My introduction to Dylan was a cassette of Highway 61 Revisited that was accidentally dubbed at 45 RPM. The chipmunkified version of "Ballad of a Thin Man" has colored my perception of him ever since.
Does Andy's son do A.I. well enough to create a Robot Ken D.J. complete with interesting speed choices?—I don't know if anyone's good enough at Deep Learning to produce Ken-rants at will.
ami a.d.:
Top of the morning S.M. Ken,hello all.Thanks for everything.
@ken, have y'all got anything by La Luz. they sound like early pink floyd meets mazzy star in southeast asia
ԷoԷo (:
You bet, sphere! I. think the tattoo comes from a Seven Second Delay marathon challenge or bet few years back. Was it the same where Andy got a tattoo of The Bloods? That i don't remember. What I remember is seeing Andy crying and swearing while getting the tattoo.
If the person possessing the pin dies, what then? Does that lift the curse?
What if you throw the pin onto a passing freight train?
robyn and 5-yr-old mini glistener ajax:
i like food
ԷoԷo (:
Thanks, Ken. Never heard of Seigen Ono. The only Japanese music I listened back in the 90s is probably from the music from the Maya the Honey Bee cartoon.
@Ochre - Dead Dog Olive is still alive and well and living inside of Living Dog Olive. DDO keeps trying to escape but LDO keeps beating her back. Thank God, because I dont have another God Damn Dead Doig Dedication IN ME
ԷoԷo (:
Leave me the fuck alone = shitsukendayo
I am not sure about that Japanese translation. It sounds more like "Ken's having a shit, leave him alone!".
@KFHP - Actually, the giver of the cursed RUSH pin gets good luck, sort of, when they foist the pin onto somebody else. You get a really cool baseball cap from Amazon. Mind should be waiting for me when I get home tonight. Those Amazon delivery people though - they dont know WHAT THEY ARE DOING!
True, Brian in New Orleans. I once saw a photo of the mens vs women's toilettes during a Rush concert break and guess what? There were no women queueing outside the WC!
@Westminster Manor - Right? I cant believe he wanted to tell that joke, as HILARIOUS as it is, it's just too offensive! And what an idiotic idea to drive female listeners away. I couldnt believe it either!
For heaven's sake, they show footage of mass shootings on the 6 o'clock news. They preface it by saying that the following footage is graphic and may offend some viewers. So if you give that disclaimer before telling the joke, there should be no problem.
Brian in New Orleans:
Some people think "Metal Music Machine" is genius too....
Brain in New Orleans has broken the unwritten rule of NEVER putting Rush and Can in the same sentence. Severe punishment is on its way.
How about Andy tells the joke at the beginning of the show, and the rest of the hour is women calling up to tell mean jokes about HIM! Just a ruthless roast.
Brian in New Orleans:
@sphere I prefer "Lulu"...his work with Metallica...
I was listening to this the other night while vacuuming the day care center
Brian in New Orleans:
wasnt there a Monty Python skit where the worlds funniest joke...when read caused instant death? They read it to the Nazis in German but they didnt die cause they didnt speak German. is there a language only men understand as to not offend women?
...language the joke may be told in that only men get?
ԷoԷo (:
Tell the offensive joke in Japanese at the start of the show and then spend the rest of the show looking for a listener to translate it into English (and thus transfer the responsibility of being the offender).
I bet it would sound even more offensive in Japanese
Man it is so funny, this joke. But also so offensive. But I will tell the joke to Irwin this afternoon during his show, and I will tell it to him with the microphpones OFF and then after the punchline, I will turn the microphone ON so you can hear him laugh and laugh and laugh.
@Lane - actually I need a woman who can come to the show tonight to REALLY tell Andy off and humiliate hoim for the show we are actually going to do. Can you come to the show tonight? I seriously need a woman to take part in the show - we will be doing the show from the sidewalk in front of FMU tonight, from 6-7pm.
ԷoԷo (:
In my head the Rip Rig and Panic song sounds like she is still singing.Is it really instrumental?
Andy gives a long-winded, but encoded, speech. The third letter of the word following "the" in the speech is a letter of the joke. Women get bored with the speech for some reason and cannot be offended.
Honestly, a lady verbally ripping Andy a new one (just do that for the entire hour) is one of the few things that could get me to tune in to 7SD at this point.
Why do you assume that a MAN will be the person to GIVE the massage......
Nothing beats a good tuchus massage!
You guys can't think of anything that's entertaining? Pretty lame...
Hey Ken, did not know you were back on!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!
Speaking of "sold out" weent to see Mexican Institute of Sound in Madrid - sold out... people were trying every con to get in...
Did manage the "I should be on the list for Dale Watson & his Lonestars...
Good morning, Kenneth. How about if Andy goes outside and tells the joke to no one, and while's out you lock all the doors and turn off all phones? Hilarity would certainly ensue, especially if he's never EVER allowed back in. EVER.
Marc (the other painter):
@Ken- Yeah perhaps, but I believe Wreckless Eric let a no-no slip out when he was on air at the station not long ago? F or S word
ԷoԷo (::
Ken, Ken, Ken..
You also need to play bad music. It's not only about playing great music! Am I right, people!?!
Küche, Küche! or Kuchen
Marc (the other painter):
Right indeed, it's FMU so weird stuff must be played.
Guys, guys out with the Station Manager Ken criticisms. He has a hard enough job keeping the drug closet stocked to the satisfaction of every FMU DJ. He doesn't need the peanut gallery busting his hump too!
I am TRYING f0f0. These three songs are all by people who are differently abled but it's still all so good.. Let's play a game: can you tell the difference between music by differently baled musicians and pounk rockers from behind the iron curtain? Close your eyes and see if you can ID which is which.
Oh, very funny, Sebastian! hahahah! Oh, it's a pleasure for us, the privileged ones who can read and fully understand the German language. I don't think I have EVER mention this before but I took a German introductory class back in '98 (alphabet pronunciation from A to Z).
decline of gif selection: salvaging them from the past
When I worked in St Mark's bookshop in the 80s. There was a guy who would wrap himself up in carpets, lie on the sidewalk and ask people to step on him???
Is that in the foot fetish category????
Yes zzmzz - I decided that spending 5 hours preparing new GIFs every week was a waste since it would be important only to the likes of you. I thought my time was better spent wporking on music, especially since I now have a GIF database of 20,000 images.
The chewing Nazi is my favorite, Ken. But you already knew that.
ԷoԷo (::
I believe Fantomas and about other 100 Mike Patton related-bands are banned in WFMU. Or at least that's what I gather because I have never heard them here before.
@Lane - actually I need a woman who can come to the show tonight to REALLY tell Andy off and humilate hoim for the show we are actually going to do. Can you come to the show tonight? I seriously need a woman to take part in the show - we will be doing the show from the sidewalk in front of FMU tonight, from 6-7pm.
Ochre Ogre:
Wish to attend the Danny Fields flick, one block away from the center of the universe, 1st Ave & 1st Street.