Favoriting Strength Through Failure with Fabio: Playlist from July 30, 2020 Favoriting

Fabio's avatar View Fabio's profile Favoriting

The Failure of Noise
The Failure of Sound
The Failure of Rock
The Failure of the Avant Garde
The Failure of the Space Age
The Failure of Jazz
The Failure of Psychedelia
The Failure of Krautrock
The Failure of Electronic
The Failure of Pop
The Failure of Free-form
The Failure of the 21st Century

Thursday 3 - 6pm (EDT) | On WFMU | 91.1, 90.1, 91.9 FM & wfmu.org
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Thu. Mar 13th, 3pm - 6pm: Fabio and his Co-Host Ken

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Favoriting July 30, 2020: Plague Failure program #16

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Playlist image Favoriting

Artist Track Album Label Comments
James Last  Mr. Giant Man   Favoriting Voodoo Party     
Zak Riles  Before the refuge   Favoriting Zak Riles     
Jackie-O-Motherfucker  Red Slipper Ritual   Favoriting U-Sound Archive 03     
Timothy Leary/JG Ballard  Untitled #2   Favoriting      
Carioca & Devas  Manhã Oriental   Favoriting Mistérios Da Amazônia     
Lula Côrtes E Zé Ramalho  Raga dos Raios   Favoriting Paêbirú     
Alastair Galbraith  Cemetery Raga   Favoriting Talisman     
Pelt  New Delhi Blues   Favoriting Técheöd     
Lee Marvin  Mini Skirts   Favoriting tonight let's all make love in london     
Davis Redford Triad  Hymn Of The Virgin Sun Queen   Favoriting Mystical Path of the Number 86     
QUAD  Revisitation Mantra   Favoriting QUAD     
Sun City Girls  Hatchling (Folklore of the Nest)   Favoriting Piasa...Devourer Of Men     
Philip Jeck & Janek Schaefer  Istanbul Drift   Favoriting Songs For Europe (Piosenki Dla Europy)     
David Sutton  Music For Concrete's First Two Failures   Favoriting American Wildlife     
Die Blutleuchte  The Secret War I   Favoriting Rus     
Ghédalia Tazartès  Repas Froid (Excerpt)   Favoriting Repas Froid     
Ana-Maria Avram  Ascent   Favoriting Orbit of Eternal Grace    split with Iancu Dumitrescu 
Fennesz  Badminton Girl   Favoriting Endless Summer     
Scar Dealership  Tape Music For The Painfully Alone   Favoriting Taxi For Brahms  Chocolate Monk   
Fabio Fabor  Asteroidal   Favoriting Aleatoric Piano Collages     
shit creek  Always Low tide   Favoriting shit creek     
Stephen Vitiello  Slow Spy and Camel   Favoriting The Light of Falling Cars     
Angus Maclise  Trance #2   Favoriting New York Electronic, 1965     
Andy Moor & Kaffe Matthews  Builder Bloomsberg, pt. 1   Favoriting Locks     
Richard Skelton  Scar Tissue   Favoriting Landings     
Noah Wall  Three   Favoriting Shredder - Aeolian Music for Pocket Fan & Acoustic Guitar     
The Caretaker  When the dog days were drawing to an end   Favoriting Patience (After Sebald)     
Todd w. Emmert  The Bead Gme   Favoriting A Serpentine Summer     
Kraftwerk  Computer Love   Favoriting Computer World     

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Listener comments!

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:02pm
Bas NL:

Hello Fabio & Friends of Failure!
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Greetings fellow failures
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Handy Haversack:

Hello, Fabio. Hello, Failsafes. Party time?
Avatar 3:05pm

Hello Fabio and space age freeform friends.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:07pm
tim from champaign (now washington):

Fabio and Giant Peoples!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:08pm
Mr. Pumpy:

Hi-HO, Fabio and all! It seems like it's been months...
Avatar 3:08pm

Safe from the Giant Man!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:09pm
Mr. Pumpy:

This sounds amazing...and reminds me to listen to Secret Chiefs 3 more often. (and Grails) Thanks, Fab!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Grooby Toons with Testify!
...or hang wit thuh Avant-garde uh clue ??
...well I guess I should keep up with phillip in brooklyn's disaster du jour or I won't know what's going on next episode...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm
Mr. Pumpy:

Rev Rab...if ya have to ask...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:11pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...yerknow could be a quiz...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:13pm
Handy Haversack:

Mr. P! Good to see you Townshending again!
Avatar 3:16pm

Heya Fabs and Failurites!
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tim from champaign (now washington):

I always enjoy hearing Jackie O Mofo!
Avatar 3:19pm

A little early for filthy hippie music.
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anyone have the name of that song in the background? with the female singer
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that played for 1 second
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:21pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yet to try DMT Thanks.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Ballard's been on my mind lately. I haven't read anything of his in a few years and I'm starting to get a jones for his bummer vibes.
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Jefferson Airplane White Rabbit
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

Bonjour, Monsieur Homme Géant!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:24pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Love Airplane on American Bandstand -
DickClark: Do you think parents have anything to worry about?
PaulKantner: Oh - I think so !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:27pm

This Carioca & Devas is thrilling. I am turning the volume knob up! Thanks for the sounds Fabio.
Avatar 3:28pm

I wonder if that was a 12-string guitar, or other south American double-string instrument, on Carioca & Devas.
Brown acid:

Elitism is for the People!

