Favoriting Wm. Berger presents My Castle of Quiet: Playlist from June 28, 2017 Favoriting

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WFMU's House of Horrors; with black/death/doom metal, punk/grind, Kosmische/Krautrock, filmmusic, and noise/improv. Regular live guests and film commentary.

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Favoriting June 28, 2017: #361 Noise Bliss-Out #6

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Artist Track Album Label Year Format Comments Images Approx. start time
Fabio Frizzi & Giorgio Tucci  Zombie Theme   Favoriting             0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Cluster  Fabrik - Hamburg 1972   Favoriting Konzerte 1972/1977  Bureau B  2017  LP  http://www.bureau-b.com/cluster.php 
0:05:12 (Pop-up)
Telecult Powers  Rise Wm. Rise   Favoriting Rise William Rise  Opposite Records  2017  MP3  v/a https://oppositerecords.bandcamp.com/album/rise-william-rise 
0:26:25 (Pop-up)
Smegma & Black Leather Jesus  Side a   Favoriting Smegma vs. Black Leather Jesus  Axis Mundi  2017  LP   
0:31:09 (Pop-up)
Butthole Surfers  Comb   Favoriting Cream Corn from the Socket of Davis  Touch and Go  1985  12"   
0:50:03 (Pop-up)
Unsustainable Social Condition  Barricade Coercion   Favoriting Dispersant  Oxen  2016  CD  http://oxen-label.com/releases/unsustainable-social-condition-dispersant/ 
1:01:30 (Pop-up)
Drew McDowall  Unnatural Channel Part 2   Favoriting Unnatural Channel  Dais  2017  LP   
1:22:07 (Pop-up)
Rodger Stella  Foucault Zombie A   Favoriting Foucault Zombie  Mutter Wild  2016  Cassette  orig. LP 2007 
1:27:49 (Pop-up)
Sewer Election  Armsrace To Extinction   Favoriting Rising Tides of War  Sewer Records  2002  CD-R   
1:43:05 (Pop-up)
Facialmess  slowly our eyes adjusted   Favoriting facialmess / developer split  Factotum Tapes    Cassette  https://factotumtapes.bandcamp.com/album/facialmess-developer-split 
1:53:51 (Pop-up)
Astromero  San Francisco March 12, 2006 Live at CCA (pancakes) part 2   Favoriting Astromero 2  Troniks  2008  CD box set  3xCD Damion Romero & Hiroshi Hasegawa 
2:07:40 (Pop-up)
Blue Sabbath Black Cheer  Song For the Dead   Favoriting Eva  Daisy Cutter  2007  7"  https://bluesabbathblackcheer.bandcamp.com/album/eva-7 
2:19:06 (Pop-up)
Harry Pussy  Nazi U.S.A.   Favoriting Nazi U.S.A. / Please Don't Come Back From the Moon  Palilalia  2017  7"  orig. 1996 
2:24:16 (Pop-up)
Nurse With Wound / Whitehouse  Untitled (2)   Favoriting The 150 Murderous Passions  United Dairies  1994  CD  orig. LP United Dairies 1981 
2:26:45 (Pop-up)
Downer Canada  (A)   Favoriting Ares  Power Moves Library  2017  CD-R  http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Downer_Canada/Ares/ 
2:37:49 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:47pm
Listener Howard and the Cats:

This week's title, and playlist photo, has me rather excited for tonight's show. Even more than usual.
Ronny G from JV:

Only one comment! Where's the party people! I'm here billy, and with a friend :')
Avatar 12:12am

@Ronny: Does JV stand for "Junior Varsity"? That's just the first thing that comes to mind. Hello! and hello to Howard!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23am

Avatar 12:24am

Look what's on Blu-ray vinegarsyndrome.com...
Avatar 12:25am

Haaaa! Everything must be on Blu-ray, then...
Avatar 12:26am

Where is the Dusty & Sweets McGee Blu-ray, then? (Folds arms)
Avatar 12:29am

Everything will be on Blu-ray soon.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30am

Puras pendejadas, like my pops says...Always look forward to the Noise Bliss-Out show.
Avatar 12:33am

@osvi: Our bullshit is nurtured in the finest casks of oak, aged for centuries ... ;)
ray zinnbrann:

yo wm. ray z is in the house tonight! so great to hear you playing all noise tonight! been really getting back into that stuff a lot lately, especially with so much of it going on down here in florida now. whoda thunk i'd be in the thick of all that down here anyway? or that we'd have a pal in common here?????
Avatar 12:37am

@ray zinnbrann: The world is tiny!
Avatar 12:39am

@ray zinnbrann: Have you seen tadpoles the size of Mercurys down in Florida?
Avatar 12:46am

Horrible bunch of noise...you're killing me!
ray zinnbrann:

yes and they be teachin' julio how to sing y'all!
ray zinnbrann:

matt moyer is da bomb though... i always see him at the noise shows here... just a great soft spoken gent and burnt hair is really cool too!!!
Avatar 12:49am

@karankeeone: It's not for everybody...try thinking of it as a shower of sound. A balm to the soul, rather than an agitant...
Eric Hat:

W. Sorry I'm late. Can you find it in yr heart to forgive me?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

I was wondering when Gibby would barge in!
ray zinnbrann:

COMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love this song!!!!! hail gibby!!!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:56am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

