Favoriting Micah: Playlist from February 12, 2016 Favoriting

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Field recordings from the noosphere, music of mind control, self organizing feedback loops for singularitarians of all shapes and sizes.

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Favoriting February 12, 2016

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Artist Track Album Year Comments Approx. start time
flick  wormhole   Favoriting st  2000    0:00:00 (Pop-up)
ron slabe  entropy   Favoriting zagadka  1984    0:09:52 (Pop-up)
windflower  god is passing by   Favoriting st  1974    0:17:02 (Pop-up)
franz bontgen  sitting at home is so easy   Favoriting st  1974    0:19:59 (Pop-up)
lee farmer  no one left i can talk to   Favoriting to a western sky  1977    0:24:57 (Pop-up)
aidan baker  trotto   Favoriting dance of lonely molecules      0:31:49 (Pop-up)
  sounds and dialogue from "Ice from the Sun"         0:37:55 (Pop-up)
larry ober  feel like making love   Favoriting       0:40:20 (Pop-up)
the playground  the rain, the wind and other things   Favoriting fading yellow vol 5      0:43:20 (Pop-up)
crystal webb  came up drunk   Favoriting misty morning  1973    0:45:54 (Pop-up)
su kramer  die grune witwe   Favoriting Die Zwei Gesichter  1978    0:48:18 (Pop-up)
diana nasution  oh nasibku   Favoriting Hatiky Bernyanyi  1979    0:52:02 (Pop-up)
mcully workshop inc  years of my life   Favoriting st  1970    0:55:26 (Pop-up)
mahanaim satya  kusulu   Favoriting celestial seas    the way of truth  1:03:48 (Pop-up)
RW Shambach  god is god   Favoriting       1:13:03 (Pop-up)
ntelek  york for president   Favoriting     nuwaubian nation  1:24:30 (Pop-up)
ntelek  its not over   Favoriting     nuwaubian nation  1:28:25 (Pop-up)
the brother hood of the cross and star  bell of joy   Favoriting       1:36:15 (Pop-up)
the brother hood of the cross and star  fullfillment   Favoriting       1:39:45 (Pop-up)
the church of wells  alas, and did my saviour bleed   Favoriting       1:47:11 (Pop-up)
hannah gardiner  solid rock   Favoriting     the church of wells  1:50:54 (Pop-up)
la iglesia de la nueva era del cristo lainec  djwahl khul   Favoriting       1:58:19 (Pop-up)
ora  fly   Favoriting       2:01:51 (Pop-up)
dave hodges  dawn   Favoriting   1974    2:05:30 (Pop-up)
Helena Blehárová  nech mne odejit   Favoriting   1972    2:08:20 (Pop-up)
catherine cox  musical fissions   Favoriting music of america      2:11:24 (Pop-up)
rin eric  montana d'anja   Favoriting the soundtrack to the movie of your mind  1972    2:14:13 (Pop-up)
the b.toff band  in winter   Favoriting 21 golden greats  1976    2:19:10 (Pop-up)
Tou Mer  Side B [excerpt]   Favoriting s/t      2:21:05 (Pop-up)
strange tales  all hallows by the black mass (excerpt)   Favoriting       2:27:42 (Pop-up)
patrick cowley  school daze   Favoriting       2:32:21 (Pop-up)
the elders  Everybody Say Yeah   Favoriting looking for an answer  1971    2:35:45 (Pop-up)
mi  quite ridiculous nonsense   Favoriting Insane Music For Insane People Vol. 8      2:38:59 (Pop-up)
ashtray navigations  the final hit   Favoriting cloud come cadaver  2013    2:42:08 (Pop-up)
the right of little rest  am i not the one   Favoriting st  1976    2:53:26 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Billy London:

Good morning Micah! And fellow wfmooers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:03am

good morning billy
Cooh John:

Good morning. Thanks, I need your show to counteract the entropy in my life.
Avatar 6:29am

good morning!!
Billy London:

Woo gravity waves!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:32am

morning annie
Avatar 6:34am

sometimes is difficult for me to grasp the day of the week.. i really thought it was saturday.. for almost half an hour. good thing i have the FMU schedule at ready and the handy-dandy DJ to remind me.
Avatar 6:40am

that big voice sounded like Ken when on his show…

Bonjour Micah
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:41am

allo pierre
Billy London:

Oh wow loving that smooth mall organ demo feeling of this track.
Billy London:

Sounds like a Gimmel 100 organ
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57am
Ken From Hyde Park:

167 hours since the last mind control. I'm ready for more!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:57am

thats what i like to hear ken from hyde park!
Avatar 7:03am

i think i found a very recent upload to youtube for IFTS. shall watch today. want a link?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:04am

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:07am

I mean, i have it, so you dont have to post for me, but for other folks maybe
Avatar 7:08am


"Ice From the Sun"
Avatar 7:10am

i rarely say how glad i am to see the end of any space of time eg: the week, but this has been one roller coaster... only very little of what i wanted to do has been done. and my list grows.. maybe there's a smooth spot coming up. this music helps
Billy London:

Damn god is God is a organ sing along tour de force!

Good Morning Micah. I am able to listen from my desk this morning. Enjoy your day as much as I will be enjoying your show.

Good morning Micah and everybody, I've heard you do a couple fill-ins but this is my first time listening live.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:25am

welcome cliff
Avatar 7:26am

i haven't heard such a fascinating show in a long time, micah. i'm so glad you have are on fmu, how could we ever have known all this?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:27am

thats why im doing this annie! glad that you "get it"
Santos L Halper:

Morning Micah. Drove by that Nuwabian compound years ago, pretty wild. Not sure if it's still there...

Pretty trippy listening to this stuff after a bad night of sleep and being up since 5:30 this morning.

I guess that's how they get the cult members under control, right?

And this sounds kind of like a mashup of Public Enemy with some recent KRS-One lyrics, which would be awesome if it wasn't being used for the purposes of EEEEVIL
Avatar 7:38am

as a language person, ms annie, you may care to know that i discovered this week the Russian term for "rollercoaster" actually translates literally as "the American mountains"/ meanwhile, work tonight is a doco about the underground Free Theatre in Belarus. amazing. no cults tolerated there, i fear! but plenty of mind control going on
Avatar 7:41am

i sometimes wonder how these people come up with such seemingly outlandish claims, it's almost as if they are channeling an ancient beliefe system from back into another millenium. i truly believe that the concoiusness of past cultures, even otherworldly, is in our cells and minds. i almost question nothing, but worry about those who use this to opress.. it's a fascinating thing. i think we are domesticated now, pets, as it were, of an alien culture.

annie, that sounds pretty accurate to me.
Avatar 7:47am

aus, my favorite author, anthony burgess, had such a broad proficiency of russian. my favorite word? "horrowshow sedim", a transliteration of course. horrowshow is understoond as "great, wonderful, fabulous" and sedim "with friends", to the best of my memory. so, hoowshow sedim means: "i'm happy to be here with my friends" and Alex used horrorshow quite a bit to describe his joy. in earlier editions of Clockwork Orange, there was quite a good glossary, and fun to incorporate that vernacular into my speech..
Avatar 7:47am

thanks cliff, i'm reassured that i'm not schitzoid.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:48am

yea annie theres alot of psychological harum scarum attached to this stuff indeedy doo

Where did you find these recordings? Nice to know that the world is even stranger than I thought. Or maybe not ;)
Avatar 7:56am
Wild Neil:

@Annie-one time when I was really really drunk in tenth grade I did that with lines from Clockwork Orange....and I used to have the one with the glossary...

annie, there are some anthropologists who say the Agricultural Revolution in the stone age was the worst disaster to befall mankind, as it turned us from small bands of clever hunter-gatherers to overpopulated masses of dumb, obese grunts who are satisfied with circuses and bread with a tiny elite in control of everything. So maybe that's how the alien presence first got their claws in our brains, by teaching us how to grow grain.

