@Phillip...Never been admitted to a dang hospital in my life. Got hit on my bike by a car last month and woke up in the same hospital I was born in. Surreal. Not sure (both times were kind of fuzzy)but I think they changed the wallpaper since I was last in .
Folks, I would love to get over the 20% mark during my show today, if you haven't pledge to the silent fundraiser yet. Two great new T-shirts: www.wfmu.org...
I'm over at Columbia Presbyterian here on 168 street in Manhattan
The food isn't bad it's better than the one hot meal at the fort washington shelter
Phillip, if it'll make you feel any better, you can listen to Chris T.'s foot pain experience as recorded in the hosp. a few days ago. OTOH, that might make you feel worse. It's intense either way.
Whitey Bolger in this band?
Ken has the best show in the world. Don't play any crap today, Ken.
Oh, never mind, I gather that the Deutsche Elektronische thing is an actual recording label on physical stuff, not a file whose text you can highlight.
If anybody has not pledged to the silent marathon yet, now would be a great time to do so. I am lagging the station's total. Dont want to have to suspend myself. But I will if I have to.
can't decide between the bird shirt or the chipmunk shirt...
Would be cool to have Prince knock at your door (even if it is as a Jehovah's witness)
Sorry, Ken, you'll have to wait until I have more of the earnings I'm dedicating from my PineCone-Nielsen survey responses. I get $3 each, and may still get a few more this mo.
That volcano gif is amazing. Just by luck, the space station was passing over a volcano that had begun an eruption. The heat opened up a hole in the cloud cover. www.livescience.com...
@ken - a year ago I was at the SUW/7SD meetup and I had a cigarette outside.. you asked me for one.. and then I soon found out that it was your first one in years! ... I hope I didn't single-handedly throw you back into the throws of addiction!?
Worst decision of my life was starting smoking. Finally kicked it about two years ago after a scare. I couldn't breathe. It was enough to put me off of cigarettes forever. Haven't even been tempted, and I breathe a lot better now.
@ken -ahh phfeww.. It honestly made me feel a bit guilty when other DJs saw you and said "Ken you're back to smoking?!?!" I felt like the bad uncle at a family party.
Oh, Ken, I didn't know you smoked, sorry to hear that. It wreaks havoc on many of the systems. Start a breath practice (seriously), I'll look for a link to send to you. And, you could play that Courtney Barnet track about having trouble breathing in.
poet,tony seymour:
THE Patch works wonders. THEY say vivid dreams from it are a "side-effect" --i say they are a bonus! 3 D - technicolor and totally scripted......and it gets the job done in 3 months.
This reminds me of Ugly Duckling's "Opening Act." I love it!
I have this "How to stop smoking without using Willpower" instruction LP, but I see it's also on the internets. Just in case you have no Willpower! www.youtube.com...
Breathe practice is a path towards meditation, but it is a very deliberate way of putting a control on the breath, guiding it physically and mentally, gradually expanding one's lung capacity (over time), and it has all sorts of great physiological and psychological benefits. And no hangover the next day.
@bbell . hm interesting. still sounds like a form of meditation to me. but Im into it.. I'll google around.
Ever heard of holotropic breathing.. trying to purposely hyperventilate while taking intense breathes to reach an altered transcendental state//trip out to some extent.. . from what I understand. never tried myself..
here is a link to an advanced practitioner doing nauli breath (not for a beginner!) but interesting: www.youtube.com... At 2:40 he starts the practice that massages internal organs.
The Human League remix is brilliant. The GIF accompanying it puts it completely over the top. The two together fully justify my having gotten out of bed this morning, and will make tolerable anything else that might happen to me today.
Im still a bit confused , let me get this straight because I can never remember. And things just dont add up...She was working as a waitress . In a cocktail bar.? Boy oh boy thing like that are as clear as mud to me.... Jeez you know what...You know my wife was a waitress in a cocktail bar once . Funniest thing. Anyway ...have a nice day.
Ken from Hyde, I'm a non-smoker who within the past year took up vaping, both w & w/o nicotine, in an attempt to lose weight. I haven't done any for about the past month or two, though. It might be a ticket to nowhere, but it's not a ticket to anywhere bad.
FˠFˠ (:
The cocktail bar was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar.