Good morning Ken- What to do??? Listen to the Ken show or watch the Mueller testimony. I've not felt so conflicted since having to wrestle with whether or not to watch the Teletubbies or miss the first 30 minutes of your show. You so nicely solved that problem by playing music to watch the Teletubbies with the TV sound off. Perhaps you can play music to watch the Mueller testimony with the TV sound off.
Yay WCBN - my son is a DJ there - @John thanks again for turning us on to that station! Staysh's pic is still up on the wall - I sent him a pic of it when I was in there.
I'm watching the hearings on DVR so I can pause and I'm listening with the iphone by earphones, so I've only go to toggle my mind between Ken and the hearing.
Mueller: Won't anybody read my fucking report?
Republicans: No. Say the president is innocent.
Mueller: [sigh]
Democrats: Don't be ridiculous, nobody reads anymore. Please summarize the entire thing for us and enter it into the official Congressional record. THIS TIME it's GOT to make a difference. IT'S OFFICIAL CONGRESS STUFF!!! IT'LL make a REAL impression on all the idiots THIS TIME!
Mueller: [SMH]
tinkle bear:
JtotheK, promotions are based on merit.
Performance reviews take place every odd-numbered millenium.
Before you can get a promotion you have to have an amateurmotion
AC Grayling: “Before the 4th century when Christianity became the dominant outlook of the European mind, for over 500 years the outlook of educated people was Stoicism. And the Stoics said, with respect to those things which we have no control over, (earthquakes, aging, or disease), we must confront them with courage. But with respect to those things we can control, (our appetite, our fears, our desires), we must approach them with self control. So if we can live with courage and self control, we can live nobly.”
John from florham park:
@-Ken that was a funny bit about the muller hearings, trying to ignore it today
Laura L:
Absolutely--that Sam Beckett's "Cascando," if memory serves.
This reminds me of a public access TV show I saw once, where the host alleged having witnessed local pillars of the community engaged in erotic coprophagy.
tinkle bear:
But it is breakfast cereal! Evil Count Chocula for President!
Someone remind me why the Nothing song sounds so familiar but can't remember who did the original one. Or maybe this is the original and I have only heard a cover version.
Y'know, the only reason people's take sides with politics? Distraction from the wholesale wage-slave ass-fucking that any president or administration will provide from now till police state. Politics are for gullible robots, bullets are for politicians.
Hänschen Klein (a.k.a. Litte Hans Tiny) wandered alone in the whole wide world.
He looked good.
But his Mother was crying hard.
Had no Hänschen any more.
Si the Child came to a decision.
And returned home.
(rought translation of this nursury song)
The first song you'll learn on most instruments, if you take lessions in Gemany.
Thanks, Webhamster Henry! Ckecking that song reminded me of where I listened to the Nothing song before. I heard it from that guy's punk rock history song. Can't remember his name though.
@choggie and TB, I don't understand. Isn't it obvious that one political side is much more in favor of brutal wage-slave ass-fucking than the other? No? Well okay then! Have a nice day. (sigh)
I would love a three hour show of covers of accordeon-heavy "La Foule" by Edith Piaf
Hänschen klein
ging allein
in’n Berliner Turnverein.
Turnt am Reck,
fällt in’n Dreck,
ist die Nase weg.
Kommt der Doktor Hampelmann,
klebt die Nas’ mit Spucke an.
Hänschen klein
freut sich sehr,
hat nun eine Nase mehr.
@FO҈FO҈ (: Jeffrey and Jack Lewis - The History of Punk on the Lower East Side
The Butterman:
I’m ALWAYS down for a psychedelic part scene!
FO҈FO҈ (:
that is so funny, Sebastian! HAA! What a pleasure it is to read German and even more when you know just you, Guido in Cologne and me understand it because, I don't know if I have told this but I did a German introductory class in 1998. So I am bilingual with an umlaut.
Somehow my Mom snuck me into Midnight Cowboy back in 1969. Maybe I fit into her shoulder bag. That scene with Joe Buck and the old man in the hotel room traumatized me. The party scene made me want to become a hippy
FO҈FO҈ (:
Thanks, Sam! That's the man! If it wasn't for you and Webhamster Henry I'd go in this neverending journey of trying to find where I heard the (Nothing) song first.
tinkle bear:
k, it's okay that what's so obvious to you isn't obvious to everybody else. And vice versa.
Helps to spot sabre-toothed tigers, for one thing.
You have a nice day, too.
@Hubig: Wiki: "Upon initial review by the Motion Picture Association of America, Midnight Cowboy received a "Restricted" ("R") rating. However, after consulting with a psychologist, executives at United Artists were told to accept an "X" rating, due to the "homosexual frame of reference" and its "possible influence upon youngsters.” The film was released with an X. The MPAA later broadened the requirements for the "R" rating to allow more content and raised the age restriction from sixteen to seventeen. The film was later rated "R" for a reissue in 1971. The film retains its R rating."
*and not the way Brendan implies. Those are just called ovens, (or euphemistically "showers"), and they are NEVER necessary.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Ovens? Showers? Hmm! It's almost as if we should bother to vote AGAINST the Nazis. Pffft, nah!!!
The 60’s/70’s 360 degree album covers shot with fisheye lenses need to make a comeback.. Are You Experienced comes to mind but it seemed like every band had one. Good old LSD...