important to me
The Indy Car race.
Which was closed
Due to rain.
This piss-ant shit?
This isn’t rain.
It’s an annoyance!
Would real Indy divers quit
In the goddamned drizzle?
Two thousand miles
And I don’t get to race?!
Visiting Glenn Katz.
My junior High School year.
We were best friends
since thirteen.
Things collapsed at his house.
His father, the lawyer,
Embezzler, philanderer –
suffered a heart-attack
but did not die.
His mother tried to overdose
in the bathroom.
A year later she’s divorced
and they’re in Plantation.
Who names a town Plantation?
I went anyway, eager to see
my best friend.
My first flight anywhere.
On Delta, when they smoked on board.
Glenn: My God!
He had transformed.
Lean, muscular –
a football player.
This kid who loved Monty Python and Cat Stevens
now hung out with guys nicknamed “Mongo”.
Big, stupid rednecks who wanted nothing more
than to snap bones.
I watched them fight
more than once
not knowing what to do.
Jump in or stay neutral?
I was Switzerland
Drinking Busch beer from cans.
My first real exposure to beer
and with those hot dogs from dinner
It’s no wonder they came up the way they did,
right there by the pool.
Dad left Massachusetts.
Gave up the Antique Store on the main drag.
He couldn’t come up with anything better than Memories?
He packed it in for Jupiter with Sharon (wife number three).
Jupiter, Florida: birthplace of Burt Reynolds.
Home to the Burt Reynolds Dinner Theater.
Not anymore
 Dad got Sharon a ’47 Studebaker.
Red convertible.
They drove it around on Sundays,
Took it to shows,
Won ribbons.
She sat beside him,
hangdog look on her face.
He puffed his pipe,
smoothed his mustache.
They lived in a gated community.
Big, beautiful house stuffed with antiques.
All that money he never spent on his family.
We went to a flea market
where I bought legal switchblades.
One night, up late, he told me again
how he didn’t think he was my father
but he loved me anyway.

My brother Mario died
same age I am now.
He was trying to kick
all the opoids.
I watched him once
cut open a pain patch
and eat the goop
with a spoon.
He broke his back
on a riding mower
when it tipped over
on him.
Went doctor shopping
in Floriduh.
When he died
alone in his double-wide
my nephew and I went down there.
We wanted to get his stuff
before his “friends” descended.
That house was like
something out of
Silence Of The Lambs.
Everything coated in nicotine.
Our eyes stung so bad
we found a Lowe’s
and bought goggles and masks.
Hours spent searching through
the dimness,
sound of a braying mule
and gunfire
off in the distance.
I found a bullet hole
in the bathroom
and closet
full of painkillers.
It’s a vision I can’t shake
and one more reason
to stay out of Floriduh.
When I retire
and want out of the weather
it’s Southern California or bust.
Fuck the rents,
the drought,
the fires,
the earthquakes.
Fuck it all.
It’s not Floriduh.

Listen to this show: Pop-up listen Pop-up player!

Upcoming Events
WFMU Literary Guild Meet Up
The next WFMU Literary Guild Meet Up is Saturday, September 18 at the KGB Bar in Manhattan. On the bill:  There's a new WFMU Literary Guild Facebook Group in addition to the Twitter account. Feel free to discuss writers and writing on both!
Pencil Me In
Opening night for Pencil Me In, the Monmouth Museum Emerging Artist exhibit featuring eighteen pieces by wife Janet Tsakis is Friday, September 18, 6 - 8 pm. Janet gives an Artist Talk Wed., Oct. 7, 7 - 8 pm and the show runs until October 18.

The piece above will be in the show.
Obligatory Throwback Pic
My horrible Hoboken bachelor pad sink, circa 2000.
How To Hear Aerial View
OVER THE AIR: Every Tuesday night, 6 PM Eastern time on WFMU in the metro NY/NJ area at 91.1 FM and on WMFU at 90.1 in the lower Catskills, Hudson Valley, western New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania.