Avatar 3:29pm

..might have been a bandolim, similar to a Portuguese guitar, with 5 pairs of strings.
Avatar 3:29pm
Chris from DC:

Paêbirú, great record. Must dig that out again.
wfmu listener phillip:

@Fabio. ohhh so good to hear you.

hey fabio, with these ragas, got any sandy bull?
Avatar 3:32pm

..there's a site: atlas of plucked instruments.

if you're reading this, I surrender!. name your terms!
wfmu listener phillip:

WHOO it's another scorcher outside!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:33pm
Mr. Pumpy:

I won't
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Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm
Mr. Pumpy:

Handy, I T-shend with the best of them!
ami ad:

Hello DJ. Hello all. Hi.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:34pm

de Brathil
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm

More Fun?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:35pm
bore in suffern:

@kpx nice try, you couldn't afford it
The Butterman:

“Here, put this tiny piece of paper on your tongue”.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:37pm

I could have been the spelling bitch, but I've been really busy!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
tim from champaign (now washington):

Quick show of hands... how many of you have both Pelt and Felt records?
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:40pm
Bas NL:

Spelling nazi might be more gender neutral?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:40pm

hey Fabio!
hi everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:41pm
Mr. Pumpy:

spod! Howeth it goeth?
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@TDK: alter.cat...
Avatar 3:43pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

Avatar 3:43pm

Thanks Carmichael. Ha, they play mandolin and 12-string.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:44pm
tim from champaign (now washington):

This Pelt cut could easily be the piped in muzak at Colonel Kurtz's compound.

@Bore in suffern, she once said, if you contact me you just might find out that I'm not a nice person. She lied NOT!. What an abusive use of power. She truly is the Queen of Mean!.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:47pm

Hmm. I'd rather be a bitch than a Nazi. Maybe neither? Should we go with spelling jackass? Spelling weasel? Spelling dipshit?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:47pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Even the wet market wanted us dead
...& that's who we really took orders from anyway...
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Sir Pumpy of the Windmill, relieved, but giving in to Failure nonetheless. ya bad self?
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Victor Eremita:

Was that a quick take?
Avatar 3:48pm

Hector de Spell.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:49pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Pumpy are you in fact a Reverse Townshend or does he actually windmill upstrokes...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm

the latter

oh i love the photo!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:50pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm

(or both)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:51pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

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tim from champaign (now washington):

This Davis Redford Triad is some goddamm freedom rock!
Avatar 3:53pm

..actually I am a bit of a spellin' freek. But we could modernize; English has all these archaic spellings. Ex: couldn't we just write 'tho' instead of 'though'? Yet, I also think we should revive 'thee.' hehe, nevermind..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:53pm

(...but i'm not Pumpy)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:54pm

as an ignoramus, i can only imagine pete swinging upstroke direction (in the the little pete mind-gifs in my mind)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 3:55pm
Alvy Singer:

Steven Wray Lobdell recorded this album shortly after being released from a mental institution.

Aldous Huxley and the others who warned Timothy Leary that the LSD was only for the elite were essentially correct. Leary seems to have understood this warning as merely upper class condescension, but Huxley was offering sound practical advice.  The result of Leary's selfish and egotistical behavior was to get legitimate research into LSD and other psychedelics banned for decades. More importantly, any genuine spiritual endeavor (as opposed to hedonistic games) requires discipline. LSD should have remained under the control of responsible doctors and scientists. The great irony, of course, is that now altering human consciousness through medication is a commonplace, but it was ethical scientists and competent doctors who brought about this epochal change in society. 
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

So to find my future in improvisational gitrar - I'm just not hanging with the right people. ✔
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:01pm

Avatar 4:02pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

got me tea.
ready for furthur

Further with two U I believe.
Avatar 4:02pm

Gooooood afternoon all.
Avatar 4:03pm

could you list the years of these too please ?
Avatar 4:03pm

TDK - My frustration at English spelling is what made me love Russian so very much. It's so simple.
Avatar 4:04pm

Hi Fox
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:04pm

*clink* cheers Re. T
aloha, Fox

coel, RevRab -- reversed pete doesn't look right (currenlty my avatar, but will remove as to not step on MrP's groove.)
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:05pm

Hello Fabio and strong ones.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm

Fox, same w me w German
English has been called the language of exceptions, and i'm rules and order sucker
ami ad:

@Fox:it's daylight.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:05pm

aloha, chresti
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Handy Haversack:

Back! Forgot I had a sudden meeting that I always have that I manage to forget because my brain is a turbid sump under a badger light.

Glad we sorted out the Reverse Townshend.

Hey, Fox, chresti!
Avatar 4:05pm

I don't read that alphabet, but it's comforting to know, Fox.
Avatar 4:06pm
Rev. Turnip Druid:

ring-modulator you can drive a painted bus thru........ further...

Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:06pm

@Fox, that's one of the reasons I used to study Russian, Spanish, and German. Not so much "frustration" in my case though. Maybe more like puzzlement.

