Rex, reminds me of a Pegu Club, which has been Quarantini staple: 4 parts gin, 2 parts triple sec, 1 part lime juice, dash bitters, dash orange bitters, shake w/ ice, serve up
Though for FP, maybe a Satan's Whiskers is more apt?
Equal parts gin, dry verm, sweet verm, and OJ. Half a part of triple sec. Dash or two orange bitters. Shake w/ ice, up.
Being a teetotaler I feel like a heretic stepping in here with all you boozy recipe mongers, but I’ve got to give some love to Rex. Haven’t heard in awhile but it’s still as sharp as ever.
I asked Shirley to show me her tattoo ! She pulled up her shirt sleeve and there she had on he shoulder a flaming guitar with wings spread out on the sides !
Well, the world out there proved to be even stupider than the one in here, but with fewer redeeming qualities. Glad to be back!
Now, about that drink ...
@acid casualty. I’ve looked for it on YouTube a few times, but always find the song Moonshiner’s Daughter. Lots of good B movies to be found on there, though
Wow. Why did people continue making records after Let's Rock and Roll by Little Shy Guy and the Hot Rods? You can't improve on that one!
ami ad:
Hello DJ. Hello all. Did someone mention a drink?
Stuart Rose:
Sorry to hear about Trini Lopez passing away, Papito.
He also did some versions of folk songs— If I had a Hammer, right?
Cool,album covers too, if my memory serves me.
Ahh, Pimm's Cup. Trust a No Brow to have the finest fresh borage ready to go and dedicated for drinks!
Hey there, ami ad. Hope the week treated you OK.
I haven’t heard Trini Lopez sing in years so I got on YT and there he was singing La Bomba as though he was having a supernatural, spiritual experience !
I feel like I’ve spent the last few days hauntingly re-living my childhood grief at seeing Trini die in The Dirty Dozen.
ami ad:
@Handy:Sat down most of it,went to east flatbush yesterday to collect my last pay check,from 5 months ago. I walked back through Prospect Park,saw a lot of garbage there,also in the park. Another one is upon us. How do you do?
Sorry I missed your biography of Shirley Kilpatrick. Of course I've seen The Astonishing She Monster. A quick look at her photos online shows she was a magnificent woman.
And can we not start calling it “The Covid”?
Lots of good memories from Prospect Park. Fished some interesting creatures outta that lake in the 70’s
ami ad:
every week i think the show starts at 2pm. can't afford memory.
Hanging in, ami ad. Had some plans to get outside a little frustrated but still the week was got through one way or another. Gonna get out of town next weekend for a few days.
Don't pay her! Wait. Wrong joke. How do you make a Louisiana flip?
ami ad:
@phil.vas1: Walked in the woods,on some trails,there are patches of condom wrappers in many places,did locate some structure under a fallen/uprooted tree,but no flash light.
Rex, have you seen Robert Emhardt in "Return of Verge Likens"? It's episode one from the 3rd season of the Alfred Hitchcock Hour. Available for viewing on YouTube, commercial free. Robert Emhardt's finest performance!
ami ad, the city also quietly raised the fine on ASP tickets to $65 from $45.
Earth Walker:
So right Ami
The Jews Apartheid has got to go
Mayor d.bla said no Blue Light Tribute and no Reading of the Names this year ! Wrong.. the Blue Lights shall Shine and the Names will be Read for Sept. 11th !
ami ad:
@Handy:Nice,they don't clean,but the fine is higher,sweet economics.
great show Rex thanks so much
Giant Thanks RUTH !!!
Earth Walker:
Papito. Sept 11. Saudi Arabia terrorist on the jets. Asshole Bush slaughters Iraqi People. All airports closed no one leaves Asshole Bush let’s the bin laden
family leave. Honor the fallen from the Towers !