Favoriting Irene Trudel: Playlist from February 4, 2013 Favoriting

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Music to laze around with, just like slipping into a warm, comfortable bath; bubbling with many stringed instruments and occasional live performances. (Visit homepage.)

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Monday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio

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Favoriting February 4, 2013: Wintry-weathered walkabout in song.

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Kitchen Cynics  Selective Memory   Favoriting Selective Memory  Alan Davidson  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mark Wingfield  The Journey North Part 2 / The Drawn Conclusion   Favoriting Sleeper Street  Dark Energy Music  0:05:11 (Pop-up)
Snowgoose  Crawl Out Your Window   Favoriting Harmony Springs  Ba Da Bing!  0:09:59 (Pop-up)
Alarm Will Sound: Derek Bermel  At the End of the World   Favoriting Canzonas Americanas  Cantaloupe Music  0:14:51 (Pop-up)
Kyung Sung Lee, Brian Suits: Bartok  Sonata No. 1 in F minor for Violin and Piano, Op.80: Andante   Favoriting Debussy / Bartok / Prokofiev - Violin and Piano  Sem Gramophone  0:19:15 (Pop-up)
Jenn Grant  Green Grows the Lilac / Eye of the Tiger   Favoriting The Beautiful Wild  Ba Da Bing!  0:26:15 (Pop-up)
David Garland  Winter is Here   Favoriting (You Tube video)  David Garland  0:39:16 (Pop-up)
Mark Fosson  Nancy's Waltz   Favoriting Digging in the Dust  Tompkins Square  0:44:16 (Pop-up)
The Bevis Frond  The Divide   Favoriting The Leaving of London    0:47:10 (Pop-up)
Bonnie "Prince" Billy  Beast For Thee   Favoriting Now Here's My Plan  Drag City  0:49:42 (Pop-up)
The Black Twig Pickers  Wednesday Night Waltz   Favoriting EastMont Syrup    0:54:11 (Pop-up)
Allysen Callery  Favorite Son   Favoriting Winter Island    0:57:15 (Pop-up)
Scent of Soil  Breeze   Favoriting Scent of Soil  Hubro  1:00:30 (Pop-up)
Ervan Tusk  Phrasal Show   Favoriting Fortify Your Innocence    1:15:28 (Pop-up)
Beach Boys  Cabinessence   Favoriting Friends & 20/20  Capitol  1:19:12 (Pop-up)
Jason Lytle  Willow Wand Willow Wand   Favoriting Department of Disappearance  Anti-  1:22:43 (Pop-up)
The Shins  Pink Bullets   Favoriting Chutes Too Narrow  Sub Pop  1:26:20 (Pop-up)
Wayne Shorter with Milton Nascimento  Miracle of the Fishes   Favoriting Native Dancer    1:30:12 (Pop-up)
Saint Steven  The Bastich   Favoriting Saint Steven  ABC Probe  1:34:54 (Pop-up)
Yppah featuring Anomie Belle  Soon Enough   Favoriting Eighty-One    1:38:04 (Pop-up)
Richard Thompson  Salford Sunday   Favoriting Electric  New West  1:55:32 (Pop-up)
Rebecca Martin  Beyond the Hillside   Favoriting Twain  Sunnyside  1:59:43 (Pop-up)
Robyn Hitchcock  My Rain   Favoriting Love from London    2:03:28 (Pop-up)
Martha Wainwright  Proserpina   Favoriting Come Home to Mama  V2 Music  2:06:18 (Pop-up)
Maria Bachman / Adam Neiman  Chopin: Beau Soir   Favoriting French Fantasy  Bridge Records  2:10:22 (Pop-up)
Brian Eno & David Byrne  Everything That Happens   Favoriting Everything That Happens Will Happen Today    2:13:31 (Pop-up)
XTC  Rook   Favoriting Nonesuch  Geffen  2:17:12 (Pop-up)
Lee Feldman & Noah Hoffeld  Kaddisch   Favoriting Sacred Time: Jewish Music for Cello and Piano  Lee Feldman & Noah Hoffeld  2:21:28 (Pop-up)
Efterklang  Apples   Favoriting Piramida  4AD  2:26:28 (Pop-up)
Don Cherry  Gamla Stan - The Old Town at Night   Favoriting The Eternal Now    2:43:24 (Pop-up)
Michael Manring - Kevin Kastning  Evening Against Sky   Favoriting In Winter  greydisc  2:51:33 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Sean in Bristol, UK:

Hi Irene, hello to all Trukeepers
Avatar 12:04pm

hi sean in bristol
Avatar 12:04pm

Hi, Irene! Hi, Sean! [lunch first, be back in a few]

Hi Irene. Hi gang. Happy Monday. Sean - they found your king in a parking lot I see.
Avatar 12:06pm

Hello friends! Virgin ears here because I usually work on Mondays. Digging it so far!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm

Hi everybody!
Avatar 12:09pm

Good afternoon, Irene and all.
Sean in Bristol, UK:

Hey Drew, you made me think, yes, Richard The Third was found buried under a car park!
Avatar 12:10pm

The road to royalty is paved with ill intentions? Or, they paved over King Richard and put up a parking lot?
Avatar 12:11pm

kat330, definately #2
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Va Van:

Stopping by to say hi to you Irene, and folks. This will be an archive catch up for me. Have a wonderful day everyone!
Avatar 12:12pm

Wonder if in today's wintry-weathered walkabout we'll hear any of Kate Bush' 50 Word for Snow? :)
Avatar 12:13pm

wordS s.b. -- Hi / Bye drive-by Van!
Sean in Bristol, UK:

Hi Van, have a great week
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm
Irene Trudel:

Hi Everybody! Just settling in...
Sean in Bristol, UK:

This is a nice track
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm

G'dafternoon Miss Irene. Nice to see you last night on Miss Monica's playlist. Hope you enjoyed the San Antonio Rose sing-along.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:17pm

Sean in the UK, what's really embarrassing is the number of parking tickets Rich-3 is going to be stuck with.
Avatar 12:21pm

Guess it required some real skull-duggery to uncover the remains of a day long gone.

When I was pointed to the Richard story this morning by glenn, it reminded me of a dream I had some years back, which only left me the memory of three place names: Leicester, Uxbridge and Cambria.
Avatar 12:23pm

Sonds like territories my ancestors just 2 own
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:23pm
Irene Trudel:

Funny thing is, I didn't know England had car parks back in King Richard'sday.
Avatar 12:24pm

@Sigurdur: Are you from Iceland?
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Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:26pm

Many thanks for Bela.
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I've always been curious about that dream, and those names have remained a mystery to me. Wonder what they'll eventually uncover in Uxbridge or Cambria? ;)

And I concur with the Bartok -- thank you!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm

This cover is a keeper.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:31pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

This has to be the best version of "Eye of the tiger" ever, marvellous stuff
Marmalade Kitty:

nice one
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32pm

Yeah, this is pretty great.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32pm

So there's a label called "Ba Da Bing!" that puts out this kind of music? Wonder if there's a label that puts out Jersey Shore bar bands and calls itself "Gentle Forest Lullaby".

I think the playlist is a bit out of sync, no?
Avatar 12:36pm

it's a good thing they didn't find ricky in scunthorpe..
Avatar 12:42pm

Thanks for the newsflash, glenn. Spent all of Sunday in a news media blackout and watched a marathon of "The IT Crowd" instead. What fun!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm
Irene Trudel:

@outofluck70: Try refreshing your browser. It may also be out of sync if I am not quick enough to type the song in.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm

hi Irene!
  Swag For Life Member 12:47pm

Did i Hear Nat Baldwin?
  Swag For Life Member 12:48pm

Did I hear Nat Baldwin?
v k:

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - wonderful
Avatar 12:56pm
Dave E:

Hi Irene - sounding good as usual!
Avatar 12:57pm

bonsoir Irene and friends !
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Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:08pm
Sean in Bristol UK:

Another corking set,Irene
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:09pm

Yeah, a lot of starring going on here.
Avatar 1:16pm

@Sean: Just read you try to hear Glen Jones' show. I always enjoy his "aw ovah the woild" station ID tag. On Christmas Eve while listening to a local NPR station, I thought I'd discovered where he got it from. Listen to the first few seconds of the first audio clip here:
Avatar 1:19pm

