Birthday? Happy birthday, Ken. Your present to me was just now seeing Mr. Giant Man favorited on your profile.
- Oh - B-Day.
...You trade Youth for Experience & Whizdumb.
...Still a raw deal, of course...
hm. i just went to one gig of felix kubin on transmediale, it was rather a nostalgic performance, really nice... there was carnival in cologne a week ago, which i went to, too...
Spending my time pondering whether I should risk it and take some pain meds even though I'm not sure how they'll react with the antibiotics I just started taking. Ugh. If it wasn't for WFMU, this day would totally suck.
f✲ f✲ (:
hola people and ken, and music and gifs.
funny, the silent/loud voices (comments) right next to the music..
Caryn, fwiw, I mix antipsychotics and pain meds all the damn time.
Asheville Jon:
hey Ken, if today is your birthday too, hayypy birthday. if it was in the past, happy belated, if in the future, (i don't know what would be the appropriate salutation here)
Antibiotix hard on the tummy - no? (Eat yer yogurt maybe later & all that...)
...Dont eat grapefruit - it interferes w/ several drugs - ??
- You'll feel less of any of it once the pain meds hit...
- Wish you healing & good feelings - !
any watched the movie "fraktus" and want to tell me which scene he/she found was best? i liked the one, where the producer fights with the döner-spieß, and where bernd wand talks about his music projekt callled "fraktus2" which he wants to set up with his parents..
- Freakin' Pisces - !
...A lot going on Pisces these days...
Think I'll play it safe and take the pills in a few hours. That way, they'll be in the middle of the antibiotics' cycle. Pharmacy thinks that's the safest time.
OOOh, am I having a hard time getting my ass in gear today! I need a whole show of just "the Stalling Tape".
- I've decided we need the MST3K guys available to Pop Up no matter what you're watching ;
- should be easy given today's tech - like Interactive button on remote & everything
...just press it & their silhouettes appear & they'd talk smack about anything - !
- I'd call it 'SNUBTITLES' - !
...'Til then - we've got gifs & Comments here...
@Okasa: well, technically, he's playing Sadko, not Sinbad or Aladdin. The original Russian storyline of the movie is very different from the dubbed one.
Me too - I cannnn dig it! Hiya Ken. Congrats on the SU.
f✲ f✲ (:
did you ever managed to bring forward to the WMFU studios the guy behind the corn weenie track ?
when does the tribute album to corn weenies come out?
...Chimps in Space talking about what restaurant they're going to or food they're cooking & what they paid for a rare record where & listening to Endless Boogie...
- Well - that's it:
- I'll never have to Comment @ WFMU again...
Howdy Ken good morning. My comment is two wks late but wanted to tell you that indeed, "You and I" stinks. When I watched it though, had no idea it was originally supposed to be a t.A.T.u. movie; I just watched it for Anton Yelchin cos he's a cutie
Aw, Ken. That's what happens when you eagerly await something for years. It can never live up to the expectations. Although in this case, the chances weren't good anyway. Another case of "never meet your heroes".
Well, look on the bright side, Ken. At least you will no longer be plagued by thoughts of "When will I finally get to see that tATu movie? Where is it? Is it out yet?" Now you'll just be plagued by other thoughts. Like "Why did that tATu movie have to suck so much?"
I got through the whole movie, but only cos I started doing else at the same time. t.A.T.u. does show up towards the end - you watched the wrong half. HB BTW
I saw a title card last night in the silent movie "Wings" that can be borrowed as a nice birthday wish/declaration:
"Zooming upward to pour a stream of fire into the belly of the monster."
Do you remember the tribute CD to "Nativity in Black" that came out in 1994? White Zombie's version of Children of the Grave was pretty fantastic.
"A man often beset by his own insecurities, Kevin passed away on February 18, seemingly in his sleep, at the age of 68 at his home in France, a country with which he had developed a deep association. "
@DCE I'm gonna be Mr Obvious and say everyone dies, the only question is when. It's actually a nice thing that there was a personally meaningful coincidence in it.
