I will make an FCC edit of that for next week. It's all about walking on the fucking moon so it is fucking awesome as i am sure you can fucking imagine.
Off to a rolling start here! If you have Clay Pigeon saying "No, that's just crazy, what are you talking about?" you know you're getting somewhere! Later I'm going to listen to that HazMat report a few times in the archive, I was laughing most of the way through that one. I really do wish we got that "newsreel" style of news more, and I still dare to dream of a Hazmat compilation someday!
I always get that damn scene from Cheech and Chong randomly stuck in my head.
FװFװ (:
According to my theory El Circulo refers to the Antartic Circle. So one could argue the song is about keeping the Royal Navy from entering the area close to the Falkland Islands/Malvinas.
Impressions from the 1968 "Negresco" spy/crime-movie: www.youtube.com...
(Klaus Doldinger)
Early Klaus Lemke directing, who later on became a "no-budget" underground movie maker.
@Ken - is there a velvet portrait of the 'Push Push' Herbie Mann album cover floating around FMU anywhere?
Foam doesn’t gets enough love. Sea foam green color (already safely tested on kitchen mixers) needs to be unleashed on the world’s cars, houses, large appliances...Herbie Mann! Hey aqualung!
@Brendan I saw a '53 Chevy street rod at a car show in matte Seafoam Green. Almost made me cry. Matte Black? Yes. Glossy Candy Apple Red. Yes. Matte Seafoam Green? No
tim from Champaign:
Is this the John Bolton memorial set? I couldn’t have put together a more fitting tribute myself.
FװFװ (:
From grabbing bums to preparing sandwiches with buns, Dr Bootygrabber has done it all.
Someone needs to do a mashup of the goat alarm, Howard Dean’s scream (https://youtu.be/9j6xm7e5bJo) and Steve Ballmer’s shriek (https://youtu.be/C4IJM1MB0v4). The latter is a dead ringer for the alarm.
Hola FװFװ! Nice to read your words today? By your rotating symbol I guess your going to the movies later today in Fofoland? Wednesdays are fridays over there, right?
human meme:
Does anyone know how long it takes for these playlists to end up on the archive?
About an hour after completion of the program, I believe, human meme. I could be wrong though.
marc (the other painter):
Had a delicious cheddar cheese sandwich last night on a whole wheat bun with lettuce, tomato, red onion and grilled ground beef in a round shape patty.
Wow. I can't believe I've never heard of Radio Free Vestibule before now.
FװFװ (:
Hola, Nacho! Wednesdays over here feel like one of those Sunday when you wake up and think it is Monday. Movies are banned in Fofoland (watching animated GIFs is allowed though).
Back in the early Napster days I downloaded a bunch of early complete Radio Free Vestibule broadcasts. Not sure if they're anywhere out there in Web 2.0, but they're all great, as are their albums.
FװFװ (:
Brett from Toronto,
That's not a boat! That's Ken's Marathonnia -Ruling the Radio Waves- 2018 yatch!
@Ken/HydePark unfortunately, the phone part of a phone is not directly available for fol-de-rol by the app part of the phone. You could just do it acoustically though.