Favoriting The Avant Ghetto with Jeff Conklin: Playlist from February 6, 2017 Favoriting

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Unstuck in time, The Avant Ghetto wanders through heavy folk, pastoral noise, spiritual rock, harsh jazz and other dimly lit corners of the universe.

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Favoriting February 6, 2017

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Träd, Gräs och Stenar  Last Time   Favoriting Mors Mors  Anthology Recordings  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Quicksilver Messenger Service  Who Do You Love Suite   Favoriting Happy Trails  Capitol  0:08:54 (Pop-up)
Blue Mountain Eagle  No Regrets   Favoriting Blue Mountain Eagle  ATCO  0:33:49 (Pop-up)
Green  Sunrise #7   Favoriting Green  ATCO  0:38:07 (Pop-up)
Burnt Suite  Got Time   Favoriting Burnt Suite  Void  0:41:32 (Pop-up)
Tommy Flanders  Sleepin'   Favoriting The Moonstone  Verve  0:45:20 (Pop-up)
Bruce Hamana  One Night   Favoriting Hamana  World in Sound  0:49:01 (Pop-up)
Hot Tuna  Sunny Day Strut   Favoriting Burgers  Grunt  0:51:54 (Pop-up)
Electronic Hole  Love Will Find A Way Part III   Favoriting The Electronic Hole  Radish  1:03:19 (Pop-up)
Ryley Walker / Bill MacKay / Michael Zerang  Blues for Arthur   Favoriting The Hideout, Chicago, IL, 1/28/2017  Sweet Blahg  1:08:46 (Pop-up)
Xhol Caravan  Untitled (Live at WDR Radio 1969)   Favoriting Motherfuckers Live  Streamline  1:27:02 (Pop-up)
Taming Power  27-12-98 / 6-3-99 II   Favoriting Twenty-One Pieces  Early Morning Records  1:41:34 (Pop-up)
Roedelius  Remember Those Days   Favoriting Selbstportrait VI  Bureau B  1:46:03 (Pop-up)
Sagas  Nimbus Silhouettes   Favoriting Red in the Hollow  Biological Radio  1:51:44 (Pop-up)
Tom Armstrong  Winter Lament   Favoriting The Sky Is An Empty Eye  Dharma Bums  1:56:56 (Pop-up)
Anthony Pasquarosa and John Moloney  Astral Travelling   Favoriting My Pharoah, My King  Feeding Tube  2:07:23 (Pop-up)
Oriental Sunshine  My Way to Be Hurt   Favoriting Dedicated to the Bird We Love  Phillips  2:13:46 (Pop-up)
Barney Wilen  Chechaoun   Favoriting Moshi  Souffle Continu  2:16:55 (Pop-up)
Sandy Bull  Carnival Jump   Favoriting The Essential Sandy Bull  Vanguard  2:29:23 (Pop-up)
Emtidi  Let the Joint Go 'Round   Favoriting Emtidi  Wah Wah  2:37:52 (Pop-up)
Wilcox, Sullivan, Wilcox  Little Man   Favoriting An Album of Original Music  Goldust  2:42:56 (Pop-up)
Joe Weaver and Friends  Come on Down   Favoriting The Wind in the Spumoni Trees  Branco  2:46:32 (Pop-up)
Lake Mary  Watermelon or You!! My Love   Favoriting TBD  TBD  2:55:14 (Pop-up)
William C Beeley  And Then I'll Be Gone   Favoriting Gallavantin  North Park  2:58:28 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:03am
Linda Lee:

hello Jeff! enjoying this take on 'Last Time' very much! one of my fave pop tunes.
Avatar 12:05am

Good evening, everyone
Avatar 12:06am
Jeff Conklin:

Hi, Linda, glad yr digging this raggedy psychedelic take
Avatar 12:06am
Jeff Conklin:

Hey, Jen, and everybody
Avatar 12:08am
Hagbard Celine:

Hello all

Morning Jeff! Loving the QSMS. Happy trails was one of the first psychedelic albums I bought back in the late 70's!
Avatar 12:14am
Jeff Conklin:

@fredr: Nice. I believe Richard Lloyd and Tom Verlaine were big proponents of the QMS
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16am

Hey Jeff, listening live for a change. Need cool music, boiling here.
Avatar 12:17am

@Jeff: One reason why I loved Television so much, their fine musical tastes

This QMS is mental.
Avatar 12:20am

Perfect song for burning Palo Santo.
Avatar 12:21am
Jeff Conklin:

@Aitch: Hey man! Glad to have you
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:22am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Often think of how the Fillmores & that scene brought better P.A.s & sound - & practically demanded bands play longer for acidheads whathaveyou...a real advance for Rawk that 'Hippiedom' isn't always credited for in people's stereotypes...
Avatar 12:23am
Jeff Conklin:

@Revolution: Good point. We can thank Owsley and the Dead mostly for that ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes - Owsley as mad soundman. I think of The Dead then as like Disney when he was alive (?) - putting the last success back into some new larger trip... John Cipollina is exalted as a Psych Guitarist who wasn't all about distortion : en.wikipedia.org... - hence the connection to Television & such. @ Terrastock V we saw the Japanese band named Ghost - & their guitarist had people making the comparison to JC as praise...
Avatar 12:31am
Jeff Conklin:

Funny you mention Ghost/Kurihara, I was going to say Cippolina is so underrated except by the Japanese guitarists who came up in the 80s/90s, seems all of them loved John's playing.

quicksilver and many others play pepperland
in san rafael ca
http://cryptdev.blogspot.com/2011/02/pepperland-then-and-now.html has pictures of one of the first meyer sound installs
owsley was called bear when i met him
in the mid seventies
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:33am

Always listen, just usually on delay. You start 4:00PM here Monday afternoon -I'm in the future. Sadly you do not not get lucky tonight!

Hi Jeff & everyone...Ghost were awesome. Yeah, Cipollina seems to be underrated in comparison to other SF psych guitarists of that time.
Avatar 12:34am
Hagbard Celine:

Hey, hey. Saw Ghost once myself.
Avatar 12:38am

Hmmm, not familiar with Blue Mountain Eagle. Great track though, will check that out.

both john and his half-brother mario
were killer live players
mario probably still is
john rip
copperhead was also great live
Avatar 12:39am

@Hagbard : How was Ghost live? Just picked up Batoh's "Collected Works" the other day.

great work tonight selecter jeff

Good morning, Jeff and evryone.
Beautiful song by Green.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Ghost was way kewl when I saw them - three whole days of AltPsych @ TerrastockV. There's @ least one other band named 'Ghost'...Neat-o link johnk77. Yes - that damned dancing bear is referencing the great Owsley.
Avatar 12:43am
Hagbard Celine:

@Jennifer Ghost was great. I was a long time ago. Sometime around '92 or '93. I was really into them and several other Japanese psyche guitar bands at the time. I remember loving the show.
Avatar 12:46am

@Hagbard and @Rabbit : Very cool!
Avatar 12:47am
Jeff Conklin:

Saw Ghost about 15 years ago, they were amazing. The great PG Six opened the show at the Knitting Factory when it was still on Leonard St in Manhattan. Jack Rose might've played too
Avatar 12:49am
Hagbard Celine:

@Jeff. Sounds great! I got to see the great PG Six along with Tower Recordings at around that same time as that Ghost show I mentioned. Great shows.
Avatar 12:50am
Hagbard Celine:

at the same place even
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53am

Tuna yea
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56am

Thought you'd nodded-off there for a minute.
Avatar 1:03am


Love this Electronic Hole song! I only first heard it around 5 years ago.
Avatar 1:06am

I've been open to other formats besides vinyl for a long time, now. Sadly, the prices are a bit out of my reach as of late. Anyone else feel the same?

Yeah, I'm not picky about format. Maybe because I'm old enough to have lived through so many different kinds!

And yeah, the prices of new vinyl releases are high.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:15am
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Funny - vinyl in the Rawk Era was very affordable - & thus the industry & the music itself thrived. In our world now - vinyl's the artisanal biscuit...
Avatar 1:17am

@Rabbit : so true..."artisanal biscuit"
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Killer live track
The Hideout is one of my favorite spots in Chicago
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Avatar 1:32am

chris cutler told me a couple of years back that there was a reason ReR didn't release things on vinyl - that you can only fit a fraction of the dynamic range on it compared to CD. a few others have echoed that, which is good enough for me. and yeah, some vinyl prices are just silly and greedy these days.
Avatar 2:09am

Avatar 2:13am

Morning Jeff! Tuning in to the tail end here...and loving this Pasquarosa/Moloney track!
Avatar 2:24am
Jeff Conklin:

Thanks for checking in, Adam. Everybody else got scared away and/or went to sleep
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sinister dexter:

loving the show .... wife and i realy having fun ... thanks Jeff ... longtime archive listeners
Avatar 2:26am

Jeff: Nope. But I'm sometimes lying down listening, which interferes with my posting
Avatar 2:29am
Jeff Conklin:


Avatar 2:31am

Cool show, Jeff! G'night everyone

More goodness, Jeff. Thanks for helping to get Monday started right.
Avatar 2:55am

Thank you.
Avatar 2:56am

Goodnight Jeff!
Avatar 2:58am
Jeff Conklin:

Thanks, everybody. Be well...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm
tuner fish:

It's so great to be able to hear Walker/MacKay/&Zerang again - I was at that show and it was a powerful vibe.
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