Cool sounds!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm

what a crock of shit that is. "yes, We'll control it and We'll tell you when you may and how to use it. our research is the only valid research."
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:06pm

taking reverse townshend out of the av bucket , but leaving in profile for now, for science
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:07pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Not even Leary invented the stuff any more than say The Beatles. It Happened. He did become an evangelist for it: I think of him as like the Disney or Hefner of LSD. But he also tried to talk sense to society about it. Many people did.
Nonetheless I agree that respect for its power is essential.
I have thought considering psychedelics Medicine was a healthy raproachment - from both directions.
Protestant Church gave me an off-brand cracker with really no Ritual - & Party culture gave me a quadruple dose of LSD as an adolescent kick!
But the case is also made it should be called not Medicine for just pathologies
- but the Elixir for epiphanies - & I see that too...Although both of these imply Seriousness...
Brown acid:

Thanks WM.The trip has begun via STF.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:08pm

aaaaamen, coel. wasn't going to bother, but i feel the same way
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:08pm

Hey spodi and Handy!
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fabio, all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:09pm

i'm worried Pete's going to strain his rotator cuff
David in London:

Late into the Lounge of Failure.
Hello groovers.

love this !!!
Avatar 4:09pm

TDK: Once you learn cyrillic, the whole language is easy to pronounce. It's utterly phonetic.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm

common, David in London, cheers!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm

don't fret, newspeak is barely around the corner.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm

doubleplus good
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:10pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...a bit like a Jungian idea that Health is actually about Wholeness & Meaning
...& as Terence McKenna said
- Culture is not your friend!
Avatar 4:10pm

I just woke up, and this conversation is leading me to my freezer to have a day of microdosing. It has been a very rewarding experience for me in these months of solitude.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:11pm
Handy Haversack:

I have been rewatching The Americans, Fox, but it hasn't soaked in yet.

David, hey.
Avatar 4:11pm

Hi Common, Chresti. / Odd, I've seen the Who several times and for some reason don't know why I don't memorize which way the windmill goes. If coming up from under, he hits the higher strings first.
Avatar 4:12pm

I should get back to my duolingo lessons to brush up on Russian. I only passed it in highschool because my teacher was the only person who got the reference when I dressed up like Number Six to school.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm

Fox, is duolingo as good as the review say? i've been meaning to try it (at some point)
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Fox, is that true for other Slavic languages that use Cyrillic?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm

Diggin' the QUAD.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:13pm


Lsd25 and me got the same birthday. Don’t hate me or love me. It’s just real.

how many expletive can a sophomaniac spell ?.
Avatar 4:17pm

TDK - I think so? I'm never sure what to do with the letter I, though. My grandmother enjoyed helping me with my Russian, because it was so similar to Polish in sound, but holy shit, trying to read Polish is near impossible for me. My brain can't look at those letters and come up with those sounds.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:17pm
Handy Haversack:

It's possible the Reverse Townshend is mainly used as a wrestling move at this point.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:18pm

Hi TDK60,
Avatar 4:19pm

Spodiodi - Duolingo is great, if you like phone games. I was addicted to this word finder game for a while, and realized all it was doing for my brain was making me try to make words out of whatever letters I came across, and that wasn't a useful skill. So I put Duolingo in it's place.

I think it's good for getting a good foothold in a language. I dont' think it would take you to conversation, but maybe to the step right before what you'd use for conversation, if that makes sense?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:19pm

I think i've seen The British Bulldogs windmilling
Avatar 4:21pm

TDK - What I mean is, some cyrillic languages have letters in addition to what I know how to use through my understanding of Russian.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:21pm

thanks for the thoughtful asnwer and assessment, Fox. I don't like phone-anything, but i loooove games. i'll have to check it tho
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm

Handy haha (@4.17)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:22pm

Hey Fabio, everyone.
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Handy Haversack:

I've lived in a heavily Polish neighborhood for more than twenty years, and I am still just basically guessing wildly when I try to pronounce something off a sign or menu.

Gonna go cut my and (gulp!) Kate's hair. Will be listening!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm

pazuziano, what's good?
Avatar 4:23pm

Spodiodi - There's always Rosetta Stone. That's easy to download. It's rather similar, and a bit more sophisticated, I think.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Intersesting. Have wondered about duolingua. I like podcasts & have used the Coffee Break French / Spanish series. I'm not Educated like any of y'all impressive nuggets - & my problem is if I stop with a language I feel I have to start all over from square one...but anything you learn is better than zero...
Avatar 4:23pm

Gracias, Fox. I do like Spanish, seems simple spelling
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:23pm

Handy! nice. ... high bangs are in! :D
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Handy - When it doubt, there's always the bowl cut.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:24pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...completely not into Games of any sort whatsoever...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:25pm

thanks again, Fox
David in London:

Handy, to those about to hack, I salute you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:26pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Impressive *buggers
...autoincorrect is clearly meant to destroy society...
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:26pm
Handy Haversack:

David, shall we say halberds at dawn?
Avatar 4:27pm

REalizing that for me to work on a graphic design project, I will have to first resurrect my broken computer on which I have thousands of fonts. Bah.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm

Hey spodiodi - same old thing here, how's it by you?

David: FIRE!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:28pm

goodgood, mariano
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:31pm

my niece asked if she may cut my hair (~2 months ago, when we were still speaking) i said okay. i'd been thinking about cutting it.
she named some style of cut i'd never heard of i said what's that she said famous people have it now it's very popular.
i'm glad she said that. i said never mind, i don't need you to cut my hair.
Avatar 🎸 4:31pm

Greetings, Fabio, Skeletons, Everyone!
Happy Hacking, Handy! (just recently chopped off a buncha my hair) -- you and Kate are able to guide and help each other, i hope?
re: Polish -- only reason i can kinda guess at pronunciation is from growing up in a family with Hungarian roots, but lots of Polish friends, relatives, etc.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:32pm

Hey @Fox: Let me know what you need. I can most likely hook you up (no kidding; for real).
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:33pm

TDK (@4:23): Yeah, spelling and pronunciation rules in Spanish (and Romance languages in general) are a lot more logical and consistent than in English.
Avatar 4:34pm

Hola Mariano, si, verdad. Then there's Esperanto, I think mainly phonetic. Japanese too?

