Favoriting Neighbors Noise with Jesse Kaminsky: Playlist from February 6, 2018 Favoriting

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A weekly adventure in phonography: field recordings, brainwave therapy, rattling noises and other esoteric dance music.

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Favoriting February 6, 2018: squeaks and creaks

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Artist Track Album Label Year Images
Björn Eriksson  Snowy squeeky mountain drive   Favoriting aporee    2011 
Sven-Åke Johansson  Nächtliche Strassenbahnfahrt In Göteborg   Favoriting Field Recordings 1969-70  SÅJ  1970/2012 
Prosoxi Skylos  Pískovna pt. I   Favoriting Pískovna  Jipangu Records  2018 
Tom Lawrence  Point Of Gibraltar   Favoriting Water Beetles Of Pollardstown Fen  Gruenrekorder  2011 
Joshua Sadinsky  Sizzling Sea Plants on the Beach and a Bird   Favoriting Soundscape Sketches from Olympic National Park    2018 
Yannick Dauby  Hylarana Latouchii   Favoriting Songs of the Frogs of Taiwan - Volume 1  Kalerne Editions  2009 
Luís Antero  Frogs   Favoriting Life  Audio Gourmet Netlabel  2011 
Hiroki Sasajima  Fishing Boat Passing   Favoriting A Quiet Position - Screened # 1  Engraved Glass/A Quiet Position  2014 
Ignacio Zanetti  X Marks The Spot   Favoriting Soundmaps For The Dreamer  Sonospace  2017 
Wanderwelle  Eyes In Looming Trees   Favoriting Lost In A Sea Of Trees  Silent Season  2017 
Geneva Skeen  In the night mind of the night world   Favoriting Steel: Dragon's Eye Twelfth Anniversary  Dragon's Eye Recordings  2017 
Fossil Aerosol Mining Project  Unlistening Place 2   Favoriting The Unlistening Place  Afterdays Media / Helen Scarsdale Agency   2017 
Mika Vainio + Ryoji Ikeda + Alva Noto  Movement 10   Favoriting Live 2002  Noton  2018 
Francisco Meirino  Reel to reel, end to end   Favoriting Recordings of Voltage Errors, Magnetic Fields, On-Site Testimonies & Tape Tension  Misanthropic Agenda  2010 
Alvin Lucier  Criss-Cross   Favoriting Criss-Cross / Hanover  Black Truffle  2018 

Music behind DJ:
Domenique Dumont 

La Bataille de Neige   Favoriting




Karen Gwyer  The Workers Are on Strike (Via App Remix)   Favoriting Rembo - The Remixes  Don't Be Afraid  2018 
Lilac Angel  As American as Cherry Pie   Favoriting     2018 
Kailin  Voyeur   Favoriting Fracture  Mistry  2017 
Regis  The Master Side (Version 2)   Favoriting The Master Side  Blackest Ever Black  2017 
Spaceinvasion  Radio Fix   Favoriting Terminal Operations 001  Terminal Operations  2015 
Archivist & Fugal  Undertow   Favoriting Undertow  BleeD  2018 
Carl Finlow  Hashtag (Radioactive Man Remix)   Favoriting Boot Loop EP  Electrix Records  2013 
Zeta Reticula  Reticulum   Favoriting EP 6  Electrix Records  2017 
The Egyptian Lover  Killin' It   Favoriting 1984  Egyptian Empire Records  2015 

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm

hi jesse and neighbors!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Evening, Jesse and all!
Avatar 7:03pm

I prefer my snow squeaky.
Avatar 7:05pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi gloomsday! James! northguineahills!
Avatar 7:07pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

About this first recording, was written: Movable recording from inside my old Volvo on snowy bumpy roads in the mountains down to a less bumpy coastland rainy urban place, and the car (which isn´t in very perfect state) made some wonderful composition by itself - so i had to record this. The actual road is the mountain road between Sollefteå and Örnsköldsvik. When the recording is starting we´re somewhere around Gålsjö and when it is stopping we´re in Örnsköldsvik city by the seacoast. The climate changes as the vehicle moves more down to the sealevel. More high up there is a lot of snow (and problems with the state of the road aswell).
Avatar 7:08pm

Good evening, Jesse and everyone.
Avatar 7:10pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi Mayuko!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:13pm

i love the note about this recording! and the recording itself.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:34pm

hi everyone!
Avatar 7:35pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi melinda!
Avatar 7:35pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

This (Pískovna pt. 1) recording's text says: Between the Stéblová rail station (in 1960 it saw the most tragic accident in the history of the Czech rail transport) and the village of Čeperka, several kilometres outside of Pardubice (50°06'49.2"N 15°44'35.0"E), lie several excavation lakes. It is a strange place to swim at. While you swim or lie about on the shore, there are repetitive, quite apocalyptic sounds of a nearby sand quarry floating above you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:51pm

greetings Jesse and all
Avatar 7:52pm

Time to leave work, thanks Jesse, see for a bit at home!
Avatar 7:54pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey coelacanthø!
@northguineahills, have a good commute, I always support leaving work!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:55pm

THIS is why I look forward to Tuesdays!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:56pm

hmm, i just got to work. (but really i probably wont work much until the morning)
Avatar 7:57pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey redkayak!
Want Frogs More (on) Radio!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 7:59pm

Ahoy Jesse :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00pm

I love water sounds.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:09pm

The bass in that last one made something rattle in my dish rack. At first I thought it was part of the music.
Avatar 8:11pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Bass tones in the expanded field!
Avatar 8:24pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

The artwork on the page now is images of work by the amazing Katharina Grosse: www.katharinagrosse.com
Avatar 8:26pm

Digging this Geneva Skeen, new to me.

I just found out I have Michael Gira's autograph. Years ago, a friend of mine was getting rid of his cds, and gave me Gira's Body Lovers/Body Haters drone/ambient side project. I never looked inside the inlay jacket, but did today as I opened it to put it into my car.
Avatar 8:29pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

haha amazing! I wonder where else his signature is hiding?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:44pm

this artwork is beautiful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:47pm

was also really into that Francisco Meirino track!
Avatar 8:51pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

yeah! that's new to me, though it came out back in 2010
Avatar 8:55pm

Haven't heard this Lucier!
Avatar 8:58pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

It's brand new! Written and performed in 2013 for Oren Ambarchi and Stephen O'Malley but just released in January

(clearly taking the wrong message from that sound bite) Mmm, cherry pie! *drools*
Avatar 9:17pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hey Ike! Dammit now I'm hungry for pie
Avatar 9:18pm

Off to the SE Noise Fest, thanks Jesse!
Avatar 9:19pm

Coincidentally, Lilac Angel is playing!
Avatar 9:20pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Perfect timing, sounds like a great fest! Have a great week northguineahills, thanks for the tip!
Avatar 9:20pm

Bands from RI, CT, NY, OH, TN, GA, AL, and FL playing, have y'alls!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:20pm

i was wondering why while all this person's art involves using obscene amounts of acrylic paint as she selfishly does obscene things to the ecosystem, the water supply, the wildlife and the natural beauty of nature, that one picture is just a photograph with spray paint on it; then i realised it's just a demo for this: i-d-images.vice.com...*
Avatar 9:26pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Oh haha, whoops! Good catch, thanks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:36pm

...and i'm not gonna say i'm not dazzled by the colors! some of these are very cool. (you've picked some of the best ones) i don't think it's necessary for her to do a hundred different pieces along the same lines; and as far as her obliterating a 5 mile stretch of woods in philly and a long stretch of coastline in denmark, somebody should've stopped her. (and fined her)
- just my lowly opinion. maybe we're all fucked anyway, so why not?
Avatar 9:37pm

Katharina Grosse, goofy brilliance!!!

Listening at work...helps! Thanks, Jesse.
Avatar 9:42pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Hi geezerette, glad to be there!
Avatar 9:45pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

@coelacanthø, I agree that the environmental concern is legit, especially when it's for something like art as opposed to a building or something that could be useful to people.
Avatar 9:45pm

Coel, and they don't really need to be realized. Just as effective if originated as image files...but then little to see or make a living career from.
Avatar 9:46pm

little to sell...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm

well, that's the bottom line,right?
Avatar 9:49pm

yep! :(
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53pm

...i'll admit that doing a few may be worth the damage, just 'cause they're so cool. the trees in the halls; the barracks; a rock pile or 2.
the ones where she's painted giant patches of grass and much gianter stretches of woods are what outrages me. the wildlife in those areas wont recover for a very long time.
Avatar 9:55pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

thank you, jesse! great show. have a good night, everyone~
Avatar 9:59pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

Have a great week everyone!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm

Thanks Jesse! sorry if my commentary is a downer. i can't help myself sometimes! but i appreciate you posting art each week.
Avatar 10:02pm
Jesse Kaminsky:

not at all @coel, all views are welcome!
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