This is nice to wake up to.
Avatar 8:01am

cliff, in this life, all things are very possible.. and that's not so far-fetched as you'd think
this is such a fascinating incarnation, huh? scary, too...
Avatar 8:02am

i'm a huge fan of djwahl kuhl.. huge!!

Very much in agreement, annie
Avatar 8:03am
Wild Neil:

@Cliff-I have heard theories that some plants are responsible for our growth as a society such as wheat and marijuana....and coca?
Avatar 8:04am

and, much to the chagrin of many of my more-sober friends, i admire the work of alice bailey..
Avatar 8:06am

many years ago i heard a snippet on the radio: a fellow walking down the street feeling depressed.. someone gives him a pill labelled "life", and after he takes it he becomes higher and higher, eventually becoming "high on life". i live by that principle
Avatar 8:07am

hehe, i think that's why i'm still single at 63
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:07am

right on annie
Avatar 8:09am
Wild Neil:

This sounds Slavic, maybe Polish...
Avatar 8:09am

neil, IMHO, the diversity language is all we have left to keep us sharp-minded
Avatar 8:09am

i fear it's a great problem that people think their lives can change and depression can be lifted by taking a pill; the metaphor is not a metaphor...
Avatar 8:11am

we have surely slipped from the path of joy, aus

Wlld Neil - Terrence McKenna wrote a book called Food of the Gods that argues something like that, he also includes hallucinogenic plants and mushrooms as a contributor to the growth of human intelligence. Some of McKenna's other ideas were pretty out there but I think this one is plausible.
Avatar 8:13am
Wild Neil:

I am generally pretty happy, satisfied with what I have. That is my nature.@Cliff-maybe that's where the comments came from that I heard....being a very traditional Catholic, I believe intelligence comes from our creator...still, its an interesting hypothesis...
Avatar 8:14am

aus, this physical body i'm in now tends to suffer from depression in the early spring of the year.. hit's like a ton of bricks, then fades.. i have my theories on that... but i can handle it BECAUSE i understand it.
Avatar 8:15am
Wild Neil:

@Annie-I know from personal experience that vitamin D can be a help in the winter when there is much less sunlight...could it be vitamin D deficiency?

Wild Neil - I've been a practicing meditator on my own for years now, and have come to believe that we are all participating within a greater mind and there is some kind of intelligence guiding all of this apparent chaos going on around us.

Supergood stuff d00d
Avatar 8:17am

oh no, i love winter and the dark. it's MY time of year, which is why it sucks.. the coming of spring is my most anticipated time of year.
Avatar 8:17am

and i sit in the sun constantly.
Avatar 8:18am
Wild Neil:

@Cliff-well, that's interesting. I think we would agree there is no such thing as a coincidence...

I've been taking a teaspoon of Carlson's Norwegian cod liver oil for a few months now, it contains Omega-3s and Vitamins D and E. I'm feeling a lot more emotionally balanced this winter than I have in the past, and I live in Upstate NY where the weather's generally pretty gloomy (though it hasn't been too bad this year).

Of course, quitting my stressful job back in November is probably helping my emotional state too :)

Wild Neil, I'd go further and say that the guiding intelligence operates in our world through the use of coincidence.
Avatar 8:22am
Wild Neil:

@Micha-dead air or no signal? I hear nothing...
Avatar 8:22am

right on, cliff
Avatar 8:22am
Wild Neil:

Never mind!

annie, I get seasonal depression every winter and summer like clockwork, and then a couple months of normalcy every spring and fall. I suspect I'm type II Bipolar. I'm hoping the cod liver oil will help with that. (I don't want to have to see a psychiatrist, have had lots of problems with them in the past)
Avatar 8:25am

truly, biorhythms must have an impact.. yes, summer, too for me. i get weepy and sad.. after 6 decades i can finally be prepared, it took me half my life to understand it. are you cold up there right now, my friend in watertown is subzero temps.. i come from oneonta, myself

