@FЮFЮ (: It fell off and was in the precise right side up / right direction position to see clearly when I went to open my old beater Cutlass back in the day. I've kept it as a lucky memento. :)
Hey, AndrewC! Can I ask where first you heard that "mask a pony" cheese pun? Pretty amazingly, I heard Mark Kermode deliver that bit of wit on the ending podcast portion of his show Friday, which was probably less than an hour after you posted it on Doug's list. Mollusk!
@HoneyWater, Would like to claim I invented it! But no... Some guy shouted it out in my office a little bit before I posted. Don't know where he heard it...
no, no, but you're right FOFO, on Ken's comment board I usually don't get half of what's being said, therefore I'm trying to keep it up. It's my little wednesday english work out.
and to me french is only sexy when spoken with an english accent (or any other foreign accent)
@pierre: Eddie Izzard had a whole routine about that. How the French think French spoken with a foreign accent is sexy, and English people think a lot of accented English is sexy. Hmm...
@HW: oh please, if Simone Signoret came up to you speaking French, you wouldn't let a little murder get in the way. Heck, Simone Signoret saying nothing would be fine.
When I favourites two songs this morning, the first star didn't spin, but the second one did... The one I actually liked more, spun. Man, can the playlists read my mind or something?
Hey by the way Ken, good luck for that stand up comedy thing !
(i would say "break a leg" but i'm not sure if it's the right expression, and i don't want you to properly break a leg, you seemed to had troubles with snow already, so stay safe…)
Did you say 'colostomy' or 'colonoscopy'---there's a difference, at least if you do them right there is....
Ken - Nah, that was Return of the Jedi. Then they got two TV movies later on, that gave them really crazy psycho eyes. The second one also had Wilford Brimley in it as a main character.
Let's face it, all the Ewoks have cold, dead shark eyes. With some of them, the overall cuteness masks that fact, but in the case of the homelier Ewoks, the killer eyes are no longer masked (cf. Nick the Bard's link).
Speaking of smiling, Colbert reported on the newest tack of the RNC, which is they need to become the party of smiles. If you're insisting women can "shut that whole thing down" in the case of rape, just say it with a smile now.
@glenn: actually, that polar bear died 2 years ago :(
Knew I didn't mix up my baby polar bears! en.wikipedia.org...
The gif is from: www.youtube.com...
I have a funny feeling, based on what I read in articles about it, that they used the audio of the TV announcement partss from the original Night of the Living Dead.
My little guy and I came to an agreement and proceeded to go through some mighty purging of our respective vinyl/Lego collections. The Vanilla Fudge album with this on it was one of the casualties.
Thank you KFHP - That is the actual title of the movie. Coll Hand Luke. The poster for the movie had a typo so they just went with it, but I personally prefer accuracy.
the crackhouse theory might be it then, but yeah, it would really surprise me if they were actually one, because the thread is just in front a bar/tabacconist…
Ken - oh man, please do not ever play Chrome again. PU, Chrome stinks. I would hate it if I ever heard Chrome again. Oh yeah, please never ever play Hawkwind either. I would really really hate to hear Chrome or Hawkwind.
@Caryn: I did some back checking and saw I made the comment about Ken playing/doing the opposite of what a commenter requests back on his 12/19/2012 playlist and 7SD that same day. (but then he don't take no notice of me IAE ;)
@HW: yeah, I suspect a number of the FS members have been "perceptive". After all, it's an easy pattern to notice. I seem to remember talk about it last summer, too.
It was in the Little Drummer Boy overplay context on 12/19, but yeah, I noticed this tendency from many DJs in general a while ago -- just not brave enough to say it outright except as Honey. ;)
Make sure you'll sing Ken a new Happy Birthday song. There are now plenty to choose from. My favourite one is one that last like 10 secs. I forgot the name of the artist though.
P.s. Honey Water, you should also record your version too \o/
@glenn: just to make you feel better about the dead bear, here's some childhood footage of the bear's one-time suggested mate (who is now all grown up and living comfortably in France): www.youtube.com...
FЮFЮ (: Gracias! But can only be because you don't know Spanish al that well.