"Shower of sound" is exactly how I've described some of the most amazing things I've ever heard. The first time was a Labradford show at Under ACME, I was completely sober but had a near out-of-body experience of feeling the music as a shower of light engulfing me. It was how I imagine a UFO abduction must feel like. And I like Labradford, but was never hugely into them, so my reaction was really surprising.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:02am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

When you said things will only get more Hellacious, I thought you meant your court situation. Glad to hear you meant the music to come, I can get on board with that.
Avatar 1:03am

@Howard: Under ACME! Uncle Wiggly surely played there hehe... How do you feel about Stars of the Lid? I recall a GREAT in-store at Other Music, 199?
Eric Hat:

Eric Hat:

W love
Avatar 1:05am

My court situation is bad enough; NJ is a backward state. Let's just say that my body must remain a temple for the next 12 mos. or so.... :/
Avatar 1:17am

The veritable waxed floss, in one ear & out th' other, back and forth for a thorough cleansing.

This is not music
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:19am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

Wm., if there is ever any way I can help, in any way at all, please let me know... I never saw Uncle Wiggly! And I know I really liked a Stars of the Lid album that I once heard, but I think it got lost in the shuffle and I never revisited them, so I am almost completely ignorant. I remember more about the lady who played Stars of the Lid for me.
Avatar 1:19am

@Jim: I've never heard that one before
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

I wish I didn't live in an apartment with neighbors and could crank this up.
Avatar 1:22am

@Jim: see The Italian Futurists, Dada, Vienna Aktionists, early Krautrock, etc. etc. If your idea of music is melody and songs, so be it, but there is much precedent in the arts for this "not music."
Avatar 1:22am
Andrew S:

can you play that last one again?
Avatar 1:24am

@Andrew S: catchy lil' number, I know
Avatar 1:26am
Andrew S:

cant remember exactly how it went but Im humming a couple of bars :) wouldnt be listening if I didnt love it cheers
Eric Hat:

Jim is special

On the subject of Stars of the Lid and Labradford, Adam Wiltzie of the former and Bobby Donne of the latter made an amazing album together under the name Aix Em Klemm, on Kranky (naturally). I can highly recommend that if you're a fan of either of their respective day jobs...
Avatar 1:28am

@Darren: Sweet! News to me, thanks.
Avatar 1:29am

@Eric Hat: After 33 years off and on WFMU, I sometimes forget what music is, always helps to be reminded! :P
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

Thank you, Darren, I will look into that as well!
Avatar 1:31am
Andrew S:

Music That Isnt Music would be a good name for
a show. Jim would have thrown his shoe at Salvador Dali
Avatar 1:37am

Back in the early 90s, my old Friday evening slot, I was playing Folke Rabe (Swedish minimalist), and someone called the studio and said, "take this record off, and throw it in the dumpster out back." This was after he went "nnnnnnnn" into my ear for a few seconds. I can't say experiences like that aren't defining.
Avatar 1:44am
Andrew S:

haha when you move people to that level of I dont know anger? discomfort? That they actually need to call you up and tell you to throw your records in the dumpster. Thats priceless too bad you didnt record him
Avatar 1:46am

People love to hate.
Avatar 1:49am

Avatar 1:50am

Well the honest truth is that musical taste is so incredibly subjective, everything we like in the arts in general is someone else's poison. But the "this is not music" comment is pretty classic stuff; it's like every kid in homeroom that called me "cheese" Berger on the first day of school. I'd appreciate a more creative insult.
Avatar 1:51am

@tracy: Sewer Election is a downy, musical duvet.
Avatar 1:54am

ensconced per usual
Avatar 1:57am
Andrew S:

Im sure it goes back as far as some bigmouth troglodyte stomping at the back of the cave grunting "thats not art"
Avatar 1:57am

Is there anybody ever who didn't get their named mocked?
Avatar 1:58am

would you rather be called cheese burger or wide ass?
Avatar 1:59am
Andrew S:

neither would bother me. cheese ass would
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Avatar 2:00am

I just wish the bullies had wit. ...I had wit, it just got me into skirmishes.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:01am

Digging the long cuts.
Avatar 2:02am

Me too!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:06am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

I've heard so much feedback and squeal over the years, but very little that compares to THIS. Fucking amazing music.
Avatar 2:44am

@Howard: That NWW / Whitehouse record is one of my favorites, as it has a minimum of William Bennett screaming about ass-rape, NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT. ...Originals even in the 90s were going for $150. But yeah, awesome record of the post-TG UK industrial melange.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:45am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

Avatar 2:50am

14 selections in 3 hours
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:51am
Listener Howard and the Cats:

It's a long-time favorite of mine, too. Luckily, I was working in NYC record stores in the early '90s, so never had to pay such prices. Those were the days... And I will take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent music, Wm., and wish you a lovely morning. I so love The Castle. xo
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:10am

If only Tinder photos looked like that.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:01am

Lou Reed! Ooooohh! Loouuuu! Reeeeed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:11am

Oh yeah, that's the stuff. Unsustainable Social Condition.
Mike (DF) K.:

NWW/Whitehouse . great classic ! another show of many I have to listen too...
Shaquella O' Sullivan:

Sexy Time
Avatar 10:23am

I always find your noise shows oddly comforting. I think the audio matches the noise in my head and I can concentrate.
Avatar 10:34am

I always find your noise shows oddly comforting. I think the audio matches the noise in my head and I can concentrate.
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