It is pretty remarkable to listen to Jonsey and X-Ray chat away. so smooth and flowing...
Avatar 1:20pm

The word has come back he did not take it from Satchmo, however. Guess great minds think alike across the miles and the decades. :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm
Mike East:

at the exact moment you were mentioning the American Songbook series, I was taking a booking in our studios for the American Songbook series.
Avatar 1:26pm

mike, if you were smoking gouda at the same time, THAT would be really weird
Sean in Bristol, UK:

@Kat, one year I would love to go to their post New Year's shindig, sounds a riot each time I have listened to that particular show
Avatar 1:26pm

@Mike: Tying two threads above very loosely together: Listening to the first songs on Glen Jones' show yesterday, there was one I didn't know but said to Philo it was similar to The Church or in that era. VERY next song played was The Church's "Under The Milky Way." It was a wooooooh moment.

Love the new Jason Lytle record.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:30pm
Irene Trudel:

@Mike, love those weird coincidences. That's a great series, by the way.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm
Mike East:

@kat - thanks for the info! I was wondering who that song was, cuz I wanna learn it. Couldn't google cuz Lucie was in my arms at the time. The coincidences keep lining up!
Avatar 1:33pm

@Mike: Awww, give her a warm hug from So IN for me! So you're going to learn how to make the guitar sound like bagpipes? ;)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm
Mike East:

Yeah, Irene - they come to us every year which is a godsend cuz its our slow season. Their production coordinator is really great, too. He hooked me up with some Mavis Staples tix.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:34pm
Mike East:

iirc - Bonnie Prince Billy was looking for an obscure amp that they haven't made for 20 years. I could not track one down for him.
Avatar 1:36pm

which amp?
Avatar 1:37pm

okay, this is getting odd. I just got an email from the Nelsonville Music Festival about adding Mavis Staples to this year's line-up.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:41pm
Mike East:

@glenn - MusicMan 110 or 210, I think.
Avatar 1:43pm

Maybe the Mayans were off by six weeks or so.
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[But Don't Panic.]
Sean in Bristol, UK:

Irene, where are Yppah from, I really like the couple of tracks you have played
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I always get nervous when a fellow Hoosier tells me not to panic.
Avatar 1:48pm

What part are you from?
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damn. i just happen to have one right here.
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NE, just south of Fort Wayne
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kidding. though the bass player from billy talent did offer my friend 8 grand for his music man bass.
Avatar 1:52pm

@Cory: Just across from Louisville, KY, here. All hail to Hoosiers! :)
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sweet, I've family down around Rising Sun. Absolutely beautiful down there.
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Dave E:

How come my playlist only shows 1 song when I've favorited many?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:56pm
Mike East:

@glenn - I can get ya a musicman bass, but everyone I called for that amp either laughed at me, or said they got rid of theirs 10 years ago.
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Dave E:

Nevermind, it's me.
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Richard T.!
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@Cory: Yes, at least we have some topography thanks to the glaciers leaving the Knobs in their wake. ;)
Avatar 🥁 2:02pm

That Richard sure has a nice voice.
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Dave E:

@ Don't Panic: Did you bring your towel?
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@βrian: Doesn't he just?! It's like, I dunno, dripping warm honey or something.
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I always told my therapist there wasn't enough Robyn Hitchcock on WFMU!
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Dave E:

So this is Martha Wainwright . . . never heard her before. Have seen Sloan in concert many times though.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:11pm
Andrew Waterloo:

@Dave you'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm
Mike East:

@glenn - did you see this? motherboard.vice.com...
Avatar 2:11pm

i always tell robyn hitchcock there aren't enough therapists on wfmu. except for ken and andy.
Avatar 2:12pm

Irene, this set is phenomenally lovely. Thank you!
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Dave E:

I wondered why I always felt weird after listening to Ken and Andy's show . . .
Avatar 2:13pm

Well friends, have a wonderful day. Irene, thanks for the great show.
Avatar 2:14pm

Don't forget Tom, Glenn.
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Dave E:

This is a sweet piece, love your show Irene, it is a wonderful way to start the week.
Avatar 🥁 2:15pm

I'm pretty sure this is Debussy, not Chopin
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What's all this about towels? Sure isn't the sort of music piped into the boy's locker room.
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:17pm
Andrew Waterloo:

us boys have many secrets
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Dave E:

A hitchhiker always carries a towel.
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i gotta say, just looking at somebody picking the guitar with their teeth makes my jaw ache. what the hell are ya thinkin'? i do love earl hooker, though.
Avatar 2:19pm

Did Andy have to hitchhike home last Wednesday? I asked Ken to reassure me James arrived and so did Andy, safe and sound at home, but K. never answered.
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Thanks Irene for the tunes. Makes me yearn for a warm chocolate chip cookie and a full tumbler of whiskey in some hidden corner of a Brooklyn hideout watching the snowfall.
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Dave E:

I hope he had a towel.
Avatar 2:20pm

Wow. OK, Kenzo, if you're lurking, is there any way we can favorite a DJ's specific set of tunes? THIS one's a surefire candidate for that.
Sean in Bristol, UK:

XTC, fab, what a great set this is
Avatar 2:21pm
Dave E:

@MuttonChops: That sounds perfectly delightful.
Avatar 2:22pm
Eyepatch Fox:

Otherwise he'd be decidedly unhoopy.
Sean in Bristol, UK:

@Kat, you are onto something here, would be great to favourite this set
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Dave E:

The Star next to the date and show title does that doesn't it?
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Eyepatch Fox:

Yeah, man. Just click on the star next to the date of the setlist.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:24pm
Irene Trudel:

That's correct. The little star next to the song title is click-able and you can favorite it.
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Dave E:

Doesn't look like the favoriting section is working . . .
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Dave E:

Irene - is that a picture of u?
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@Eyepatch Fox: That would be for the whole show -- which will warrant one today, believe me -- but sometimes a set within a show is most star-worthy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm
Irene Trudel:

No, but it is a picture of my mom, Lois Beverley Woodbury, age about 1&1/2. It's one of my favorite photos ever!
Avatar 2:29pm

@Sean: I mentioned that a week or more ago, but it's certainly not a top priority of things needing "finessing."
Avatar 2:29pm

Oh, it is?! I always thought that was you. It *is* really wonderful.
Avatar 2:30pm

jewish music? i got jewish music. www.youtube.com...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:31pm
Irene Trudel:

@kat: I have another one of Mom with the headphones on, sitting in my grandfather Raymond's lap with their radio in the background. I'll post it sometime.
Avatar 2:32pm

Radio in the blood (as do I)!
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Winter days of hibernation, slows the world and freezes time. Hmm maybe the gulag will be my next vacation spot.
Avatar 2:37pm

Mollusk! I'll put that on my calendar right now.
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Dave E:

Kill your Television!
Avatar 2:37pm

nice picture of a cat on your head, fox.

Beau Soir: http:/youtu.be/6TwIY__VwaE
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Influences from Underwood. Yeah!
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My hero!
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great track !
Avatar 2:52pm

It's like a cross between a wooden flute and a kazoo -- it seems his voice is making the sounds as much as the instrument?
Avatar 2:54pm

Kat: That would seem very Cherryish, for sure. It's a great sound. I've been trying to be a completist collector scumbag of his material for ages -- finally scored a decent vinyl copy of his collab. with Gato Barbieri, and it's a treat.
Sean in Bristol, UK:

Irene, thanks for a great show, have a great week everyone
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Irene Trudel:

Thanks for tuning in everybody! Catch you next week at noon.
Avatar 2:59pm

Thank YOU, Irene! A mighty fine three hours indeed!

Bye, all!
Avatar 2:59pm

@BSI: With Gato, eh? Bet that's the cat's pajamas!
Avatar 7:59am
Van in DC:

Okay, my turn, I think. It was yesterday, really, but I had major computer problems all freaking day. Hopefully today things are all better and I can enjoy!

Loving the lead off track :)
Avatar 1:34pm
Va Van:

Okay trying again. More computer issues. Sigh.
Avatar 3:28pm
Va Van:

Wow!! THANK YOU Irene for the Chopin by Maria Bachman & Adam Neiman! WONDERFUL!!
Avatar 8:22am
Va Van:

Okay, so it was indeed Debussy. I knew I knew the tune, just from hearing Joshua Bell play it, but didn't realize the composer was listed wrong here. Wonderful all the same though :)
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