@:coelacanth: Of course, all new technological inventions have a mind of their own. It's impossible to dis-invent a new technology and we are all forced to live with the consequences for better or worse. The most dramatic example of this is the invention of nuclear weapons - as soon as the USA had developed the technology there was a rush by other nations to follow suit and we are still struggling with the repercussions. But this does not change my point. We can't entirely control technology but we are still accountable for its responsible use. Timothy Leary and others of his ilk exploited an important breakthrough for their own self-indulgent purposes and made little contribution to a genuine exploration of human consciousness.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:37pm

@slugluv1313 Wondering how many of your roommates are of the feline species nowadays? (I have 2).
Thomas and Julia:

Speaking of Russian, Julia just heard comrade Brezhnev there.
Avatar 🎸 4:40pm

hiya watchpocket!
hope your felines are doing well!
there are seven (!) here -- long story, all fosters who never got adopted by their alleged rescue humans :(
Avatar 🎸 4:41pm

hey Mr. Pumpy!!!
hope all is well with you! sending positive vibes :)
Avatar 4:41pm

whats a good software to use to route audio from i tunes or online streaming into an audio editor?
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always my favorite show <3
Avatar 4:41pm

zeebee: mac or windows?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:42pm

7! Wow, you're a saint. So you're fostering "temporarily" while they wait for a forever home? I guess you run the risk of *becoming* the forever home.

correction, how many expletives can a poltroon oblique sophomaniac spell ?
Avatar 4:44pm

..that's ok Fabio. Play us some records..
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Linda Lee:

not hot right here at all, Fabio. it's a lovely mountain day upstate. hi everyone!
Avatar 🎸 4:44pm

hi mariano! FINALLY got "Confederacy of Dunces" out from the library -- i swear, i feel like i was the only one NOT reading that in the early 80s (first job outta college, working in NYC)
and HELL YEAH re: Spanish, other Romance languages -- hardly an expert, but when i was taking classes in Sanskrit, Arabic, even freaking Hungarian -- they ALL made more logical sense than English!
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:45pm

We're in for a melting wave for the next 4 or 5 days, in SoCal
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@ZeeBee: I use BlackHole: Works well cross platform:
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hi Londa Lee!
ooooo so happy you are not experiencing this excruciating heat!
ami ad:

@slugluv1313:great book.enjoy.
Avatar 4:45pm
Linda Lee:

checking out suddenly seems a lovely way to go, frankly. let's be ready daily & have no fear!
Avatar 4:46pm
Linda Lee:

hi slugluv! i am too. :-)
Avatar 4:46pm

I greet Thee, Linda Lee.
Avatar 4:46pm

Upon return from my luncheon, I have perused several Townshendian remarks. If you watch the concert video Deep End, ol' Pete will treat you to both forward and reverse windmilling.
Avatar 4:46pm
Linda Lee:

hope you're enjoying CoD. it's a fun book.
hi TDK60! how are you?
ami ad:

i agree with thee,linda lee.
Avatar 4:48pm

Chresti, prepareth theeself.
Avatar 🎸 4:48pm

@ watchpocket -- thanks! again, way more complicated -- but no, not possible to keep them (no job, AND i will get evicted if building management finds out) -- so looking for rescue groups who may be able to take them :)
(and no, the "rescue" persons who were supposed to provide vet care, food, litter, supplies, etc. and get them adopted never did any of those things)
Avatar 4:48pm
Linda Lee:

thank you ami ad! time to make life worth the candle!
Avatar 4:49pm

NorCal is in the same wave, Chresti. 100+ forever, it seems.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:49pm

hello fabious people. i like this anna maria alberghehtti.
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Linda Lee:

mangia, dale! :-D
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Is that the Blue Screen of Death, Linda?
Avatar 4:50pm
Linda Lee:

no, it's actually the color of my eastern sky anon.
Avatar 4:51pm
Linda Lee:

it's changing fast, though. i'll have to update shortly.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:51pm

herro linda lee. it's the end of the heat wave with some thunder moving through and i just sat down with an iced tea and am enjoying this ordered cacophony.
Avatar 4:52pm
Linda Lee:

good! sounds lovely!
no thunder yet here.. but when it hits here on Thunder Hill, it really hits. the landscape is like a bowl, so the sound is pretty impressive.
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Linda Lee:

i'm guessing that's why they named in Thunder Hill! brilliant! :-D
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:54pm

great - now i have jay ferguson's thunder island going through my head.
Avatar 🎸 4:54pm

@ Linda Lee -- WOW sounds amazing and beautiful
Avatar 4:54pm
Linda Lee:

the guy who lived here in this former barn before me was a composer for film, a guy named Mike Steinfeld. he loved the soundscapes here a lot.
ami ad:

wow,just realized this is Plague Failure program #16. 4 months,wow.
Avatar 4:55pm
Linda Lee:

i'll take a warning & stay away from that.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:55pm

a 1900 map of my town shows my property borders huckleberry hills.
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@ dale! hah! my brain is singing Chi Coltrane's "Thunder and Lightning" :)
Avatar 4:56pm

thanks @brainiac! downloading now, lets see if i can get this set up.
Avatar 4:56pm
Linda Lee:

ooh! got any huckleberries?
i'm on Rose Road. nothing but wild rose bushes blooming for the month of June, up & down the road. the aroma is fantastic sometimes.
it is, slugluv!
Avatar 4:57pm