ON THE WEB: Streaming audio in several formats is available at wfmu.org.
ON DEMAND ARCHIVES: The Aerial View Archive page features archives going back to nearly the beginning of the show in RealAudio and MP3 format.
PODCAST: Aerial View is available on iTunes as a podcast.
WFMU MOBILE: Listen live via the mobile app or browse the archives. Get the iOS app here and the Android version here. Amazon Kindle users can use the TuneIn Radio app. Info for other platforms, including Blackberry, etc. can be found here.

AUDIOBOOM: Hear Aerial View and easily share it on social media here. Mobile apps are here.
 "I'll see you TONIGHT, 6 PM Eastern time, on WFMU!"
Aerial View
Aerial View
Artist Track Year Format Approx. start time
Led Chris T. Zeppelin  Babe I'm Gonna Aerial View Leave You   Favoriting 2015  WAV   
The Kinks  Something Better Beginning   Favoriting 1964  LP  0:58:05 (Pop-up)
Cilla Black  Conversation   Favoriting 1966  LP  0:58:32 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm
Mike East:

Sad news for us Aerial Viewers. Good luck wit your surgeries and recovery, Chris T! You will be missed.

I'll be listening to your podcast!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:05pm
Marcel M:

Yo Chris! Yes good luck with your upcoming surgeries, son!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:07pm

we have the technology. we can rebuild him.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:08pm

Damn, we'll miss you, Chris T! But most importantly, get your feet back in working order and we'll see you in '16!
Another Chris:

Would you rather have a fully functional, healthy and normal foot, or would you want it removed for some kind of gizmo-ridden bionic prosthetic?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:09pm
Rhody Chris:

I have to run out in a minute. I'll be listening to the podcast tomorrow as usual, but I just wanted to say best of luck with all the surgery and rehab stuff. Looking forward to the podcast and your comeback though!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:12pm

i'd like the bionics, please.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:13pm
Mike East:

GREAT gif, btw
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:16pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

My sister had bunion surgery on both feet. She's still recovering. It's no joke.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:21pm
Greg from ZONE 5:

Bon chance, Chris!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:27pm

i dropped a trailer hitch on one big toe, and an air compressor on the other big toe. the nails broke and have taken like two years to grow out. one still looks like a weird gargoyle toe. like chris said, i now wear steel toed boots. just got a new pair cuz a tomcat peed on my old ones.
Another Chris:

Whatever you do podcastwise, try to link it into the original Aerial View podcast feed, that way the new material will pop up no matter what it's call.

Too bad they won't bend the station rules for you Chris.

Any chance of having Paul Bearer on the show one more time?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm

Maybe ankle implants will allow you to dunk.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:39pm
Mike East:

yeah, announce via newsletter. I ain't joinin' no dadgum facebook twitter groups.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:40pm
Mike East:

hmmm...could be a good opportunity for you to move to CA, as you've thought about doing before. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41pm
Marcel M:

I love it when people stumble on the station and call. Sometimes people call DJs playing music and ask them what the hell is going on haha
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:44pm

i almost said, you get to come back to the air to see a Trump/Christy whitehouse ;-) is that bad enough?

Chris T , you suck ( not really but you said the niceness was getting to you so I wanted to neutralize that)
Kroner all:

This is bad news about ending

Tuning in late. So the show is ending?
Avatar 6:51pm
Jude in Brooklyn:

Hey Chris. I was feeling pretty lousy today and now I feel even worse. You'll be missed. Good luck with the surgery. God speed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:52pm

Godspeed Chris T, take care of your health and come back soon! I guess I'll have to learn about this podcast thing that the kids are doing now...
By the way, I've been listening to your show, on terrestrial radio, for many years...

Do a Johnny Carson and pick someone to continue hosting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:53pm
Mike East:

I discovered your show right after you returned to the air (5 yrs ago or so). It was by accident because I was listening to a Downtown Soulville podcast while mowing the lawn and the file continued into the first few minutes of your show and between the cool audio collage intro and the fact that you were talking about Jonesy, I knew I had to see what was up. Sorry for the run on sentence. I dig what you do is all I'm sayin'.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:55pm

fillin for Morricone Island tonight
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:56pm

Inflatable Squirrel Carcass
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57pm
Marcel M:

Bye Chris thanks
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:59pm
cosmic matrix:

Good luck w/ yer foot and/or feets, Chris.

Chris T is the best WFMU talker. Get well.
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