I'm in Syracuse, it's 14 degrees this morning. We haven't had any below-zero days this winter, pretty unusual (not that I'm complaining!)
Avatar 8:27am
Wild Neil:

@Cliff-I am sorry to hear you think you are bipolar. A good licenced counselor, according to my brother, can be of much more help. The phsychiatrist is merely there to monitor meds effects, not the "big picture" over the course of weeks and months. Finding a good counselor is the key. I hear there are some that really suck....find one that subscribes o your belief system so you are "in sync" if possible....
Avatar 8:28am
Wild Neil:

My brother is bipolar....you see...

Wild Neil, I've been seeing a psychologist since just before I quit my job. I picked a psychologist specifically because they're not allowed to prescribe meds, I want to focus on talk therapy. When I was in grad school 10 years ago, I got referred to a psychiatrist for sleep issues and wasted a year of my life going through a smorgasbord of various antidepressants and other things before I quit seeing her. Never been the same since. Antidepressants can exacerbate cycling in Bipolar individuals which is another reason why I suspect that diagnosis.

And best wishes to your brother, I hope he's handling things ok.

annie, are you still living in the area?

There are so many different possible physiological causes for depression.
Avatar 8:35am

my young friend, dave, suffered from manic-depression most of his life until he found hindu-ism and buddhism. he is totally off lithium now for close to 10 years.practices meditation.. i love the progress he's made. hey cliff, you have 2 nick's diners in syracuse. expect a visit this summer.. my son and i are doing a nick's diner tour across the country.... no cliff i live in asheville now, the city on a mountain of quartz..

My Auntie Lee lives in Swanananoa, which is near Asheville I think. Never been to Nick's Diner, must be pretty good if you're doing a country-wide tour huh? :)

And meditation has definitely helped to settle my mind too. But it kinda screwed me up at first, because I thought I had to find a teacher or "enlightened master" or whatever to follow.....that's BS. Fell into a kooky Buddhist crowd a few years ago and have had to unprogram myself since then from some of their ideology.
Avatar 8:45am

yes, swannanoa is part of asheville not far from my house..the 2 nick's diners are: nick's place on S.Salina and the other is on manlius. we're doing the tour out of nostalgia for the one in oneonta that closed... oddly enough, or not, the places i've called have had others on the same trip!
Avatar 8:46am

the best meditation is walking in the woods, or even doing laindry.. if ys dig my drift; it's ALL meditation, walking meditation; awareness of all..

Cool, I'll have to check out the one on S. Salina then, should be able to get to it pretty easily taking the bus. (And do you know the proper pronunciation of "Salina"?)
Avatar 8:47am

long I?

annie, yes, that's what I'm trying to figure out now, how to bring the peace from mediation into every aspect of my life.

Nope, it's the diphthong in "buy" or "sky". "suh-LYE-nuh"

If you use an automated GPS, it'll probably pronounce it "suh-LEE-nuh" which drives me nuts :P
Avatar 8:51am

the trick, cliff, is to become detached from results or expectations and treat each thing for what it is.. things do not happen because of you.. they just happen.
Avatar 8:51am

and you are your own best guru.. only you know what's in your mind and how it works.

That's how us Syracusans can tell if someone's from out of town, if they ask for directions to "suh-LEE-nuh" street ;)
Avatar 8:52am

duly noted, cliff!!! :)

annie, I get what you're saying about being detached from expectations, but at the same time the kooky Buddhists I fell out with used that as a trick to zombify newbies. That's one of the things I'm unlearning now, I became a little too detached from life and got pretty dissociated from everything.

I'd say things don't happen solely because of me, or not at all because of me, but rather that I am an active participant in bringing things into fruition.
Avatar 8:58am

i understand... there will be a time when you know how to temper that.. it's an on-going work of art, so to speak.
Avatar 8:58am

yes.. exactly^

Enjoyed the show Micah, and the kibitzing Wild Neil and annie :)
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