@Brainiac - Thanks! But I've no idea what I'm even looking for. I just had so many fonts saved over the years. I'm working on a logo for a podcast I've been procrastinating about for like a year now.
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Linda Lee:

Chi Coltrane. great record. wonderful singer!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:57pm

slugluv: Cool, glad you got around to Confederacy of Dunces. I still like to pick it up every few years. I always envied my mom being college-age in 60s NOLA, what a time it must have been.
Avatar 🎸 Swag For Life Member 4:58pm

@ZeeBee: Good luck. I used a youtube tutorial which I can't seem to find at the moment.
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Linda Lee:

i'm headed up to the attic to organize my stuff now. supposedly someone's buying this cabin!
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Linda Lee:

& where it all goes, nobody knows.
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no berries. for a couple of years the woods was full of blackberries behind my house. i'd go out every day and pick a gallon of them and freeze them. then the third year nothing. no bushes no nothing. weird how nature favors certain invasives and then changes her mind a year or two later.

So nice!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:00pm

WM (@4.35) all this is true -but there's only one reason why "positive" (pretending for a moment that pure recreation isn't just as useful for the health of the people as the medical community can be) research and beneficial usage in the psychological field would be inhibited as a response: control.
nothing Leary did stopped that research. that exploding scene just made it easy to justify making it illegal. the pharmaceutical industry couldn't have ultimately exploited lsd (if the research led to that) if it weren't made illegal first.
...and there's nothing more self-indulgent about anything Leary did than 98% of the way the majority of americans live and think.
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congrats. you got in on the pande-monium market!

What is the blackberry raspberry relationship anyway? Do rs think bs are common?
David in London:

Mariano, brainiac, TDK.
David in London:

Coela. Hi.
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@Fox: Some people call themselves font collectors. I eschew such euphemisms and refer to myself as a font hoarder.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Been too Slack - need a clear sky to see Neowise ! Beneath the Dipper before too late after dark. Then Jupiter & Saturn will be near each other for a good bit - & right now they're high around midnight hours. I've seen Jupiter moons with binoculars & they want for that...
Also I did hear crickets walking around a bit which did my soul good - just not the loud symphony I've loved thru open windows indoors this year...
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Roses, blackberries, gosh, wish I were up in the hills. We do have some mulberry trees here in he city.
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Linda Lee:

oh, dale. i can't begin telling you about this pandemic pandemonium. i've already been through 3 serious buyers, who lost their jobs & had to pull out of our agreements. keeping all digits crossed on this one.
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@David in London: Ahoy, matey!
Avatar 5:04pm
Linda Lee:

i did have strangers driving up to my house unbidden & peeking around in my windows before this last contract was signed, just because the place was listed online. i felt like a movie star recluse. thankfully that's done now.

@RRN63--I was yearning for the sounds of crickets yesterday evening. Maybe youtube crickets will have to do
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@brainiac, I figured it out! recording some mixes for a guest show on my local FM station!
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@ZeeBee: Cool beans.
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@ Linda Lee -- right? a friend and i were wondering "whatever happened too . . . ?" and turns out she was just really shy, had stage fright, etc. -- very talented woman!

@ mariano -- yeah, have not started it yet but first on the list :) -- and damn! your Mom was in NOLA during the 60s? so cool
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:07pm

hey David(iL)!
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Handy Haversack:

And we are shorn! Seems that peace continues to reign, so hopefully it went well.
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Linda Lee:

that's just the way i felt for a while, dear. i mean: 830 AM & you're on my front lawn?
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@ Linda Lee -- that cabin sounds like a beautiful place, in a beautiful location -- no way you are able to stay there?
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@Handy: Cover all the mirrors and live happily ever after.
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yesh. serious financial ripples will continue to go out from this one. when the unemployment and 'incentives' run out and people can't pay their school taxes or mortgage. sigh.
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Linda Lee:

darlin, i knew it wasn't for me a week after closing in 2018. it needed a little sprucing up, we did that & here we are.
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I once went to the Lincoln Center w/ a dear female friend to see the NY Philharmonic do a program of Brahms. After that, whenever she was relaxing, she'd text me, I'm taking a bath to Brahms....
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Linda Lee:

composers are amazing people, but not too handy, in my experience. Mike's idea of carpentry was duct tape.
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Is scar dealership related to Casiotone for the Painfullly Alone?
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brainiac: Well, I'll take what you are offering, in whatever capacity! I am creating a logo for "The Hunchback and the Whore" and will need fonts that lend themselves to fanciness or blockiness or distortion. I am a fan of geometric Os, and I am not a fan of the standard lowercase script Rs.
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NGH, hope they didn't fall asleep in the tub..
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Carmichael, we knew it would get up there, usually we're driving to SF this time of year.
Thanks TDK60, staying indoors except early in the morning, late at night. My worst fear is the electricity cutting out when it get's really hot.
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Handy Haversack:

Just realized that by heading for the countryside this weekend, we can maybe see the comet! Suh-weet!
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Finally, just got an email stating my job starts 9am Monday! (I'm skint AF)
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Heya David! How's life in London these days?

slugluv: John Kennedy Toole was also my mom's English prof so she was really excited when the book was finally published.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Leary had impact far far beyond his own personal use. But it was the Authorities who flipped out & panicked about it really.
So - if someone you didn't actually know asked you if they should take LSD - would you say - yeah! It's an evolutionary agent! Or would you say - well what do you know about it... Or say nothing to influence them or their trip like a good Buddhist?
Avatar 5:13pm