Christ almighty this one is brilliant (shooting @ the moon)
- A pal of Syd Barrett's of course
- & I always wondered if Julian Cope was influenced ny Kevin Ayers
...but I often guess Copey wrong (on subject of 'don't meet your heroes' - a phrase Cope has referenced)...
Wow, I'm really late to the game. These Kevin Ayers cuts are great. I only have the first Soft Machine and June 1, 1974. Thanks for playing these songs, Ken.
I thought up a possible money-maker for the station. "WFMU Ring Tones" I don't know how it would work, exactly. Would "Get off my phone!" be something people would pay for?
@Ken from Hyde Park - great idea! One WFMU ring tone that I think people would pay for is "MORE MUSIC PLEASE"
Side note - luvluvluv the old black and white Popeye cartoons.
One of the ringtones would definitely be Frangry going "Have a good one!" Which would be nice, since it would seem to wish for you to have a good phone conversation.
...Best - ?'non-standard' - version of 'Interstellar Overdrive' I've heard...
f✲ f✲ (:
Guys I need some serious help here!!!1
Recently I have been waking up in the middle of the night around 4am. As if that wasn't enough, I wake up with the Ru Paul's "Jealous of My Boogie" earworm! Does anyone knows where to get a good earworm painkiller?
f✲ f✲ (: The only way to get rid of an earworm is to replace it with another. Have to say, your earworm isn't too bad. Better that than "The Macarena" or something.
Since we're on the subject, does anyone know who played drums on the Terry Riley/John Cale album? The drummer's uncredited. My prog-head brother-in-law suspects it's the drummer from Gong.
@Johnny: hah! You know, I could understand some kind of Matlock/Jones/Cook mix-up if one is not that familiar with SP, but how does anyone mix Rotten (or Vicious) with one of the others? Even if you know very little about punk, you know THAT much.
this was the version of Interstellar Overdrive used in the film documentary "Tonight let's all make love in london" about the 14 Hour Technicolour Dream concert '67
I still think you're pretty lucky, f✲ f✲ (:
I ended up with a Macarena earworm and tried to think of something similarly annoyingly catchy. And ended up with "Barbie Girl" stuck in my head. Oy.
...I got a 'Tonight London' CD (I bought @ the Supermarket er somethin' why not)
- but it sounds like it was recorded inside concrete compared to that...
totally on board with the anti-phone crap. I never answer the phone--don't even know why I have one...uh, all the other ones. Why do we need all these phones? I don't even answer the phone at work! Don't call!!
@f✲ f✲ (: unfortunately, I'm so used to Tenkanen, that does nothing to ease the earworm. It just makes it worse. Now if I can just try and focus on Ken's show, maybe my mind will not make a Tenkanen song earworm its way into my consciousness...
He *says* he's vaginal. Has anyone seen the birth certificate?
listener monica:
jeez what a way to hear that kevin ayers has left the building. i'm in shock. i spent many lysergic hours listening to his music. RIP kevin. <3
...Phones are like Computers - but more annoyingly insistent & invasive
...Phones are like meeting people - but they aren't there (who knows what they're doing or how they're reacting)...hold on...
...Let's take acid & call yer Mom...
News just showed footage of our town's big shopping centre. Been open for over 6 months now, but that was the first time I've ever seen what it looks like. The things tv tells you...
News also informed us that we've had 50 hours of sun since the 1st of December. No wonder I thought it was dark.
listener monica:
can i make a request for "when your parents go to sleep" by kevin ayers?
My method for earworms is to imagine a bit of the song as a mangled stuttering remix, similar to bits of Terry Riley's "You're No Good," the most repetitive bits. Hammer a tiny portion of a phrase in the song in your mind over and over and over again to override the more catchy parts of the song. Takes serious concentration, though.
Nick Drake is really too precious and sad and special to play with anyone else around (how did he come to be in movies and commercials??) - this is a good way around it
I hadn't heard about Ayers -- damn, that's harsh. I confess that, when I was a kid, I thought "prog" was, like, ELP or Yes. And then came college, and the long road to WFMU listernership was broached.