Delayed getting back because I just had to go outside. We're getting a big snow all of a sudden -- huge fluffy flakes!
The FMA is smartly delaying the announcement until next week, when the Pope news have died down a little. Because these two news items clearly have the same demographic.
@glenn: that turtle doesn't need to get adopted. Its owners are hanging on to him. Even if just for the money they're hoping to make selling footage of it to tv stations. (Coming soon to an end-of-news "lighter side of the news" segment near you!)
a guy I know that was in punk bands in the early 80s in college was eating at a Denny's with Jello after a concert. And he says Jello took his passport and drew a mustache and glasses on his passport picture.
Thanks for the live report from the demolition, Ken.
Thank you michelle. I knew you have the balls to call in. but I guess you are right. this tune is not being used as a signal to call in anymore. Maybe it changed?
About 20 years ago, some facilities guys came by our office area and tested the toilets by dropping marshmallows into the bowl. That was their story, anyway.
The sloth has inspired me to switch to his kind. I'm blaming the stoner smile. Can't say no to that.
@HW: heh, no worries :)
I iz too has anecdote!
I once ate a burrito with the singer of Brujeria. He told me they recorded that song "Raping death children" to make the kids buy the CD twice (because their mom's would always throw away their first CD, and they'll hide the second after lesson learned).
It just occurred to me: Tonight's 7SD premise is for listeners to come up with topical jokes, purportedly for the "Jay Leno" show. But then Ken has his standup debut on Monday ... hmm ... coincidence?
Yes Mac, funny you should mention the new Petra Haden CD! I have played it twice so far, this morning on my radio programme. Which can be heard at wfmu.org
Dont forget, if you're in the NY area, my standup comedy thing on my birthday is next Monday night at 7pm at the Broadway Comedy Club, 318 West 53rd Street: broadwaycomedyclub.com
@Mike: The Dyson pet 'cuum is pretty damn fine. Better if you can buy it at 0% interest over a 2-year period as we did (HH Gregg).
Snark Bomb:
Ken: Using your show to promote your off-WFMU commercial activities again, are you?
Hoover has no major reliability issues, though, aesthetically they are lacking. I'd lean towards a Kirby and never look back. The suction-power is unparalled and the e-z out bag detach easily, efficiently.
Snark bomb, nice try but it's not a commercial activity, as Ive never done it before and Im not getting paid and have no plans on getting paid for it in the future. I know who you really are, by the way.
I live in a 2 bedroom apartment and I find my cheap-ass Bissel Buttler does the trick. It's bagless and you just need to clean the filters out once every blue moon.
Snark Bomb:
Just busting your beeaaans.
Joe's Cowper's Gland:
I am Joe's cowper's gland.
Pope Minchin:
Great show & Happy Birthday KEN... good luck with your comedic debut. Consider setting up a feed for all of the far away fans who want to "be there." Hell, you've done it in a rowboat and a flying lawn chair.
thanks derwood.
We've been buying crappy $100 vacuums from target, and then returning them months later without a receipt when they crap out. I feel like we may only be able to do this a few more times before they get wise.
I meant to say that every time I hear this song in its original I hear the smoke diatribe even and an urgent need to smoke.
I have such a small apartment and am so sick and tired to vacuum bags, I've decided to get a reloadable stand-up vacuum/dust buster combo for my new vacuum. Cheap, small, hassle-free.
Those Target vacs struggle to pick up even a human hair, they are so exasperating. Disregarding nature, in a moment of rage, I threw one in a ditch once, cursing all the while. I would say those Target vacs suck, except they don't! I was reduced to picking up visible detritus on the rug by hand, settling for a cosmetic clean, until I found someone willing to move in with me and buy a proper vacuum.
Thanks and bye everybody! Duane made it through the Zombie protest at the Ecuadorean Embassy and he's no worse for wear.
My old Dutch landlady put snow on her rugs and then broomed them off. Worked like a charm. She also wore wooden shoes and was obsessed with Barry Hay of Golden Earring. But then, who isn't!?
DJ Sunny Bitch:
Hey Ken - the new studio is lookin' good! Can't wait to see the finished product!!