Murad - I also miss crickets and cicadas. It's my favorite part of summer. I wanted to order some crickets online and just set them loose in my neighborhood, but I don't suppose the environment would support them, ot they'd already be here. :(
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@ Linda Lee -- ah, ok -- thanks for the clarification :)
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Mariano, what's the name of the book your were discussing earlier?
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@Fox: Sounds like an interesting project. So you're thinking script wordmark and an icon logo as well?
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Handy Haversack:

I wonder if shit creek are my neighbors ... well do I know the smells of low tide on shit creek.
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oooooooo i am LOVING this *shit creek* :)
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I would say yes, if my opinion was taken like a stranger's too
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

@Carmichael: Thanks for the windmill intelligence.
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I'm just finishing the last season of Schitt's Creek.
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TDK: A Confederacy of Dunces.
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Linda Lee:

@slugluv ~ thanks for asking. cheers!
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..so Pete does windmills both ways. We have a fact.
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Handy Haversack:

@Fox: Saw a cicada in Brooklyn yesterday! Then heard it!
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cicada yesterday in philly @Handy
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@Handy: I have gotten some good stargazing o'er here, b/tn using a telescope, less light pollution, and not much of a tree canopy (problem at the last two places I live, well, three, if you include Brooklyn), but the western sky after sunset is either cloudy or has too much humidity to see Neowise. But I saw did see it one night when a high pressure dried the air enough last month....
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Ken From Hyde Park:

@ngh - Did you see the rocket to Mars lift off this morning?
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Thanks Mariano.
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Not to be confused w/ the show, Schitts Creek
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Linda Lee:

this *is* a nice piece. fine for rummaging through 30 years' detritus for keepers.
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The music today is great Fabio. You have a flow, and a sense of furthur..
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ngh @5.11 congratulations!
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Hubig Pie:

Ignatius J. Reilly was ruled by the whims of his pyloric valve
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@Ken: No, it was very overcast here. I go back to Orlando tomorrow, where it's very easy to see the rocket launches (only 60 km away)
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@ dale -- right?
i worked at a welfare agency, 2005 - 2010 -- people who never ever thought they would have to do stuff like apply for food stamps, etc. -- they were not elitist about it or anything, just really lost and confused -- and i always tried to reassure them and be supportive, remind them that they were not alone, etc. (the one who sticks in my mind is the dude who had a Master's degree in Computer Science -- and HE could not find employment!) -- so yeah, i am guessing that the fallout from this is going to be MUCh worse
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Handy Haversack:

Very cool, ngh!

Do any North Jersey listeners know whether Camp Mor on rte. 17 is open?
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thanks, coel!
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@ ngh -- YAY!!!!!!
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slugluv - no worries. trump has our backs.

north hills - good for you!

Beautiful show, thank you!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I'm scared Neowise is getting lower the longer I slack - too near the sunset - & I'll miss it entirely.
Avatar 5:20pm

@fox: there are ton of crickets and cicadas down here in FL, I have many field recordings (singing w/ the frogs). I also buy chili-lime crickets from Oaxaca to make tacos at the local Mexican store. (I think they're delicious, better then popcorn.
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feliz gracias, mis amigos!
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linda lee. i need to cull a lot of my crap....er, collectibles. put some stuff up on fb marketplace for very low prices and not one bite. i have artwork i did 40 years ago that i should toss but get cold feet when i'm about to. i know when i'm gone it will just go in a dumpster so i should just do it now and have some room to breathe in.
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@ mariano -- right! re: Toole being your Mom's professor (apologies for spacing out!)
you seriously have a really interesting family (recalling your Mariachi-singing aunts)
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@sluvguv: 'Masters Degree in Computer Science (via Geography)'. That would be me the last 18 months being underemployed....

@coelacanth: I'm not puritanical - I've intoxicated myself any number to times and often it's been lots of fun. Of course, it's true that LSD brought on a moral panic with lots of hysteria and sensationalistic journalism. Also let's remember the despicable human experimentation carried on by the CIA.- Leary can't be blamed for that. It's almost inevitable that new technology is destabilizing at first and it takes time to lean how to use it properly. (Socrates thought that the written word was a dangerous innovation that would only induce forgetfulness.) So, yes, maybe its harsh to demonize Leary and the other early psychonauts of the era. Still, I think technology must be used responsibly and ethically not just for hedonistic fun or personal self-indulgence.Thanks for the good conversation!
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joe mulligan:

@handy not sure abt Campmor but I did get a bear canister cubside pickup from REI farther south down rte 17
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i gotta run in a wee bit, gotta pack, danks Fabio.!
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Speaking of the rocket to Mars lifting off, Herman Cain died today of complications from COVID-19.
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joe mulligan:

speaking of not speaking about movies, has anyone seen Bacurau?
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@ Linda Lee -- right?
i am *attempting* to sort through massive quantities of stuff too :)
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WM - but it CAN be used for self indulgence, right?
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Nothing reassures me @ all to be perfectly candid. The USA is not masking, distancing, shutting down, nor putting people or businesses" financial survival up front in priorities.
A vaccine is no more certain to be effective than a flu vaccine. People are no more certain to have a access to it - nor to get it! - than they are this other things.
Other viruses are just as likely as this one - from the sane sort of circumstances.
Frankly not seeing a resolution here.
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Linda Lee:

this releasing is a process for sure. it takes multiple passes. i'm just real tired of dragging stuff around.
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Hubig (@5:18): Haha! And the wisdom of Boethius.
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Linda Lee:

i'd love so much not to worry about Stuff. it's a bore!
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Linda Lee:

there. changed my color to match the changing sky.
ami ad:

was a mover for many years,people have so much stuff they don't need,myself included.
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hi! Just tuning in today, but I really want to tell you that Fabio, i love your show one of my favorites on WFMU! thnx for doing it.
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Linda Lee:

we honestly do. & it all needs space. my ideak: enough space to sleep in. the rest: a gift. i'd llike experiencing taht sense of the world.
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Handy Haversack:

Thanks, @joe mulligan! Looks like it is in fact open. And selling masks, even!
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Me too slug+ L.Lee and Dale- too many tapes, LPs, magazines, notes, papers. Been taking photos or scans of old art/graphix. But enjoy a library that interacts with me too.
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Linda Lee:

my god what sloppy texting!
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@ Linda Lee -- exactly!
trying to do a Swedish Death Cleaning of sorts -- what to keep, what to ditch, what to donate now (i do not have a will yet, but trying to organize stuff so that when i am gone, everything can just be donated)
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Linda Lee:

that's a great goal.
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Let's see, 85% of everything I own is rekkids and books, the rest is kitchenware and clothes.
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how many antique windsor style potty chairs do you people have? i have 3.
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@ ami -- same here!
the few times i have counted, i realized i had moved something like 12 times in 4 years -- so when i found this place (in 1982!) i was looking for someplace where i would not have to move again after a year, a few months, whatever . . . i had NO idea i would end up here for close to 40 years!
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I went tot he Angus Maclise (re)release party of Thunderbolt Pagoda in 2002 at Tonic. Many brilliant musicians doing interpretations of his work....
Miss G:

To chime in, also going through old papers since I sat down at 4. Currently NY mag 10/15/79 article on "punk" by the late Cynthia Heimel (aww.)
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A certain "Lolabelle Pancake" posts on the Old Codger chat board that:

"we have received word from our attorney "Buster" Binderfloss that a SWAT team of federal marshals will be surrounding WFMU headquarters at 6pm to apprehend Fablo when he emerges from the building. This is a clandestine operation, so please don't tip him off."

The elderly association of the decrepit there can't seem to grok the concept of broadcasting from home, poor devils.
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Linda Lee:

i think what i'll keep for storage, somewhere, is stuff that's truly irreplaceable ~ like the program from a Carnegie Hall recital of 3 Cage compositions, December '62, along with music from Varese, Ives & Henry Cowell, that a close friend was invited to by the composer, since she was treasurer for the mycological society he headed at the time. this i keep.
David in London:

Mariano, sorry for the slow reply, I was cooking late and eating. All good in London Town, a lovely summer day. Took the laptop to the garden and worked on some music. Heavenly. How’s things in NO?
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Linda Lee:

most of the rest? phooey! :-)
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Handy Haversack:

@TDK60, I assume that a time will come, possibly soon, when industrial capitalism will no longer be able to bring me books and gaming books right to my neighborhood, and I want to be ready when it happens. So the library stays in place!
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WM -and i'm not defending Leary as a person -or his motives. i know little about him and don't care that much. maybe he was just an egomaniac -like Kesey.
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@Pumpy, at the 44:10 mark (Magic Bus), it's confirmed: www.youtube.com...
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joe mulligan:

happy camping @Handy!
ami ad:

@slugluv1313:sometimes we moved boxes we packed in the previous move.
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Old t-shirts: I cut off the sleeves from old t-shirts and use them to put my hair up, also use as neck "gators" (and face coverings), etc.
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Linda Lee:

then there's the copy of Jim Carroll's high school yearbook from Trinity that another close friend had him autograph ~ right under the photo of the basketball team! this i also keep.
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@5,25 hey that Rabbit's not in line. shoot him
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*They're usually to ratty to donate.
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Linda Lee:

off to the attic. see you soon, children!
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See you LL..
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Please, David, no need for sorries. Though I must say the polite thing would've been to forgo cooking and dinner till I'd formally dismissed you. My hurt (read MANGLED) feelings aside (which obviously don't matter to you anyway), things are alright-ish here, though we're entering the radioactive stage of summer heat and humidity.
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Linda Lee:

for sure, chresti!
David in London:

Handy, how did the hair cutting go?
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@ Linda Lee -- totally! i mean, i keep old ticket stubs, programs, etc. -- sure some can be ditched, but a lot really is irreplaceable -- like the stuff from my family -- all these artifacts from Hungary, old photographs, immigrations documents, etc. -- to me they are precious, but others may just see it all as trash -- so i gotta do some research, there may be some Hungarian cultural institution that may be able to take them
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@ ami -- hah! same here :)
Avatar 5:41pm
Linda Lee:

.. or you keep it because it gives you joy to have them. let someone else worry later. :-)

Interesting to note that many Buddhist practitioners initially got interested in meditation through their experience with LSD. I think there have been a few books and articles written on the subject So the DIY experiments with mind expanding drugs did have some good consequences, although I don't think any responsible Roshi would endorse the practice in the long term.
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Handy Haversack:

David, well, I'm easy -- an even buzz of the entire orb. Giving Kate an undercut had me very nervous, but I think it went OK.
David in London:

Mariano, I blame the lockdown and its degrading effect on my manners. I apologise for the shocking breach of etiquette.
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@ chresti -- same here! old tee shirts that cannot even be worn anymore end up as cleaning rags (yeah, my Depression era/Hungarian peasant village family roots at work here, hah!)
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Handy Haversack:

Also, David, congrats on really trashing Mariano with that whole dinner-ignoring-finally-being-all-like-"Oh,-hi,-Mariano" deal. Well played!

love this!!!
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Linda Lee:

i'd call you lucky, slugluv. you see more value in things themselves that some others do ~ because they hold so much useful potential.
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Linda Lee:

right. upstairs. :-D
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Handy: [sinister slow clap]. Ooh, just reminded me of a 90s SNL sketch called The Sarcastic Clapping Family, need to look it up. Family at the reading of a will, every comment prefaced by sarcastic clapping.
David in London:

Handy, so she liked the monk’s pate then?
ami ad:

slugluv1313:growing up hungarian was the language of the old in the country,when i got to nyc i worked with a bunch of young hungarians,and it was funny to hear them speak.(not what they were talking about...)
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Seriously though David, hope dinner was nice :)
Miss G:

ooo, I'd like to watch that Patience (After Sebald)
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@ Linda Lee -- i have an old Rutgers yearbook with Lenny Kaye! not signed or anything, but i found at Half Thoughts (a used record and book shop in New Brunswick, NJ -- i was going to Douglass/Rutgers Univ.) -- in pre-coed days, Lenny's hair is SO long compared to the rest of the crew-cuts on the rest of the dudes, and he is listed as the head of the SDS . . . another photo has him at a student meeting, looking very "radical" in a black turtleneck while everyone else is wearing suits and ties
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i have a 1916 yearbook here from the mother of the previous owner. hate to throw that kind of stuff out.
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Salmon patties with garden tomatoes and dill aioli tonight. A salacious Sancerre avec.
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Linda Lee:

that's fantastic. :-)
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Brainiac: Yes, basically. That is what I am thinking, font wise.
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Handy Haversack:

We groove on contemplation here in Greenpoint, David.

Thanks, Fabio! Thanks, Skeleton! This was a great way to Thursday -- which for us is Friday!

Have a good weekend, all, in case I can't get on the boards.
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Linda Lee:

no, i don't think we should throw these things out unthinkingly & if they give us a good feeling to own, we should own them until they don't!
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was an album and box of photos of family photos dating back to the 1860s left behind that i managed to get to a family member. can't believe the owner didn't care to pass the stuff on.
David in London:

Mariano, I am raising a cold glass of rose in your honour now.
Avatar 5:52pm

NGH: Omg. Can you send me some of your field recordings of nature?!? I want to loop it and make a sleeping track.
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@Mariano I watch old SNL and think, "Did Andy Breckman-man write this?"
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Thanks DJ F. Until again then..
ami ad:

Thank you DJ,Crew. good times were had. stay free.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

I had fun acid trips...profound acid trips ...& unfun acid trips. Unfun partly because I was an adolescent with not enuff information about relative doses ! Then I moved from North New England to SoCal - when the cultural shift happened that meant it wasn't called tripping anymore - but frying. & that's what it became - just another intoxication. Not informative or even enjoyable.
I kind of concluded before that that it was a lot like psychotherapy - with no psychotherapist. I didn't have tools as just some kid to be one for myself. Though I was a thinking human responsibile for myself - kid or whatever...
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@ ami -- i never learned Hungarian! wish i had, though :)
was not born during McCarthyism/Black Listing -- but close enough! and, in the early 60s, my parents were living in Atlanta -- my Mom and Grandma wanted to teach my younger sister and i the language (and get our ears pierced), but my Dad did not want anyone sounding "foreign," so that did not happen (i was so angry for him for years, UNTIL i realized how our family probably would have been seen as Russian/Communist spies if we were speaking anything except English)
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Thanks Fabio! Exceptional selection, as always!
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Linda Lee:

thanks so much for the sounds, Fabio! lovely!
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wonderful show, Fabio -- thank you so much!
stay cool, everyone!
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To your health, David. Andrew: Haha!

Thank you Fabio, thank you Crew, take care everyone.
Miss G:

Thank you Fabio for the mindbending set
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Ami - I have been spending the past two years trying to get rid of as much as I can. The isolation of lock down has put that into high gear. I've been mending my pile of broken shit, throwing out what can't be fixed, getting rid of things that make me think of shitty memories, etc. It's all very freeing.I dont' want to move blank canvases ever again. I have to make art on them.
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tim from champaign (now washington):

Thanks, Fabio!
David in London:

Grazie Mille Fabio.
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Glorious set! So great!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:56pm

thanks, Fabio!
thanks, crew!
hope everyone has a good day \m/
Avatar Swag For Life Member 5:57pm

Great listening, great reading.
Thanks Fab.
Take care everyone.
ami ad:

@ slugluv1313:i never learnt it either,we were supposed to speak hebrew,not the old language...
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@Fox: Use the contact button on my profile with a list of fonts you'd like to try out. I'll round 'em up one way or another.
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Thanks Fabio! Thanks skeleton crew!
tchau peeps
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Rev. Turnip Druid:

good is good
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Ken From Hyde Park:

Fun show today, Fabio. Stay well!
ami ad:

safe travels Handy,right on Fox. Peace&Laugh.

Still nothing!?, Well how about this, I'll drop to your level. a hit and run sphincter says what! .
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Thanks for the great show today, Fabio. 'Till we meet again, stay safe.
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

How ahead were Kraftwerk with all this computer business...

Many thanks, Fabio my paesano.
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Bas NL:

Thanks Fabio! Fantastic show!!
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Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

TU Fabio !

thanks for a good show. peace and love to those who deserve it!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 6:02pm

"the elites" might decide who is deserving
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Codge me baby. Codge me all night long. Or at least until Miracle Nutrition starts...
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